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Tallons Modlets :)


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Please make sure you delete any older version of these Mods just in case ive updated something that leaves Duplicates, Thanks.. You shouldnt loose anything in game so long as you reload them..


M4A1 Carbine Rifle (Custom 4k Arctic Texture) Adds a craftable M4A1 Carbine fully automatic rifle to the game.. craftable/Learnable




The Punisher Desert Eagle .50 (Custom 4k Lava Texture) Adds a craftable Desert Eagle .50 to the game.. craftable/Learnable Fixed




Phury 9mm Adds a Dual Shot Pistol to the game thats craftable/Learnable Fixed




Generic Ammo Supply's (Includes .50 Cal DE) Adds Generic ammo boxes which can be found in game & then made to produce a set amount of that ammo on the player (Updated, HD Icons)




Compo Injector 17.1 Adds a Custom set of Magolis prefabs to the game, All laggy buildings have been removed as tested on my PC..




Forge Melting Timers Basic Sets the Melting times from 5s per to 1s per for all items in game..




Basic Move Speeds Increased Walk,Crouch & run speeds upped slightly to be more realistic..




My own Prefabs Injector Modlet for injecting my own prefabs into a game..




Spawn Helper (Adaptation of someone's earlier work) Starts the player off with a set of items from guns to perishables..




Auger / Chainsaw NO Kick Removes the kick movement from both items so they stay still while using them..




Zombie Loot Drops Changes the Drop rates from dead zombies to 20% chance, Bag timer to 10 mins




HD Wrench Adds a craftable Wrench to the game that works better & Faster than the original.. Thanks also goes to Xyth for his Help on scaling :) craftable/Learnable




HD Lock-pick Adds a Custom Lock-pick to the game able to open all Non player Safes, Custom Model & Action, Spent a bit of time on this as ive only seen people use the Bone shiv with no action.. Craftable but at a price.. Model striped from an old Unity3d file i found..




HD Xcalibur Club Adds a player craftable large spiked club a bit like the Iron version but with around 30% more damage..




HD Mini Hatchet A craftable replacement mainly for the Standard Stone Axe in game, Small cost to make & can repair like the Stone Axe..




Pro Points Changes the default progression points from 1 to 5 & also evens out the XP to 8k




Healing Bedroll Gives 1HP per 2 seconds while sitting on it




War3zuk Insane Quests Had a go at doing my own Quests, Not easy so for the player....




Gitgub Download Link




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War3zuk Awakening Starter Class Modlet :) This just adds a simple choice at the start of game that allows you to craft a helping Chest that you PUNCH/BREAK once placed in order to receive your Loot, Whats in each one is below...


