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Quest trouble on dedicated server

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other ways to start trader's quest (using the mod) on a dedicated server do not work. but on steam multiplayer everething works.

in short, why the dedicated server does not work corretly?  already steam mp server works fine, maybe you can fix the dedicated server?


NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at QuestEventManager.CheckForPOILockouts (System.Int32 entityId, UnityEngine.Vector2 prefabPos) [0x000cf] in <f9ab98ad7e8240f9bef6c6434814ba69>:0 at DynamicPrefabDecorator.GetRandomPOINearWorldPos (UnityEngine.Vector2 worldPos, System.Int32 minSearchDistance, System.Int32 maxSearchDistance, QuestTags questTag, System.Byte difficulty, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] usedPOILocations, System.Int32 entityIDforQuests) [0x000b9] in <f9ab98ad7e8240f9bef6c6434814ba69>:0

dedicated server: i cant find prefab AKA poi.

on steam mp everything works, finds poi correctly.

item.xml quests.xml output_log_dedi.txt

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25 minutes ago, unholyjoe said:

please direct mod questions to mod section of forum where you can get support from the mod creator.

thanks :)
QA Tester-unholyjoe


the question is not in mod. The question is why the dedicated server does not work properly as steam multiplayer game server. 



NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at QuestEventManager.CheckForPOILockouts (System.Int32 entityId, UnityEngine.Vector2 prefabPos) [0x000cf] in <f9ab98ad7e8240f9bef6c6434814ba69>:0 at DynamicPrefabDecorator.GetRandomPOINearWorldPos (UnityEngine.Vector2 worldPos, System.Int32 minSearchDistance, System.Int32 maxSearchDistance, QuestTags questTag, System.Byte difficulty, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] usedPOILocations, System.Int32 entityIDforQuests) [0x000b9] in <f9ab98ad7e8240f9bef6c6434814ba69>:0

dedicated server: i cant find prefab AKA poi.

on steam mp everything works, finds poi correctly.

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1 minute ago, meganoth said:

The answer is that the quest works flawlessy on vanilla dedicated server.




my question was different.
why the dedicated server does not work corretly as steam multiplayer game server.  

in short, why the dedicated server does not work corretly?  already steam mp server works fine, maybe you can fix the dedicated server?

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What do you mean by "steam multiplayer"? Are you talking about the method of connecting to your dedicated server?


And again, why do you think this is a problem in vanilla? This forum part is for vanilla bugs. You can start the vanilla game any which way and all the quests in it work. I'm moving this to the appropriate forum.

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14 minutes ago, meganoth said:

What do you mean by steam multiplayer?


And again, why do you think this is a problem in vanilla? This forum part is for vanilla bugs. You can start the vanilla game any which way and all the quests in it work.


Anyway, I'm moving this to the appropriate forum.

i know 2 ways, start the 7dtd server. 
1) steam library>7dtd>in game>new game>server visibility-public   aka steam mp server
2)steam tools>7dtd dedicated server>

14 minutes ago, meganoth said:

This forum part is for vanilla bugs. You can start the vanilla game any which way and all the quests in it work. I'm moving this to the appropriate forum.

Whatever you do, help the developers see this problem. I think they should know, maybe they will fix it someday.

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1 hour ago, custom_hero said:

i know 2 ways, start the 7dtd server. 
1) steam library>7dtd>in game>new game>server visibility-public   aka steam mp server
2)steam tools>7dtd dedicated server>

Whatever you do, help the developers see this problem. I think they should know, maybe they will fix it someday.

I don't see any "steam tools" option in steam, maybe because I don't have a dedicated server installed, maybe because I'm on linux. Is it in the Windows startup menu?


If you start the dedicated server, do you then log in with a different PC?


In the logfile I see that your player file isn't found or accessible. And that is probably the reason any quests bug out. It simply could mean that the game looks in the wrong place or that you have access rights problems.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I can confirm the problem.

I try to find a sollution for this since days...

It seems to be a problem with the "RandomPOIGoto" command.

On local hosted game the quests start and the player will be send to a random POI, works perfect! But on dedicated server it won't.

When you use "ClosestPOIGoto" it worked on dedicated server, but when you build a questrow, it will send you to the same POI every time. This is not the way you wanna play a questrow!

I hope this will be fixed soon, or a sollution will be found.



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29 minutes ago, EM-Gaming said:

On local hosted game the quests start and the player will be send to a random POI, works perfect! But on dedicated server it won't.

When you use "ClosestPOIGoto" it worked on dedicated server, but when you build a questrow, it will send you to the same POI every time. This is not the way you wanna play a questrow!

Do you use the same map with local hosted and dedicated?


What quest tier are you trying to do? Not every POI suites every quest, so i could imagine there is no suitable poi in range for the quest type you pick. I never saw it happen that there is absolutely no POI available but it is quite common that especially t5 quests of one trader always takes place in the same POI (or only switches between two) as there is simply no other t5-quest POI in the range of this trader.

