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I need some help with underground bases


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I like playing pvp, not because I like to hunt players but mostly because I like to build huge hidden bases with traps just to test my skills in fortification.


But as much as it saddens me until there is a way to protect one's base early game against players it's impossible.


My problem is not hiding my base but rather how to keep light flowing inside the base for my garden. Interestingly enough painting has desert color so I can use that to hide a lot of my base but I can't use it on hatches. Does anyone know a good way to have sky light in the base but also hide it well?


Thanks for any input.

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Hollow out a mountain? (think volcano type thing)


Nah they'll find it with a gyrocopter eventually. What I need is something that can be one with the environment, undetected. Usually you can paint blocks the color of the soil but it would be better to have some kind of camouflaged hatch,door, something that light can pass through but still be one with the environment.


.. Perhaps a curved mini entrance with painted bars or something.

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I haven't tested this since A16, but I believe sunlight works the same way.


Start with one of the big rocks. Go to the middle of it and dig straight down to bedrock.


Place Farm Plots (F) like this, with your ladder up (L) in the middle Zero means leave blank This was because the old way (not farm plots) would make it difficult to get to your ladder. I haven't tested this in A18 with farm plots.








Note that every spot is two blocks away from light.


Now give yourself enough height (4 blocks above each farm plot, if I remember correctly)


So now you have a farm area with 23 plants at bedrock.


Now do the same thing exactly on top of this. Use the ceiling of your bedrock farm to be the floor of your next farm. Do this all the way until you are close to the surface.


Poor ascii art skills




















and so on, stacking rooms of farm plots on top of one another, all with a single center ladder/light channel, all farm plots no more than two spaces from the center light source.



This allows you to make a single hole in the top of a big rock for your light channel, undetectable from ground level.


I was pretty proud of this in A16, but I ran into a problem. The way that farm plots worked back then made you have to not have big farms or the crops basically took forever to grow.


Any single level would work fine, stacking a room on top of it would work, but your crops (particularly on the edges?) would get slower and slower to produce.


It's my understanding that farm plots are fixed, so this probably would work now.


If you have 4 plots from bedrock up that is 4x23 = 92 crops. 5 plots is 115 crops, from a single light channel that isn't visible from people walking right next to the big rock.


I know you want your farm IN your base... but the next best thing is to have it NEAR your base with a tunnel from your farm plot stack to your base deep underground.


Hope this helps!

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Wait a minute....did Hollow start this thread on the pretense of asking for help when he actually already has the answer and wants to brag about it...?




:) No. It took me about two hours of searching after I made this post in an effort to find a way to make this work.



Down the center of the rubble building. Using the half ledges to climb up.


You mean the half blocks ?

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If it is in or at the rubble building it surely is the small ledge at the bottom because it doesn't fit with the building. It just is unclear from the picture what exactly it is because of washed out colors. Could be that a triangle block is put upside down and this is what Hollow thinks shouldn't be a working sky light


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If it is in or at the rubble building it surely is the small ledge at the bottom because it doesn't fit with the building. It just is unclear from the picture what exactly it is because of washed out colors. Could be that a triangle block is put upside down and this is what Hollow thinks shouldn't be a working sky light


That's right it doesn't fit there. But you can hide a base like this in the middle of a wasteland or a burned forest. I can't figure out how to make it work on the desert or the forest though.

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That's right it doesn't fit there. But you can hide a base like this in the middle of a wasteland or a burned forest. I can't figure out how to make it work on the desert or the forest though.


Forest has lots of trees with thick leaves. If you put a tree on or at the foot of a steep slope even a tree with higher branches will occlude ground blocks. Impossible to see a hole there unless you cut the tree. But I guess the problem is when the trees are not drawn because of long range/gyro?


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Forest has lots of trees with thick leaves. If you put a tree on or at the foot of a steep slope even a tree with higher branches will occlude ground blocks. Impossible to see a hole there unless you cut the tree. But I guess the problem is when the trees are not drawn because of long range/gyro?


No, the problem with pvp servers is there are no trees to cut. If there are, it means there is a patch of trees at least stage 2 (usually stage 4 ) which means someone has planted them, which means someone has a base nearby. If the land claim block has no infinite or very high durability it means this base is vulnerable to raiding.

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