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Friend chat


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Personally I use skype with my brother when playing, mainly cause we don't really want to be typing when playing all that much and chat while we raid a building. I would use the ingame option if it was implemented yet.


As a gamer which does enjoy the threat of being ambushed and such, I wouldn't really want it to be super easy to pass messages amongst each other without a chance of me intercepting it. However, just global is also such a downside, therefore I would love it if chat (both voice as well as chat) could be distance based. For instance: Messages send through chat would be bold in global chat if the person was within hearing range - Pimps should do some testing to figure out the best distance - Voice chat would be louder/softer based on your distance to the person talking.


Just for feel alone, when people are talking while sitting around a campfire in game and you are approaching them you hear people talk in the distance, the closer you get the more you understand and if you speak they will also hear you and respond. It is just super cool overall also for people that don't use it for PvP it has great atmosphere and RP possibilities


You will always keep people who will use teamspeak, ventrillo, skype, etc. especially in pvp for advantages, but well that is fine by me. I would just like the game to focus on a more custom option than here have private messages and have it feel more organic. Want private... well you have steam/skype so, have the Pimps develop other additions we would use.


But can't you see how this is pointless?


If you do this, people will keep chating thought steam and using skype, because limiting communication with your friends is pointless. So the logical thing to do is allow ingame-chat with friends regardless distance, and limit the global to distance, now that makes sense, because there's no way you can bypass that, you don't have random people's skypes and steam accounts to chat with them. I do not need to know what other people that aren't my friends are saying, I only need to know what they are saying.


And ingame chat with friends is a priority for everyone that plays at night and doesn't want to annoy other people at 3 in the morning.

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I'm agree with Guppycur, excepted i would prefer a vocal chat if you are close to the people.


So you would like something along the lines of DayZ where you can only hear voice chat of people within range. I say people because you can hear anyone speak as long as you are close enough.

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so if skype is considered cheating, what about all the couples, roommates playing in the same room, sometimes even seeing both monitors?

wanna tell me those are cheaters cause they live in the same place? (maybe even gaming in one room, because a bigger flat is too expensive)


cheaters will cheat. and preventing ppl using skype/teamspeak ingamw will just result in honest players beeing punished and cheaters finding other ways to cheat.


also i don´t see the problem with private messages. sometimes ppl talk about things that do not concern the game. i do this alot in other games. sms costs money, for skpye i need to go to windows or install it (not that it is a problem) also wearing headset in work. i hate doing it also when i game.


and if you are not a native englishspeaker you can often do private mesasges in the public chat. depends a bit on luck tough, but if you and your friend are the only one from your country that also could be used to cheat. so maybe no chat at all? :D

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cheaters will cheat. and preventing ppl using skype/teamspeak ingamw will just result in honest players beeing punished and cheaters finding other ways to cheat.


also i don´t see the problem with private messages. sometimes ppl talk about things that do not concern the game. i do this alot in other games. sms costs money, for skpye i need to go to windows or install it (not that it is a problem) also wearing headset in work. i hate doing it also when i game.


We are not suggesting to prevent Skype, Teamspeak and so on.

The game so far supports both Global and Private messages.

The first idea, was to maybe add friend chat, so that you can chat to people who may be friends in-game the specific 7daystodie server, but not your friend on Steam or skype and so on. Therefore being able to chat with potential friends ;)


The next idea, was to add the in-game voice chat, so you could chat with nearby players, with-in a certain radius, just like in DayZ or H1Z1. Makes it possible to ex. chat to player, you are trying to kill, instead, of typing (normally dont have time), you could make demands or make peaceofferings for letting them go. It makes a new dynamic to the game

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Anarchy online had really good chat system




In that image user has created 4 chat windows moved and resized them. and set each to show in messages from certain channels. (one window can show messages from multiple channels)


1. Every message has Channel in is sent to




[[user created XXX]]




2. Each channel has it's own read + write rules, Like everyone can read system and admin, but no one can write to system and only admins can write to admin Channel. Everyone can write and read global and is they are close enough proximity too. private channel only sender and recipient can read+write. User who creates custom channel chooses who can read and write to it.