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1 hour ago, Liesel Weppen said:

Do you use the same map with local hosted and dedicated?


What quest tier are you trying to do? Not every POI suites every quest, so i could imagine there is no suitable poi in range for the quest type you pick. I never saw it happen that there is absolutely no POI available but it is quite common that especially t5 quests of one trader always takes place in the same POI (or only switches between two) as there is simply no other t5-quest POI in the range of this trader.

Hi Liesel,

yes. It's the same configuration. Same map, same mods, everything the same. With one difference... On time local hosted and one time dedicated Server.

Local Hosted, RandomPOIGoto works, on dedicated Server it won't and getting this NullReferenceException.

It's ridiculous...

When you use ClosestPOIGoto instead of RandomPOIGoto it worked, but not for me... I need to send the players to different POIs but as I said, ClosestPOIGoto results in the same POI again and again...

Its a Tier 5 Questrow... But as I said... Local hosted, no prob. Dedicated, messed up...

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I've tried it on a complete vanilla server config. No mods, Navezgane map, still the same!

RandomPOIGoto doesn't work on dedicated server.... Even on Tier 2 Quest.

There must be something wrong with the dedicated serverfiles...

Maybe the errormessage will help to fix the issue...


(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Modules/Animation/Director/AnimatorControllerPlayable.cpp Line: 1374)

2020-05-27T13:25:28 77.852 INF Client 76561198102082648/[GER] Edewolf executing client side command: dm
2020-05-27T13:25:30 80.162 INF Client 76561198102082648/[GER] Edewolf executing client side command: cm
2020-05-27T13:25:41 91.000 INF Client 76561198102082648/[GER] Edewolf executing client side command: giveself Greücht-1 1 1
2020-05-27T13:25:43 92.512 INF Time: 1.51m FPS: 20.92 Heap: 1065.9MB Max: 1186.7MB Chunks: 289 CGO: 27 Ply: 1 Zom: 0 Ent: 3 (3) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 2275.5MB
2020-05-27T13:26:01 110.409 INF Client 76561198102082648/[GER] Edewolf executing client side command: giveself Gerücht-1 1 1
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at QuestEventManager.CheckForPOILockouts (System.Int32 entityId, UnityEngine.Vector2 prefabPos) [0x000cf] in <f9ab98ad7e8240f9bef6c6434814ba69>:0
  at DynamicPrefabDecorator.GetRandomPOINearWorldPos (UnityEngine.Vector2 worldPos, System.Int32 minSearchDistance, System.Int32 maxSearchDistance, QuestTags questTag, System.Byte difficulty, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] usedPOILocations, System.Int32 entityIDforQuests) [0x000b9] in <f9ab98ad7e8240f9bef6c6434814ba69>:0
  at NetPackageQuestGotoPoint.ProcessPackage (World _world, INetConnectionCallbacks _netConnectionCallback) [0x00120] in <f9ab98ad7e8240f9bef6c6434814ba69>:0
  at ConnectionManager.ProcessPackages (INetConnection _connection, NetPackageDirection _disallowedDirection) [0x000b2] in <f9ab98ad7e8240f9bef6c6434814ba69>:0
  at ConnectionManager.Update () [0x00053] in <f9ab98ad7e8240f9bef6c6434814ba69>:0
(Filename: <f9ab98ad7e8240f9bef6c6434814ba69> Line: 0)

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16 minutes ago, EM-Gaming said:

2020-05-27T13:26:01 110.409 INF Client 76561198102082648/[GER] Edewolf executing client side command: giveself Gerücht-1 1 1
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

Programming 1x1: Never use "Umlauts" (or other special chars). Try naming that thing wihtout "ü" and try it again. Just an educated guess.


Or even better: Stick to english names. Imagine you want to edit a mod from a japanese developer and he named the stuff in japanese?


Maybe the local client gets it because it does the character encoding right, because you set your client to german. The dedicated server however afaik has no language setting and may then muss with the encondings.

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8 hours ago, Liesel Weppen said:

Programming 1x1: Never use "Umlauts" (or other special chars). Try naming that thing wihtout "ü" and try it again. Just an educated guess.


Or even better: Stick to english names. Imagine you want to edit a mod from a japanese developer and he named the stuff in japanese?


Maybe the local client gets it because it does the character encoding right, because you set your client to german. The dedicated server however afaik has no language setting and may then muss with the encondings.

Nope! It doesn't make a difference. I changed the "Umlaute" and it's still the same. It's a dedicated Server problem.

You can check it by yourself, because there some quests already existing on vanilla uses the "RandomPOIGoto" and they won't do it too.

You can try. tier1_fetch, tier2_fetch, tier3_fetch and so on till tier6 no one works on dedicated servers.

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