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Everything posted by Zolokhan

  1. ok so ... this whole flat map thing is interesting but is there anyway to change the POIs in Kinggen to use the current vanilla list? We all get the "poi missing errors" when we load a KingGen map but in all honesty it is still better than vanilla even missing the POIs. And tbh i do not even know where they are missing ... the map is still filled with POIs There is a option of generating custom POIs in KingGen so can't we just copy paste the current vanilla list into KingGen and it should load them ?
  2. So if you put it next to a block it makes that block invisible ANd itself is also invisible?
  3. So i am modding spears that have a power attack instead of throwing and it works perfect but the player Power attack sound plays after the entire animation is over . The xml looks like this (and it works) : <set xpath="/items/item[@name='meleeWpnSpearT0StoneSpear']/property[@name='HoldType']/@value">18</set> <set xpath="/items/item[@name='meleeWpnSpearT0StoneSpear']/property[@class='Action1']/property[@name='Class']/@value">DynamicMelee</set> <remove xpath="/items/item[@name='meleeWpnSpearT0StoneSpear']/property[@class='Action1']/requirement[@name='StatCompareCurrent']"/> <remove xpath="/items/item[@name='meleeWpnSpearT0StoneSpear']/property[@class='Action1']/property[@name='Hitmask_override']"/> <remove xpath="/items/item[@name='meleeWpnSpearT0StoneSpear']/property[@class='Action1']/property[@name='Delay']"/> <remove xpath="/items/item[@name='meleeWpnSpearT0StoneSpear']/property[@class='Action1']/property[@name='Throw_strength_default']"/> <remove xpath="/items/item[@name='meleeWpnSpearT0StoneSpear']/property[@class='Action1']/property[@name='Throw_strength_max']"/> <remove xpath="/items/item[@name='meleeWpnSpearT0StoneSpear']/property[@class='Action1']/property[@name='Max_strain_time']"/> <remove xpath="/items/item[@name='meleeWpnSpearT0StoneSpear']/property[@class='Action1']/property[@name='Sound_start']"/> <remove xpath="/items/item[@name='meleeWpnSpearT0StoneSpear']/property[@class='Action1']/property[@name='Explosion.ParticleIndex']"/> <remove xpath="/items/item[@name='meleeWpnSpearT0StoneSpear']/property[@class='Action1']/property[@name='FlyTime']"/> <remove xpath="/items/item[@name='meleeWpnSpearT0StoneSpear']/property[@class='Action1']/property[@name='Gravity']"/> <remove xpath="/items/item[@name='meleeWpnSpearT0StoneSpear']/property[@class='Action1']/property[@name='LifeTime']"/> <remove xpath="/items/item[@name='meleeWpnSpearT0StoneSpear']/effect_group[@name='Throw']"/> <insertAfter xpath="/items/item[@name='meleeWpnSpearT0StoneSpear']/property[@class='Action1']/property[@name='Class']"> <property name="Sound_start" value="swoosh"/> <property name="Sphere" value="0.15"/> <property name="ToolCategory.harvestingTools" value=".5" param1="1"/> <property name="UsePowerAttackAnimation" value="true"/> <property name="UseGrazingHits" value="true"/> <property name="GrazeStart" value=".25"/> <property name="GrazeEnd" value=".32"/> <property name="SwingDegrees" value="10"/> <property name="SwingAngle" value="20"/> <property class="GrazeSounds"> <property name="Override0" value="organic" param1="metalgrazeorganic"/> </property> </insertAfter> The problem is somewhere in the Action1 node but I cannot find where player sounds come into it ... can anyone help?
  4. So ... does Spherrell mods not need DMT now?
  5. I have been using this mod https://7daystodiemods.com/new-terrain-textures/ (specifically the dead leaves) for corpse blocks ( i have been modding them back in since they removed them) .. it works good and is nice and dark. With A20 i cannot get that mod to work. Can anyone help with either : 1) Telling me i am missing something with that mod and showing me how it works with A20. 2) point me towards some new textures mods so I can shop for a goreblock texture. 3) Magically make me a goreblock texture lol -.-
  6. Any chance these textures can be updated to work with A20 ... or do they work with A20 ? I have not been able to get them to work. I have been using the dead leaves texture from the terrain set as a corpseblock in my mod but now I cannot get it to work. Thanks for these mods, is it really that hard to make textures for this game? Nobody else does it except you lol
  7. yes that worked .. .thank you. And while we are here ..... there is still no way to tint a terrain texture? A few years ago I know you could do it becuase I used raidiated earth tinted red for gore blocks ... but now that is not an option.
  8. ok i noticed that the file is called entityclasses but inside the node is entity_classes .. so i tried <zolokhan> <insertAfter xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='zombieTemplatemale']/property[@name='LootDropEntityClass']"> <property name="CorpseBlock" value="terrGore"/> <property name="CorpseBlockChance" value="1"/> </insertAfter> </zolokhan> and then i tried <zolokhan> <insertAfter xpath="/entityclasses/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='zombieTemplatemale']/property[@name='LootDropEntityClass']"> <property name="CorpseBlock" value="terrGore"/> <property name="CorpseBlockChance" value="1"/> </insertAfter> </zolokhan> but they all had the same WRM patch error ....
