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New Life Experience. A Fallout IV affected Survival Mod


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Hi Folks,

Welcome to my Modlet [New Life Experience]

A Mod about Loot, Loot, Loot alot of Fighting Zombies (4-8 times more as Normal) and a Mod touched by the charm of Fallout IV.


Take a loot on 3 New Progressions with 26 Perks to Learn.

Tons of New Junk Items (140+)

Few more new Tools, Weapons (Melee,Range)

Items to Craft with, Harvestable Dead Corpses to robber the last Piece of Honor from them.

New Buffs/Debuffs, Crazy Bloodmoon Events and "Loot Boxes" to surprise yourself with every single Box you earn.


You don't like to Digging holes, Farming Wood or Build the whole game? No problem, still explore the world and loot container, Kill Zombies or Animals and gain "Coins of Blood" to craft Mining related Stuff....

Or do u love to Dig holes and Build instead of Grinding Zombies and sneak through houses? Then Dig Everything u want and earn "Coins of Minig" to craft Exploration and Fighting related Stuff. Its depents on you.

PLEASE - Read the Patchnotes to understand the new Radiation Storm Event :)


For questions pls use my Discord or the Mod Post Page from NexusMods.


Installation Guide , Patchnotes and RadiationFog.exe included. !!!New Map / World Required !!!


If you want a ful list of Content, check out the *.rar Archive then a full list of Content are included into the Mod Archive.


Download Here

Mod Page:



Direct Download on NM:



Discord? - Come in and talk with me! I Want your Feedback, Bugreports and Suggestions :)




Mod is translated in English and German

LAST UPDATE: Dec. 15 - 2019





For Patchnotes Show comments below (cuz of they are tooooooooooooooo long for a single post)



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Thats Soccer, Cars and Pretzel language


Soccor isn't big as u might think for the Gaming generation. Germany sucks in many areas of technology like broadband internet, rail traffic, and development of better and more efficient cars... and its called "Bretzel" and its just loved like Beer and sausage in 1 of 16 our "Bundeslنnder" you would said "states" and 1 of 16 dont speaks for a whole country ;)

Every of the 16 Bundeslنnder has there own favorite food :)


but enough.... Enjoy the Mod.

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Patch version 1.9.10 - IntoTheEndgame

for A18.2 build.5

State: Dec.14- 2019



With 1.9.10 the Bloodmoon is gone, but the Radiation Storm is coming.

Reaching a Bloodmoon event, triggers the Radiation Storm, which debuffs all Players

with the Rad Storm. Rad Storm dealing alot of Damage and u had to farm Stuff to get safe

from this Damage source. There 2 Options:


Option 1: Rad-X and Rad-X2

- Rad-X reduce the incoming Dmg amount and interval. You will get still damage but slightly lesser.

- Rad-X2 also reducing the incoming Dmg and interval to the minimum. You will get still damage but not that much.


Option:2 Bedroll and Beds

- Bedroll and normal Bed: Stay on the Bed has the same debuff Protection like Rad-X does. But you can't leave the Bed.

- Bed2 or Comfy Bed: Stay on the Bed has the same debuff Protection like Rad-X2 does. But you can't leave the Bed, without losing the Protection.


Radiation Storm colors the World in a shimmering green and generates Toxic smoke around the Players.

You don't need to rush any Light Sources for the Radiation Storm event, cuz the Smoke around you generates a Lightsource to enable a fair

fighting situation on any spot on the world.


Rad-X can be craftet with the Campfire and isn't hard to get.

Rad-X2 requires the Chem Station.



Increasing the Perk Level of "Inventor" to the Maximum, allows Player to craft "The Constructor 42k".

This Machine requires a Energysource nearby (not powered, but is required)

The Constructor is required to Craft Endgame Content but also the Machine requires Cardridge as Tools.

Following Cardridges are required:


- Provides alot of powerfull Weapon and Armor Mods (list below)



- Provides the power to craft diffrent Suka Cola types.



- Here you can craft Range and Melee Endgame Weapons.



- Each Weapon requires Ammunition, and here is the Key ;DEBUFF



-You can craft Powerfull Buffs which holds for 10 Minutes



- Here you can exchange vanilla Item Mods for Upgrade Tickets and trade them for Rarity Token and stuff.


To get Access to the "Cardridges" you have to complete Trader Quests. Each Tier4 and Tier5 Quest gives diffrent Rewards from the Mods Itemlist

The Chance of a Empty Cardridge is about 1:20 .



The RwgMixer.xml contains Code to Generate World with Vanilla and CompasPack42 Mixer File.

