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(1.0/A21) bdubyah's modlets


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17 minutes ago, Finch55 said:

Yeah I can't figure it out either. A19 and I've tried 3 RWG plus standard Navezgane, so it's not the map. Only have 2 mods which also have ui_display.xml and they load fine. Removing them and all other mods has no effect, the error still occurs. This is also on a fresh install of the game, validated files and deleted saves folder. I might mess with it a bit, see if I can accidently fix it cos I don't know what I'm doing lol, but tis fun to try. 

I believe that is a bug in the game where distant LOD's are rendering within the prefabs. I get that a lot and relogging seems to fix it. 

Thanks, but I doubt "relogging" will help as this is what I encountered shortly after loading into the world. I haven't seen any of this before in Alpha 18. Sure, we had to manually copy all prefabs into game's own prefabs directory, but at least in game it worked as expected. In the meantime I had to close the game, so I will try again and see if it really fixes the problem.

Edited by mr.devolver (see edit history)
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This graphics issue has been occurring for a while, can't say specifically which alpha, and sometimes occurs in a totally vanilla game. The only known fixes are to log out and back into the game or an F1 keyboard command that I can't remember . . . POI, maybe. The second solution also turns off distant poi's.


Looked it up, the command is "pois"

Edited by Reckis (see edit history)
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8 minutes ago, mr.devolver said:

Wow... Restarting the game actually worked. This is pretty weird though, isn't it?

It is weird, but personally I have had success eliminating it by making sure my video drivers are consistently up to date.

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4 minutes ago, bdubyah said:

Yeah, that's a vanilla issue that seems A19 made worse. 

That's weird, I haven't personally seen it since the A19 EXP started and have yet to see it since stable dropped. I thought it was getting better 😕

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I get these mistakes, that's when I create the world, I only have your mod
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
The AssetBundle 'UAZ1.unity3d' can't be loaded because another AssetBundle with the same files is already loaded.
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Modules/AssetBundle/Public/AssetBundleLoadFromAsyncOperation.cpp Line: 445)

2020-08-22T06:45:54 295.807 ERR Loading AssetBundle "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/7daystodie_Data/../Mods\UAZ452/Resources/UAZ1.unity3d" failed!
2020-08-22T06:45:57 298.951 INF Item IDs with mapping
2020-08-22T06:45:57 298.951 INF ItemIDs from Mapping
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Hidden/PostProcessing/Uber' - Pass '' has no vertex shader
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Hidden/PostProcessing/Uber' - Pass '' has no vertex shader
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Hidden/PostProcessing/FinalPass' - Pass '' has no vertex shader
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Hidden/PostProcessing/FinalPass' - Pass '' has no vertex shader
The AssetBundle 'MD500sounds.unity3d' can't be loaded because another AssetBundle with the same files is already loaded.
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Modules/AssetBundle/Public/AssetBundleLoadFromAsyncOperation.cpp Line: 445)

2020-08-22T06:45:59 300.747 ERR Loading AssetBundle "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/7daystodie_Data/../Mods\MD-500/Resources/MD500sounds.unity3d" failed!
2020-08-22T06:45:59 300.748 ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'sounds.xml' failed
2020-08-22T06:45:59 300.748 EXC An item with the same key has already been added. Key: md500_start
ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: md500_start
  at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x000c1] in <567df3e0919241ba98db88bec4c6696f>:0 
  at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].Add (TKey key, TValue value) [0x00000] in <567df3e0919241ba98db88bec4c6696f>:0 
  at Audio.Manager.AddAudioData (Audio.XmlData _data) [0x0000b] in <d7c95f421d354b5e851d6f3126817769>:0 
  at SoundsFromXml.Parse (System.Xml.XmlNode node) [0x006f6] in <d7c95f421d354b5e851d6f3126817769>:0 
  at SoundsFromXml.ParseNode (System.String master, System.Xml.XmlNode root) [0x00035] in <d7c95f421d354b5e851d6f3126817769>:0 
  at SoundsFromXml+<CreateSounds>d__0.MoveNext () [0x00042] in <d7c95f421d354b5e851d6f3126817769>:0 
  at ThreadManager+<CoroutineWrapperWithExceptionCallback>d__40.MoveNext () [0x00044] in <d7c95f421d354b5e851d6f3126817769>:0 
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
(Filename: <567df3e0919241ba98db88bec4c6696f> Line: 0)

2020-08-22T06:46:00 301.414 ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'loot.xml' failed
2020-08-22T06:46:00 301.414 EXC lootgroup 'BoxTruckgroup' is defined multiple times
Exception: lootgroup 'BoxTruckgroup' is defined multiple times
  at LootFromXml+<LoadLootContainers>d__1.MoveNext () [0x003a3] in <d7c95f421d354b5e851d6f3126817769>:0 
  at ThreadManager+<CoroutineWrapperWithExceptionCallback>d__40.MoveNext () [0x00044] in <d7c95f421d354b5e851d6f3126817769>:0 
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
(Filename: <d7c95f421d354b5e851d6f3126817769> Line: 0)