  9. I have been modding this game every single update to bring back corpseblocks but i always just to it directly to the install files because I never cared to share it before .... now I am doing it a proper way but am having trouble inserting the lines where they need to beThis is what my mod looks like :<insertAfter xpath="/entityclasses/entity_class[@name='zombieTemplatemale']/property[@name='LootDropEntityClass']"><property name="CorpseBlock" value="terrGore"/><property name="CorpseBlockChance" value="1"/></insertAfter>but it gives me a WRN xml patch error and does not apply it.I know it works if i just go into the entityclasses file and uncomment out the corpseblock lines but /append does not work and /insertafter or before has not worked.I already made the "terrgore" block but am still hunting for a good texture.Any help would be appreciated .... i literally have never played this game with disappearing zombie bodies ... ever .... i hate it.
  10. You might be able to modify a grenade to cause repair to its radius ...
  11. I want to make the safe zone much larger but the time component shorter. I want the area of safe zombies to be like twice the default but the time before zombies spawn to be like noon (2 hours less than default 14:00) Where is the .xml file that controls this safe zone? Thank you.
  12. Is it possible to link the biome spawns to day number to make the ambient zombies more deadlier as days go by? Adding day="#" to biome spawning?
  13. Well I figured it out completely ... and now I have: 1) Thrusting Spears with power Attack option. 2) Throwing Javelins that stack. I had to tweak the max strain time on the javelins to make them less cheezy .... the strain time goes up as you move to steel javelins I now just need to put in recipes ... This is what they look like now ... the biggest mystery was putting tiered="false" next to the "Throw" effect group .... that was the secret. If you do not put that they won't stack. <item name="ThrowingSpear"> <property name="Tags" value="ammo,grunting,weapon,attPerception,perkJavelinMaster,noMods"/> <property name="DisplayType" value="meleeTorch"/> <property name="Class" value="ItemClassTorch"/> <property name="HoldType" value="59"/> <property name="Meshfile" value="#Other/Items?Weapons/Melee/Spear/spear_stone_Prefab.prefab"/> <property name="StickyMaterial" value="#Other/Items?Weapons/Melee/Spear/Materials/spear_sticky.mat"/><property name="DropScale" value=".6"/> <property name="Material" value="Mstone"/> <property name="SoundDestroy" value="wooddestroy1"/> <property name="Stacknumber" value="10"/> <!-- STK torch --> <property name="FuelValue" value="25"/> <property name="EconomicValue" value="10"/> <property name="CustomIcon" value="meleeWpnSpearT0StoneSpear"/> <property name="CustomIconTint" value="FD5895"/> <property name="IsSticky" value="true"/> <property name="StickyOffset" value=".7"/> <property name="StickyColliderUp" value="1"/> <property name="StickyColliderRadius" value=".1"/> <property name="StickyColliderLength" value="2"/> <property name="StickyForwardDirection" value="0,0,1"/> <property name="NavObject" value="spear"/> <requirement name="StatCompareCurrent" stat="Stamina" operation="GTE" value="20.1"/> <property name="Class" value="ThrownWeapon"/> <property name="Hitmask_override" value="Bullet"/> <property name="Delay" value="1.2"/> <property name="Throw_strength_default" value="6"/> <property name="Throw_strength_max" value="18"/> <property name="Max_strain_time" value="2.0"/> <property name="Sound_start" value="spear_throw"/> <property name="Explosion.ParticleIndex" value="0"/> <!-- no expl. --> <property name="FlyTime" value="0"/> <property name="Gravity" value="-7.5"/> <!-- default is -9.81 --> <property name="LifeTime" value="60"/> <property class="HitSounds"> <property name="Override0" value="organic" param1="metalstaborganic"/> </property> </property> <property name="Group" value="Basics,Ammo/Weapons"/> <effect_group name="ThrowingSpear" tiered="false"> <passive_effect name="MaxRange" operation="base_set" value="4" tags="perkJavelinMaster"/> <passive_effect name="BlockRange" operation="base_set" value="3.5" tags="perkJavelinMaster"/> <passive_effect name="TargetArmor" operation="perc_add" value="-.2" tags="perkJavelinMaster"/><display_value name="dTargetArmor" value="-.2"/> <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="base_set" value="10" tags="perkJavelinMaster"/> <!-- meleeToolTorch --> <passive_effect name="BlockDamage" operation="base_set" value="5" tags="perkJavelinMaster"/> <passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_add" value="-.5" tags="earth"/> <passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_add" value="-.5" tags="stone"/> <passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_add" value="-.5" tags="metal"/> <passive_effect name="AttacksPerMinute" operation="base_set" value="50"/> <passive_effect name="HarvestCount" operation="base_add" value="-.75" tags="allHarvest"/> <passive_effect name="HarvestCount" operation="base_add" value="-.75" tags="allToolsHarvest"/> <passive_effect name="HarvestCount" operation="base_add" value="-.75" tags="oreWoodHarvest"/> <passive_effect name="StaminaLoss" operation="base_set" value="25" tags="primary"/> <passive_effect name="ModSlots" operation="base_set" value="0"/> </effect_group> <effect_group name="Throw" tiered="false"> <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" value="2.85" tags="secondary"/> <passive_effect name="BlockDamage" operation="perc_add" value="2.85" tags="secondary"/> <passive_effect name="StaminaLoss" operation="base_set" value="36.9" tags="secondary"/> </effect_group> </item>
