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3 hours ago, DCPoker said:

Deleted Mod, rebooted Server, reinstalled fresh Download, Made New Generator, New Nuc Engine Still no output.




Ok will check my old brain didnt upload old version and not fixed version. 


Can you try removing all other mods and just try the nuke mod to see if no other mod is interfering. 

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1 hour ago, fnfear said:

Any way I can make the home brewery  all lootable instead of just some?

You alcoholic you lol 😛

a few ways -


1. In all xmls remove all empty references.

in blocks remove this -
    <block name="wineBarrelEmpty"><property name="Extends" value="wineBarrel"/></block>
        <block name="wineBarrelSetEmpty"><property name="Extends" value="wineBarrelSet"/></block>
        <block name="wineBarrelPlainEmpty"><property name="Extends" value="wineBarrelPlain"/></block>
in blockplaceholders

remove the empty versions and change prob of full to 1.

in localisation

Remove all instances of empty versions



That should work.




2. blockplaceholders you can put prob of full barrel to 100 and empty to 0.000000000000009 i think will work. can try 0 to

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On 9/15/2020 at 2:50 AM, kanealpha said:

the "no diggingZombies prevents the new shiny Zs from spawning, i still get the old models

will take a look at it. and get a fix out for you

On 9/16/2020 at 3:51 AM, KaitoX said:

Question. The mining machine, does it actually dig and collect the ore under it? or is it just... spawning in new ore?

it just spawns new ores lol. no digging holes unfort.

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Thanks so much for your mods! Just a quick one though, having a problem with both the Zombie Modification and Zombie Modification 2. I tried each of them, and I keep getting "null reference exception errors". During the 2 hours or so that I played, no zombies spawned at all (I was in my home during that time) and when I went outside, I got all of the errors and still no zombies spawned. Log states:


2020-09-19T21:24:12 3882.001 ERR Could not load file '#Entities/Zombies?Zombies/zombieStandardCocktailWaitressHDRagdoll.prefab' for entity_class 'zombieStripper'
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at AvatarZombieController.LateUpdate () [0x00019] in <d7c95f421d354b5e851d6f3126817769>:0
  at AvatarZombie01Controller.LateUpdate () [0x00000] in <d7c95f421d354b5e851d6f3126817769>:0


as well as this over and over again:


(Filename: <d7c95f421d354b5e851d6f3126817769> Line: 0)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at AvatarZombieController.Update () [0x00081] in <d7c95f421d354b5e851d6f3126817769>:0
(Filename: <d7c95f421d354b5e851d6f3126817769> Line: 0)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at AvatarZombieController.LateUpdate () [0x00019] in <d7c95f421d354b5e851d6f3126817769>:0
  at AvatarZombie01Controller.LateUpdate () [0x00000] in <d7c95f421d354b5e851d6f3126817769>:0


Hoping you can help, as I'm really wanting to use your mod. 😉

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11 hours ago, Hexywoman79 said:

Thanks so much for your mods! Just a quick one though, having a problem with both the Zombie Modification and Zombie Modification 2. I tried each of them, and I keep getting "null reference exception errors". During the 2 hours or so that I played, no zombies spawned at all (I was in my home during that time) and when I went outside, I got all of the errors and still no zombies spawned. Log states:


2020-09-19T21:24:12 3882.001 ERR Could not load file '#Entities/Zombies?Zombies/zombieStandardCocktailWaitressHDRagdoll.prefab' for entity_class 'zombieStripper'
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at AvatarZombieController.LateUpdate () [0x00019] in <d7c95f421d354b5e851d6f3126817769>:0
  at AvatarZombie01Controller.LateUpdate () [0x00000] in <d7c95f421d354b5e851d6f3126817769>:0


as well as this over and over again:


(Filename: <d7c95f421d354b5e851d6f3126817769> Line: 0)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at AvatarZombieController.Update () [0x00081] in <d7c95f421d354b5e851d6f3126817769>:0
(Filename: <d7c95f421d354b5e851d6f3126817769> Line: 0)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at AvatarZombieController.LateUpdate () [0x00019] in <d7c95f421d354b5e851d6f3126817769>:0
  at AvatarZombie01Controller.LateUpdate () [0x00000] in <d7c95f421d354b5e851d6f3126817769>:0


Hoping you can help, as I'm really wanting to use your mod. 😉

Hi hexywoman79. 


