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Everything posted by FilUnderscore

  1. Must be related to this config line in the Config/ImprovedHordes/hordes.xml file, Adding this to the gs tag should fix it temporarily (my bad, forgot about not having a max/increaseEvery tag): I'll push out an update soon with a more permanent fix. EDIT: Update has been pushed, 2.0.0-alpha.2 should fix this problem.
  2. Yeah this might be related to the alert system that's present in the update. Hordes near you can now hear things like gunshots and go investigate. You might be getting large hordes if you're in a harder biome like the wasteland, and if you are near a city. As for attracting lots of hordes, I haven't ironed out the whole system yet so expect tweaks in further updates. If you kill enough zombies, they should stop coming for some time.
  3. Yeah the DLL file is safe, source is available on GitHub if you want to compile it yourself/check out what the mod does. Looking at the warning, it's just a precaution due to the mod update just being released and not been downloaded enough times.
  4. Yes, the files are already placed in the correct location, you just need to place the mod folder from the zip (containing the DLL/Config folders) in your Mods folder. Also make sure that EAC is disabled so the DLL can load.
  5. If you are near/within a densely populated POI area then there will be screamers patrolling around at all times of the day, this is by design. They shouldn’t reappear for a few days after killing them, until the area is repopulated (and will not be repopulated while you are near). Screamers no longer spawn due to heat map activities, and do not spawn hordes anymore - but rather try to call out to nearby hordes if there are any (i.e. they may call none if there are none nearby). They are however much more sensitive to heatmap activities than normal hordes (up to four times). I am looking into the amount of screamers spawning, but that is also dependent on the size of the town you are in. I welcome feedback on these new features so that I can tweak and balance future updates.
  6. Sounds like the DLL hasn’t loaded properly. Have you checked that the DLL is placed at Mods/ImprovedHordes/ImprovedHordes.dll and not in say a double folder like Mods/ImprovedHordes/ImprovedHordes/ImprovedHordes.dll?
  7. IMPROVED HORDES 2.0.0-alpha.1 for A21 EXP b317 released. See the main post for more information. Download: https://github.com/FilUnderscore/ImprovedHordes/releases/download/2.0.0-alpha.1/ImprovedHordes-Experimental.zip Changelog
  8. Looking into making this an add-on, but expect add-ons to be updated/released around when 2.0.0 goes stable (should be around the same time as A21). The alpha should be ready for this weekend.
  9. IMPROVED HORDES 2.0.0-alpha.1 [A21 EXP b317] This is an experimental release of Improved Hordes. If you encounter any bugs/performance issues regarding the mod, report them in the Issues section of the repository with the experimental label. Download: https://github.com/FilUnderscore/ImprovedHordes/releases/download/2.0.0-alpha.1/ImprovedHordes-Experimental.zip Changelog Major rewrite of Improved Hordes code and functionality. Added World Roaming Hordes Hordes are now simulated across the world, spawning at random time intervals configured in the hordes file. You can run into hordes now, the world feels more alive as a result. Hordes that spawn and wander from cities can be huge, while hordes that spawn near small POIs and in the wild are much smaller. World Roaming Hordes are also multi-threaded, meaning Horde AI and distance calculations have been largely offloaded from the main game thread. Hordes can now split into smaller hordes or group up into larger hordes, with a new feature called horde density. Horde density allows hordes to scale in size combined with game stage, allowing for both smaller and bigger hordes at even the highest game stages. Hordes are comprised of clusters that may be part of different horde types that may have merged, that follow the same AI as the horde they are in. improvedhordes stats command has been updated to reflect useful information regarding World Roaming Hordes (i.e. Horde Cluster counts / horde densities), as well as information regarding game thread requests being processed. Horde Characteristics Hordes now have a set of characteristics that determine their properties. A walk speed characteristic that determines a horde's day/night walk speed. A sensitivity characteristic that determines a horde's sensitivity to world events. World Event Reporter Tracks and decays heatmap events that occur throughout the world. The decay rate and distance of interest is dependent on world size. World Horde Tracker Tracks the hordes currently spawned in the world and simulates them accordingly. Handles merging hordes and spawning of hordes if players are nearby. Horde Populators The World Roaming Horde system requires hordes to work, so the Horde Populators populate the world every tick depending on if certain conditions are met. Such as, are there any hordes or players nearby? World POI Scanner The POI Scanner scans the world for POIs that will