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A19 NPCs DMT Mod


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35 minutes ago, xyth said:

Sphereii pushed an update to the core late last night to possibly fix the having to rehire bug.  I have not seen a falling off the world bug.... Ever.

Damn. How can I help you fix it if you can't reproduce? I mean, I could probably give you a long *** output.txt, but that won't tell you much more besides what I already told you. I'm not sure how to reproduce it, because usually when that happens I'm busy with other things than babysitting the NPC and it's only after a while that I notice my hired follower is no longer following me and when I go to the place where I saw them for the last time, they are not there anymore, I open console and there's a long yellow warning telling me the entity fell off the world. That's all I know.


The warning looks like this:

2020-08-24T04:16:19 33758.009 WRN Entity Nancy the npcNurseHunter - ID: 1931 Health: 100/200 Stamina: 200 Thirst: 100 Food: 200 Water: 100 Sanitation: 0
 Food Items: All Food Items
 Water Items: All Water Items
 Food Bins: 
 Water Bins: 
 Current Order: Follow
 Current Leader: 171
 Active Buffs: 
	ishuman ( Seconds: 5504.7 Ticks: 110094 )
	usefactionsyes ( Seconds: 5504.7 Ticks: 110094 )
	npcsoundsys ( Seconds: 5504.65 Ticks: 110093 )
	buffradiatedregen ( Seconds: 23.2 Ticks: 464 )
	buffattackcooldown ( Seconds: 2.95 Ticks: 59 )
 Active CVars: 
	_difficulty : 1
	$waterStaminaRegenAmount : 0
	HumanWalkTypes : 0
	HasFactions : 1
	_notAlerted : 1
	_underwater : 0
	RndmSoundPlay : 5
	Leader : 171
	CurrentOrder : 0
	Owner : 171
	RadiatedRegenAmount : 0.1
 Active Quests: 
 Patrol Points: 

Currency: item=715 m=0 ut=0 Faction: 4 fell off the world, id=1931 pos=(-812.5, -1.1, -21.6)



Edited by mr.devolver (see edit history)
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Xyth, I got a red sea of errors in the console. Did something change recently that totally broke the mod? I'm not sure which of these NPC / CreaturePack mods is the culprit, but it's so bad I can't even load into the world with those mods loaded. All of the other mods that I'm using let me load into the world normally, just the NPC AKA SANITY FOR SP stopped working. I'm freaking out and I'm panicking. :(



Once again I had to reinstall all NPC/CreaturePack mods to fix the problem and it seems like it's working again. I don't know why it's getting randomly broken sometimes. 🤨

Edited by mr.devolver (see edit history)
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There were no changes since the initial A19 stable release 4 days ago.  That version underwent some testing but so far no bug reports I can act on.   I have a huge update that I'm working on, but I won't plan to release it until i know the current version is verified stable.

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1 hour ago, xyth said:

There were no changes since the initial A19 stable release 4 days ago.  That version underwent some testing but so far no bug reports I can act on.   I have a huge update that I'm working on, but I won't plan to release it until i know the current version is verified stable.

Hmm, what about the problem which causes our hired NPCs fall off the world? Can Sphereii fix it?

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So far you are the only one mentioning that happened.  I have never seen it, but i do see vanilla zombies doing it, so its likely not a mod related bug.  Just bad luck.  The rehiring bug was patched, need confirmation that works consistently.

Edited by xyth (see edit history)
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2 hours ago, xyth said:

So far you are the only one mentioning that happened.  I have never seen it, but i do see vanilla zombies doing it, so its likely not a mod related bug.  Just bad luck.  The rehiring bug was patched, need confirmation that works consistently.

It's a bad luck that happens most of the time in my gameplays, I know it might not be related to any of the mods that are involved, but still if it's something that breaks the smooth use of this mod, it is worth trying to find a solution.

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Perhaps it has something to do with the number of mods your running?  If you interested in finding a solution, since your the only one at this point seeing the issue, maybe remove all mods but those in the CP's and retest.  Then add mods in one by one and retest.   I know that's time consuming, but there is no way for us to fix something we cant repo.

