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Fire Ax and Sledge Hammer Range feels much shorter than it should be


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Do we have a "range" attribute chart for weapons anywhere?


I have noticed a super short range with


Fire axes

Sledge hammers


Point is, Fire axes feel like the range is much shorter than a stone ax (which has a MUCH shorter handle)

Sledge hammers range feels MUCH shorter than a club.


Am I the only one that notices this? I miss with those two weapons all the time because the range feels scary short. More like your fist/punch range than a weapon with a 3' handle.


Seems bug to me or is this intended?

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I think what it is maybe they have a cone/arc, with it narrowing down near max rage. I messed around inside the core of my base with the sledge whacking a wall piece testing the range/stamina usage, it hit pretty far for me. Definitely further than the stone axe.


Hmmm well the actual hit location must NOT be your reticule because I have been within stone ax range of zeds and missed MANY times with both. I wonder if "block" vs "Zed" is handled different, because I do know what you mean about the sledge having good range vs blocks. For whatever reason, I am absolute garbage at killing Zeds with a Fire Ax and Sledge, where as in A16 I had no issues figuring out the range. It felt natural. Now it feels arms length to me. If I can capture what I am talking about in video I'll post it.



Edit: Just went in game and turned the AI off so I could get a good comparison.


The Power Attacks are either shorter range or being calculated differently. I did this several times with AI turned off on the same zombies.


Regular Attacks body shots would land without issue


where as


Power Attacks I had to take a step forward to guarantee a hit from where Regular Attacks were landing every time. Otherwise is was about 50% of the time I'd land a hit.


So something is NOT correct about how power attacks are being calculated. I almost always use power attacks. This is probably why I made the assumption.


Edit: 2


I think I've Identified the issue. It is a Vertical Arc for a regular attack and a horizontal arc for the power attack


This is why you won't hit a zed at the same exact same range. I missed my intended target I had just hit with a regular attack and then tried a power attack, only to hit the guy to the left of him instead.

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I think the arcs should only apply to glancing blows which are abysmally low damage (as in 10%, as in, you may think you hit, but you really didn't...).. not absolutely sure though, but I think I would've seen "hits that should've been misses" in my tests if not.


To figure it out - if you test more - check the damage of your hits as well ("numpad 0" while in dm to see stats on targets)

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Idk that's just weird, I have no issue with melee in game, but then again I am rather accustomed to aiming/melee from years of exp. I just got myself a strong enough steel sledge to really rely on it versus the spear, so I'll play around with it in mind. Previously I just didn't care, just meleed and didn't pay attention.


Hmm, well I jumped off my base near the end of my 16 spawning/nightmare hordenight till i die run and used the sledge. idk, I think the power may be slightly shorter, but I didn't have much difficulty hitting the swarms. Idk

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I think the arcs should only apply to glancing blows which are abysmally low damage (as in 10%, as in, you may think you hit, but you really didn't...).. not absolutely sure though, but I think I would've seen "hits that should've been misses" in my tests if not.


To figure it out - if you test more - check the damage of your hits as well ("numpad 0" while in dm to see stats on targets)


The glancing blows is not so much for damage, if you do a power attack with a sledge, even without the perks there is a good chance anything you hit on the path will get knocked down on the floor.

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Yeh, they're mildly useful for sledgies. For knifes they deliver wounds at best, which are essentially a free rage mode for the zombie :)


The thread was about odd range on couple weapons, I tried to point out that the "arc hit" is a separate mechanic from the "normal hit" and might confuse testing ranges, unless you account for it.

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