then be grouped into clusters, to determine which clusters are large, densely populated cities/towns and which clusters are singular POIs. Allows for more accurate city horde / screamer spawns. Logging Verbose logging can be enabled using the improvedhordes verbose command to see more detailed logs. Changed Wandering Hordes Wandering Hordes now make use of the world roaming system with improved AI, which will target locations of interest where heatmap activities occur. You might attract large hordes or multiple smaller ones if you're too loud. Animal hordes Animal hordes can be found in the wild, migrating between biomes at different times of the year. You might catch some passing through a wasteland once in a while to get to a sunny forest. You may also encounter a chase between a wolf pack and a deer. Scout -> Screamer Hordes Spider zombies have been removed from screamer hordes. Screamers spawn in densely populated POI hubs such as cities, and may at times choose to join wandering hordes that form and leave these areas. Screamers are much more sensitive than normal hordes, being able to sense heatmap activities four-times the distance, so watch out for screamers near city bases. Improved AI The AI system has been redeveloped from the ground up to allow for more dynamic horde behaviors. Ever seen a horde of zombies take a stop to sleep? Might not want to disturb them. Hordes have a variety of commands to choose from depending on their current state. Wandering around locations of interest. Sleeping Heading somewhere. Some hordes now store states within their respective command generators, which help with generating future commands depending on their previous/current state. Custom Hordes The layout for the hordes.xml file has been kept roughly the same, however minor breaking changes have been made to streamline modifying the new horde spawning system. Under each horde type, horde groups must now be defined between the <horde></horde> tags. Each horde type allows you to now define other horde types that hordes can merge with. (In this release, custom horde types cannot be defined as they are currently only hardcoded. Stay tuned for updates.) The POI tags feature has been removed since the World POI Scanner has made this feature obsolete. countDecGS and countIncPerGS have been removed, and zombie counts are now determined at thirds of the current GS depending on the entity counts set between the min and max GS (see hordes file for more information). increaseEvery can be used instead of max to increase entity counts every X gamestages (supports floats). The settings.xml file can now be xpath patched for any future add-ons. Removed Patrol Hordes Patrol Hordes have been superseded by the new Roaming Hordes system, so expect more varied Wandering Hordes. Known issues Horde respawning of same type/number of entities inconsistent. Some horde entities may not despawn properly when quickly teleporting around. World horde state is not saved. Hordes respawn every time the game is started.
  10. Horde spawns are randomly generated on a weekly basis, first horde could be as early as Day 1 9:00 to as late as Day 4. You can view the horde schedule using the command “improvedhordes wandering show” which will show you all the wandering hordes for the week. To test if horde spawns work, you can spawn in a wandering horde using “improvedhordes wandering spawn”. The hordes will be small to start with, as they rely on your gamestage.
  11. Great to hear! IMPROVED HORDES 1.2.1 UPDATE RELEASED FOR ALPHA 20.6 B9. Changelog: Added Command to spawn in custom horde types that are not referenced in the Improved Hordes code. Usage: improvedhordes spawn <horde type> <hordegroup name> <group distance> <all> (player id) Fixed Fixed issue #8 "Null Reference Exception thrown when player logs out while HordeSpawner is attempting to spawn" A warning message should now instead appear, letting you know that the entity spawn was attempted but unsuccessful.
  12. The game has the "MaxSpawnedZombies" setting that allows up to a maximum number of zombies to be spawned in the world at any given time, which is set to a default value of 60. This can be changed in the serverconfig.xml file in the game install folder. The mod is configured so that it does not exceed this limit, and has another limit built in which is the max_alive_per_horde_player setting found in the mod's settings.xml file, which is set to a default value of 10 zombies spawned per player maximum per horde. If there are no hordes showing up with the "ih list" command when typed in the console, then it might not be causing the issue you are describing, as the mod only spawns in zombies when a horde is generated. If there are multiple large hordes listed, you may wish to either increase the "MaxSpawnedZombies" value or decrease the "max_alive_per_horde_player" setting to allow the last few zombies to spawn in (if the mod is causing the issue). Also check with the "le" command in the console if there are over 60 spawned zombies when the issue happens, to confirm that you are hitting the limit and that another mod is not causing the issue (assuming you are running other mods).
