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Everything posted by FilUnderscore

  1. Yep, you'll need to download the A21 version if you were previously running A20. Let me know if you're still getting an error and post a log of it. You can find the log by opening the console then clicking "Open Logs Folder" in the top right of the window.
  2. Might be heatmap related, I’ll have to check how the game is handling silenced weapons regarding that and see if I can make any changes. A20 version will always remain available under the previous releases GitHub link as well as on Nexus Mods. Gamestage scaling 😉 Good to hear, mod’s getting there. Few more things to patch up and should be good for a near stable release.
  3. MPROVED HORDES 2.0.0-alpha.8 for A21 EXP b323 released. This is an experimental release of Improved Hordes. If you encounter any bugs/performance issues regarding the mod, report them in the Issues section of the repository with the experimental label. Download: https://github.com/FilUnderscore/ImprovedHordes/releases/download/2.0.0-alpha.8/ImprovedHordes-Experimental.zip Changelog Added Setting to enable additional AI player sensing. This will default to being off. Set ai_player_sensing to true to enable. Fixed Hordes being able to sense you through walls when ai_player_sensing option is enabled. Multiple instances of threads present when opening other games in the same session. Known issues Horde respawning of same type/number of entities inconsistent. Entities sometimes frozen in place when sleeping, or the game AI lags behind if there are too many entities spawned.
  4. Shouldn't be any incompatibility, the mod uses a custom spawning system and just tells the game "put a zombie here". You may find cities more overwhelming with dangerous cities on top of Improved Hordes in terms of zombie count, since my understanding is that the mod boosts the game's town spawns by altering the vanilla spawn system. Compared to the A20 version, Improved Hordes no longer alters wandering hordes and instead adds in a new roaming horde system that simulates hordes not nearby and spawns them in when you're close. This approach allows you to encounter wandering hordes much more frequently if you're moving around the map, otherwise you'll have to wait for a horde to stumble upon you (unless you get a vanilla wandering horde which is just spawned in at random intervals). I hope to expand this system in the future to introduce more custom hordes into the world that can maybe do more than just wander around. I am looking at ways to increase the chance of having hordes come at you through some kind of heat system where hordes can identify paths that have not been visited as frequently, so as to not overwhelm players by having hordes feel like they're locking onto you for no reason. Another way this can also be achieved is by slightly randomizing each horde's pathfinding so that they may run into you by chance more frequently. During my tests I have found that as the horde simulation progresses, there are some patches throughout the map that naturally never get hordes unless by random chance or player intervention, while other spots on the map get lots of hordes. I'm looking to minimize this.
  5. IMPROVED HORDES 2.0.0-alpha.7 for A21 EXP b323 released. This is an experimental release of Improved Hordes. If you encounter any bugs/performance issues regarding the mod, report them in the Issues section of the repository with the experimental label. Download: https://github.com/FilUnderscore/ImprovedHordes/releases/download/2.0.0-alpha.7/ImprovedHordes-Experimental.zip Changelog Added Horde Biome Decay When hordes cross over from their initial biome, they will start to decay until eventually ending up at a density of 0. If they return to their initial biome, the decay stops. This will prevent, for example, lots of harder biome hordes (i.e. wasteland) overrunning easier biomes (i.e. pine forest). improvedhordes flush command that will flush (reset) all hordes in the world and their respective populators. Rough implementation of hordes detecting players nearby on sight. Expect this to be ironed out in future updates. You may encounter a few minor issues like hordes being able to detect you through walls when nearby. Some changes to player grouping for a future update to limit multiple nearby spawned horde entity counts. Changed Multithreading system changes Moved from a task-based approach to a traditional thread approach. Each core system runs on its own thread assigned with a prefix of IHThreaded-. This means that the horde threading settings are no longer relevant and thus have been removed. This is an attempt to fix micro-stuttering that is present during gameplay. Zone horde density tweaks to ensure that a zone cannot spawn hordes greater than the biome it is in allows. Wilderness horde sparsity was previously affected by biome difficulty. This is no longer the case for animal and screamer hordes, but for standard wandering hordes still applies. Known issues Horde respawning of same type/number of entities inconsistent. Entities sometimes frozen in place when sleeping, or the game AI lags behind if there are too many entities spawned.
