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icons and mountain texture


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1. icons are awful, someones gone a bit nuts with the sharpen tool in photoshop without using any anti alias!!?, look to jaggy and not smooth, hires can be hires without being jaggy, it looks like its down to the process of being shrunk to fit the box when not mouse over, but even then the edges look bad









2. mountains and rocky hill mounds.......or are they?!?, i dont get it, it looks like rock, gives clay, they clearly looks made of stone, also, the seamless texture looks terrible







I havent posted in the bug testing, because these are not bugs, just design faults that hopefully will be fixed after any major bugs


have found 1 bug tho


F key is bound to toggle light, but doesnt turn on miners helmet

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1. icons are awful, someones gone a bit nuts with the sharpen tool in photoshop without using any anti alias!!?, look to jaggy and not smooth, hires can be hires without being jaggy, it looks like its down to the process of being shrunk to fit the box when not mouse over, but even then the edges look bad









2. mountains and rocky hill mounds.......or are they?!?, i dont get it, it looks like rock, gives clay, they clearly looks made of stone, also, the seamless texture looks terrible







I havent posted in the bug testing, because these are not bugs, just design faults that hopefully will be fixed after any major bugs


have found 1 bug tho


F key is bound to toggle light, but doesnt turn on miners helmet


I've gotta disagree with you regarding the mountain textures. I think they are far more asthetically pleasing than prior builds. I do wish they returned the corresponding resource though.

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I've gotta disagree with you regarding the mountain textures. I think they are far more asthetically pleasing than prior builds. I do wish they returned the corresponding resource though.


Agreed, it's a bit odd to swing and expect a nice solid "tching" and instead get a "thunk" and some dirt. ;)

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worked the helmet out, when you 1st get one, it doesnt come with a light, its a mod to add


NVM... coffee hasnt kicked in yet i miss read this. :)


glad you got it tho.


oh and as for mountain texture... WIP as so far only the desert got that sweet new texture afaik.

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I would suspect that it really is dirt (which is why you get clay). I suppose it's rare (if possible at all) to have "stone" mountains, because the couple surface blocks will always be dirt and only those below will be stone. From what i can see in the screenshots, the surface is varied, meaning it's a kind of slop (steep but still...), meaning there is at most a couple blocks difference between the heights.


If you had like 5-10 block difference you'd most likely see stone below.

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