3. Every message has 3 parts: "[[channel]]♥[sender] message"


4. User can resize and move message windows


5. User can create chat and delete windows or tabs. By default there is one "All" window open.


6. User can choose which channels each window displays. Sending message you choose which channel you send it to (default's to same as previous)


So for example I can open 2 message windows and make one larger and filter it to show only admin, private-messages and my custom "Mike's party" channel messages. And make other window small and set it to show system and proximity. As I do not want to see global messages they are not shown at all.

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Or we could... I dunno' - Just use a voip program and talk to each other using whatever you have access to. I realize that some have barely better than tin can & twine connections but it's 2015, c'mon buddy. Ya' don't even gotta' scrape the cheetos dust off your neck beard and slap on a freshly laundered shirt, just get a mic and push-to-talk your way to moar funner times.


Besides, type chat can lead to ingame death and seeing as how they are already claiming that A11 will be harder than what we now know as gospel, it seems to be an easy fix.


P.S. Using a mic cuts down on the missed sarcasm issues that text chat tends to create. Not everyone ends their messages with /snark, /sarcasm, /rant.


It's the wave of the future!!!! Let your voices pierce the inky black techno void ppl!!!!!!!exclamation points!!!!!!

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What's awesome about text messages is I can pretend I'm playing a game in 1998. Sayyyy, has anyone seen my Deep Impact tickets? Duh, they're right here under my Natalie Imbruglia CD...




Should go play carmageddon reloaded then, and check its multiplayer .. its ♥♥♥♥ing dead ..wanna know why.. its partly because the developers couldn't be bothered to add 'text messaging' in multiplayer races, they also went with some stupid open mic system where you cannot set it to use push to talk. Go figure. That's a game that has its official final release out next month, a kickstarter disappointment, though I clearly see it as game that went to the pc gamers for funding, yet built a crappy console system targeted game... I'm sure that is where the game is heading next.

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Or we could... I dunno' - Just use a voip program and talk to each other using whatever you have access to. I realize that some have barely better than tin can & twine connections but it's 2015, c'mon buddy. Ya' don't even gotta' scrape the cheetos dust off your neck beard and slap on a freshly laundered shirt, just get a mic and push-to-talk your way to moar funner times.


Besides, type chat can lead to ingame death and seeing as how they are already claiming that A11 will be harder than what we now know as gospel, it seems to be an easy fix.


P.S. Using a mic cuts down on the missed sarcasm issues that text chat tends to create. Not everyone ends their messages with /snark, /sarcasm, /rant.


It's the wave of the future!!!! Let your voices pierce the inky black techno void ppl!!!!!!!exclamation points!!!!!!


...doesn't anyone barely read what the op's topic is about...like the actual issue and reasoning? perhaps it needs highlighting in bold and the font resizing.

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Or we could... I dunno' - Just use a voip program and talk to each other using whatever you have access to. I realize that some have barely better than tin can & twine connections but it's 2015, c'mon buddy. Ya' don't even gotta' scrape the cheetos dust off your neck beard and slap on a freshly laundered shirt, just get a mic and push-to-talk your way to moar funner times.


Besides, type chat can lead to ingame death and seeing as how they are already claiming that A11 will be harder than what we now know as gospel, it seems to be an easy fix.


P.S. Using a mic cuts down on the missed sarcasm issues that text chat tends to create. Not everyone ends their messages with /snark, /sarcasm, /rant.


It's the wave of the future!!!! Let your voices pierce the inky black techno void ppl!!!!!!!exclamation points!!!!!!



It makes literally 0% sense to not add friend chat system only because we have voip too. Again, at night, im not going to be talking over microphone annoying people in my surroundings, therefore friend chat system is a must. Only a retarded developer wouldn't add ingame chat (like the guys making the new carmageddon, as koolio pointed).

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It makes literally 0% sense to not add friend chat system only because we have voip too. Again, at night, im not going to be talking over microphone annoying people in my surroundings, therefore friend chat system is a must. Only a retarded developer wouldn't add ingame chat (like the guys making the new carmageddon, as koolio pointed).


Maybe, but it makes more sense to work on game content than to work on a feature that less than 1 percent of the audience would actually find useful.

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On one hand I would fully support this part. But chat is not necessarily only about a game. E.g. when I play with my friends I would say our talk is maybe 40% about what happens in the game and 60% about life, the universe and everything (or just 42). If it is proximity only we could also just drop playing together ;)


I do see valid points for both sides and lastly I suppose it's a matter of choice.