  6. Thanks for the update, I'll be releasing a new one in a short while that switches from a task-based system to one that uses 3 dedicated threads. I'm hoping it will be a lot more consistent performance-wise. Looking into this. They should get your attention if you make some sound, but I need to get their sight working properly. Are your POI locations near towns? That could be part of the issue. Are you finding these hordes coming from a common direction, perhaps from another town somewhere in the distance? Still looking at the option of slightly randomizing their pathing so they don't go directly from point A to point B. AI could be much more improved however recently I had been fixing bugs, so I hope to get back to it soon. You could in the meantime increase the zone repopulation days setting to a higher number which will prevent hordes from respawning in towns just a bit longer. Just to confirm, you're also using the latest version?
  7. The hordes are roaming throughout the world and may not be passing by your location very often, if you head to towns you may be able to catch them more frequently. Still working on getting the spawning numbers right. Are you generating any heat or just relying on them to see you? If the latter, this functionality isn't present just yet while I look for a good way to implement it, but they should be reacting to any heatmap activity happening nearby. Is this still happening as you're playing or only initially, and it wasn't present last update?
  8. Yes that is a core feature of the mod. On day 1 unless you go into a harder biome which raises your game stage, you can only expect to see some small and medium sized hordes with basic zombie types depending on whether you enter a city or you’re in the wilderness.
  9. IMPROVED HORDES 2.0.0-alpha.6 for A21 EXP b317 released. This is an experimental release of Improved Hordes. If you encounter any bugs/performance issues regarding the mod, report them in the Issues section of the repository with the experimental label. Download: https://github.com/FilUnderscore/ImprovedHordes/releases/download/2.0.0-alpha.6/ImprovedHordes-Experimental.zip Changelog Added Feral sense support If you enable feral sense options for your game, hordes will be able to sense you up to a slightly greater distance. Changed Reworked zone horde spawning Improved the POI zoning algorithm to more accurately determine towns and cities through proper POI clustering. Also tweaked some parameters to spawn hordes better depending on zone size and POI count. Multi-threading changes Slightly tweaked how data between threads is shared. Increased event_interest_distance_multiplier from 0.25 to 0.5. This is also in part to fix hordes not being interested in nearby activities. Additionally, increased the weight of heatmap activities which should make hordes interested much more quickly. Increased max_world_density from 200.0 to 350.0. This is mainly so that wilderness hordes can properly populate throughout the world. City hordes are much bigger than wilderness hordes, but there are less of them. Depending on your world size, you may choose to increase/decrease this number. Reduced roaming horde speeds to be more inline with the game's entity walk speeds. Increased wilderness wandering horde sleep chance from 0.3 to 0.7. Increased zone wandering horde sleep chance from 0.3 to 0.5. Renamed horde_biome_sparsity_multiplier to horde_biome_multiplier. Increasing this number will increase the number of hordes populated throughout the world (in zones/wilderness). Reducing it does the opposite effect. Hordes will now wander around areas of interest for sometime depending on the amount of interest accumulated. Fixed Biome-specific horde population rules not being applied to unloaded chunks. Horde AI interrupt commands not being properly processed. Hordes should now be better attracted to nearby heatmap activities. NullPointerException when attempting to fetch previous heatmap event data in chunks. Screamers not being able to merge with wandering hordes in certain cases. Known issues Horde respawning of same type/number of entities inconsistent. Entities sometimes frozen in place when sleeping, or the game AI lags behind if there are too many entities spawned. New update I've tweaked some things to try and reduce this stutter, let me know if it works. Been fixed in the latest release. This has already been running since the first update, but with the bugged POI detection hasn't really been that noticeable. City hordes should be more balanced now, might need to do a bit of tweaking still but it should be much better now. There are still some things I'd like to add in like horde decay in different biomes so hordes don't get out of hand (size-wise) when moving between them.
