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No way through dungeon.


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I know there is supposed to be a specific path through dungeons with lights leading the way but i have come across a dungeon that doesn't. I can see the next part of the dungeon but only option is to break through a wall. It is the dungeon with the cinema room downstairs.

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Maybe i did not find a good city for dungeoneering, but i found like 1 or 2 dungeon like POIs so far that i looted... I don't count the big hotel (which I KNOW is a dungeon POI), a Theater, Shotgun Messiah factory and some Oil factory (they look big enough to be dungeonesque). All the smaller, house like POIs have been more or less easy entry with loot splattered all over the place like the specks of blood when hitting Zs.


This is refreshing to a point, although i'm gonna start looting the big ones soon and get back on my feels then.

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With the new rage mechanics I almost never follow the lights in dungeon poi's. The path is too cramped, to twisty-turny and way too much circling around. I would much rather just break down a wall, make a bunch of noise, lead all the zombies out onto the road...where I can kill them at my leisure, then go in and loot the place.

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I don't mind following the "lights" as long as I have an escape route. Forget dropping down into a hole not knowing what is waiting for me down there. In those instances I just walked around the outside perimeter banging on the walls and let the zombies claw their way out to me with some assistance from my fire axe and pick.

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