Sorry just got your post. Shall take a look in the morning and dee what its doing. Apologies for the trouble 

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7 hours ago, stallionsden said:

Hi hexywoman79. 


Sorry just got your post. Shall take a look in the morning and dee what its doing. Apologies for the trouble 

Hey no worries! I'll just wait to play until I hear from you, as I just fixed my base again and its horde day, so I don't want them to break it all again (its crazy that zombies are so unrealistic as to be able to break concrete and brick with their bare hands, climb ladders, etc).


Also, if it would be easier if I provide you the whole log file, just let me know 🙂

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32 minutes ago, Hexywoman79 said:

Hey no worries! I'll just wait to play until I hear from you, as I just fixed my base again and its horde day, so I don't want them to break it all again (its crazy that zombies are so unrealistic as to be able to break concrete and brick with their bare hands, climb ladders, etc).


Also, if it would be easier if I provide you the whole log file, just let me know 🙂

ok I tested both so please redownload my mods from my thread here and let me know how you go

What other mods are you running,

did you dl mods here or from an external site like 7 days to die mods etc.

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Hey stallionsden, thanks so much for the help! I just redownloaded, will try it out now and let you know 👍


I'm running other mods (see attached pic) that mostly came from here, 7daystodiemods and a couple from nexus, though yours is the only one that is a mod that affects the zombies.

Screenshot 7dtd Mods.png

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Okay so I just tried it, same thing happened - just tried going into closest neighbouring building where I know there should be zombies. The console bar popped up with a thousand "null reference exceptions" and screen froze. Used Task Manager to end process, removed zombie mod, restarted game. In the same building, no console appears, no crash, zombies spawned as expected.


Uploaded my log file for you in case that helps.


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1 hour ago, Hexywoman79 said:

Okay so I just tried it, same thing happened - just tried going into closest neighbouring building where I know there should be zombies. The console bar popped up with a thousand "null reference exceptions" and screen froze. Used Task Manager to end process, removed zombie mod, restarted game. In the same building, no console appears, no crash, zombies spawned as expected.


Uploaded my log file for you in case that helps.

output_log__2020-09-20__19-05-53.txt 925.46 kB · 0 downloads

7daystodie site i really wouldnt download mods from there.  They never keep mods up-to-date so i always recommend grabbing the downloads from the mod author themselves. Also they get money for our mods and they dont ask to post our mods up nor do we see any of the money they make. 


Donovan longer loot bags will interfere with the mod as my mod does the same thing.


The gk walk run and swimming fast never seen it but if it edits entityclass possibly. 


Try running my zombie modifications by itself.  If it works then try adding one mod at a time you have til you get the same error.


Also dl the mods from here if you gotten em from the other site originally

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I don't use your mod EVERYTHING IS SELLABLE because I do my own mod, but people in other webshare/youtube said that's not really do what the name say.

To can sell all, you must simply add in:


- blocks.xml

Normaly it's enought just with this:

<set xpath="/blocks/block/property[@name='SellableToTrader']/@value">true</set>


Option to force to all blocks & normaly if a block already have the property but set to false, this new property will be load and overwrite the first:

<append xpath="/blocks/block">

       <property name="SellableToTrader" value="true"/>



- items.xml

Normaly it's enought just with this:

<set xpath="/items/item/property[@name='SellableToTrader']/@value">true</set>


Or to force to all items & normaly if a item already have the property but set to false, this new property will be load and overwrite the first:

<append xpath="/items/item">

       <property name="SellableToTrader" value="true"/>



You can add both line "set + append" or only "append", if not to do more easy, I think these'a possiblity to add command something like "if exist / if not exist", I don't remember exactly the name of the command but I already see something like that in some mods.