2020-08-22T06:46:00 302.193 ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'vehicles.xml' failed
2020-08-22T06:46:00 302.193 EXC An item with the same key has already been added. Key: vehicleboxtruckplain
ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: vehicleboxtruckplain
  at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x000c1] in <567df3e0919241ba98db88bec4c6696f>:0 
  at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].Add (TKey key, TValue value) [0x00000] in <567df3e0919241ba98db88bec4c6696f>:0 
  at VehiclesFromXml+<Load>d__0.MoveNext () [0x00121] in <d7c95f421d354b5e851d6f3126817769>:0 
  at ThreadManager+<CoroutineWrapperWithExceptionCallback>d__40.MoveNext () [0x00044] in <d7c95f421d354b5e851d6f3126817769>:0 
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
(Filename: <567df3e0919241ba98db88bec4c6696f> Line: 0)







(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Modules/Animation/Director/AnimatorControllerPlayable.cpp Line: 1370)

2020-08-22T06:46:48 349.837 INF Origin Reposition (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) to (-1632.0, 32.0, -48.0)
2020-08-22T06:46:48 350.022 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 25
2020-08-22T06:46:48 350.027 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 25
2020-08-22T06:46:48 350.109 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 25
2020-08-22T06:46:48 350.115 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 10
2020-08-22T06:46:48 350.160 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 25
2020-08-22T06:46:48 350.183 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 10
2020-08-22T06:46:48 350.230 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 25
2020-08-22T06:46:48 350.262 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 25
2020-08-22T06:46:48 350.276 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 25
2020-08-22T06:46:48 350.290 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 25
2020-08-22T06:46:48 350.291 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 25
2020-08-22T06:46:48 350.328 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 10
2020-08-22T06:46:48 350.328 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 25
2020-08-22T06:46:48 350.333 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 25
2020-08-22T06:46:49 350.344 INF OpenSpawnWindow
2020-08-22T06:46:49 350.345 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 25
2020-08-22T06:46:49 350.350 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 10
2020-08-22T06:46:49 350.466 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 25
2020-08-22T06:46:49 350.509 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 25
2020-08-22T06:46:49 350.517 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 25
2020-08-22T06:46:49 350.535 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 10
2020-08-22T06:46:49 350.592 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 10
2020-08-22T06:46:49 350.598 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 19
2020-08-22T06:46:49 350.713 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 25
2020-08-22T06:46:49 350.735 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 25
2020-08-22T06:46:49 350.742 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 25
2020-08-22T06:46:49 350.742 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 10
2020-08-22T06:46:49 350.783 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 25
2020-08-22T06:46:49 350.783 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 25
2020-08-22T06:46:49 350.786 INF StartGame done
2020-08-22T06:46:49 350.825 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 25
2020-08-22T06:46:49 350.838 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 25
2020-08-22T06:46:49 350.865 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 25
2020-08-22T06:46:49 350.872 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 10
2020-08-22T06:46:49 350.878 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 10
2020-08-22T06:46:49 350.908 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 25
2020-08-22T06:46:49 350.908 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 25
2020-08-22T06:46:49 350.916 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 25
2020-08-22T06:46:49 350.921 INF [DECO] written 0
2020-08-22T06:46:49 350.933 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 10
2020-08-22T06:46:49 350.948 INF [Steamworks.NET] GameServer.Init successful
2020-08-22T06:46:49 350.951 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 25
2020-08-22T06:46:49 350.982 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 10
2020-08-22T06:46:49 351.021 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 25
2020-08-22T06:46:49 351.034 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 25
2020-08-22T06:46:49 351.070 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 10
2020-08-22T06:46:49 351.078 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 10
2020-08-22T06:46:49 351.085 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 10
2020-08-22T06:46:49 351.090 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 25
2020-08-22T06:46:49 351.090 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 10
2020-08-22T06:46:49 351.123 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 48
2020-08-22T06:46:49 351.181 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 25
2020-08-22T06:46:49 351.188 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 25
2020-08-22T06:46:49 351.195 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 10
2020-08-22T06:46:49 351.208 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 25
2020-08-22T06:46:49 351.217 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 10
2020-08-22T06:46:49 351.240 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 9
2020-08-22T06:46:49 351.249 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 25
2020-08-22T06:46:49 351.333 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 10
2020-08-22T06:46:50 351.349 ERR No loot entry defined for loot list id 25


Edited by Mr Narok Mx (see edit history)
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@mr.devolver Np. :)

9 hours ago, Mr Narok Mx said:

I get these mistakes, that's when I create the world, I only have your mod


output_log__2020-08-22__06-40-39.txt 43.74 kB · 2 downloads


I almost kind of want to not tell you the problem and see if you can figure it out...Lol.