For People who like to work with NitroGen, i attached a textfile with Codes, which can be imbued to any prefablist of NitroGen.

You find the File inside of the Mod Folder.



There are few new Enemies to make the Game and Life harder. They require the Core Mod of Sphereii which should be a Part of the Mod.rar file.

Removing the Core Mod will crash the Game!!!



New: Sweet Weed ( contains Sugar )

New: Constructor 42k ( New Workbench ) ( Requires Energy Source )

New: Resourece Boulder (A Common Stone can easy be spottet on the Map by a Dark Blue Point. Provides up to 31 Diffrent Resources and Loot for you. Jackpot for each Miner and Mowl)



Change: Config for Mod internal Item Attachment/Mod Slots

Change: all Tool/Weapon Models from the Mod.

Change: "Murder Knife" applied now a Buff to gather more loot from butching Corpses

Change: "Excalipoor" apllied Buffs/Debuffs on Hit

Change: Crafting Material Worktimer are set to a new Amount.

Crafting Timer from Blood/Miner/Quest Coins are reduced by 75% (from 5 sec to 1.25 sec )

DNS Samples , Tungsten and Parts of Excalibur now has Crafting Time Values (based or their rarity)

Change: All Suka Cola Buffs reworked


New: 762mm Hades (wip)

New: 10mm Agitator (wip)

New: FatMan (wip)


New: 762mm Anti Zombie Bullet

New: 762mm Anti Animal Bullet

New: 762mm Shark Claw Bullet

New: 762mm Nemesis Bullet

New: 10mm Shock Bullet

New: 10mm Bullet

New: 10mm AP Bullet

New: 10mm HP Bullet

New: Mini Nuke !!!Attetion: Dealing AoE Block Damage !!!


New: Resource Sugar

New: Resource Epoxide Resin

New: Resource Sulfric Acid

New: Resource Electrolyte

New: Resource Pulverized Coal

New: Resource Pulverized Iron

New: Resource Carbon Dust

New: Resource Carbonizes Military Fiber

New: Resource Pyrit

New: Resource CherrySyrup

New: Resource BubblegumSyrup

New: Resource GoldSyrup

New: Mod Uprade Ticket

New: Suka Cola - Cherry , Berry , Yellow Tea, Quantum Green Tea, Bubblegum

New: Essence of - Sprint, Stamina, Life, Jump, Thermal, Omni

New: Rarity Token 1,2,3,4

New: Constructor Surprise Box



Mods for Weapon

+(Melee/Gun) Assassin: 50% Dmg ggn Zombies but not Boss and Elite

+(Melee) Charged: 10% Chance for 100Extra Dmg

+(Melee/Gun) Freezing: +10 Cold Dmg, cold has change of 5% to Stun for 2sec(with ICE Particle)

+(Melee) Frigid: 20% Chance to Freeze (stun) enemies for 1Sec

+(Melee/Gun) Hunter: 50% Dmg ggn Animals

+(Gun) Incendiary: 75% Chance to Set enemie on fire 8dmg for 5sec

+(Melee/Gun) Instigating: +100% dmg against full life enemies

+(Melee/Gun) Irradiated: dealing 50 Radiation Dmg

+(Melee/Gun) Mutant Slayer: Does 15% Bonus Damage against Enemies with a "Boss" and "Elite" Tag.

+(Gun) Never Ending: massive increasing the Ammo Capacity by 1000%

+(Gun) Nimble: Provides 75% faster movement while aiming

+(Gun) Plasma Infused: Dealing 10 Shock Dmg and has a 0.5% Chance to instant Kill Zombies

+(Melee/Gun) Poisoner: 20% Chance to poisoned the Target for 10Seconds (6dmg/sec)

+(Melee/Gun) Powerfull: Provides 25% more Damage

+(Gun) Rapid: Increased Shots per Minute by 25%

+(Gun) Rapid 2: Increased Shots per Minute by 60%

+(Gun) Staggering: Chance to Stun on Hit (2%)

+(Gun) Two Shot: Shots 2 Projectiles at Once - affect Pistol, Magnum and Bow.

+(Gun) Two Shot Plus: Shots 2x faster. Dealing 25% lesser Dmg.

+(Melee/Gun) Wounding: Targets bleed for 5 dmg for 5sec

+(Melee) Atom's Judgement: Dealing additional 100 Radiation Damage

+(Melee) Sarcificial Blade: Inflicting Bleeding or Poison

+(Gun) Striker: 15% to Stun or Knockdown.

