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Billboards or Flyers/Ads for Trader Locations


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Please make a POI that is a roadside billboard with the direction of the nearest trader.

Traders stay in business by making themselves known... not by being difficult to find.


"Trader Bob's! So close, you can smell him! Only .5 kilometers to the Northeast!"

"Trader Jen's! She can smell you from here! Just 1 kilometer to the South!"


I prefer playing Random Gen worlds but this last level I generated gave me my first trader deep into the snow biome (which is significantly harder to travel through than it used to be).


I eventually gathered the resources to build a bike and traveled in all directions but could not find another trader.


Finally, I went into the map editor and flew around to look for the traders.


On my map, most of the traders were near the edges of the map and did not have roads connecting them to other major roads.

I realize this could have a lot to do with the way roads are currently generated, however, having the traders be so far away from one another and in difficult biomes makes it too difficult for a new/noob player to survive.

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i would also like to see billboards for stuff like shamway , shotguns mesiaase , working stiffs etc.


and some posters you can find in places like towns like. what to do if zombies attack! , evace point (blank) , sale's ETC


That'd be too much PoI things to generate I think.. and would be confusing. Just Traders would be nice.


ALTHOUGH.. what would be cool is a random flyer, same like a Challenge Note, but instead it would be like an Advertisement for Shamway, Shotgun Messiah etc.. and would ping a random location on your map.

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That'd be too much PoI things to generate I think.. and would be confusing. Just Traders would be nice.


ALTHOUGH.. what would be cool is a random flyer, same like a Challenge Note, but instead it would be like an Advertisement for Shamway, Shotgun Messiah etc.. and would ping a random location on your map.


true but i would be nice to see some build boards around. like say if your far from home and need a place to camp out or to build a base there!



and maybe whiteriver post can have bounty flyer. (when bandits come out) and you have to kill the bandit and bring back his head for a reward!

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