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Improvements for the dedicated server


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Since I updated to 10.1 and got the latest patch for these server fixes, the teleport functions either doesn't work, or is taking forever to work. ...

Sounds more like the lag-issue FRTs manager seems to have sometimes. The command is executed on the server as soon as it's received. Have you tried using the command manually from ingame console or with a manual "Telnet" connection?


Hi Alloc, I have a quick request, not for the mod but your website. Could you add a version number to the webserver module? The only way I can tell if it's updated is by opening the link to see what the filename says.

Not sure what exactly you're talking about. But you can definitely go here and see what the last revision was and when it was uploaded.


Alloc, just wanted to say thank you for the server fixes and the all the time you put in helping people on the forums. I, for one, would be completely lost without your help. Thank you.

Thank you for the kind words :)

I'm always happy if I can help (especially if the help leads to something working ;) )

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Alloc, just wanted to say thank you for the server fixes and the all the time you put in helping people on the forums. I, for one, would be completely lost without your help. Thank you.


Amen. These server fixes have been a lifesaver, and make admining a 7DTD server soooooooo much easier! Thank you!!!

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Hey Alloc, I was recently asked by one of my admins if it would be possible to change the fog of war on the webserver map to black, and I'm not sure where to start looking for that, or if it's even possible. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated, and honestly, if it's too much of a hassle or not possible, I don't really mind. Thanks for your awesome work! I can't imagine running a server without your fixes and webserver :D

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If you're talking about the dark red'dish background color: Open the css/style.css and edit the lines currently saying "background-color: #230000;" (two instances). #230000 is the hex-coded RGB value. The second one should be enough but as both are in there I'd suggest changing both of them ;)

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Sounds more like the lag-issue FRTs manager seems to have sometimes. The command is executed on the server as soon as it's received. Have you tried using the command manually from ingame console or with a manual "Telnet" connection?


Yeah, even manually via telnet it wasn't actioning.


Re-installed the dll files and rebooted the machine. Now it's working fine. Was really odd though.



Another question, after a long period of the server being up, it seems like the web map gets really slow. Overall RAM and CPU usage are fine on the PC. Is there anything I can do to prevent that from happening? Currently I'm auto-restarting the server nightly with the manager software, but if we do a lot of exploring it can really bog the page down for some reason.

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What happens if you reopen (or close it for a few minuites) the page itself? Does that help?

Did you check if there are any connections from unknown IPs to the web map? If it's available to the public internet it could also be accessed by other people or bots.

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What happens if you reopen (or close it for a few minuites) the page itself? Does that help?

Did you check if there are any connections from unknown IPs to the web map? If it's available to the public internet it could also be accessed by other people or bots.


Yeah, only connections at the time were myself and one other player on the local LAN. I didn't see any other IP's checking it, but I'll look at that if it happens again. Seems to be a bit less the last couple of days, but we've been building more than exploring also.


Also, glad to see that you have an update for 10.2 out already. Will be updating shortly :)

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just updated 10.2, ran server for good hour, shut down installed server .dlls now it's kicking every other player with Kick by admin message, i dont have ping kicker enabled


figured it out


there FRT was saying there was only x aoumt of spots open and was kicking players...

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Is there any safe way to teleport someone to a location without knowing the z coor? If not is there a way to figure out a safe z coor?


I haven't tested this, but.....

Assuming they aren't using "god" mode, theoretically, it should plant them at ground level at those coordinates.


I haven't actually tried it though, and not sure if the system would recognize using it with only two coordinates given.



Best thing is to just go to said location and use LP to see your coords.

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The command will not work without a z coor. I tried several variations for the z coor and all glitched me into the sky and then I landed on the ground and died/broke leg. I didn't know the lp command would give you z coor so I will try that, thanks. It wold be cool if we could name entities and then teleport to them like waypoints. Maybe Alocc could make a command to create a named waypoint that just grabs the xyz coor of the player and then saves it off as a file that can be read back to call up the named coor. I guess this could also be done with a python script or something but it would be a nice feature to have in the server itself.

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Got these errors, When checking out this player though noticed his save file was not named SteamID.ttp or SteamID.map it was his name instead so the file was Patient Z.ttp and Patient Z.map, I can only assume this was someone using hack cheats but when he connected I got these errors in the log.

2014-12-02T14:15:56 2066.677 Error in GM_SavePlayerData: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object  at AllocsFixes.PlayerDataStuff.GM_SavePlayerData (.GameManager manager, Int32 _clientId, .PlayerDataFile _playerDataFile) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

2014-12-02T14:15:26 2036.548 Player "Patient Z" denied: Your account 'Patient Z' is not activated or no server answer!

2014-12-02T14:15:29 2040.282 Error in AllocsLogFunctions.RequestToSpawnPlayer: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object  at AllocsFixes.AllocsLogFunctions.RequestToSpawnPlayer (.GameManager manager, Int32 _clientId, System.String _name, Int32 _chunkViewDim, .PlayerProfile _playerProfile) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

2014-12-02T14:15:35 2045.798 Player "Patient Z" denied: The player name 'Patient Z' already exits on the server! Please choose a different one

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Got these errors, When checking out this player though noticed his save file was not named SteamID.ttp or SteamID.map it was his name instead so the file was Patient Z.ttp and Patient Z.map, I can only assume this was someone using hack cheats but when he connected I got these errors in the log.

Yep, saw your other thread. The mod shouldn't be affected, it just prints those exceptions for further use but it won't break anything ;)

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Got these errors, When checking out this player though noticed his save file was not named SteamID.ttp or SteamID.map it was his name instead so the file was Patient Z.ttp and Patient Z.map, I can only assume this was someone using hack cheats but when he connected I got these errors in the log.

2014-12-02T14:15:56 2066.677 Error in GM_SavePlayerData: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object  at AllocsFixes.PlayerDataStuff.GM_SavePlayerData (.GameManager manager, Int32 _clientId, .PlayerDataFile _playerDataFile) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

2014-12-02T14:15:26 2036.548 Player "Patient Z" denied: Your account 'Patient Z' is not activated or no server answer!

2014-12-02T14:15:29 2040.282 Error in AllocsLogFunctions.RequestToSpawnPlayer: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object  at AllocsFixes.AllocsLogFunctions.RequestToSpawnPlayer (.GameManager manager, Int32 _clientId, System.String _name, Int32 _chunkViewDim, .PlayerProfile _playerProfile) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

2014-12-02T14:15:35 2045.798 Player "Patient Z" denied: The player name 'Patient Z' already exits on the server! Please choose a different one

Those are because the player tried to bypass EAC, which is super easy to do, but failed since it gave him this:

2014-12-02T14:15:35 2045.798 Player "Patient Z" denied: The player name 'Patient Z' already exits on the server! Please choose a different one
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Hey Alloc, I posted in the MP subforum, but I wanted to ask you directly as well. Someone came into my server and was griefing, so when I was about to ban him, I used the listplayers command to get his Steam ID. However, his Steam ID was missing. It was just his player name again.


Not sure if that's something you can look into with your mod

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Stop the Server.

Add this to the admins.xml under <blacklist> section.

<blacklisted steamID="" unbandate="01/01/2100 00:00:00" />

Start the Server again.


Thanks, I'll try that. But the Steam ID wasn't missing or blank. Instead, it showed as the player's name.

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I am currently working to mod Alloc's Assembly to add a check if SteamID = int and if returns false auto bans the person trying to connect, Or something of that nature. May do a check on SteamID int as well as size of ID so if the player has a steamID of less than normal it bans.

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