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Alsep & Atrum Islands - Alpha 19 maps


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This is Alsep Island and Atrum Island my 12k x 12k maps Generated with NitroGen v0501.  Both of the maps use just the standard spawns (not Combo pack) They are both working on Alpha 19.3 (b6) Stable.  Feel free to download and use on your private/public server.  A preview map can be found inside each zip as well.  Let me know if you would like the prebuild files from either map  and  I can get them to you so you can incorporate what ever Combo Pack yourself if you like.


AlsepIsland Alsep Island is my original map. and is currently running on my public server.

AtrumIsland Atrum Island has had the Height Map adjust a bit for deeper water, island adjustments and additions then rotated and flipped.  It has all new roads and towns generated after the adjustments. 


Atrum_HM_BIOM This is the Import_HM.png and the biomes.png needed to generate the map to incorporate the Combo Packs if you so wish.


(New 2/12/2021)

AtrumIsland12K-Burnt AtrumIsland12K-Burnt has craters/wasteland/burned areas added.  It has all new roads and towns generated after the adjustments. 

AtrumIsland16K-Burnt AtrumIsland16K-Burnt has craters/wasteland/burned areas added.  It has all new roads and towns generated after the adjustments. 

Wasteland_Crater_Biome  for AlsepIsland 12K x 12K.  replace the biomes.png in your Alsep Island map folder to add craters/wasteland/burned areas to your map. 

Wasteland_Crater_Biome  for AtrumIsland 12K x 12K.  replace the biomes.png in your Atrum Island map folder to add craters/wasteland/burned areas to your map.   



AtrumIsland is now currently running on my public server.  


(Updated 2/12/2021)





Edited by morggin
added Import files link (see edit history)
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@JCL thanks, Damocles and the TFP have done an great job with all of this stuff.  it's been a lot of fun playing it.  I can see some good choke points that aught to make it interesting for PVP.  I been playing the map for a couple of weeks and find the views along the water to be a lot of fun to cruse along on a mini bike.  I love getting out to some of the remote places on the islands and watching the sun set.  It's interesting how each of the islands is connected by a single road.  The road and city placement can be reworked also by running the height map through the Nitrogen generator again as a template.  My main goal with building the Islands was to make it more interesting than just a big land mass, forcing players into choke points and make use of the gyro-copter to reach the other islands quickly.  It kind of forces the players to think about things such as the gas required, it wouldn't be good to run out of gas flying between islands.  

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Today I adjust the height map, made the water a bit deeper, add a few more islands then flipped and rotated the map.  It's has new towns and roads all regenerated after the adjustments.  (please note, I did NOT generate with Combopack but provided a link to the import_HM and Biome file so that you can use Nitrogen to add any version of the combo pack you like.)

Edited by morggin (see edit history)
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Having the road connections will lessen the need to build bridges- a *very*, did I say very, tedious process.  


Both of those look sweet.  Just d/l'd the Atrum (that is the lighter colored blue, correct?).  Will try that when I finish my new pc build- a new I7-10700... which I'm excited about.  So I'll have the horses to handle that 12k.  Doing a run on my last Nitrogen 8k right now- having a blast... so I'll stick with that for the time being.


Again kudo's on two very nice looking maps.

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On 8/23/2020 at 1:08 PM, JCL said:

Morggin: what version of Compo-Pack did you use?  The reason I ask, is that Compo-Pack 45 was just released for A19 Stable.



I didn't generate these with combo pack.  I have updated the post to include a link to the Import_HM and Bioms files if you are interested in adding a combopack to it though.  I know that in Alpha 20, TFP is are planning to do something new with water, I hope they add boats and fishing!!

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8 hours ago, TheOutsider_56 said:



The map looks really nice. But how can i do this on my own server ( nitrado) ?  thx for helping 

place it in Gameserver\Data\Worlds folder.  Then in your server.xml set the world like this 


<!-- World -->
  <property name="GameWorld" value="AtrumIsland"/>

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Awesome map. Thank you. Using it with loads(60 game days so far ) of mods including Snufin's community pack vehicles (the expanded version only I made the flying vehicles MUCH more expensive to craft). Love the map (another good one I run is "Boating_Modlet" by "Ragsy2145 & Guppycur" (edited so I can have 3 people in the larger boat). 


Edited by Dre (see edit history)
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