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NPCMod and Addons


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On 1/8/2022 at 10:55 PM, ate0ate said:

Perfectly reasonable. Thank you for explaining, Xyth.



Thanks for the pics. Very nice work. That mech is crazy! Definitely puts the drone to shame lol.

Hi my friend, do you mind sharing with me how you successfully integrate this mod into your game?

We been trying but faced with countless of errors as shown in our PC console command screen...

(I think this is like kind of an advanced mod that requires advanced setup) Do you mind guiding me starting from download?

On 1/8/2022 at 11:30 PM, xyth said:

Added 2 new expansion packs from DarkStarDragon:  Vault dwellers (The Wasteland mod has Vault POIs, so expect these to live there eventually)  , and a Robots pack.  

Hi Xyth, do you guys provide any step by step guide on how to integrate your NPC mod successfully?

We been trying hard to follow the steps provided but it seems quite vague to us (perhaps we arent advance enough to understand it).

We been installing other mods with no issues faced except NPCmod, seems a little more advanced than the rest...


Will be super grateful if there is any further tech guidance we can get from you? So looking forward to add your mod please

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On 1/9/2022 at 6:35 AM, xyth said:

This wasn't clear in the install instructions? 


"Option 1:  Download using the links below then just drop the 2 Core modlets into your MODS folder.  Then load as many expansion packs as desired.  If you are using a dedicated server, you also need to load both Core modlets into your dedi server Mods folder.  So copies in both the client side Mods folder and also on the server Mods folder."


So you need to load 3 mods, SCore, NPCCore and then the soldiers.   Load all 3 on BOTH the server and every client.

Hi Guru, sorry if my qus is silly, do we need to install "Visual Studio 2019 Community" in order to play your mod?

And also when you refer 2 core modlets, are you referring to
1) "0-SCore" and "0-XNPCCore"
2) "SphereII.Mods-master" and "0-XNPCCore"?

So we just simply copy and paste these 2 folders into our mod folder and that's it? 

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1 hour ago, ivano7296 said:

Hi Guru, sorry if my qus is silly, do we need to install "Visual Studio 2019 Community" in order to play your mod?

And also when you refer 2 core modlets, are you referring to
1) "0-SCore" and "0-XNPCCore"
2) "SphereII.Mods-master" and "0-XNPCCore"?

So we just simply copy and paste these 2 folders into our mod folder and that's it? 

I have inserted "2) "SphereII.Mods-master" and "0-XNPCCore" into our main mod folder and the game loads forever as shown as the screenshot below:



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I updated the link to the SCore. 


You only place the SCore mod, not his entire repository, into the Mods folder.

2 hours ago, yujiansquall said:

npc fell off the world and the trader disappeared perhaps fell off the world too.....😔


The mod does not add traders, so maybe you are spawning vanilla traders

11 hours ago, DarkCloudNinja said:

seems i may have found a bug, i am unsure though. but my new game just crashed. 


NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at EntityAliveSDX.SetDead () [0x00028] in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods\0-SCore\Scripts\Entities\EntityAliveSDX.cs:923 
  at EntityAlive.ClientKill (DamageResponse _dmResponse) [0x00012] in <024b4fbbc13a42b09b9ffdd3fd300f35>:0 
  at EntityAlive.Kill (DamageResponse _dmResponse) [0x00049] in <024b4fbbc13a42b09b9ffdd3fd300f35>:0 
  at EntityAlive.ProcessDamageResponseLocal (DamageResponse _dmResponse) [0x00762] in <024b4fbbc13a42b09b9ffdd3fd300f35>:0 
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) EntityTrader.DMD<EntityTrader::ProcessDamageResponseLocal>(EntityTrader,DamageResponse)
  at EntityAliveSDX.ProcessDamageResponseLocal (DamageResponse _dmResponse) [0x0005a] in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods\0-SCore\Scripts\Entities\EntityAliveSDX.cs:1025 
  at EntityAlive.damageEntityLocal (DamageSource _damageSource, System.Int32 _strength, System.Boolean _criticalHit, System.Single impulseScale) [0x00566] in <024b4fbbc13a42b09b9ffdd3fd300f35>:0 
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) EntityAlive.DMD<EntityAlive::DamageEntity>(EntityAlive,DamageSource,int,bool,single)
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) EntityTrader.DMD<EntityTrader::DamageEntity>(EntityTrader,DamageSource,int,bool,single)
  at EntityAliveSDX.DamageEntity (DamageSource _damageSource, System.Int32 _strength, System.Boolean _criticalHit, System.Single _impulseScale) [0x00074] in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods\0-SCore\Scripts\Entities\EntityAliveSDX.cs:887 
  at EntityAlive.OnUpdateEntity () [0x0009a] in <024b4fbbc13a42b09b9ffdd3fd300f35>:0 
  at World.TickEntity (Entity e, System.Single _partialTicks) [0x00127] in <024b4fbbc13a42b09b9ffdd3fd300f35>:0 
  at World.TickEntitiesSlice (System.Int32 count) [0x00037] in <024b4fbbc13a42b09b9ffdd3fd300f35>:0 
  at World.TickEntitiesFlush () [0x0000c] in <024b4fbbc13a42b09b9ffdd3fd300f35>:0 
  at GameManager.UpdateTick () [0x00033] in <024b4fbbc13a42b09b9ffdd3fd300f35>:0 
  at GameManager.gmUpdate () [0x002ee] in <024b4fbbc13a42b09b9ffdd3fd300f35>:0 
  at GameManager.Update () [0x00000] in <024b4fbbc13a42b09b9ffdd3fd300f35>:0 




I get this error and the server crashes. let me know if you want the log file.