Edited by xyth (see edit history)
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Xyth i may be doing something wrong here but i cannot get the mod to run 


i used the launcher,checked manage modlets and 

Sphereii core

Shpereii dialogue window

NPC Pack factions

NPC pack humans


creature pack humans


are all there,hit play and it starts to load.


Checking for DMT...
Scanning for Harmony
    D:\\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods\0-SphereIICore\Harmony
Scanning for Scripts
    D:\\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods\0-SphereIICore\Scripts
Scanning for PatchScripts
    D:\\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods\0-SphereIICore\PatchScripts
 DMT Scripts Detected.
Downloading DMT...
SDX Downloaded. Checking SDX Dependencies.
 Starting SDX Launcher: D:\\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\SDXRepos\DMTViewer.exe /Silent /ScriptOnly /GameFolder ../ /ModFolder ../Mods /EnableAllMods
0|Parsing arguments
Checking for DMT...
Scanning for Harmony
    D:\\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods\0-SphereIICore\Harmony
Scanning for Scripts
    D:\\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods\0-SphereIICore\Scripts
Scanning for PatchScripts
    D:\\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods\0-SphereIICore\PatchScripts
 DMT Scripts Detected.
Downloading DMT...
SDX Downloaded. Checking SDX Dependencies.
 Starting SDX Launcher: D:\\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\SDXRepos\DMTViewer.exe /Silent /ScriptOnly /GameFolder ../ /ModFolder ../Mods /EnableAllMods
0|Parsing arguments
0|Auto Build
process started /InitialPatch /GameFolder "../" /ModFolder "../Mods" /ScriptOnly /EnableAllMods
Parsing arguments
Running BackupFiles
Backup dll found: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\SDXRepos/Backups/SP/19.0b180/Assembly-CSharp.dll
Running DeployDlls
Deploying DLLs
Running LocalisationPatch
Localisation no longer handled in DMT after A17
Running InitialPatchTask
No patch scripts found...
Hooking console commands
Running CreateModDll
Compiling Mods.dll...
Built in 523ms
Mods.dll compile successful

process started /LinkedPatch /GameFolder "../" /ModFolder "../Mods" /ScriptOnly /EnableAllMods
Parsing arguments
Running LinkedPatchTask
No patch scripts found...
Link patching 0 files

process started /FinalPatch /GameFolder "../" /ModFolder "../Mods" /ScriptOnly /EnableAllMods
Parsing arguments
Running FinalPatchTask
No patch scripts found...
Final patching 0 files
Running CreateHarmonyDlls
Running CopyModFolders
19:12:47: Build completed in 3.8 seconds

 SDX Exit Code: 0
Checking for DMT...
Scanning for Harmony
    D:\\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods\0-SphereIICore\Harmony
Scanning for Scripts
    D:\\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods\0-SphereIICore\Scripts
Scanning for PatchScripts
    D:\\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods\0-SphereIICore\PatchScripts
 DMT Scripts Detected.
Downloading DMT...
SDX Downloaded. Checking SDX Dependencies.
 Starting SDX Launcher: D:\\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\SDXRepos\DMTViewer.exe /Silent /ScriptOnly /GameFolder ../ /ModFolder ../Mods /EnableAllMods
0|Parsing arguments
0|Auto Build
process started /InitialPatch /GameFolder "../" /ModFolder "../Mods" /ScriptOnly /EnableAllMods
Parsing arguments
Running BackupFiles
Backup dll found: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\SDXRepos/Backups/SP/19.0b180/Assembly-CSharp.dll
Running DeployDlls
Deploying DLLs
Running LocalisationPatch
Localisation no longer handled in DMT after A17
Running InitialPatchTask
No patch scripts found...
Hooking console commands
Running CreateModDll
Compiling Mods.dll...
Built in 504ms
Mods.dll compile successful

process started /LinkedPatch /GameFolder "../" /ModFolder "../Mods" /ScriptOnly /EnableAllMods
Parsing arguments
Running LinkedPatchTask
No patch scripts found...
Link patching 0 files

process started /FinalPatch /GameFolder "../" /ModFolder "../Mods" /ScriptOnly /EnableAllMods
Parsing arguments
Running FinalPatchTask


This is the message it gives.


