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Stallionsdens Poison Removal Mod


So you got poisoned huh.... Should a invested in The Weber 9000. This beauty takes the poison chance out of properly looked after foods like meat. This beauty does nearly it all bah wash up and kill the zombies.. **Note** thats your job Dumb @%$*#! (wise words of Glen season 1 The Walking Dead)


But Wait there is more.. Still not satisfied, Make The Weber 9000 and you will be the talk of the town and visitors will show up from all over..


Still wanting more. build today and we will throw in nothing for free. Thats right you heard correctly Nothing for free. You save 100s


But Wait again there is still more. The Weber 9000 brings with it new ingredients, new post apocolypse assistance and the state of the art and world class menus.


But wait there is still more. well to bad thats it lol..


So what are you still doing here. go build that Weber 9000 and make your neighbours jealous, visitors so envious they would kill to have one themselves. You still here. This offer wont last long you better get your butt into gear....




* The Weber 9000 - bbq work station

* Activated Carbon - ingredient used to remove the poison from otherwise contaminated food (if unsealed food used small chance of poisoning may occur)

* Combines Valmars Sealed meats modlet - This is the only way to get 100% poison free food guaranteed.

* Use The Weber 9000 with out the activated Carbons and you have a small 6% chance of still being poisoned.

* Eat food you just killed you gonna die - Poison chance is 75%

* Remember to seal your - Raw Meat, Animal Fat, Sham Sandwiches and Rotten Flesh for 100% poison free eating experience.




* No refunds (at all).

* TFP or myself are not ever held liable for any bad cooks out there or faults in The Weber 9000 no matter if it were a production fault.

* Not recommended use by Zombies, animals or birds. No seriously they cant cook.

* All products, foods and/or ingredients required are for you to collect and at all no responsibility of the creators of The Weber 9000

Edited by stallionsden (see edit history)
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This is more a multiplayer modlet.


Adds shop containers to the world so a player can set up a shop and sell stuff to other players. You can set your own asking price as well.


Thats right you can run your very own shop right here in the apocalypse. Who said you making money had to stop because the world ended....



As the shop keeper you are set to keep the shop supplied of stock. Players can buy items from you.


a Player can craft certain shop containers to suit their business type they want to run.


Want to run a weapons and ammo store, you can make all the weapon shop containers and set the shop up how you like.


Want a coffee shop go for it set up your own coffee shop.


A brewery, well you can do that to.


You can even be a jack of all trades and set up shop with everything in it.




Great Roleplay if you like. players can alo request stuff from you if you so wish to go out and hunt for it, you can create stuff for another player of what they request and you can then set your price for it.



All shop containers are found under shop


Due to the vending machine code to change the name of the vending machine being in the DLL and hard coded names will all be generic when you have placed the container down and even searching for shop containers in CM menu even tho you have put shop in and you scroll your mouse over it will come up with vending machine.


Simply create some player made signs and display it above the container to let others know what container it is

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Special Forces Cases


reports showed the decline of the human race people dying and turning,becoming zombies. You however were prepared for this for years. As a Doomsday Prepper you collected all the Necessary equipment required to survive.


Adds -


* 3 cases with all the necessary survival gear one would need



- unless you have a bigger backpack open 1 bag at a time and sort




windows.xml (windowslooting requires editing to 20 rows and 15 columns) so this section -


<!--#$-IGS BEGIN: Adding cursor area. -$#-->

<window name="windowLooting" width="378" height="378" controller="LootWindow" panel="Left" anchor_side="bottomright" visible="false" cursor_area="true" >

<!--#$-IGS END.-$#-->

<panel name="header" height="43" depth="0" disableautobackground="true">

<sprite depth="1" name="headerbackground" sprite="ui_game_panel_header"/>

<button depth="3" name="btnSort" style="icon32px, press, hover" pivot="center" pos="21,-21" sprite="ui_game_symbol_loot_sack" tooltip_key="lblSortContainer" sound="[paging_click]" />

