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That must be one of the worst troll attempts I've seen in my life.


Oh my god shut the hell up. You're the troll not me. Just read what you said, just read it. I'm only stated a fact because of what I witnessed and I read online about the PC version has a lot more bugs in it such as the mesh bug, the white moving marks on the ground and so on. I mentioned this and along came you trolling and accusing me for attempting to troll. You need to get off the internet and stop being a keyboard warrior. How was my post a troll attempt? Answer it, go on, answer it. You're pathetic.

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1) PC version is graphically superior

2) console version is equally bug ridden, but looks like potato on top of that

3) PC version is couple of alphas ahead with content and features

4) A lot of PC provlems comes from people on potato PCs trying to run maxed settings

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1) PC version is graphically superior

2) console version is equally bug ridden, but looks like potato on top of that

3) PC version is couple of alphas ahead with content and features

4) A lot of PC provlems comes from people on potato PCs trying to run maxed settings


See what I mean. You're a troller. Do you have anything nice to say to anyone? Yes, the PC version is ahead but at least the PS4 version doesn't have so many bugs in it. As soon as the game loaded I got a common bug in mine with white moving marks on the ground and I never got that in the PS4 version. Just like I never got the other PC bugs in the PS4 version. You can't answer anything. All you can do is troll. Also, you go mocking me and you can't even spell.

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I've never played the console version, therefor I cannot make any assumptions about it.

I'm only stated a fact because of what I witnessed and I read online about the PC version has a lot more bugs in it such as the mesh bug, the white moving marks on the ground and so on.

In my opinion, you can't state a fact about something you have read online, just like you don't google your symptoms and make a conclusion out of that instead of going to a doctor. It looks like you haven't even tried playing the PC version. That being said, I'm not a keyboard warrior defending PC. Yes the game has bugs, but so far in my play-through, I haven't experienced any game-braking bugs, apart from some inconveniences that have a workaround(such as forge not smelting max capacity).

I don't keep up with the console version because I simply don't own one. Personally I don't really care about the graphics, but they've been adding better ones with each update, and if the console version had graphics like the PC version had in the earlier alphas, I can say for sure that A18 has improved quite a bit.

So yeah, I'm backing Katitof on this one.

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Maybe you should take a break from the game and the internet for a little bit and maybe help reduce that rage you are feeling. I find goijng outside and reading a good book under a tree really helps to clear my mind. I'm glad you are enjoying the PS4 version and I hate that you are having problems with the PC version. I play on the PC, currently have over 1000 hours, and have never seen those bugs you are referring to. Both versions do contain bugs though but 7 Days is in Alpha currently so the best thing you can do is post a bug report and ask for help with your issue, maybe someone else is having the same problem and knows of a solution that might work for you. I hope you start having a better day :smile-new:

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You came to the PC forum, and the point of your thread is adequately summed up as ‘PS4 rules, PC drools.’ I don’t know what you expected in response. You might’ve focused on your concerns over issues you’re having on PC, but ‘X is better than Y’ platform wars are consistently nonconstructive.


Reminder to all: do not call others names. Do not try to bully people out of posting. Do not post unsolicited critiques on a user’s writing or post quality.

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