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(1.0/A21) bdubyah's modlets


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On 11/17/2022 at 11:21 PM, The1And0nlyKirito said:

hey Bdub, is there any chance the the wasteland could get a patch for compatibility with BladeStorm Games' Rings of Potential mod? 

Not sure why someone would want to put magic rings in a Fallout/SF themed mod, seems like they would fit better, thematically, with an overhaul like Sorcery or Not Medieval Mod.  But I've seen players modding up Darkness Falls with Sorcery, so it's all good.  Whatever makes your game good for you is cool!

I can't answer for bdub about his making a patch, but I can offer a couple of suggestions.  7 Days to Die (and Windows for that matter) sorts and loads mods in alphanumerical order.  That is to say 0-SCore loads before 1-SCore, and both of those will load into the game before Freds_Extra_Zeds.  As mods load in, they change certain aspects of the game, and those changes can be over-written by a mod that loads in later. 

So, suggestion #1 - Rename the mod folder for Rings of Potential so that it loads AFTER The_Wasteland folder. 
If it is already later in the load order than The_Wasteland, rename it so it loads in before The_Wasteland.

If that doesn't work, you can try

Suggestion #2 - If you can do copy and paste, make note of the .xml files in the Rings of Potential.  Examples might be items.xml, loot.xml, recipes.xml... Open each .xml file and copy everything between the first set of <brackets> and the last set of </brackets>.   Examples: the code starts with <xml> and end with </xml>, or <configs> and </configs>, or something else.  An easy way to do that is to look at the last line of the file.  If the last line is </configs>, then you copy everything above that until you find the <configs> at the top.  Open the corresponding .xml file in The_Wasteland.  Scroll to the bottom of the file, and insert a line above that last </bracket>, then paste the copied code.   Save the changes.  Start a new game.  Look for the error codes.

One day, I hope to see the kinds of modding tools for 7DtD like there are for Bethesda's Skyrim and Fallout games.  Until then, we are stuck with doing it "old school" and manually troubleshooting, sorting, and patching conflicts.


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On 11/17/2022 at 10:21 PM, The1And0nlyKirito said:

hey Bdub, is there any chance the the wasteland could get a patch for compatibility with BladeStorm Games' Rings of Potential mod? 

I'd have to look at it and see how much of a headache it would be. As Geoff suggested I'd try loading it after Wasteland and see how that goes. If there are still issues let me know what they are with a log so I can look into it. 

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Hello bdubyah,
first of all, thank you so much for this mod, I'm a fan of fallout, so I only play your mod and no other, except vehicles, but yours. I downloaded your latest version and I have a problem that I can't solve myself, the problem is that I don't know how to get your new quests, the traders never give it to me, I don't have any of your new quests. However, they are in the backup folder, a configdump.
if you could tell me how they look would be wonderful?
I had other problems, but I solved everything myself, I didn't want to bother you for nothing. for example, the quest for the pewpew, the treasure was a block of stone, but I solved it and quite a few others too.
there, I only have the new quests, such as cleaning up radiation or supplyrun etc... which I don't have.

Thanks again for your mod.
ps: sorry for my bad english.

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On 11/23/2022 at 8:23 AM, tourrop said:

Bonjour bdubyah ,
tout d'abord, merci beaucoup pour ce mod, je suis fan de fallout, donc je ne joue que votre mod et aucun autre, à part des véhicules, mais le vôtre. J'ai téléchargé votre dernière version et j'ai un problème que je n'arrive pas à résoudre moi-même, le problème c'est que je ne sais pas comment obtenir vos nouvelles quêtes, les commerçants ne me les donnent jamais, je n'ai aucune de vos nouvelles quêtes. Cependant, ils se trouvent dans le dossier de sauvegarde, un fichier configdump.
si vous pouviez me dire à quoi ils ressemblent ce serait merveilleux?
J'ai eu d'autres problèmes, mais j'ai tout résolu moi-même, je ne voulais pas te déranger pour rien. par exemple, la quête du pewpew, le trésor était un bloc de pierre, mais je l'ai résolu et pas mal d'autres aussi.
là, je n'ai que les nouvelles quêtes, comme nettoyer les radiations ou supplyrun etc... que je n'ai pas.