  10. Try reducing the number of threads that the horde simulation uses, https://github.com/FilUnderscore/ImprovedHordes/wiki/Settings#threading Inside the file: Mods/ImprovedHordes/Config/ImprovedHordes/settings.xml Try lowering the horde threads to 2 to begin with. Currently a bug with horde populating, expect a fix next update (should be ready in the next day or so).
  11. Looked into it, seems to have been a bug regarding how the AI processes interruptions and was slightly affected by the event distance nerf as well. They seem to be reacting much better in the dev build for next release. Update on the POI: I've tweaked and improved the detection algorithm, for comparison here is what we had so far (10k pregen map for reference): vs what's coming: The yellow squares are individual POIs, I've managed to get up to separating the city POIs from rural/wilderness POIs, and now that's left to do is correctly group the squares to form bigger simpler squares that represent town/city zones. EDIT: Further update, here's the grouped city zones from the above picture: These zone outlines will allow the spawning system to deduce the density of these zones by knowing the size and number of POIs within these zones. Still need to test that it works properly in other RWG maps, then I can begin to tweak the spawns within the zones. Compared to the first picture (2.0.0-alpha.5), the picture above is what it should look like.
  12. Great idea for an add-on, I'll look into it after all the issues have been fixed. I did hard nerf the hordes for now (sizes and numbers) to try and figure out what should be balanced and temporarily fix the out of hand hordes others have been experiencing. Increase the density will increase the horde size, as well as tweaking the entity min-max counts. You can also look to tweak the increase every X gamestages on how quickly you want your hordes to grow. Looking into this!
  13. Yes this is not mod related, vanilla game also has this. No, the error seems to be harmless unless it's spamming your console. Seems like I might've missed some checks, the error is related to the chunk heatmap decay feature (not thread related). I'll get this fixed next patch so it doesn't spew errors in rare cases. Update on the POI issue: might've been exacerbated by a typo I made while coding up the zoning algorithm - the zones while debugging appeared smaller than they actually are and could've been the cause of getting lots of hordes in cities because of the size being misreported (lots of things depend on the zone sizes, so this is sort of a big issue, mainly the density of cities being misrepresented by their size). I've ended up rewriting most of the zone logic while trying to figure out what was causing the issue (and tidying up since it was quite messy), so the next patch should have much more accurate spawns (including a fix for hordes spawning in POIs).
  14. I’ll see what I can do about this, may need to improve the poi detection algorithm.
  15. IMPROVED HORDES 2.0.0-alpha.5 for A21 EXP b317 released. This is an experimental release of Improved Hordes. If you encounter any bugs/performance issues regarding the mod, report them in the Issues section of the repository with the experimental label. Download: https://github.com/FilUnderscore/ImprovedHordes/releases/download/2.0.0-alpha.5/ImprovedHordes-Experimental.zip Changelog Added More settings horde_biome_sparsity_multiplier controls the sparsity of wilderness hordes in biomes. A lower number means less sparsity between hordes (more hordes in an area). This is divided by the biome difficulty as defined in the game's biomes.xml file. event_chunk_radius controls the influence events have over nearby chunks (i.e. spreading shared interest within a few chunks). event_interest_distance_multiplier controls the distance at which an event is reported at depending on the current area interest. The default distance is based on map size (e.g. 6144x6144 has a max distance of 400, applying the multiplier of 0.25 means a max distance of 100). Changed Lowered event_interest_distance_multiplier from 1.0 to 0.25. Events are now reported at a distance of 4x less, so less hordes should be attracted to you in large areas. Lowered the max_world_density from 500.0 to 200.0. Less hordes should now populate world zones and the wilderness due to the above changes. Known issues Horde respawning of same type/number of entities inconsistent. Entities sometimes frozen in place when sleeping, or the game AI lags behind if there are too many entities spawned. The mod does follow the max number of zombies that the game allows to be spawned, so I'm not sure what could have caused hundreds of zombies to spawn. You were using the previous version (2.0.0-alpha.4)? New update (2.0.0-alpha.5) has been pushed that adds a setting for the biome spawns as a multiplier (lower = more hordes, higher = less). I've nerfed the heat distance for now and added a multiplier for that should you want to further nerf or buff the changes. Also nerfed the number of hordes in the world quite hard this time. As for number of zombies in the hordes, this is based on game stage (and a bit on the horde density), but do remember that a new change in A21 is that game stage now scales with your biome (and this is very true for snow/desert/wasteland). This will in turn reflect on the hordes you get with the mod. The goal is to have pine forest's be easy and wasteland be hard, though being near a city will guarantee you more horde encounters, I don't want it to be feeling anywhere near horde night. I would much prefer I get complaints about not enough hordes than too many hordes, haha.
