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(1.0/A21) bdubyah's modlets


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10 hours ago, bdubyah said:

I haven't really messed with that at all. The Survival attribute helps manage food/water drain, but the base rates at which you burn through it haven't been changed.

odd, maybe its infection plus that? or is infection affecting dehydration? i havent installed anything else, this is my 1st experience with that. 





Edited by HYper (see edit history)
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Infection does increase stamina drain I think, which would increase thirst. So it's possible. It drains fairly fast on its own, especially early game when you're running around on foot all the time. Being infected on top of that will probably make it pretty rough to maintain.

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The only real change you can make is how often they spawn in the wild. Look at entitygroups.xml at Biome Spawn Additions starting at line 125. The group names are pretty self explanatory. Just up the prob values for whatever you want to spawn more often.

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5 hours ago, bdubyah said:

Infection does increase stamina drain I think, which would increase thirst. So it's possible. It drains fairly fast on its own, especially early game when you're running around on foot all the time. Being infected on top of that will probably make it pretty rough to maintain.

oddly though i used antibiotics so it shouldn't be the reason.  new game is still happening.

it has to be a buff but idk which, i do see like a lightning buff, maybe thats it? can you tell from image?

Edit: oh wow, its radiation. i took rad pills and water shot up to 113 from this image.

can i lower the rate of that, if so, how?


(its like the water level drops every .2 sec so its massive.


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40 minutes ago, bdubyah said:

So you say you haven't installed anything else, but I see something called "Sleepiness" in you debuffs there. What is that? And I also don't recognize the one with the lightning bolt. You gotta have other mods active...

yeah before, i slowly added the other mods.  i just removed it again and it's still doing it without those other "buffs".


and the sleepiness was telric's mod.

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I dont mind it being an overhaul assuming there are some pre-attached config options. Perhaps one that makes body shots count for less, but headshots stronger. Perhaps one to give you 3 different kinds of spawn variety (More raiders? more zombies? more both?) etc

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6 hours ago, bdubyah said:

That's easily accomplished by the player themselves. I balance the mod how I want it to be. If you want it to be different, edit it yourself. I can't cater to everyone.




So much THIS!  I ❤️ what Bdub has done with The Wasteland to give us Fallout (at least 3, NV & 4) fans a great experience.  But we don't necessarily think alike on how the game should handle certain things. 

Real examples - #1 - Bdub uses Khaine's 60 slot backpack in The Wasteland.  I (and the folks I play with) like to use a 90 slot backpack. 
#2 - I like harvestable and lootable zombie, mutant, and raider corpses.  Bdubyah?  Not so much. 
#3 - Bdub wants vehicles to use more fuel, and for fuel to be more scarce, whereas I think a 4x4, even with stupid gas consumption rates, should still be able to make multiple trips back and forth across an 8k map before running out of gas.  After all 8k is only about 5 miles.  Even at a ridiculously low 10 miles per gallon, a 15 gallon (US) gas tank should get you 150 miles of range.  That's 30 trips from one edge of the map to the other.

Solution?  I have made my own mod collection of tweaks and stuff that I call "Xtended Wasteland" (so it loads after The Wasteland does). It makes my game fit more into my idea of a proper 7 Days to Fallout.    Now that The Wasteland has been updated for A20, rather than bug him to make changes I'd like, I'm updating Xtended Wasteland to do it.

If this 60 year old dinosaur can teach himself how to do XML/Xpath modding, I think most folks can.  And I have found that Bdubyah (and most of the rest of the modding community like KhaineGB, Guppycur, magejosh, et al) to have been incredibly helpful at pointing to where I should be looking for errors in my code, with advice on how to make changes and tweaks, and answering questions.

If you want to make the effort to do your own edits, I think you will get the same kind of encouragement and support I have received.  👍 🖖 😊


Edited by Evil_Geoff
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11 hours ago, Nerhesi said:

I dont mind it being an overhaul assuming there are some pre-attached config options. Perhaps one that makes body shots count for less, but headshots stronger. Perhaps one to give you 3 different kinds of spawn variety (More raiders? more zombies? more both?) etc

I get what you're saying here, but this really is something that could be said of the Vanilla default game as a whole, that The Wasteland could also benefit from. It's a big ask for the creator to implement something like this that the devs have opted to currently leave out. This release is actually very well balanced without needing to change anything or bring anything else in. It has got to this stage through the creator's vision of where things are heading as well as constant feedback from the community to share how that vision plays out in reality.


On a personal level, I have put more hours playing The Wasteland than I care to mention, and have been able to see the direction it took to get to where it is now. It was a natural progression of bringing in a solid working base, periodic updates and additions, followed by the most recent level of sophistication which sees things move from 'DLC Add On' to standalone 'Overhaul' in its own right.


There are a lot of games out there that provide untold configurable options which can be tweaked dynamically. Even some pre-2000 titles were well up on giving players/server hosts a whole array of options. What you are saying is a very valid request and maybe one that could be added into TFP's 'Wish List'. The Twitch pet project with 'dancing zombies', 'swollen heads', and 'firework displays' has certainly been given a lot of attention and its gone way beyond a few toggle-able game settings, so it is clearly well within TFP's means.