WIP(Melee) World Series Player: 1% Chance to send targets flying.

WIP(Gun) Explosiv: Bullet dealing 25 AoE Dmg


Mods for Armor

+(Feet) Acrobat: Reduced Fall Damage and increase Jump high by 25%

+(Feet) Freefall:reduced Fall Damage massively , also applied the auto Splint Buff on broken legs.

+(Chest) Auto Stim: Auto regenerates Life for 5 Seconds if below 25% Life (5min Cooldown)

+(Chest) Chameleon: Harder to detect from Enemies

+(Hand) Champion: +5% Max Life and Stamina

+(Hand) Hero: +10% Max Life and Stamina

+(Feet) Cunning: +10% Walk/Sprint Speed

+(Head) Lucky: +20% More Loot from Container

+(Head) Overjoyed: +50% More Loot from Container

+(Chest) Sentinel: Increase Armor by 30% while not Moving

+(Feet) Sprinter: Increase Sprint Speed by 20%

+(Hands) Unbreakable: indestructible and +100% Armor

+(All Armor) Unbreakable2: indestructible and +50% Armor

+(Feet) Low Weight: +50% Crouch Speed

+(Chest) Sukalicious: Provides for every (Max:4) activ Suka Cola Buff +15% Max Life and +5% Walk Speed

+(Chest) Tesla Coils: Deals 20 Shock Damage every 5sec to Nearby Enemies (1.2meter). !!! Has a 5% chance to dmg yourself !!!

+(Chest) Tesla: Deals 20 Shock Damage every 5Second to Nearby Enemies (2.0meter), also increase Shock resist. !!! Has a 5% change to dmg yourself !!!

+(Chest) Quantum: +400% Heat/Cold/Radiation resistence

+(All Armor) Protectron: +50% Heat/Cold/Radiation resistence

+(Chest) Vita: Heals 1HP every 40 Second

+(Chest) Vitalis: Heals 1HP every 20 Second

+(Chest) Valor: Heals 1HP every 10 Second

+(All Armor) Sanctum: Heals 1HP per Minute


Mods for Tool

(coming soon)



New Buff Effects Added

-BUFF DeadwalkerAura (inc movespeed)

-BUFF ExcaliburRegena (regen hp/stam)

-BUFF _LEVELUP (Particle on LV UP)

-BUFF Acrobat_mod (reduce fall dmg, increase jump high)

-BUFF AutoStim_mod (HoT)

-BUFF Freefall_mod (reduce fall dmg, autoheal broken leg)

-BUFF (Power Buffs for Life,Stamina,Sprint,Thermal,Jump)

and more


-DEBUFF DeadwalkerDebuff (decr movespeed)

-DEBUFF ExcaliburStrike (DoT)

-DEBUFF ExcaliburStrike2 (decr movespeed,small cold DoT)

-DEBUFF 762Cluster (DoT , decr movespeed)

-DEBUFF 10mmCluster (DoT, decr movespeed)

-DEBUFF Freezing_mod (low Dot)

-DEBUFF Fridge_mod (Stun)

-DEBUFF StrikerStun_mod (Stun)

-DEBUFF StrikerKnockout_mod (Knockdown)

-DEBUFF Incendiary_mod (heat DoT)

-DEBUFF SarcificialBladeBleeding_mod (Slashing/Bleeding DoT)

-DEBUFF SarcificialBladePoision_mod (Toxic DoT)

-DEBUFF Irradiated_mod (heat DoT)

-DEBUFF Wounding_mod (Slashing/Bleeding DoT)

-DEBUFF Staggering_mod (Stun)

-DEBUFF PlasmaInfused_mod (shock DoT)

-DEBUFF TeslaCoil_mod (DoT)

-DEBUFF Tesla_mod (DoT)

and more



New Entitys:

- Zombie Herald (done)

- Zombie Radiated Herald (done)

- Zombie Deadwalker (done)

- Zombie Radiated Deadwalker (WIP - coming later)

- Zombie Dark Deadwalker (done)

- Zombie Radiated Dark Deadwalker (done)



New Particle Effects added

New ObjectPacks added for Weapon/Tools/Misc and so on.


REQUIREMENT @ UPDATE 1.9.10 : -> 0-SphereIICore Mod (would be included)

Added Stuff:


(Option can be Change at the MOD Folder "0-Sphereii-Core > Config > Blocks.xml")

Enemy HP Bar

Player can crouch through 1 Block high

Zombies can do Rng Sidesteps

Zombie UMATexture reduction

Zombie UMATexture is faster loading

Zombies can open Doors

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