<label depth="2" name="lootName" pos="39,-6" width="172" height="32" text="LOOT" text_key="xuiLoot" font_size="32" />


<label depth="2" name="takeAllLabel" width="32" height="30" font_size="30" color="[mediumGrey]" justify="left" pos="260,-8"/>


<sprite depth="2" name="takeAllIcon" style="icon32px" sprite="ui_game_symbol_hand" color="[mediumGrey]" pos="220, -4"/>


<sprite depth="0" name="gridBackground" color="255,255,255,1" type="sliced" pos="0, 0" globalopacity="true" on_press="true" />

<rect name="content" pos="3,-49" >

<grid depth="12" name="queue" rows="10" cols="9" cell_width="75" cell_height="75" repeat_content="true" controller="LootContainer">

<item_stack name="0"/>







<!--#$-IGS BEGIN: Adding cursor area. -$#-->

<window name="windowLooting" width="378" height="378" controller="LootWindow" panel="Left" anchor_side="bottomright" visible="false" cursor_area="true" >

<!--#$-IGS END.-$#-->

<panel name="header" height="43" depth="0" disableautobackground="true">

<sprite depth="1" name="headerbackground" sprite="ui_game_panel_header"/>

<button depth="3" name="btnSort" style="icon32px, press, hover" pivot="center" pos="21,-21" sprite="ui_game_symbol_loot_sack" tooltip_key="lblSortContainer" sound="[paging_click]" />

<label depth="2" name="lootName" pos="39,-6" width="172" height="32" text="LOOT" text_key="xuiLoot" font_size="32" />


<label depth="2" name="takeAllLabel" width="32" height="30" font_size="30" color="[mediumGrey]" justify="left" pos="260,-8"/>


<sprite depth="2" name="takeAllIcon" style="icon32px" sprite="ui_game_symbol_hand" color="[mediumGrey]" pos="220, -4"/>


<sprite depth="0" name="gridBackground" color="255,255,255,1" type="sliced" pos="0, 0" globalopacity="true" on_press="true" />

<rect name="content" pos="3,-49" >

<grid depth="12" name="queue" rows="20" cols="15" cell_width="75" cell_height="75" repeat_content="true" controller="LootContainer">

<item_stack name="0"/>




Edited by stallionsden (see edit history)
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Ever get sick of breaking into your favourite store, fight thru the dead only to find the shelves empty.


Well now the dead have been busy filling these shelves up for your needs.



* Lootable Store Shelves

* mixed loot possibly found on shelves

*66% chance of finding a non lootable version

*33% chance of finding a version still lootable

(this mimicks the someone has already been thru and looted and some were missed)








Same principle as the original. However, shelves will vary now and utilise the new shelving added to the game to.


* Variable Store Shelves

* mixed loot possibly found on shelves

*66% chance of finding a non lootable version

*33% chance of finding a version still lootable

(this mimicks the someone has already been thru and looted and some were missed)







When the zombie apocalypse started most feared them and tried to kill them. The army was overrun and most of society had been bit or died and turned.


The few remaining some were on the zombies side and wanted to help them, so they dropped supply crates with items to help the zs defend themselves. These people became known as the P.A.K.Z (People Against Killing Zombies)


However they being stupid didnt realise these zombies were as brain dead as they were and wandered past them as if they didnt exist. Thats where you get to benefit from the P.A.K.Z stupidity as littered across the world these supply crates remain untouched for you to collect.



* lootable supply crates to the world.





Gives you the ability to increase/decrease magazine size of weapons.





What This Modlet Does -


- The Whisperers modlet lets you craft a unique set of clothing (created from Hazmat outfit set)


- Once you put the set on you will now be one with the zombies. YES thats right you can WALK with the Zombies/Sleepers. (make sure you only walk)


- Whisperer Set is craftable via the workbench and requires certain ingredients found

* ResourceCLOTH

* RottenFLESH

* Each item of the vanilla HAZMAT SET

* New item - ZOMBIE SKIN (found on zombies, or in labequipment) (If you have my LOOTABLE OBJECTS MODLET - uncomment in loot.xml the lines pushing to that) then you will also find Zombie Skin in the dead Body Bags, human corpse blocks and human bone blocks.