I have to agree with Alloc here. The server I play on (all be it PvE) we don't always talk about the game, we also just yammer on about whatever and maybe crack jokes. Some times we have a somewhat serious / intellectual conversation about things. It's not all about cheesing the Teamspeak.


In fact, as an additional note, our server would not run without chat. We definitely need to use Teamspeak and communicate to get our community to function; It's necessary for trade, organizing construction, and roleplay. In fact chatting is kind of the core of our community, we're kind of a social PvE server you could say, we're community / re-constructionist oriented and we need to communicate.


Back on topic, I think it could be useful to have a friend chat. It's not the most necessary feature (and my server wouldn't make use of it), but in an instance where there would be PvP or factions it could be useful, provided the server doesn't have a Teamspeak or something that's set up to handle different factions.

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...doesn't anyone barely read what the op's topic is about...like the actual issue and reasoning? perhaps it needs highlighting in bold and the font resizing.


1). I'm commenting on the ENTIRE thread as it's been discussed. Unless I physically typed "..tp the OP" it's generally understood that I'm including all of the thoughts and comments that were brought up. I guess 'generally understood' is a bit of a stretch when dealing with some here.



It makes literally 0% sense to not add friend chat system only because we have voip too. Again, at night, im not going to be talking over microphone annoying people in my surroundings, therefore friend chat system is a must. Only a retarded developer wouldn't add ingame chat (like the guys making the new carmageddon, as koolio pointed).


2). I'm not entirely sure about your percentage basis, Sir/Madame/Thing of indescribable Nature, especially when you pepper your demand with "Only a retarded developer would..." Might I suggest not setting up your PC next to your parent's bedroom. That and not screaming into the mic. You're supposed to use your indoor voice. Remember that thing??? We learned about it in Kindergarten.

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It makes literally 0% sense to not add friend chat system only because we have voip too. Again, at night, im not going to be talking over microphone annoying people in my surroundings, therefore friend chat system is a must. Only a retarded developer wouldn't add ingame chat (like the guys making the new carmageddon, as koolio pointed).


Maybe, but it makes more sense to work on game content than to work on a feature that less than 1 percent of the audience would actually find useful.


"less than 1 percent"


statistic pulled out of your ass


But 0 percent is totally legit. 'Kay.


The developers have said in the past that most people play in single player and small group sessions, and a 2014 Survey of online gamers showed that, on a scale of 1 - 5, with 1 being "never", and 5 being "all the time", gamers reported a mean of 4.08 for voice chat use.


So yeah, likely less than 1 percent of people, because they have to fit all of the following categories:


1) They have to be playing a game with someone else. In other words, you're probably not going to be sending private chats in your single player game, or in your server game where you're the only player online.

2) They aren't co-located or in voice communication with the other players already.

3) They have a need for a private channel of communications.


So yeah, it's rough if your mom is going to come in and make you go to bed or whatever, but the rest of us would rather see electricity and zombie bears.

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. I'm commenting on the ENTIRE thread as it's been discussed. Unless I physically typed "..tp the OP" it's generally understood that I'm including all of the thoughts and comments that were brought up. I guess 'generally understood' is a bit of a stretch when dealing with some here.


So you're adding absolutely constructive feedback on to this topic, because we all know how voip can be useful, making points about how people can just use other voip apps to communicate is a no brainer, and not what the topic was about.


When you cannot use voice, a better ingame chat system would be better for many reasons, maybe comment about how you absolutely detest such improvements being made instead of coming across like an ass.


I realize that some have barely better than tin can & twine connections but it's 2015, c'mon buddy. Ya' don't even gotta' scrape the cheetos dust off your neck beard and slap on a freshly laundered shirt, just get a mic and push-to-talk your way to moar funner times.


just more stupid troll baiting.


2). I'm not entirely sure about your percentage basis, Sir/Madame/Thing of indescribable Nature, especially when you pepper your demand with "Only a retarded developer would..." Might I suggest not setting up your PC next to your parent's bedroom. That and not screaming into the mic. You're supposed to use your indoor voice. Remember that thing??? We learned about it in Kindergarten.