Here's a hint...you're running the collection mod which contains all of the vehicles...and then also trying to run all the separate modlets.....

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1 hour ago, bdubyah said:

@ mr.devolver Np. :)

Casi no quiero decirte el problema y ver si puedes resolverlo ... Lol.


Aquí hay una pista ... estás ejecutando el mod de colección que contiene todos los vehículos ... y luego también estás tratando de ejecutar todos los modlets separados .....

haha yes, it was strange to me that now the file was like this and not only the Bdubs Vehicles folder

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after trying to get this working im having to uninstall the wasteland weapons mod, and the nuka cola mod. the nuka one is giving a red error saying something about how buffs cannot be found, nor can the hp value or something. whilst the weapons one is saying how caps cannot be found. this is causeing other players to be unable to join. so they are scrapped for now. 😞

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24 minutes ago, bdubyah said:

Maybe do some reading here as I still haven't updated everything. Wasteland Weapons and Nuka Colas are not A19 compatible. The Wasteland is the A19 version that combines them into one mod.

oh my apologise. sorry. X3 il give it another go tomoro. 

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The Wasteland:







I am an affiliate with BlueFangSolutions. If you want your own Wasteland server, click the logo above to check them out!


Now for A21.2. This mod is now an overhaul and will likely not work with other mods. If you are using other mods and have errors, remove the other mods and try again before coming here and saying the mod is broken.


Built on:
SCore v21.2.101.931+
NPCmod v21.1.0.20+

Full Auto Mod v1.2.0

Random Mainmenu Background v1.0.2

These mods are REQUIRED for Wasteland to function as intended.





Welcome to The Wasteland! This overhaul mod adds in several new items, enemies, POIs and more! Some of the changes/additions include:

-SPIFSAL System-

Wasteland uses a progression system similar to vanilla, but with a few changes:

  • Each player is given 21 SPIFSAL points at the beginning of a game. These are for core attributes only.
  • You are required to use all 21 points in order to outfit your character to start playing. Once you use them the black fades away and you can start playing as normal.
  • Skill points are gained per level as vanilla and are used only to upgrade perks. Each perk level has both a skill point and player level requirement, which can be seen by hovering over the lock icon for each perk level.
  • Once all your SPIFSAL points have been used, the only other ways to boost an attribute level is through wearing the proper clothing items(glasses/bandanas/etc), finding a rare SPIFSAL book in loot(permanent +1 to the book's attribute) or rare power armor statues(permanent +1 to the book's attribute).You can gain a temporary boost using certain drug items, just be aware of their side effects.
  • Fergit'n Elixir can be used to respec and will give you your 21 SPFISAL points back. It isn't cheap though.
  • There have been a few changes to the perk trees, with some vanilla perks either reworked or removed outright. Several new perks have been introduced, such as New Age Cowboy for energy weapon types. Make sure to check each attribute's associated perks so you know where you wanna spend those SPIFSAL points!


-New Enemies-

There are several new enemies added into the game, from additional zombies to mutants and raiders!



  • There are a bunch of new zombie models added, several with multiple color variants for a good variety. There are normal zeds, feral and rad versions, even a couple unique ones like the fisherman! There are also a few cop and demo types, but they aren't as obvious as their vanilla counterparts, so keep an eye out!
  • The wildlife has also been expanded to include mutant hounds, giant scorpions, and several pesky insects. More additions are coming!
  • Zombies are no longer the biggest threat though, as there are several new types of enemies to be worried about. You will encounter both melee and ranged versions of raiders, a hostile group who attack first and loot second. They have a few POIs they call home, so never assume any house is safe!
  • Soldier PMCs are also sweeping the area for supplies and will gladly relieve you of yours if they spot you.
  • Mutants are genetically engineered horrors that are easy to spot, but hard to kill. Early game it is best to avoid most of these at all costs, especially the ranged enemies as they will wreck you. Melee guys can be taken out with some planning, but don't underestimate them! There is also word of some even larger behemoths that are rarely spotted in the wild, which hit like a truck and need heavy firepower to manage to bring down.
  • There are a few other enemies you might come to encounter, so always keep your eyes open!