  16. Thanks for the feedback. It would be difficult to implement a delay as hordes are now roaming (no longer spawned randomly like in the past), so after they spawn the AI decides which cities to go to (each horde has a different AI controller). What might be beneficial is tweaking horde populations depending on the biome, such that the forest has fewer roaming hordes and the wasteland has more. I'm currently working on this, so any towns or the wilderness in the forest will have fewer and smaller hordes which should align more with the linear progression of difficulty. Horde targeting happens if you're generating lots of heat by making loud sounds (with guns) or a screamer screams. I've lowered the cool-down on this in the past and it seems better, but again the problem might be too many hordes present in easy biomes. I may look to introducing a initial world population delay of hordes when starting a game for the first time, to try and balance out hordes in the early game.
  17. IMPROVED HORDES 2.0.0-alpha.4 for A21 EXP b317 released. This is an experimental release of Improved Hordes. If you encounter any bugs/performance issues regarding the mod, report them in the Issues section of the repository with the experimental label. Download: https://github.com/FilUnderscore/ImprovedHordes/releases/download/2.0.0-alpha.4/ImprovedHordes-Experimental.zip Changelog Added Settings to control wilderness horde populations. wandering_animal_wilderness_sparsity controls how sparsely populated the world is with wandering_animal hordes. Higher number means more sparse. wandering_animal_enemy_wilderness_sparsity controls the sparsity of wandering_animal_enemy hordes in the wild. wandering_enemy_wilderness_sparsity controls the sparsity of wandering_enemy hordes. wilderness_horde_repopulation_days controls the number of days before hordes can repopulate in the wilderness. zone_horde_repopulation_days controls the number of days before hordes can repopulate in POI zones. Changed Lowered the sparsity settings to lower the wilderness horde spawns. Number of hordes in POI zones have been lightly increased to compensate. There will be fewer hordes in the world with the new default settings. Lowered entity counts in hordes and changed some game stage requirements. Game stage calculations for player groups within view distance have been re-done to be more closely aligned to the way the game calculates game stage for partied members. Fixed World horde state is not saved. Hordes respawn every time the game is started. Data is now saved residing in the same folder as the game data, in ImprovedHordes.bin. Hordes will now be saved to their last known locations and resume doing whatever they were doing when you last played. Clearing areas out of hordes is also saved until the next time the world is repopulated with hordes (default setting is after 7 days). Known issues Horde respawning of same type/number of entities inconsistent. Entities sometimes frozen in place when sleeping, or the game AI lags behind if there are too many entities spawned.