Merci encore pour votre module.
ps: désolé pour mon mauvais anglais.

ps: if I give myself the quests

with the command "givequest tier3_supplyrun2" for example,

the quest works normally. except that it does not tell me to trade to validate the quest, I can validate it to any trader.


pss: I did some accelerating, very accelerating, to see, I went to third 4 and there :), I got your new quests from a trader, but only the radiation cleaning quests. maybe I have to be even more advanced in the game to have all the other new quests.
I am sorry in advance if I disturbed you for nothing, it was not my goal. I'm trying to manage on my own, but there, I thought I wouldn't be able to do it alone, that's the reason for my message.

just for info, I'm translating all your mod in french. just for my playing comfort :), but it's long :)

Edited by Crater Creator
added spoiler tag, as a courtesy (see edit history)
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Hy, thank you for the great work. We don't wand to start a new map. Is there a chance to get the airship only as a mod so we can play our game with the actualy version of wasteland mod further? Best regards. 

We play with the Wastelandmod a version bevore the now actually

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Yeah, that isn't going to happen, sorry. When you start a new game at some point you can update and then you'll have it. 😉


Depending on what version you are on you may be able to update without needing a new game. Could always make a backup of your current game and try it to see. 

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1 hour ago, tourrop said:

hello bdubyah,

tell me, you can answer my com, just above please or at least tell me why you don't answer it, thank you.
I just want to know when or how supplyrun quests are supposed to be given. the seller gives me the clear radiation quests, but not the supplyrun quests.

Why are you posting spoilers on how to give yourself quests manually in a public area? Consider etiquette and courtesy for the creator and for other players, please.

I'm sure it was not the intention of the creator to have these console commands shared in this way...

There are some things in the xml which are place markers for the future and are not always fully hooked up.


If you are using console commands to give yourself features which are not the intended way to use the mod, how about hiding the text with the 'spoiler' feature built into the forum. You appear to know how to look around the xml and the spoiler tab feature in this forum shouldn't be a problem for you.

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1 hour ago, arramus said:

Why are you posting spoilers on how to give yourself quests manually in a public area? Consider etiquette and courtesy for the creator and for other players, please.

I'm sure it was not the intention of the creator to have these console commands shared in this way...

There are some things in the xml which are place markers for the future and are not always fully hooked up.


If you are using console commands to give yourself features which are not the intended way to use the mod, how about hiding the text with the 'spoiler' feature built into the forum. You appear to know how to look around the xml and the spoiler tab feature in this forum shouldn't be a problem for you.

It's probably a problem with google translate. because I don't try to give myself quests, I know how to do that. no, I'm looking for how the seller gives these quests. because the seller gives me the radiation quests, but not the others, so I ask  bdubyah, how the supplyrun quests are given by the seller.

I'm sorry to have created any discomfort. that wasn't my goal at all and I'm not trying to be discourteous to the creator or the players. yes, I know how to browse XML but no, I don't know how to make a "Spoiler" on the forum. I don't know very well how to use forums, please excuse me.
I just wanted to know how the supplyrun quests are given by the seller, at what point in the game, at what level etc.. but I don't want to give them to me with the console, I find that it ruins the game of give stuff , I never do.
I'm sorry if the translation made you misunderstand my question. I don't speak English at all, that's why I use google translate.

Edited by tourrop (see edit history)
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Thank you very much for your answer. I continued to test them, while waiting for your response, but without result. I do not understand why the seller does not give these quests. Last night, I decided to stop looking and started a new game and we'll see. in addition, I have made good progress on the translation, I who do not speak English, it is still more comfortable :).
while waiting for your own test, I continue my newly launched game.
I was sincere, when I told you that your mod is a killer (I would make a donation to you at the beginning of the month, I already created a paypal account for that, because I didn't have one). I only play your mod and return to normal games, I can't do it anymore :).
ps: here is my mod list:
0-score V:
0-0-XNPCCore V:
BRDM2V: 1.7
Buggy: V 1.1
FullautoLauncher V: 1.1.2
Humvee V: 1.1
Marauder V: 1.7
RandomMainmenuBackground V: 1.0.1
Wasteland V: 3.01
Willy Jeep: V: 2.5


Have a good day

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@tourrop I just pushed an update to Wasteland that should fix the Supply quests. Let me know any feedback you may have. :)



Update for The Wasteland:


Updated to 3.05, for A20.6


Built on:
SCore v20.6.297.1109
NPCmod v20.6.01.01
Full Auto Launcher v1.1.2
Random Mainmenu Background v1.0.1


Download at: Git or Nexus


Will need a new game or you'll need to reset the chunks if you have discovered the Nav Tek POI already as it was missing a rally marker. If that isn't a big deal you should be able to continue your current game. Make a backup just in case!