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7 hours ago, Life_For_Dead said:

I don't use your mod EVERYTHING IS SELLABLE because I do my own mod, but people in other webshare/youtube said that's not really do what the name say.

To can sell all, you must simply add in:


- blocks.xml

Normaly it's enought just with this:

<set xpath="/blocks/block/property[@name='SellableToTrader']/@value">true</set>


Option to force to all blocks & normaly if a block already have the property but set to false, this new property will be load and overwrite the first:

<append xpath="/blocks/block">

       <property name="SellableToTrader" value="true"/>



- items.xml

Normaly it's enought just with this:

<set xpath="/items/item/property[@name='SellableToTrader']/@value">true</set>


Or to force to all items & normaly if a item already have the property but set to false, this new property will be load and overwrite the first:

<append xpath="/items/item">

       <property name="SellableToTrader" value="true"/>



You can add both line "set + append" or only "append", if not to do more easy, I think these'a possiblity to add command something like "if exist / if not exist", I don't remember exactly the name of the command but I already see something like that in some mods.

That is another approach people can do... but i did it on a per item based coding cuz in my opinion, some items should still be unsellable, due to being overpowered, or the trader doesn't want it, or seems useless to sell... etcetera etcetera... But people can adjust the coding to their own needs if they want to. What i just did was to make a little adjustment to the files because it seemed unlogic to me that you could not sell a simple item like the stone axe to the trader, sure you can scrap it, but if you come across alot of stone axes in loot, it should be handy to make a few bucks from them if you quickly need some money so you could buy some desired item from the trader...

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8 hours ago, renejant said:

That is another approach people can do... but i did it on a per item based coding cuz in my opinion, some items should still be unsellable, due to being overpowered, or the trader doesn't want it, or seems useless to sell... etcetera etcetera... But people can adjust the coding to their own needs if they want to. What i just did was to make a little adjustment to the files because it seemed unlogic to me that you could not sell a simple item like the stone axe to the trader, sure you can scrap it, but if you come across alot of stone axes in loot, it should be handy to make a few bucks from them if you quickly need some money so you could buy some desired item from the trader...

I just said what I said because the name of the mod do a confusion...

But yes it's right, some items must not can sell to trader because since they are implanted in game, it's cheat & that destroy the difficulty of the game...

With all my personal mods "hardcore" in single game, I set all items/blocks to false but except for realism: guns, ammo, vehicle part, water, food, medical, plant, gas... & only with a party in coop, all is sellable...

Edited by Life_For_Dead (see edit history)
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4 hours ago, Life_For_Dead said:

I just said what I said because the name of the mod do a confusion...

But yes it's right, some items must not can sell to trader because since they are implanted in game, it's cheat & that destroy the difficulty of the game...

With all my personal mods "hardcore" in single game, I set all items/blocks to false but except for realism: guns, ammo, vehicle part, water, food, medical, plant, gas... & only with a party in coop, all is sellable...


12 hours ago, renejant said:

That is another approach people can do... but i did it on a per item based coding cuz in my opinion, some items should still be unsellable, due to being overpowered, or the trader doesn't want it, or seems useless to sell... etcetera etcetera... But people can adjust the coding to their own needs if they want to. What i just did was to make a little adjustment to the files because it seemed unlogic to me that you could not sell a simple item like the stone axe to the trader, sure you can scrap it, but if you come across alot of stone axes in loot, it should be handy to make a few bucks from them if you quickly need some money so you could buy some desired item from the trader...


You both are correct.


But it isnt misleading it is meant to be everything as it works in unison with my shop mod and was created for this. 


The reason i listed every item and block (obviously missed some haha my bad) was due to i didnt want people to make fortunes off of for example stone axes and was going to see if i could add in a price for each that was reasonable.  Unfort i dont think we can create the price per item/block)


So thus life_for_dead way is correct for the whole purpose of this mod. Thus also rejenants way is correct also so I will make both ways available due to the need for the shop mod everything needs to be sellable as players can set up shop and sell to other players. 

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