Saying that, there are still numerous mods that will run alongside The Wasteland to provide Quality of Life changes specific to the end user's needs simply because an abundance of underlying code remains untouched Vanilla. And should there be something you can't find or get working, you can always ask Evil_Geoff and others for pointers.

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Quick and perhaps noobish question:


I've been testing out A20 wasteland locally - getting a lot of issues with those null reference exception errors when I check out the specific Wasteland Mod POIs. It seems to be issues with spawning the wasteland NPCs.... Is this a mod thing or a general game thing? For example, I'll go the Remenant_wasteland poi, the consol will come up and scroll 7-15 errors instead of spawning actually super mutants. However, I'll notice that the animals were spawned fine (snakes, wolves, vultures, etc).


Is this an issue with Wasteland? Is it an issue with me zooming around in god mode? thanks

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thanks again.  been playing it with no issues, for noobs, DO NOT put any other mods. lol


got 1 question, for the skill/perk, is it like vanilla, to change skill use the forget elixir?, is there another way to advance say intellect after i full leveled and used books for say, luck and strength?

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I have recently installed the BRDM-2.  My buddy who also installed the mod, pointed out an issue with fuel.  When the fuel tank mod is installed, and the tank is at full, when you log out or leave playfield, the fuel goes to 12% from 100%.  I recreated the issue in my game also.

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51 minutes ago, MB_Campbell said:

I have recently installed the BRDM-2.  My buddy who also installed the mod, pointed out an issue with fuel.  When the fuel tank mod is installed, and the tank is at full, when you log out or leave playfield, the fuel goes to 12% from 100%.  I recreated the issue in my game also.

Did some testing and I think I figured it out. the Capacity cannot exceed what I assume is 1024 or so. And the BRDM is set to 800, so when that mod gets used on it, it goes over. Which causes issues. I'll have to adjust it and a few others that have a high Capacity. I'll update them once I test it for sure.

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10 hours ago, Nerhesi said:

Quick and perhaps noobish question:


I've been testing out A20 wasteland locally - getting a lot of issues with those null reference exception errors when I check out the specific Wasteland Mod POIs. It seems to be issues with spawning the wasteland NPCs.... Is this a mod thing or a general game thing? For example, I'll go the Remenant_wasteland poi, the consol will come up and scroll 7-15 errors instead of spawning actually super mutants. However, I'll notice that the animals were spawned fine (snakes, wolves, vultures, etc).


Is this an issue with Wasteland? Is it an issue with me zooming around in god mode? thanks

I tried to replicate this issue as follows:

1. Start the game with EAC off.
2. Join a dedicated server that also has EAC off to reflect the new trader .dll feature. Joining the dedicated server really puts The Wasteland to the test as the demands are typically higher.

3. Visit the remnant_wasteland_01 Prefab.


The result was a clean spawn of the Mutant type entities. And yet another swing at me showed responsiveness after I upset their slumber.




I checked the console and it was clean where it specifically related to The Wasteland mod. There was one warning though, but it was a Vanilla warning about the snake pain sound. It might have been suffering the same fate I was facing.

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9 hours ago, arramus said:

I tried to replicate this issue as follows:

1. Start the game with EAC off.
2. Join a dedicated server that also has EAC off to reflect the new trader .dll feature. Joining the dedicated server really puts The Wasteland to the test as the demands are typically higher.

3. Visit the remnant_wasteland_01 Prefab.


The result was a clean spawn of the Mutant type entities. And yet another swing at me showed responsiveness after I upset their slumber.




I checked the console and it was clean where it specifically related to The Wasteland mod. There was one warning though, but it was a Vanilla warning about the snake pain sound. It might have been suffering the same fate I was facing.


Very cool and thank you. I wonder if it has something to do with a simple edit to the gamestages files:


I edited the gamestages files with a minimal change (and only realised this recently, sorry). I doubled the values of the sleeper spawns (num="1" and maxalive="1" were changed to 2). I dont know enough about the base game, but is it possible there is a conflict to the game trying to spawn "too many" mobs/mutants in this case?


It isn't 100% reproducible so I'll keep trying to narrow down the scenario.

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Hello Bdubyah,

i'm testing your mod now and found an mistake in progression.xml

<attribute name="attLuck" name_key="attLuckName" desc_key="attLuckDesc" icon="ui_game_symbol_loot_sack">
                    <passive_effect name="LootGamestage" operation="perc_add" level="2,8" value="5,35"/>
              		<passive_effect name="LootGamestage" operation="perc_add" level="9,10" value="40,50"/>


Your values multiply the LootGamestage value from 5 to 35 times and then 40 and 50 times. 
I tested it on player lvl 300 and after LootGamestage 10k u can't find any loot. 

According to description it may just increase 5% - 35% - 40% - 50% 
Mb values schould be 5,35 - > .05, .035 — 40,50 -> .4, .5 ?

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