  13. IMPROVED HORDES 1.2.0 RELEASED FOR ALPHA 20.6 B9. Changelog: Updated for compatibility with Alpha 20.6 b9. Added POI Tags for horde spawns. This means you will no longer encounter animal hordes in cities/towns, and this makes them more common in the wilderness/smaller pois. This also means you will now encounter more zombie hordes while looting large areas, since the potential horde pool is smaller in those areas. Additional information in the improvedhordes stats command regarding the current POI tags in your area. (Requires permission level 0.) Changed Commands have been rewritten to be more modular behind-the-scenes. This should change none of the existing functionality, but provide easier navigating through the console command menu. Hordes and gamestage difficulty is now additionally decided on where the horde will spawn location-wise, on top of the player group's average gamestage, instead of what biome the player group is currently in. This means that hordes that spawn in the wasteland near a wasteland-forest, wasteland-desert, etc. boundary will have the difficulty of a wasteland horde, vice versa. So don't build too close to the wasteland when starting out, or you'll have a lot of zombies knocking on your door. Animal horde AI now prioritizes running away from players first before going to their target location.
  14. MOD MANAGER 1.0.2 UPDATE RELEASED FOR ALPHA 20.5 B2. Changelog: Fixed Error when attempting to create a new world using RWG. Fixed versioning notifying of a new update when using a newer version than published in the remote manifest. Mod Support SMXmenu now supported: https://github.com/FilUnderscore/ModManager/releases/download/1.0.2/ModManagerSMXmenuSupport.zip
  15. The old scout used to be a spider zombie, so the mod makes it so that you can either get a group of spider zombies (up to 3 like before), or a screamer to spawn.
  16. If you're referring to loading mods from multiple different folders, then yes it is possible. In the Mod Manager Settings Tab, you can edit the "Mod Directories" setting to add more folders (separated by a semicolon, " ; "). The mod will then load any mods it finds in the folders you provide at startup.
  17. IMPROVED HORDES 1.1.1 UPDATE RELEASED FOR ALPHA 20.5 B2. Changelog: Updated for compatibility with Alpha 20.5 b2. Added Optional Mod Manager support. New Settings <enabled> in <wandering_horde> to enable/disable custom wandering hordes. <enabled> in <heat_tracker> to enable/disable the heat difficulty settings and patrol hordes. New <horde_ai> option group. <sense_dist> The distance in meters at which hordes can sense players nearby. <threshold> The threshold before players nearby are sensed. New <advanced_settings> option group. <wander_time> The number of ticks that horde entities will wander before moving on.
  18. [v1.1.0] Mod Manager Manage your mods smarter by having an in-game tool to help manage all your Mod Settings and Updates through one interface, the Mods menu. Features: Mods List/Settings UI accessible from the main menu. Enable/Disable and customize mod settings from mods that support the Mod Settings API. Game mod list compatibility checking. Ensures you don't load a save with the wrong set of mods. Better error handling. Shows a user-friendly dialog box with the option to copy/ignore the message instead of spamming the in-game console with no way to close it. Mod version checking. Get notified if any new mod updates are available, as well as get compatibility updates about old/new mod versions with the current version of the game installed. Custom Mod Loader. Load mods from multiple directories (as well as the new default %AppData%\7DaysToDie\Mods and the old 7DaysToDie\Mods program folder). Download/Source: > Latest Release for Alpha 21.1 b16: https://github.com/FilUnderscore/ModManager/releases/latest/download/ModManager.zip > Previous Releases & Changelog: https://github.com/FilUnderscore/ModManager/releases > Source Code: https://github.com/FilUnderscore/ModManager Installation: Download and extract the zip containing latest release into the Mods folder. Client-only: Disable EAC so the game can load the Mod Manager DLL. Settings can be modified in the Mod Manager Settings Tab in the Mods menu. Mod Support: SMXmenu support: https://github.com/FilUnderscore/ModManager/releases/download/1.0.2/ModManagerSMXmenuSupport.zip Donations: You are already showing a lot of support just by enjoying the mod, but if you really appreciate my work and want to show extra support in the form of a donation, feel free to buy me a coffee on Ko-fi. Mod Developers (API): The Mod Manager includes its own APIs to integrate with mods (C# currently, XPath/XML support coming soon). Currently including: Mod Manifest API that allows your users to check for new mod versions within the in-game Mods menu Mod Settings API to allow users to customize settings without needing to restart their game (and the UI is handled all by the Mod Manager). The API is written as a wrapper that can be included in your project as a source file, which allows for optional Mod Manager support - meaning no errors will be thrown if the user chooses not to use the Mod Manager with your mod). More information about the API can be found here: https://github.com/FilUnderscore/ModManager/wiki/Mod-Integration Screenshots: Mod settings support with Improved Hordes: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/26781-improved-hordes-a205/
  19. Not at the moment, but do expect more settings to be available regarding hordes/AI in the next update. The zombies should be lingering around however if they are say, a feral wandering horde. Patrol hordes do not currently linger around, however I am looking to change this within the next update.
