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T5 with feral sense in Wasteland


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Hello all,

I've started my second game with A20, first one was without Feral sense and default difficulty. 
Now I've re-started with one difficulty higher and feral Sens on. 

In early stage feral sense did not affect me that much, some more Zs when you run/drive around at night but no very hard to handle.

I'm on day 22 and have cleared all T4 quests so far. But I never finished a T5 quest so far. I have some T3/T4 steel and iron armor, and I'm around level 38. 
First T5 quest was the Dishong Tower in Wasteland. 
I entered the building and it looked like I pulled the whole city. 2 or 3 cops, 3-4 ferals + 2 Z bears and 1 dire wolf (+ several normal Zs). Hardly managed it to survive (with running around and using the mini bike to drive around the building). Ended up with broken leg, broken arm, infected and smaller wounds. So I decided to move back to my base. 

After blood moon I gave it another try: Surprise: Higashi Tower (directly opposite to the Dishong tower). 
Drove there with the Minibike, checked area, started quests hub, entered bulding and the same thing happened: 3-4 ferals, 1 or 2 bears and some other Zs from around the building attacked me instantly. From the red dots it looked like most of the Zs are not from the quest but are spawned "normally". Strange thing is that one feral bear was in a closed room of the building, but was not marked with a red dot. So for me it is like small random hordes/Zs are spawned while you do the quest. 

Are there any similar experiences? For me in the current state the T5 quests are not doable with this massive spawn around the building. I can try to get better gear, no problem.

Just was overwhelmed because of the massive difficutly jump from T4 to T5...due to feral sense??

or just bad luck, don't know


Are there any tips how to handle that better with A20?

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Nice topic, wanted to start a similar one a few days ago but eventually was too lazy.


I am playing on survivalist with feral sense on at day and night. Love how it plays out in snow biome, desert and forest.


But in Wasteland.... Phew!


Two stories from my Wasteland savegame in A20:

  • Established my base in an underground bunker of one of the Pass & Gas POIs. At 22:00 PM sharp zombies will knock on my door delivering carnage until 4:00 AM all the way through. Even if I don't make any noises and add nothing to the heat map I end up having like horde night every night. Used the one-shot-dev-cheat-gun once to defend from all of that and seriously, zomb spawns and attacks only stop at 4 am and no minute earlier.
  • Did a T5 skyscraper quest in the Wasteland and I can confirm that this was insane. Used the one-shot-dev-cheat-gun there as well and I think I have at least killed 150 zombs, mostly of them were attracted to the POI and the ongoing slaughter from outside due to feral sense I think. If not for the unplayable lag and FPS drops that was awesome.

I have to add that for this savegame I was around day 15 with 100 % exp settings and therefore my best gun was a level 3 AK47 with small ammo supplies. I came to a point there where it was unplayable for me because it was too hard. So I deleted that savegame, mainly because I had to get help from the creative menu here and there. I don't blame the game though, actually I love the way this works. From what I have learned there the Wasteland definitely became a hard late-game biome. If you go in there as a weak beginner on day 10 without good weapons, armor and lots of ammo you stand no chance. And I think that is the way it should be, absolutely awesome!


Long story short:


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In my experience the downtown tilesets spawn harder zombies. I see plenty of feral zombies during the day in Desert downtown tilesets. In terms of how to deal with it, the real problem in the Wasteland are the zombie bears. You need to clear them first before starting the quest. As soon as you do, start the quest and make as much progress as possible because they will eventually respawn. You will also have to be prepared for zombies coming from behind you as you progress through the T5. Close doors to slow them down or bring iron hatches to put down at strategic locations to slow them up. For bears and ferals you really want have a full auto weapon with lots of ammo.

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I've yet to clear a T5 quest inside a skyscraper. I haven't been focusing on quests most of my game till about recently now. I'm currently on Tier 2 for my trader with a character level of 133.

But I've had similar experiences with horde armies having legendary enemies + high count inside the wasteland especially at night. It's actually very easy to clean them if you have access to guns without having to retreat. I always have wood frames with me I nerdtower myself up to some random rooftop of an POI, then clean them by clicking on their heads to pick them out one after another with my sniper rifle. They'll be too busy bashing against blocks and running against walls so they are static most of the time.


If I do not have any guns, I simply use my melee weapon and motorcycle. Sometimes I go into a building aswell and stand at a certain spot which will make the AI bash against blocks with high durability. I sledge them through holes and windows. Zombie bears go down quickly with this since they'll be running against the wall and their heads will clip through blocks so you can hit it at that.


If there are no buildings. I drive my motorcycle away from them and divide them. I take on a group consisting of 3-4 zombies with my sledge. If everybody starts to swarm, I drive away a distance then circle them. This is how I pick them apart.


I do not engage zombie bears on foot in the open. I find a ruin in the wasteland to stand on and sledge them from above while they run against the walls and bash it.


If it's in @%$# panic mode, well then just try to cheese him by putting you and himself between trees, maneuver around cars while hitting him and that, somewhere where he can get stuck or take time to move.


I've yet to die in the wasteland with my strategies.

Edited by DominionZA (see edit history)
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19 hours ago, Skuriles said:

I entered the building and it looked like I pulled the whole city. 2 or 3 cops, 3-4 ferals + 2 Z bears and 1 dire wolf (+ several normal Zs).

I've had the same interest from zombies in the Wasteland Dishong Tower even though I had Feral Sense turned off.

Had to barricade myself inside of the elevator shaft, set up 2 electric turrets to defend the ground floor walls while I was looting the other floors one by one, accessing all of them from the shaft. Be careful though, the turrets can attract screamers.

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