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weird issue with game?


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Hi, I would like to ask for help. Im experiencing weird issue. When I start game, waiting in menu or generating world for example.. Monitor turns off. It starts checking for input like. Music keeps playing but I cant get anything on screen. I tried to unplug cable from monitor and from PC, tried to use other slot on GPU (HDMI, Displayport). Only way to fix is hard restart.

I have this PC:

CPU - intel core i7 - 5820k

GPU: AMD RX 5700 8GB


2x SSD Disc, one normal disc, game is on SSD.

Any ideas what is causing this problems and how to fix?

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Ok in other game, sometimes screen turns into pure green, this is fixed by unplugging and re plugging monitor to PC ... but I tried today heaven benchmark on extreme settings, it runs pretty smoothly, until I turn to full screen, and again only black like issue mentioned above.

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If this is a fresh install or you updated your graphics card software recently it might be the graphics driver. You could try to remove the driver and install an older version.

If the problem started without anything having changed on the computer then it very likely is your graphics card having problems. Check the temperatures inside your PC case.

Try the graphics card in another computer (hopefully one with an AMD graphics card as well so you don't have to switch drivers), if you can reproduce the bug easily, turn the graphics card in for replacement.


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Well, I tried to update drivers. Temperatures are ok, CPU has around 55 degrees and GPU around 65 degrees celsius. I switched other monitor and cable. It happend suddenly, without any driver updates. Another issue while I play sometimes often is that PC turns off and then turns on after certain time of playing.

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If the PC itself turns off and back on again, then you have some serious hardware issue(s) which does not relate to this game. This could be a power related issue, could be ram issue, could still be GPU issue, if you overclock, then it could be that too.


- Make sure all cables are secure to the monitor and PC, and if you have the option, maybe try a different cable just to see if the cable has a break in it somewhere.

- Run a free memtest86 to make sure there's nothing wrong with your Ram.

- Make sure the power cable is plugged correctly into the GPU, re-seat the GPU into the motherboard as well while you're at it. Then run some free benchmark stress tests like Cinebench or Passmark (or 3DMark if you have it) to test both the GPU and PSU. Separating the 2 for testing would require physically swapping out one of them for the test.

- Drop back down to default clock settings to see if it's just a stability issue. Remember, as hardware gets older, the stability can go down a bit which forces you to lower clock settings.

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Well, I changed power supply for newer one, updated drivers, and now it seems working well. Old power supply was kinda old(around 10 years or more) and was on PC during some burnout(electric short) on old motherboard and old CPU

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6 hours ago, konva said:

Well, I changed power supply for newer one, updated drivers, and now it seems working well. Old power supply was kinda old(around 10 years or more) and was on PC during some burnout(electric short) on old motherboard and old CPU

Ya, 10 year old PSUs can do that. At least you got your money's worth though.

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