Perhaps you didn't learn in kindergarten how to listen and read otherwise you would get the op was talking about and why its being requested. Instead of making up strawman arguments like someone screaming down a mic and how they should use indoor voice.. maybe you can explain to his parents what indoor voice is and how he should be allowed to use mic when others are sleeping. Or maybe just accept wtf the topic was about and if you don't care for such an improvement butt out.

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I think friend chat added to game would be a nice feature. And as far as realism goes, this is a game, but even in random map most people are within a few km's of each other, wouldn't be much of a stretch that some hand-held radios would survive. Which would allow people to communicate, with private channels and channels that would communicate with other survivors. On the server I play on we use in game chat a lot, private channels would be nice at times.

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1). I'm commenting on the ENTIRE thread as it's been discussed. Unless I physically typed "..tp the OP" it's generally understood that I'm including all of the thoughts and comments that were brought up. I guess 'generally understood' is a bit of a stretch when dealing with some here.





2). I'm not entirely sure about your percentage basis, Sir/Madame/Thing of indescribable Nature, especially when you pepper your demand with "Only a retarded developer would..." Might I suggest not setting up your PC next to your parent's bedroom. That and not screaming into the mic. You're supposed to use your indoor voice. Remember that thing??? We learned about it in Kindergarten.


No, developers are supposed to add friend chat. This thread wasn't to discuss if 2+2=4 or not, im just asking when they will add it, not if they should since that is objectively stupid, as objectively stupid as it is to need to move your entire bedroom to somewhere away from the other people that sleep near you just because a game doesn't have friend chat, a feature that should be pretty ♥♥♥♥ing easy to implement.

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No, developers are supposed to add friend chat. This thread wasn't to discuss if 2+2=4 or not, im just asking when they will add it, not if they should since that is objectively stupid, as objectively stupid as it is to need to move your entire bedroom to somewhere away from the other people that sleep near you just because a game doesn't have friend chat, a feature that should be pretty ♥♥♥♥ing easy to implement.


So, basically this is just another in the long series of threads trying to nail TFP on a specific date for something in order to set up opportunities for future whinging.

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snippity snip-snip-snip


Yes. I am adding absolute constructive feedback after reading the entire thread. As far as the times where you can't use voice - Unless you are deaf/mute don't bother trying to 'splain to me why Vchat can't be used. I would know because I game with a few ppl that can't Vchat cuz' of that whole 'deaf' thing. We're not talkin' about can't. We're talkin' about something you want implemented. It's not that you can't use Vchat, you just would rather employ an ingame chat tool that allows for surreptitious communications to only a privileged few that you deem worthy. Got it. The developers need to change THEIR game so YOU can be happy.


Just in case you missed it again, I'm well abreast of the topic. So much so I think i'm ahead of you by about 3 pages in this script. Why else would you be fumbling along the way you have been with your personal attacks against someone who simply chose to offer up a counterpoint to what the OP asked for. Isn't the whole forum thing a chance for discussion and what-not? Are you honestly telling me and the rest here that there's no need for anyone else to speak their mind?


Check yer' sodium lvls bruh.



No, developers are supposed to add friend chat. This thread wasn't to discuss if 2+2=4 or not, im just asking when they will add it, not if they should since that is objectively stupid, as objectively stupid as it is to need to move your entire bedroom to somewhere away from the other people that sleep near you just because a game doesn't have friend chat, a feature that should be pretty ♥♥♥♥ing easy to implement.


'Supposed to'... Hmmm. I wonder about that. Are you sure it was written down somewhere that all game developers are supposed to do something that's been done before or is this more of an issue where you liked something that Developer A, B and C did and you would like to see Developer D follow suit? As far as objectively stupid... With what relatable terms have you provided exactly? Other than what you feel should be done I'm not exactly sure how the process of adding something to 7DtD changed from "...I would like it if they" to "...better do this or else." Last time I checked someone typing on a keyboard incessantly is just as much an irritation to certain ppl as is speaking into a Mic. I'm still on the fence whether this is good for the game - or just good for you.


There's nothin' wrong with making a suggestion that you would like to see implemented, but you're going about it way wrong. Commenting the way you are, insulting the Dev's perceived ability and pullin' the A-typical forum threat response whenever someone comes along with a counter-thought is starting to paint you in a drab brownish-green. Personally I would aim for a periwinkle or a nice cerulean.

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