Once loaded into the game upon loading a new game i get red error codes in the console and the game hangs.


Also i somehow managed to load it first time around but all NPCs were hostile to me and they all had animation bug of their head cocked to one side over their shoulder,really odd.


 downloaded DMT tool but its outdated and upon trying to update that tool when it suggests  get errors and cannot DL it so i cannot test with DMT.


Launcher loaded the mod fine last week with the exception of hire bug.

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I just tested the latest versions of those mods you listed, and just those mods to test the combination.  No errors.  maybe you building with old modlet versions or using an old version of DMT?  It should build correctly using DMT 2.0 or 2.1  By the message, DMT fails to complete the build process.

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18 minutes ago, xyth said:

I just tested the latest versions of those mods you listed, and just those mods to test the combination.  No errors.  maybe you building with old modlet versions or using an old version of DMT?  It should build correctly using DMT 2.0 or 2.1  By the message, DMT fails to complete the build process.

i did a full game reinstall,deleted the 7days to die mod launcher,reiunstalled mod launcher,checked modlets listed and they are all up to date.


pressed play in mod launcher it Started building,but when i get into game and load i get the same red error codes and game hangs.


with DMT tool, iv directed it to a mods folder outside of the 7days to die directory as it says,i press mod folder and it indeed shows my mod folders(mods mentioned above) but the mods dont show up in the DMT panel,if i click refresh mods,still nothing...


if i click "build" i get this..



Parsing arguments
Running BackupFiles
Backup dll found: C:\Users\pc\Desktop\SphereII.Mods-Alpha19experimental\DMT/Backups/SP/19.0b180/Assembly-CSharp.dll
Running DeployDlls
Deploying DLLs
Running LocalisationPatch
Localisation no longer handled in DMT after A17
Running InitialPatchTask
No patch scripts found...
Hooking harmony
Hooking console commands
Running ManageVersionNumbers
Checking version numbers
Running CreateModDll
Compiling Mods.dll...
Built in 906ms
Mods.dll compile successful

Parsing arguments
Running LinkedPatchTask
No patch scripts found...
Link patching 0 files

Parsing arguments
Running FinalPatchTask
No patch scripts found...
Final patching 0 files
Running CreateHarmonyDlls
Running CopyModFolders
Copying mod folders
20:36:23: Build completed in 4.17 seconds

so it builds ok,just doesnt detect my mods.


I cant think of anything else i could be doing wrong




The DMT is actually out of date but i was sure i opened it directly from spherii folder from spereii core.


Could you link the DMT download because DLing it from the main page says its out of ate when i boot it p.


Still though the mod launcher should be working and it isnt loading my game

Edited by Redarmy45 (see edit history)
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29 minutes ago, xyth said:

Its not compiling the Sphereii Core or any of the mods.  You sure you have DMT configured to find your mods folder?



Yes this new DMT version now is showing my mods in the list.Thanks man


However when i hit build i have an error message

1|Clearing temp folder
Parsing arguments
Running BackupFiles
This Assembly-CSharp.dll file has already been patched by SDX so can not be used as a backup. Reset your game files and try again.
Build failed

process exited with error code -1


should i delete the Assembly-CSharp.dll and verify game files?




I deleted that dll and verified game now it compiled correctly.Going into game to check.

Edited by Redarmy45 (see edit history)
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OK Thank you Xyth i got it working.Game loads and NPCs do not have previous mentioned issues either.


Loading a saved game keeps NPCs hired,however there is a new issue...all hired NPCs start using the shambling zombie animation.(after a reload) Single player,main branch and started a new game.

Edited by Redarmy45 (see edit history)
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