  20. This seems to be unrelated to the feral hordes and more related to the new stealth system. Just to confirm you are running the latest version (1.1.0)? The game seems to amplify player noise levels when feral sense is enabled, including sounds such as movement which results in the zombies going to the place they last heard you. I will look into this.
  21. Currently only scout hordes can be disabled in the settings.xml file, however I am looking into adding the option to disable wandering & patrol hordes. Expect this in a future patch. The mod is intended to be played with all 3 hordes active (and will be balanced as such), so the option to disable hordes will mainly be for those wanting to further modify hordes.
  22. The hordegroup tag doesn't support a group attribute so you can remove that, so it becomes: <hordegroup name="RaiderScout" weight="0.25"> ---- The entity tags work similar to the entitygroups.xml entries where you are specifying the entity name from the entityclasses.xml. For example, wolves are defined in the entityclasses.xml as "animalWolf". Here you are saying that you are wanting to spawn an entity defined in the entityclasses.xml as "RaiderScout". So the entity name needs to match the name of the entity you are wanting to spawn from your entityclasses.xml file. Example from wiki: ---- The top part of the above: The way this works for scouts is this defines the chance that another scout will spawn alongside a scout-summoned horde, so if you want to do this with your custom group then you would change the entity entries to look similar to this: <entity horde="scouts" group="RaiderScout" chance="0.1"/> This basically picks the RaiderScout hordegroup from the scouts horde type (there are only 4 horde types - wandering, scouts, scout, and patrol). Example from wiki: ---- And these entries below are picking the "Raiders" group that is defined in the entitygroups.xml file, an example of a group defined in that file is "ZombiesAll" or "ZombiesNight". Example from wiki:
  23. You can add custom groups in the hordes.xml file either by modifying it directly or using xpath, outlined more in the wiki on how to go about it: https://github.com/FilUnderscore/ImprovedHordes/wiki/Custom-Hordes
  24. Yes as stated in the OP, balancing is still a WIP (especially with a new horde type recently added in) and feedback is always welcome. You can lower the number of zombies spawned per player in the settings.xml file, or manually tweak the values yourself in the hordes.xml file in the meantime. Was this a scout horde that kept summoning zombies? Gamestage and Biome are also important factors as the Wasteland increases horde difficulty by +40 GS where as the Forest is +0.
  25. IMPROVED HORDES 1.1.0 RELEASED FOR ALPHA 20.3 B3. Changelog: Added Smarter heatmap that affects nearby chunks. Simply being in a location for a long time will increase the heatmap by a small amount, normal heatmap activities will count more relative to roaming. Affects the gamestage of any groups near these chunks, meaning more frequented areas will have harder hordes as zombies pinpoint the best places to catch survivors in. Begins to decay after 1 day of no activity, takes 4 full days to decay. Revisiting the area will restart the timer and continue increasing the heat in the area. This can be adjusted in the settings.xml file under the heat_tracker section. Patrol hordes Begin to roam frequently visited areas on a determined frequency depending on the amount of heat generated in an area and the biome difficulty. Avoiding detection lowers the heat in the area. Changed Improved Horde AI allowing horde zombies to sense players based on sight and sound. Horde spawns for solo groups can now be in any direction. Horde endpoints can now be 45-315° from their spawnpoint. Gamestage difficulty now takes into account the biome you are in, adjusting for easier/tougher hordes, especially in the wasteland. Feral scouts no longer summon a horde on death, but can fit in more screams than it's non-feral variant. Feral scout spawn chance is no longer dependent on gamestage, but instead now depends on the heat in an area. Scouts contribute more heat to an area leading to harder hordes as they continue to scream. Horde balancing changes. Fixed Horde spawning within a player group instead of outside. Wandering horde group occurrences for players not saving, leading to more spawns of certain horde groups than intended (ignoring the maxWeeklyOccurrences hordegroup value). AI Horde not being removed from tracking after state change. Are you running any mods that add/change biomes in anyway? Try using the latest version and see if it's still happening. This mod doesn't add any zombies, just spawns in zombies (from the entityclasses.xml & entitygroups.xml configs), so it should work with it fine.
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