-New Items-

There are also tons of new items added to the game such as weapons, ammo, foods, medical items and more:



  • There has been a whole arsenal added to the game, from melee weapons to scrap pipe weapons to shotguns and rifles. Loot or craft a 1911, BAR, Vector, SCAR, combat shotgun just to name a few. You will always have a few options at almost every tier of weapon.
  • Melee weapon options have been expanded for all types: replace your bone knife with a cleaver, or swap your club for a rolling pin. Pipe wrenches, batons, pitchforks are all available to you. And don't forget the skull-crushing Supa Sledge!
  • Energy weapons are also available. There are both laser and plasma types, from pistols to rifles and more. There are also some bigger energy weapons as well, like the laser gat or the plasma caster. They have a similar progression to normal weapon types and have their own crafting magazine series.
  • There is a line of heavy weaponry as well, from the harpoon rifle to the Fat Man! These offer superior firepower, but can slow movement until you invest more in their perks.
  • A few new explosive weapons are available. Bottlecap mines, Nuka grenades, and M79 launchers will help level the playing field...literally.
  • You will also find a loot-only group of .50 cal weapons. The .500 Magnum, Beo-50, and AS-50 cannot be crafted outright, unless you manage to find a broken version, but give you a reason to get out and loot.
  • New ammo types for weapons been added. 10mm, 5.56, MFC ammo, Plasma cells. Ballistic ammo also has the HP/AP variants. Energy ammo has Max and Bulk versions for some variety.
  • With fire spreading being enabled, there is a lootable fire extinguisher and its ammo that is used to repair it. Keep one handy, especially if your base is made out of wood.
  • Drug items can be looted or crafted. These can be used to temporarily boost certain attributes, but can carry some bad side effects. Try and not get addicted.
  • Extra clothing items that help boost your attributes.
  • Food has been expanded to include several new Wasteland dishes. Carve up those mutant hounds, scorpions, or other critter to be able to make these new meals. Scrambled Hunter eggs or deathclaw souffles are just a few options.
  • Power Armor can help keep you in one piece. Loot only so keep an eye out for power armor stands. Power armor uses frame piece which you wear like normal armor pieces, and then each piece(helmet, chest, etc) or the armor installs into the frames like a cosmetic mod. Currently only visible in third person.
  • There are legendary versions of several weapons, and a set of power armor. These have better stats and usually unique textures. They may also provide extra bonuses or effects.


-Additional POIs-

Currently this mod includes a handful of custom POIs. Some are vanilla ones that have been repurposed, others are completely new.


  • Trader POIs can be destroyed
  • Mutants have taken over several run down business POIs. Keep an eye out for meatbags and cages.
  • Raiders and soldiers have occupied several different types of POIs. For now these don't look much different than a normal POI, so be careful.
  • Several custom POIs, from the Nuka Factory to the secret Nav-Tek Research Facility. Some have multiple versions that can change what is inside. Easter eggs and mini quest lines may exist is some of these, so pay attention.
  • Radiated POIs exist in the world, and are used in Clear Radiation quests. Without either a set of power armor with a rad resistant mod installed or a full hazmat suit, these POIs will kill you quickly. Most, but not all, will have the yellow signs to warn you of the dangers.


-Gameplay Changes-

While some things are still the same as vanilla, some things aren't. Here are a few noteworthy changes to be aware of:



  • There are a few new/expanded illnesses. Rad poisoning is as deadly as getting infected. Being cold or hot for too long will eventually give you a cold or heatstroke. Take care of yourself.
  • Critical injuries, such as concussions or fatigue, no longer instantly cure when using meds. It will take a short, but random amount of time for those things to heal.
  • Working versions of workbenches can again be found in the world.
  • Weapons and armors typically use their respective parts to repair them.
  • Air drops will draw in zombies. They will target the drop, so if you want the loot you'd better defend it.
  • Vehicle crafting is no longer an option. Repairable wrecks out in the world or traders are the only way to get a working vehicle. Scavenge various parts, as well as unique ones that each vehicle needs to be repaired. Each vehicle has several stages until you finally can upgrade it into a working vehicle. Wheels also cannot be crafted, so either buy or loot then, or try harvesting intact wheels you find in the world.(Ones with rims, not just tires.)
  • Picking up vehicles is disabled, except for the bicycle and minibike. Carrying either of those will slow your movement though.
  • Farming has also been overhauled a bit. Seeds require a nearby water source in order to plant in farm plots. So either get a bucket and bring water to your farm, or build an irrigation system with the new water pipes to carry water to where you need it. Water is consumed over time, so one bucket won't last forever. Pipes have valves and sprinklers that can be used to water the area. Valves cover a smaller area than the sprinklers. Running your water pipes to bedrock will provide an infinite water source.
  • Work stations, from campfires to chem stations, now have a tools area. These are needed to craft certain recipes in the station. The vanilla workbench for example now has slots for a hammer, wire took, and fractal vise. The hammer and wire tool are used for recipes, and the vise speeds up crafting.
  • The time/day has been removed from the UI. To add it back either find a wristwatch mod, or there is a Mip Boy you can equip and then check the time with it. There are also working clocks in the world, such as in traders and then randomly in other POIs. You can bring these back to base if you want.


















Install into the 7_Days_To_Die\Mods folder.


Pregen RWG Maps: Click Here

Azure: Click Here

Nexus: Click Here


Edited by bdubyah (see edit history)
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