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FPS Drop suddenly


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I have been having pretty stable FPS around 60+, even after upgrading to A19, but for whatever reason now, I am now getting if i'm lucky 25FPS, I have done the steps in other threads to try to fix my frames, but so far no luck. Hoping there is something that I am missing. Settings included:


  • Vsync off
  • Anti-aliasing: High
  • Texture Quality: Half
  • Texture Filter: Medium
  • UMA Texture Quality: High
  • Reflection Quality: Low
  • Reflected Shadows: Off
  • Shadows Distance: Middle
  • Water Quality: High
  • Water Particles: 25%
  • LOD Distance: 75%
  • Terrain Quality: Medium
  • Grass Distance: Medium
  • Object Quality: High
  • Occlusion: On
  • Bloom: On
  • Depth of Field: On
  • Motion Blur: Simple
  • SSAO: On
  • SS Reflections: Off
  • Sun Shafts: On


Before this FPS drops, I was able to have everything on High and some on Ultra with 60 FPS. Currently running an AMD Ryzen 5 2600X and a ASUS ROG STRIX 2070. Any help would be great!

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Have you tried setting the Terrain Quality to Low? That did the trick for me.
Also re-install latest Nvidia drivers, perhaps a Windows update put the generic driver in there instead.
Could be worth monitoring temperatures AND gpu / cpu clocks to see that everything is running at the desired speed.

For reference, I have: i5 760 @ 3.7 GHz, GTX 1060 6 GB, 16 GB DDR3, game installed on a SSD. So older / slower hardware than what you have. Normally I have a solid 60 FPS, on blood moons with 24 max alive I turn off shadows and maintain around 40-50 FPS.

Vsync: Off
AA: Off (I could put this to High but it causes kind of a blurriness of distant objects which my eyes don't agree with)
Texture Quality: Full
UMA Texture Quality: whatever is max
Reflection Quality: Low
Reflected Shadows: Off
Shadows Distance: Middle
Water Quality: High
Water Particles: 80 %
LOD Distance: 80 %
Terrain Quality: Low
Grass Distance: whatever is max (btw is there a way to increase this somehow? It doesn't seem to affect performance that much)
Object Quality: whatever is max
Occlusion: On
Bloom, DoF and Motion Blur: Off
SS Reflections: Off
Sun Shafts: Off
FOV set to 85, resolution 1920 x 1200.

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Still not getting above 25 stable with both responses, I even uninstalled the game, reinstalled and tried a brand new save and I am getting @%$*#! for frames, this is really irritating and i'm not sure what I can do to fix it


Files keep on needing to be revalidated as well, just learned that.

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17 minutes ago, hugekase said:

Files keep on needing to be revalidated as well, just learned that.

Two thoughts on this issue.


1. Steam's verify tool isn't always the greatest. Often I find I have to run it two or three times to catch everything.

2. The issue is your antivirus/anti-malware software interfering with the files and causing the corruption. (You are advised to exclude the client from security software for this reason, and a few others. Details and instructions are in the Sticky FAQ thread.)

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I was able to run it on my min-spec machine with better performance using a platter drive.


Based on the setting in the OP, Set UMA to medium, turn off Shadows, Bloom, DoF, SSAO, and Sun Shafts.  If that works step Shadows up to Low, then Medium and see how it feels.


Oh also @Nugetti, 1920x1200????   Try running it at 1920x1080

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Based on the setting in the OP, Set UMA to medium, turn off Shadows, Bloom, DoF, SSAO, and Sun Shafts.  If that works step Shadows up to Low, then Medium and see how it feels.

I did this, and now I can get over 40+ FPS when I am going straight, the moment I turn by any degree, it plummets towards 17FPS

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