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Loving A20 except the way loot is COMPLETELY BROKEN


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1 hour ago, Rotor said:

Except this time I looted a bag that gave me a schem for a forge.  I have never even sniff'd its presence before.  ...


The raging debate for me, is whether to restart because I died or keep going because I have a schematic that through all my noob playing time have not seen before.


That is a sympathy cookie I gave you, not a sarcastic pat-on-the-head cookie. If you're not playing "dead is dead", then I'd keep playing that game. A forge schematic is pretty valuable, but maybe not so useful early game? I don't really think too hard about realism in games, but frankly "build a working forge capable of smelting raw ore" is a pretty advanced skill for Joe Sixpack. A bit more involved than "stack some bricks", eh?


RNG giveth and RNG taketh away. Keep the forge schematic for later, and listen to Dory:



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22 hours ago, Rotor said:

I have gone as far as day 35 on one of my previous games.

Wow. I can't imagine going to D35 and not putting in the 1 point needed to get a forge. I generally spend that as my 5th point so night of D1 or D2 at the latest. I want my iron arrows and a cooking pot if I didn't loot one.

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2 hours ago, JCrook1028 said:

Wow. I can't imagine going to D35 and not putting in the 1 point needed to get a forge. I generally spend that as my 5th point so night of D1 or D2 at the latest. I want my iron arrows and a cooking pot if I didn't loot one.


I still dont know what is "normal" progression.  I was getting by really good on stone arrows before I gave up the game.


Currently experimenting with tower building, have died more times to unstable structures than Zs :).

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9 hours ago, JCrook1028 said:

Wow. I can't imagine going to D35 and not putting in the 1 point needed to get a forge. I generally spend that as my 5th point so night of D1 or D2 at the latest. I want my iron arrows and a cooking pot if I didn't loot one.

Possible if you removed recipes from progression perks and have yet to find the forge schematic.  🙂

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yea i am not happy with some changes in alpha 20 in fact i am still playing on alpha 19 last build and will continue to until a few things happen. such as removed zombies being brought back. the blunderbuss as a primitive weapon and yea the loot system is fixed.  for the most part most of the changes were an improvement but the devs have failed on some points in the update. parts of it were an improvement and others were a huge down grade.

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13 hours ago, dementedfreak said:

yea i am not happy with some changes in alpha 20 in fact i am still playing on alpha 19 last build and will continue to until a few things happen. such as removed zombies being brought back. the blunderbuss as a primitive weapon and yea the loot system is fixed.  for the most part most of the changes were an improvement but the devs have failed on some points in the update. parts of it were an improvement and others were a huge down grade.

I disagree 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 1/3/2022 at 7:17 PM, meganoth said:


People seem to have wildly different experiences with stealth, so I'm far from sure. But what I witnessed was that even drawing the string of a bow in the vicinity of a standard zombie with stealth perk at 2 or 3 at night (with night vision on) causes that zombie to run wildly around. I tried it multiple times with the same result.


I was up in the rafters, so I don't know if the zombie actually knows where I was or if he was merely "active".  But this seems to me an indication that the stealth perk does not have enough value to really perk into it.


I have two parallel games running, a SP and a MP game. In the SP i play AGI, in the other a PER build. I don't feel any difference when I stealth in both games.



Hmmm, I have experiences where a zombie 'wakes up' but I am still able (at low Hidden) to get a Stealth shot on them very quickly and other situations that are similar where I can't. Definitely need to test it more, but it's hard to control for variables.


What I do know is that stealth on horde nights is.... well, not great. I can sometimes get the bonus but haven't been able to pin down why well enough to make it count on a semi regular basis. Which sucks because outside of guns (and to some degree with them) I am the main damage dealer.

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7 hours ago, ktr said:

Hmmm, I have experiences where a zombie 'wakes up' but I am still able (at low Hidden) to get a Stealth shot on them very quickly and other situations that are similar where I can't. Definitely need to test it more, but it's hard to control for variables.


What I do know is that stealth on horde nights is.... well, not great. I can sometimes get the bonus but haven't been able to pin down why well enough to make it count on a semi regular basis. Which sucks because outside of guns (and to some degree with them) I am the main damage dealer.


Having stealth consistently on horde night would be somewhat strange though and OP.

If ammo balance were optimal even for veteran players (which it probably can't be when vanilla is supposed to be balanced for beginners) you would have the advantage that unlike other classes you could just spam ammo since you saved more. And SMG is great if you just can keep firing.


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