Update your SCore, should be fixed.

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Bug: Robotic Sledge Targeting Priority

Game Version: A20 - b238

Platform: PC

Video Settings: High/Custom

Game mode: SP

New Game: Yes

Validated Files: Yes

Tested without other Mods: Yes

EAC: Off

Bug Description:  After attacking, Robotic Sledges don't quickly disengage combat to re-target nearby entities. -- Furthermore, they visually "track the engaged enemy" well beyond their reach, seemingly fixated on them.

Steps to reproduce:  Create an obstacle course where Robotic Sledges can force zombies off the path, forcing them to run their way back. (Basically an AFK Base of any sort)

Actual result:  The first zombie (maybe even the second) will be launched off, afterwards the Sledge will remain engaged with the target until it dies, ignoring new threats.

Expected result:  Sledge should quickly reset position and discard what's beyond it's reach, dispassionately hitting anything that comes close to them.

Bonus 'fun' Bug: Using NPCMod on an existing save (you shouldn't, start a new game!) Sledges will consider pre-existing Robotic Drones as hostile and hit them until you grab them and place them down again.

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48 minutes ago, Madnesis said:

I would like to disable the health bar appearing when pointing at enemies/NPCs. Could you let me know how to achieve that?

In the SCore mod, there is a blocks.xml file used for configuration.  Try changing this property: <property name="ShowTargetHealthBar" value="true" /> to false

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Thanks for the great mod! I'm looking to tweak spawn percentages of NPCs. I feel like the encounters are too common. Also is there a way to remove certain NPCs or alter their spawn weapons. For example, I want to remove rocket launcher NPC or just the weapon.


Thanks again for all the great work you guys do!

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I have a couple observations/questions after playing for a bit. I am only using both core mods along with the birds and spiders NPC expansions so I was not expecting to encounter and human NPCs, but I have encountered a friendly nurse NPC strolling the forest. I assume that is part of the actual XNPCcore itself? Is the additional female zombie I've clubbed over the head also a part of that? Its not a problem or complaint or anything of the sort, I was just making sure there wasn't some other mod I'm using doing some sort of voodoo in the background.


The other thing I noticed was the varied walk animations for the zombies. This is great! A very pleasant surprise. I remember that mod in a19 and its nice to see it back. Which mod is responsible for that feature now and are there any other past gems like that making an appearance in the core mods?


Thanks for the amazing work:)


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6 hours ago, Nikormizer said:

Thanks for the great mod! I'm looking to tweak spawn percentages of NPCs. I feel like the encounters are too common. Also is there a way to remove certain NPCs or alter their spawn weapons. For example, I want to remove rocket launcher NPC or just the weapon.


Thanks again for all the great work you guys do!

Each NPC pack should have an entitygroups.xml within the main Config folder. This is a good place to start tweaking the settings to match your requirements.


For example, the 1-SoldierPack.


There is an entry for the Rocket Launcher soldier like this:


<entity name="npcSoldier1RocketL" prob=".1" />


He has a low probability to spawn compared to default entities but the same probability to spawn as other Soldiers in the pack. Your choices are to remove him totally or further reduce his chance to appear, and here are instructions to do that first. This will still allow him to be a feature but much more of a surprise than a guaranteed regular occurrence. For example, change his probability to:


<entity name="npcSoldier1RocketL" prob="0.02" />


This only provides a 2% chance to spawn on an individual basis, but even less so when we take all of the other NPCs in the same spawning area with greater probability into account. If encounters are too common this can really balance it out and make it a lot of fun when he does appear on those much rarer occasions.


I hope you'll try that method as he can be a cool character in smaller doses. ^^


However, to remove him, you can totally delete that line or 'comment it out'. Commenting out forces the game to disregard that line and skip to the next one. A commented out entry for this Rocket Man looks like this:


<!--entity name="npcSoldier1RocketL" prob=".1" /-->



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8 hours ago, Nikormizer said:

Thanks for the great mod! I'm looking to tweak spawn percentages of NPCs. I feel like the encounters are too common. Also is there a way to remove certain NPCs or alter their spawn weapons. For example, I want to remove rocket launcher NPC or just the weapon.


Thanks again for all the great work you guys do

The XNPCCore has a few example characters included, a nurse capable of healing it's leader, a Baker who someday hopes to craft meals, the tutorial zombie, a verbose bandit lady, and a snowfox.  These demonstrate the xml templates included in the cores.  Glad you enjoy our work!

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Hey love the mod! one question though is it possible to turn off bullet damage to blocks? I went to the item xml file and changed all guns and bullet block damage too zero and it didn't work. bullets still did one damage to blocks. I even edited the perks associated with block damage of the npc guns and nothing worked.

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13 hours ago, piroman182 said:

Trouble here..When i Hired a Npc and told them to stay ..they still follow me lol .

Thats unexpected.  Are you sure you had 1000 coins on you so you actually completed the hiring? 

11 hours ago, Nikormizer said:

Hi Xyth,

Is there a way to keep the bodies of the dead NPCs from despawning so quickly. 



That is a setting in xml that can be adjusted but rapid despawning is needed right now as a work around for another issue. 

12 hours ago, Beepbop said:

Hey love the mod! one question though is it possible to turn off bullet damage to blocks? I went to the item xml file and changed all guns and bullet block damage too zero and it didn't work. bullets still did one damage to blocks. I even edited the perks associated with block damage of the npc guns and nothing worked.

1 damage is the minimum the game code enforces.  There is no xml way to reduce that to zero yet.

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