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Movement continues after releasing keys <Alpha 18 Stable>


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Hi everyone,


Just upgraded to a 2070 Super (not sure if that's relevant but I thought I'd mention). All GPU drivers are up to date, according to Nvidia Experience.


Last night while playing on a Ping Perfect private server with my wife I was experiencing this bizarre movement bug where I would continue to move in directions after releasing the corresponding movement keys.


She was not experiencing this so I suspect the problem is on my side.


Also, I noticed there was a "TLA_debug_stack_leak" in the console that kept repeating itself, any connection?


Has anyone else experienced this? I've never had it before and I'd played most of the experimental A18 builds.





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Oh dang...out of curiosity what video card are you running? Are you also getting the console errors that I described?


Nvidia 1070


That's likely related to FPS issues, if you're lagging or fluctuating FPS that can happen. Or, you're not using raw mouse input. Load the game using the show launcher option and check "native input module" or whatever it is, native input something lol.


I am usually getting 60fps and this has been happening just in last update or so. I thought it might be the keyboard I had bought but it happened with a different one too. I don't notice any anomalies when using other programs so am thinking it is just with 7DTD

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