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Alpha 20 Impossible to generate new worlds


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When alpha 20 was launched I could generate new worlds but after a certain patch it has been impossible. Always happens the same. I thought that may be with stable it would be solved. But no, it remains the same.


Starts to generate a new world normally but when it arrives to Writing Map Complete an error happens (it appears in red in the console): NullReferenceException Object Reference not set to an instance of an object


I am completely lost.


Here is my log:   https://justpaste.it/8phpm


I would appreciate very much your help.

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What mods are you using?


Are you using any custom POIs?


Did you happen to Alt-Tab out and pull up Task Manager to see how much RAM was currently in use?


You can try going into the 7D2D/Data/Config folder and delete the rwgmixer file and have Steam re-verify the files (it will download a new one).  Sometimes a file gets corrupted during download and this allows you to only download what you need


Also, have you tried going into the launcher and deleted all the old saved data?

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Thanks a lot for your answer and help


Dont know what do you mean by using custom POIs. When I generate the new world I use the default options.


I had mods of the alpha 19 when the alpha 20 came out and I couldnt launch the game. Fortunatelly the forum helped me and I erased all mods and I could launch the game. Now I dont have any mods. As you say I had also deleted everything of previous alphas.


Yes, when I generate a new world and it arrives to the Writing Map Complete point it uses a lot of RAM (it used to be between 15 and 17 Gb. But after stable is around 7 Gb). In fact, at this point, it looks like that the game is in a deadly loop.


I have erased and downloaded the rwgmixer file.


Everything remains the same. And again when the generation process reaches the Writing Map Point the red error appears in the console and it enters in the deadly loop. Thowgh it looks like in a deadly loop I can move the mouse cursor in the screen. At this point I have waited for more than half an hour but nothing changes


Still  impossible to generate a new wordl


Thanks for your help.







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i am afraid its on your end as i used your seed name all other settings in the advanced is default and my world gen'd up with no errors. (nice seed btw)


i do have custom pois that i created and were properly converted in a20 some were from a19.


so if you have old or downloaded pois that may or may no be an issue (if old and not converted to a20 block system)


now i could be wrong but something about the error you have keeps making me lean toward bad poi(s). if i am not mistaken generally the first part of the nre is the clue.. rest just has to fall in line.


NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
  at WorldGenerationEngineFinal.PrefabLoader.LoadPrefabs (System.Boolean _applyMapping, System.Boolean _fixChildblocks, System.Boolean _allowMissingBlocks) [0x00056] in <2ba1bc1bbbe64fe49f53fe5235fb7038>:0 
  at WorldGenerationEngineFinal.WorldBuilder.PrepPrefabAndRoadGeneration () [0x00000] in <2ba1bc1bbbe64fe49f53fe5235fb7038>:0 
  at WorldGenerationEngineFinal.WorldBuilder+<Generate>d__72.MoveNext () [0x001d7] in <2ba1bc1bbbe64fe49f53fe5235fb7038>:0 
  at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00026] in <544fca0986d54eca88fc7c56e2a8b4b4>:0 







Edited by unholyjoe (see edit history)
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17 minutes ago, Sandor said:

Thank  you. for your help (and happy new year too).


My question is: How do I know if I have old POI's? And how can I erase them (if I have to)?

i take it you just updated from a19 to a20?


if thats the case, it could happen. (unless you downloaded any) (lets discount that and pretend you didnt or you should have known if you had any). also your log says no mod folders so we can discounts any mods as the issue.


so the usual 1st thing to do is always to verify your files thru steam.


so before you verify files, go into windows explorer to your game folder (.../Data/Prefabs) delete the contents. yep i said delete.. verifying will re-add them thus making sure you have current prefabs for a20.


after everything verifies, you can now try to generate a world using a totally new seed name as the first test.


then come back with results. good luck


any questions click on the blue banner above and follow sylen's instructions. :)

Edited by unholyjoe (see edit history)
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The best way is to a complete cleaning/uninstalling/reinstalling the game. Bring up the game launcher, select the tools tab then check every box then hit clean button. Uninstall the game. If you have a mods folder delete it and everything in it. Before reinstalling, be sure under Betas that it says 'none'. Install the game again.


EDIT: Joe beat me to it lol

Edited by Star69 (see edit history)
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I really appreciate all your comments and help.


I have been playing 7d2d since....I dont remember when I started, but it was some years ago, long time. It had never happened to me something like this.


I have uninstalled the launcher. I have uninstalled the game. I have erased any folder and file I have been able to find in my computer related with 7d2d.


I have reinstalled the game and verified file integrity. But again, when generating a new world the same error.


I guess I havent erased all files as I thought

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I am not a Fun Pimp.

I would suggest a few more technical things if its OK with you.

1. Run ram diagnostic tool of some kind. Ideally something that can boot from USB drive(hence independent of current OS).

This means you need some advanced knowledge, but see if you can find some tutorials/youtube videos.

2. Run harddisk diagnostic.

3. If using any antivirus - just for short time disable it just to see if it causes issue.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Latest news about this issue.


Nothing I tried worked. The problem remained the same. But suddenly today I had an idea. I started trying to generate a new world but again was impossible so I erased everything. Then I downloaded alpha 19 stable and generate a new world. It worked (as has always done with all alphas).


So again, I erased everything and I downloaded again alpha 20 stable. And of course, generated a new world and you know what? It worked. EUREKA !!!


I dont understand anything. But now it works

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On 12/31/2021 at 2:17 AM, Sandor said:

When alpha 20 was launched I could generate new worlds but after a certain patch it has been impossible. Always happens the same. I thought that may be with stable it would be solved. But no, it remains the same.


Starts to generate a new world normally but when it arrives to Writing Map Complete an error happens (it appears in red in the console): NullReferenceException Object Reference not set to an instance of an object


I am completely lost.


Here is my log:   https://justpaste.it/8phpm


I would appreciate very much your help.

im having the same issue sandor i cant load any maps other than navezgane and even that i can barely play now

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59 minutes ago, Jason Tamosiunis said:

i have no logs whatsoever which is really baffling me

If the client is started through Steam normally, that is absolutely not normal.  The only way this would happen is if you started it directly from the folder, from a self-created shortcut, or if you added a secondary installation to Steam as a "non-steam" game.

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16 minutes ago, SylenThunder said:

If the client is started through Steam normally, that is absolutely not normal.  The only way this would happen is if you started it directly from the folder, from a self-created shortcut, or if you added a secondary installation to Steam as a "non-steam" game.

nope started it directly from steam, i have a log folder but nothing in it

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