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Gun strength


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I just emptied a full clip into a wolves face, and it killed me.   9mm pistol.   Early game.


I don't really care what level of damage that weapons do as you level, but it feels unrealistic to have a pistol like a 'glock' and not be able to kill a wolf. 


Maybe guns should be more rare, and actually do the damage that you would expect them to do?   It just kinda ruins immersion to have a pistol with a full clip and you can't kill a wolf. 

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Tbh I think this is more of a "wolf" problem than a "gun" problem. I remember encountering a wolf in the early days (like day 5-10) in Alpha 19. 1st wolf of the playthrough : 3 lvl 5 blenderbuss shots from me, and a full pistol mag from my friend were needed to kill it. Even ferals don't need as much damage at that point.

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39 minutes ago, ungkor said:

I just emptied a full clip into a wolves face, and it killed me.   9mm pistol.   Early game.

Surely it was a direwolf then. Only thing you should do at early game when encountering them is RUN AWAY and pray that you have enough stamina to reach the next garage, house, rock or whatever.

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