Survival Chest


medicalFirstAidBandage" count="5"/>

foodCanHam" count="10"/>

drinkJarBoiledWater" count="10"/>

meleeToolMachete" count="1" quality="2" />

gunCrossbow" count="1" quality="2" />

ammoCrossbowBoltIron" count="250"/>

foodHoney" count="10"/>

drugHerbalAntibiotics" count="5" />


ParaMedic Chest


medicalFirstAidKit" count="5"/>

foodCanHam" count="10"/>

drinkJarBoiledWater" count="10"/>

meleeToolHuntingKnife" count="1" quality="2" />

resourceCloth" count="25" />

medicalAloeCream" count="25"/>

drugPainkillers" count="5"/>

drugHerbalAntibiotics" count="5" />


Builder Chest


medicalFirstAidKit" count="5"/>

foodCanHam" count="10"/>

drinkJarBoiledWater" count="10"/>

woodBlock" count="200"/>

gunToolNailgun" count="1" quality="2" />

meleeToolClawHammer" count="1" quality="2" />

resourceScrapIron" count="1000"/>

meleeToolAuger" count="1" quality="2" />

armorMiningHelmet" count="1" quality="2" />


Chef Chest


medicalFirstAidKit" count="5"/>

foodCanHam" count="10"/>

drinkJarBoiledWater" count="10"/>

foodRawMeat" count="35"/>

foodEgg" count="35"/>

foodCropCorn" count="35"/>

foodCropPotato" count="35"/>

foodCornBread" count="3"/>

toolCookingGrill" count="1"/>

toolCookingPot" count="1"/>

meleeToolHuntingKnife" count="1" quality="2" />


Farmer Chest


medicalFirstAidKit" count="5"/>

foodCanHam" count="10"/>

drinkJarBoiledWater" count="10"/>

gunPumpShotgun" count="1" quality="2" />

ammoShotgunShell" count="150" />

meleeToolHoeIron" count="1" quality="2" />

resourceCropCoffeeBeans" count="25"/>

resourceCropHopsFlower" count="25"/>

foodCropPotato" count="50"/>

foodCropCorn" count="25"/>

foodCropMushrooms" count="25"/>


Teacher Chest


medicalFirstAidKit" count="5"/>

foodCanHam" count="10"/>

drinkJarBoiledWater" count="10"/>

gunPistol" count="1" quality="2" />

ammo9mmBullet" count="150"/>

resourceDuctTape" count="50" />

resourceCloth" count="25" />


Security Chest


medicalFirstAidKit" count="5"/>

foodCanHam" count="10"/>

drinkJarBoiledWater" count="10"/>

gunSMG5" count="1" quality="2" />

ammo9mmBullet" count="250"/>

meleeToolHuntingKnife" count="1" quality="2" />

armorMilitaryVest" count="1" quality="2" />


Military Chest


medicalFirstAidKit" count="5"/>

foodCanHam" count="10"/>

drinkJarBoiledWater" count="10"/>

armorMilitaryHelmet" count="1" quality="2" />

armorMilitaryVest" count="1" quality="2" />

armorMilitaryBoots" count="1" quality="2" />

gunHuntingRifle" count="1" quality="2" />

ammo762mmBulletFMJ" count="100" />


Police Chest


medicalFirstAidKit" count="5"/>

foodCanHam" count="10"/>

drinkJarBoiledWater" count="10"/>

meleeToolFlashlight02" count="1" quality="2" />

armorMilitaryVest" count="1" quality="2" />

gun44Magnum" count="1" quality="2" />

ammo44MagnumBullet" count="100" />


Pimp Chest


medicalFirstAidKit" count="5"/>

foodCanHam" count="10"/>

drinkJarBoiledWater" count="10"/>

gunPistol" count="1" quality="2" />

ammo9mmBullet" count="50"/>

resourceSilverNugget" count="15" />

resourceGoldNugget" count="20"/>

resourceRawDiamond" count="10"/>

oldCash" count="1000"/>


Mechanic Chest


medicalFirstAidKit" count="5"/>

foodCanHam" count="10"/>

drinkJarBoiledWater" count="10"/>

meleeToolWrench" count="1" quality="2" />

ammoGasCan" count="500"/>

vehicle4x4TruckChassis" count="1" />

vehicle4x4TruckAccessories" count="1"/>

resourceOil" count="25"/>

resourceForgedIron" count="30"/>


Undead Chest


medicalFirstAidKit" count="5"/>

foodCanHam" count="10"/>

drinkJarBoiledWater" count="10"/>

gunAK47" count="1" quality="2" />

ammo762mmBulletFMJ" count="100" />



Download Link



Adaptation of someone else work mainly for people to learn from if new to Xpath or if they just want something to ajust without the hastle...

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Looks nice. For the mods issue, you would need to reference the position of the mod in the item_modifiers.xml. For example for the silencer you would need to add an entry for you gun to modGunSoundSuppressorSilencer. I would start by copying the pistol one and just renaming it to your gun so it would look like this

	<item_property_overrides name="Punisher">
		<property name="Sound_start" value="pistol_s_fire"/>
		<property name="BarrelOffset" value="0,0.0093,-0.0273"/>
		<property name="BarrelScale" value="1,1,1"/>


That should get it close to where it should be since the dimensions of the guns are fairly similar. Then you would just need to tweak the offset and perhaps the scale till it looks right. Its going to be guess and check so you will need a little patience. I am not positive on the xpath at the moment so you could just add it to the xml directly for testing.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Tallon- I must be doing something wrong my first game I had everything maxed out and was not able to craft any of the weapons( the craft button is grayed out) so I started another game and I'm running into the same problem. I am able to pull them from the creative menu but don't want to do that. Is there something I'm missing is there a command I can put in to activate them? Here are the ones I'm having trouble with

M4A1 Carbine Rifle

The Punisher Desert Eagle .50

Phury 9mm

HD Wrench

for full disclosure I am using this on RavenHearst but all of your other mods I put in work fine.


the message I'm getting is you haven't learned the required recipe.


if anyone wants to play with these weapons on RavenHearst I found a workaround you just have to edit it the recipe XML for the guns.


<recipe name="M4A1 Carbine" craft_area="workbench" count="1" tags="learnable">

change this to this.

<recipe name="M4A1 Carbine" craft_area="workbench" count="1">

and you'll be golden just do the same to all the other weapons.


Tallon- thank you for so many fine mods.

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Sounds like youve Mixed the Mods , There are 2 types, My all in one modlet which allows you to craft them on person & has extra quests but everything is contained within 1 folder..... My seperate normal modlets are slightly different & arent compatable for obvious reasons... Refresh your game install making sure you have NO mods & choose 1 or the other... Id suggest the AIO if you wish the quests & slightly easier game play or the other if not...

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  • 2 weeks later...
Tallon- I must be doing something wrong my first game I had everything maxed out and was not able to craft any of the weapons( the craft button is grayed out) so I started another game and I'm running into the same problem. I described my coding experience in the essay with help of this website (https://edubirdie.com/essay-writing-services-reviews). I am able to pull them from the creative menu but don't want to do that. Is there something I'm missing is there a command I can put in to activate them? Here are the ones I'm having trouble with


Heh, I met this bug too. I am curious to know how eventually to fix it.

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