  18. Good to hear. Zombies frozen in place might be a bug with sleepers / the AI lagging behind, I'll look into it.
  19. Yeah, edit the hordes xml file in the Config/ImprovedHordes folder in the mod folder and play around with the entity counts to get bigger hordes. You can check out the wiki (linked in main post) to find out what everything does. There will be more settings in a later update for customising how hordes are populated throughout the world. Huh. Are you running the latest version of the mod? Screamers should be much more reduced now, but never seen this o_o
  20. New update should be more balanced now, there should be less screamers popping up and less aggressive hordes.
  21. IMPROVED HORDES 2.0.0-alpha.3 for A21 EXP b317 released. This is an experimental release of Improved Hordes. If you encounter any bugs/performance issues regarding the mod, report them in the Issues section of the repository with the experimental label. Download: https://github.com/FilUnderscore/ImprovedHordes/releases/download/2.0.0-alpha.3/ImprovedHordes-Experimental.zip Changelog Added Horde biome splitting Hordes now split when crossing into another biome of a lower difficulty into multiple hordes, that then choose to go different paths. This prevents wasteland hordes from crossing into pine forests and being 1.8x more dense (by default settings). Changed Increased world event decay rate so that heatmap events decay much faster, this should prevent hordes/screamers from being attracted too often. If you fire a gun non-stop, then expect hordes to show up, otherwise if you carefully shoot your gun on occasion you shouldn't be attracting far away hordes. Screamer zone radius has been reduced. Screamers often wandered the outskirts of a city zone, now they should stick close to the center, so you shouldn't be running into them too often outside of town. Screamer zone density spawn requirement increased from 0.5 to 0.75. This should spawn less screamers in densely populated towns/cities. Tweak horde group wandering_enemy game stage entity counts. Fixed #10 - Sleeping hordes do not awaken if you get close. Now sleeping zombies wake up if you get within 15m. Known issues Horde respawning of same type/number of entities inconsistent. Some horde entities may not despawn properly when quickly teleporting around. World horde state is not saved. Hordes respawn every time the game is started.
  22. Hordes get bigger depending on the biome difficulty, so in your case you might be getting big hordes because of being near the wasteland. Next update should see big hordes split when they enter a different biome if they are too dense/hard for the biome they are in. Additionally, heat intensity is being reduced and will expire much quicker which should attract less hordes/screamers unless you're rapidly firing a gun at a horde within a couple of seconds. I'm also reducing the screamer wander radius outside of cities so they stick closer to the center, because as of right now they like to wander around the outskirts a lot. Hope you'll give the mod another try at stable release, should be a lot better by then.
  23. Yes, expect add-ons to be updated closer to the stable release of 2.0.0. The experimental phase is mainly balancing out the base systems and adding in any additional large features. Based on add-on downloads, users seemed to enjoy having larger hordes on average, so the A21 version includes a mix of horde sizes to make each horde feel slightly different (some bigger, some smaller) on top of the game staged horde sizes. You can expect to find a lot more hordes near towns/cities, with their size varying on the size of the area, while hordes in the wild will be on the smaller side. You can on occasion, come across a large horde wandering toward a town in the wild. There will be an updated bigger hordes add-on that should work quite nicely with this feature. The random hordes add-on was also quite popular, so an updated random hordes add-on with this new system would mean even more random hordes.
  24. I'm thinking there's still too much merging going on when hordes get too close, which results in more unevenly distributed hordes where you get huge ones in zones instead of multiple clusters within a zone. I'm going to be tweaking the parameters to prevent this from happening too often, because it's not meant to feel like a blood moon horde all the time.
  25. IMPROVED HORDES 2.0.0-alpha.2 for A21 EXP b317 released. This is an experimental release of Improved Hordes. If you encounter any bugs/performance issues regarding the mod, report them in the Issues section of the repository with the experimental label. Download: https://github.com/FilUnderscore/ImprovedHordes/releases/download/2.0.0-alpha.2/ImprovedHordes-Experimental.zip Changelog Changed Horde unload merge distance reduced from 100 to 50 m. WorldZoneHordePopulator player/cluster radius check reduced from POI zone size to view distance. Fixed Exception thrown when a GS tag within a defined group does not have a max or increaseEvery attribute. Now randomizes entity counts instead. max_entities_spawned_per_player setting does not spawn any entities if set below 0 (i.e. -1 to disable horde entity spawn limit). Known issues Horde respawning of same type/number of entities inconsistent. Some horde entities may not despawn properly when quickly teleporting around. World horde state is not saved. Hordes respawn every time the game is started.
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