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Farm Plot Problems


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I've been trying to do some farming with the new farm plots and I'm having some problems with them. Whenever I go to plant the seeds it will plant the seed slightly above the farm plot so it falls and breaks. Sometimes it gives the seed back and sometimes it doesn't. The way I've found to get around this is to spawn in more farm plots and put more around the spot I want to plant. That seems to make it work most of the time. Another issue I'm finding is that sometimes my corn plant disappears. It was doing perfectly fine until today. Not sure if something changed in regards to the farm plots, the not planting problem has been going on for a few days now. Anyone else having any problems with the farm plots or is it just on my end?

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It is out in the open. Only thing about it is the sky. Next time I get on I'll place blocks above the spot it keeps vanishing to see if maybe there is an invisible block somewhere up there though.


Are you on the same save you started on the first experimental and havent restarted at all? Remember they changed something with the farm plots. Not restarting can cause bugs like this.

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Are you on the same save you started on the first experimental and havent restarted at all? Remember they changed something with the farm plots. Not restarting can cause bugs like this.


Nope we started a new world. Didn't use them in the old world so not sure if the problem was during that time too.

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