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I find a19 boring compared to a18 myself.


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On 7/9/2020 at 12:46 AM, Roland said:

If we REALLY did things like that around here I would just ban people left and right rather than simply mirror back the same tone they led with. Nobody has to git outta here but this is a public forum so the way in which people express their opinion is going to draw comment-- just like you guys are doing to me which is fair and still very much visible. You didn't like my response and you obviously feel secure enough in the fairness of this forum to be able to express that to me without fear of reprisal.

- snipped the rest -


My post was not directed at you, the CMs, or devs in any way Roland, it was directed at the poster I responded to and everyone else that has the mentality of "if you don't like it then leave".....sorry if you read into it differently.


I just find that every game has people with the "don't like it, leave" mentality and use it to try and invalidate other people's thoughts and opinions without giving anything to the conversation.....


If I'm making a comment directed at you, Roland, or anyone in particular I'll quote you or name you in the post, no passive aggressive BS.

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You are regularly getting quality 6 t2 armor, scrap armor is the lowest level heavy armor the game offers, you wont be getting level 6 iron armor for a long time, and you will be waiting much longer for Q6 steel armor.

This system is MUCH better imo, they managed to make it so that in mid game you can get top tier weapons mixed with lower tier weapons and you might prefer the lower tier weapons due to their higher quality instead of randomly getting Q6 t3 weapons just because you got lucky while still looting t1 pistols on day 60.


I am currently hunting around for springs on my game now after respeccing perception in order to craft a Q5 sniper rifle after getting the manual. I have 2 t1 snipers lying around but i want to mod it out so i need to craft my own one for now. I have a decent set of t2 weapons and was using t1 for a long time. There is much more variety now and consideration, looting Q5 blunderbusses in your second week when you still want them feels cool, slowly transitioning into low quality pistols and AKs

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I kind of agree. In previous alphas, I wouldn't know what I'd find and I'd have to figure out how to make due. In A19, random is on its last gasps. I don't feel compelled to play another vanilla play through after I lose interest in the current one. I know what I'm going to find at every stage of the game and it's just not compelling to me anymore.


Fortunately there's mods, but unless they rip out everything in loot.xml I'll probably only do one play through of each.

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23 hours ago, RestInPieces said:

Really wish they will take the time to revamp it before A20. I feel it should apply to the tier as well so that the world revolves less around the player. Like keeping T3 relatively rare anyway, more dependent on zone and POI lootlists and perhaps on GS but by a much smaller factor. 


It would be great if the amount of player control and predictability in this case, was more in line with gameworld information (the kind of POI, zone), rather than meta information like player level. Still nothing should feel guaranteed. That would also require less homogenized zones and enemy GS scaling. This already happens to a degree (guns are more likely in SM, medicine more likely hospital, different zombie groups), but both item and enemy scaling are imo too depended on that meta number that solely revolves around the player we call GS. 

Wise words. Couldnta said it better myself.

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I just find the loot progression boring. I came in at 12.5 and I miss the central hub that was crawling with baddies. Risk vs reward is currently off. No need to open safes or locked containers until you increase game stage a fair amount. I understand wanting to prolong the early game as that is the only time the game is challenging. I feel Roland's 0xp mod does that better than this iteration. I do enjoy the trader quests as that feels like the best way to progress currently. I will probably just rollback and play modded 18.4 for awhile. 


I wish TFP would focus more on content and less on graphics. Bandits would add a lot more than new shiny textures. 

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On 7/8/2020 at 9:49 AM, iejen said:

I actually like it.. 

You progress through quality and tiers.. 

Stone Shovel, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 

Then Iron Shovel 1, 2, 3, etc... 


Make me feel more like actually making progress and getting better then pure luck. 


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