  14. This is what the Throwing spear looks like : it works and can ONLY be thrown but they do not stack. <item name="rangedWpnSpearT0StoneSpear" tiered="false"> <property name="Tags" value="ammo,grunting,weapon,attPerception,perkJavelinMaster,noMods"/> <property name="DisplayType" value="meleeSpear"/> <property name="HoldType" value="59"/> <property name="Meshfile" value="#Other/Items?Weapons/Melee/Spear/spear_stone_Prefab.prefab"/> <property name="Material" value="Mstone"/> <property name="StickyMaterial" value="#Other/Items?Weapons/Melee/Spear/Materials/spear_sticky.mat"/> <property name="SoundDestroy" value="wooddestroy1"/> <property name="CustomIcon" value="meleeWpnSpearT0StoneSpear" /> <property name="CustomIconTint" value="FD9095" /> <property name="Stacknumber" value="10"/> <property name="FuelValue" value="75"/> <property name="EconomicValue" value="175"/> <property name="SellableToTrader" value="false"/> <property name="IsSticky" value="true"/> <property name="StickyOffset" value=".7"/> <property name="StickyColliderUp" value="1"/> <property name="StickyColliderRadius" value=".1"/> <property name="StickyColliderLength" value="2"/> <property name="StickyForwardDirection" value="0,0,1"/> <property name="Group" value="Ammo/Weapons,Basics"/> <property name="NavObject" value="spear"/> <property class="Action0"> <requirement name="StatCompareCurrent" stat="Stamina" operation="GTE" value="20.1"/> <property name="Class" value="ThrownWeapon"/> <property name="Hitmask_override" value="Bullet"/> <property name="Delay" value="1.2"/> <property name="Throw_strength_default" value="6"/> <property name="Throw_strength_max" value="18"/> <property name="Max_strain_time" value="1"/> <property name="Sound_start" value="spear_throw"/> <property name="Explosion.ParticleIndex" value="0"/> <!-- no expl. --> <property name="FlyTime" value="0"/> <property name="Gravity" value="-7.5"/> <!-- default is -9.81 --> <property name="LifeTime" value="60"/> <property class="HitSounds"> <property name="Override0" value="organic" param1="metalstaborganic"/> </property> </property> <effect_group name="rangedWpnSpearT0StoneSpear" tiered="false"> <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="base_set" value="10.3" tags="perkJavelinMaster"/> <!-- meleeWpnSpearT0StoneSpear --> <passive_effect name="TargetArmor" operation="perc_add" value="-.2" tags="perkJavelinMaster"/><display_value name="dTargetArmor" value="-.2"/> <passive_effect name="BlockDamage" operation="base_set" value="5" tags="perkJavelinMaster"/> <passive_effect name="StaminaLoss" operation="base_set" value="18.5" tags="primary"/> <passive_effect name="MaxRange" operation="base_set" value="4" tags="perkJavelinMaster"/> <passive_effect name="BlockRange" operation="base_set" value="3.5" tags="perkJavelinMaster"/> <passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_add" value="-.8" tags="wood"/> <passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_add" value="-.9" tags="stone"/> <passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_add" value="-.9" tags="metal"/> <passive_effect name="ModSlots" operation="base_set" value="0"/> <passive_effect name="HarvestCount" operation="base_add" value="-.75" tags="allHarvest"/> <passive_effect name="HarvestCount" operation="base_add" value="-.75" tags="allToolsHarvest"/> <passive_effect name="HarvestCount" operation="base_add" value="-.75" tags="oreWoodHarvest"/> </effect_group> <effect_group name="Throw"> <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" value="2.85" tags="secondary"/> <passive_effect name="BlockDamage" operation="perc_add" value="2.85" tags="secondary"/> <passive_effect name="StaminaLoss" operation="base_set" value="36.9" tags="secondary"/> </effect_group> </item>
  15. I am modding spears to make two types of spears .... one for thrusting and one for throwing so that you can have power attacks on spears. I have separated them but I cannot make the throwing speras stack because I cannot remove the quality level ... how do you make an item NOT have a quality level anymore?
  16. that sucks ... i am sure it was there before. Thanks.
  17. Really ? This is just impossible now? no tinting blocks in .xml?
  18. No i mean tinting blocks by modding them, changing the blocks.xml file. But thank you for the reply.
  19. I know years ago you could change the tint of blocks but I have no idea what happened in the like 2 years since i played this game. I am backa and can only find ways to tint items or icons but not blocks. Can anyone help?
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