- HOWEVER if you want to remain in zen with the zs ** WARNING **


* Do not RUN

* Do not JUMP

* Do not equip a WEAPON

* Do not equip a TOOL

* Do not fire a WEAPON

* Do not hit anything with your FISTS

* Do not hit anything with a TOOL



Anything other then walking will result in the zombies knowing your not one of them.


You will see a grey Skull on the left side of your screen for when you wont be seen by zs and if you do anything other then walk a red cO2 in red icon will show. once it dissappears tho the protection from zs will reoccur. There is a duration between after you do an action other then walk of 60 seconds before the protection occurs again.




I have added many modlets that this modlet affects. SIMPLY go thru the bottom of the list and uncomment any of the modlets you use in your game. (Salvaged Bats are added via the vanilla section so no one really needs that one.) In items.xml


If you want your modlet that uses TOOLS &/OR WEAPONS etc feel free to let me know and I will add them to it.





Same as above but with the mining helmet light attached to the hazmat mask and the set with reduced stamina.





Zombies destroying your base or your overnight accomodation.


Zombies jumping from out of no where making you change your pants often.


Zombies making you work hard and not giving you anything in return.


Well here it is my personal no block damage EVER, No Zombie jumping at you and each Zombie giving you a bag each time you kill one.





Same as Zombie modifications but with no rage either





** Same as zombie Modifications but with vanilla XP, Vanilla Lootbag Drops and Health (altho didnt change health as it was the same) **

**No Block Damage done by zombies or animals. No digging no jumping)





** Same as zombie Modifications 2 but with no rage





* 187 Slot backpack for the small Horder.


* cleaned xmls up


**Combine Modlet compatible





Adds a 375 slot backpack.


Adds in the Quick sort and stash buttons.


May need editing depending on your screen size etc.


( i am bad at moving UI lol like the forge windows so you may adjust to your liking also lol. )





This Adds -


* The combine tool


* Expanded Crafting queue (20 x 11)


* UI Rearranged (forge and output windows on left of screen)


* Windows Output BIGGER (12 x 7)


* Backpack 630 slots (21 x 30)


* Adds in the backpack stash buttons.


For all your apocalypse Needs and one stop shop lol.





Increases all resource items in the game only




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Thanks stallionden and valmar


The mods work well, I suppose you got a good job in the store shelves, I did it differently, delete the loot.xml file and just change the id loot list to one from the game and it worked.

The pallets leave them the same, just eliminate wrong entries and add new items.

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22 minutes ago, Gouki said:

Thanks stallionden and valmar


The mods work well, I suppose you got a good job in the store shelves, I did it differently, delete the loot.xml file and just change the id loot list to one from the game and it worked.

The pallets leave them the same, just eliminate wrong entries and add new items.

Its just me lol doing both mine and valmars. (With valmars permission ofc) 

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18 minutes ago, TigerWolfe said:

Question. Any idea why the top 2 left output squares would be incredibly finicky to grab from? We've encountered the problem with both the mega bag mod and the slightly smaller ~300 bag mod as well.

I will take a look.

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19 minutes ago, TigerWolfe said:

Thanks! Really loving the extra space and for the time being we've placed paper inside those spots as place holders, so we don't lose any important items. 


Nice.  I got a few  more things to do then be home to look at them. 

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Hey Stallionsden.

Was trying out the Zombie Modifications 1 and 2.  The first one worked great!  I was starting to feel like it was too OP so I decided to try #2.  I'd get about get to around 20-30 minutes and it would console error out.  I would have to Alt F4.

-Fresh downloads from github.
-Fresh save and world each time.
-Other mods were the 187 bp, invisible animal fix, no armor encumberance, stacker, and looter.

-Always seems to error out when I see a particular zombie.  I can't tell which though.

-I can go back into the game again and it doesn't error out immediately.

Again, the first one works great.  Something about that second one....

Edited by Smileslikejoker
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