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  1. yeh i can confirm this crap has started happening since 11.5 aswel all messages get sent pretty much instantly from php or frontend, but only the first message is shown ingame at the same time. seems to happen more with say, first message goes through pretty much instantly.. subsequent ones are delayed whether they are say or pm.. i have a welcome message to players that gets sent via say or similar command when i can bothered to recompile the updated modified version of it on alloc mod for cosmetic reasons, however any following say message line doesn't show up for at least 1-2 seconds.. and sometimes it does show up instantly if the cmd outputs a bunch of message lines that are all sent via pm, it seems to be fine and instant, but public messages causes a bottleneck..but i think it does effect pm message lines aswel as i ahve seen pauses in long lists of pm messages probably doesn't help that the ingame timer does some weird ♥♥♥♥ like counting upwards, pausing, and even go back a number before counting forward.. this is with adjustments to <property name="NightPercentage" value="25" /> <property name="DayNightLength" value="40" />
  2. log file has no clientid anymore monitor-log.sh is still trying to get it
  3. You took the assembly patcher out now? so you aren't updating that anylonger then. Seeing as this mod/api isn't actually growing in usefulness its pretty much just being stripped apart to add into the main engine.. is there any actual point in me even bothering updating any of my own custom stuff on it as there is fk all headsup communication on what is changing from patch to patch, its becoming a useless effort maintaining any custom mods built on top of it. Just got the chathook working for a11.2 earlier this week and now there is no assembly patcher in 11.3 and pretty much everything else just took major change in the space of a week. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ TFP
  4. its still showing internal network ip and not the external one
  5. turns out steam update failed to complete the first 2 times.. 3rd time it properly updated everything and now works
  6. well now when I try start a newly created instance I get this in the stdout.log "/usr/local/lib/7dtd/start-stop-daemon/start-stop-daemon: unable to stat /home/sdtd/engine/7DaysToDie.x86 (No such file or directory)"
  7. Would you say your changes of moving more of it to the core is still going to leave something that useful for c# modders or not? Because this was the most useful api, provided hooks, among other things that just made it easier to build on from etc Will see what the damage is or move on.
  8. Any major changes for this mod with U5 update? Hoping its all relatively the same so updates for it will be quick to do.
  9. awesome.. its like minecraft dynmap for 7dtd only thing is the show regions grid... maybe you could have the renderer just paint the region grid onto the relevant tiles as an option for a more accurate grid line, like a faint dotted line that goes over the blocks.. instead of an js overlay that wouldn't be 100% accurate..
  10. posted 2weeks ago.. missed that ..looks like some nice utility stuff not checked it yet.. is this to be used on static containers like chests? or can it be directly to and from a player at there xyz position aswel?
  11. Can't edit my previous post.. but I had another look at AC dll deob.. it seems I got a bit carried away zeroing out the values when removing the signature stuff .. ended up putting 00000000 instead of leaving 00000015 in for the Name.
  12. hmm really? doesn't work here.. tried compiling previous release again just to make sure it wasn't some MSBUILD issue.. it worked fine. just not working with a10.4 anymore.. I did try untick MSBUILD engine for server-fixes.. but that just goes down the rabbit hole of more errors.
  13. current_chat.log current_commandExecution.log both empty.. so guess that is why the hooks aren't working.
  14. just me or are the hooks broken in a10.4? oh and this error in compiling again.. C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(5,5): Error MSB4018: The "ResolveAssemblyReference" task failed unexpectedly. System.IO.FileLoadException: The given assembly name or codebase was invalid. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131047) at System.Reflection.AssemblyName.nToString() at System.Reflection.AssemblyName.get_FullName() at Microsoft.Build.Tasks.ReferenceTable.MarkReferencesForExclusion(Hashtable exclusionList) at Microsoft.Build.Tasks.ResolveAssemblyReference.Execute(FileExists fileExists, DirectoryExists directoryExists, GetDirectories getDirectories, GetAssemblyName getAssemblyName, GetAssemblyMetadata getAssemblyMetadata, GetRegistrySubKeyNames getRegistrySubKeyNames, GetRegistrySubKeyDefaultValue getRegistrySubKeyDefaultValue, GetLastWriteTime getLastWriteTime, GetAssemblyRuntimeVersion getRuntimeVersion, OpenBaseKey openBaseKey, CheckIfAssemblyInGac checkIfAssemblyIsInGac, IsWinMDFile isWinMDFile, ReadMachineTypeFromPEHeader readMachineTypeFromPEHeader) at Microsoft.Build.Tasks.ResolveAssemblyReference.Execute() at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.TaskExecutionHost.Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.ITaskExecutionHost.Execute() at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.TaskBuilder.<ExecuteInstantiatedTask>d__20.MoveNext() (MSB4018) (7dtd-server-fixes) tbh i did just try deob the 10.4 AC.dll with Deobfuscate-7dtd_pre0.4.2b ..maybe that might be needing an update again?
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