-Added: More one-off books for weapon/tool parts(instead of Working Stiff Weekly unlocking them all)
-Added: Energy Weapon parts to bring their recipes to vanilla standard
-Added: MRN terminal block that can be used to call in a supply drop if you find a key(found in Raider/Soldier loot)
-Changed: Vanilla Rad zombies can now give you rad poisoning when they hit you
-Changed: Cemetery_03 is now a proper Rad POI
-Changed: Slightly raised potential weapon/tool part loot/trader amounts
-Changed: Gave weapon/tool parts a bit higher repair amount
-Fixed: Economic values of some blocks were wrong
-Fixed: Shotgun shell textures
-Fixed: Incorrect positioning on some shotgun attachments
-Fixed: Missing Rally marker for Nav Tek POI(will need a new game if you've already discovered it on a current save, or need to reset chunk)
-Fixed: Traders will now properly offer Supply Run quests(T2-T4)


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Good evening bdubyah ,
Thank you very much for your work. I'm downloading the update now.
as I just started a game two or three days ago, I'm going to start a new one.
I'll let you know in the comments.
I don't want to spoiler, so I won't say anything, except that your mod and all that you do, makes the game enjoyable. so I say thank you very much.

have a nice evening.

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13 minutes ago, tourrop said:

I tested your new update and I must say that it is just perfect. the seller is giving supplyrun quests now.
and your new changes are perfect.
thank you so much bdubyah
have a good night

Good to hear. :)


Let me know how you feel the needed supplies feel for each one. I did lower them a bit with this update.

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Good evening,
ok, I'll tell you, for the parts. For the moment, I'm still in Tier 1 for the quests and I didn't have a book for the parts, but since I'm only on the 5th day, I think that's normal :). There, after sending you this message, I'm going to have a game session of 3 or 4 hours, if I have enough info, I'll tell you right away.


Once again, thank you very much for what you are doing.
have a nice evening.

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Hello bdubyah,
for supplies, I think it's perfect. New books are a little harder to find, but I love that :).

if I can be useful to you otherwise, do not hesitate to let me know, I would gladly help you.


I wanted to test the Mrn, I went to creative mod, I took an MRN and a key, but it doesn't work. nothing happens, except that the key disappears, but the delivery does not arrive.. do you have to find the MRN and the key for it to work?


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4 hours ago, tourrop said:

Hello bdubyah,
for supplies, I think it's perfect. New books are a little harder to find, but I love that :).

if I can be useful to you otherwise, do not hesitate to let me know, I would gladly help you.

  Hide contents

I wanted to test the Mrn, I went to creative mod, I took an MRN and a key, but it doesn't work. nothing happens, except that the key disappears, but the delivery does not arrive.. do you have to find the MRN and the key for it to work?


It should just work. I just tested it and it spawned an airdrop fine.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Just a heads up, the Git download links will be down for a while until I have a minute to update them as I made a new repo. The ones on the launcher will likely not be there until I get it all sorted and hit sphereii up. But if needed they are still on Nexus and the new repo is https://gitlab.com/bdubyah/Mods-A20


Links here have all been updated. Probably still not on the launcher though.

Edited by bdubyah (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...
3 hours ago, Ganeshakw said:

Can anyone suggest any youtube channel who has done or is doing a complete series on "The Wasteland" mod ?

I searched on youtube but I couldn't find any.


Thanks in advance.


TomGirlGamer has streamed 12 or so live streams showing different aspects of The Wasteland over the year and they add up to make a somewhat comprehensive overview of the main features and highlights. It is certainly not complete, but The Wasteland is revisited time and again. You'll see some regulars in the forum getting involved in the chat or even in game.


Takayan did about 15 streams about 6 months ago. His streams rotate between mods and he did a similar number when the Wasteland was first released and then revisited with the update. Not in English, though. Fun to watch his gaming buddy repeatedly save him from difficult situations.

There are plenty of one off streams, but these streamers are more noticable for sticking with it.

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