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Posts posted by Viktoriusiii

  1. 8 hours ago, BarryTGash said:

    When everything is an ambush nothing is an ambush (because you're expecting it).


    They need to find a way to randomise them, eg. ~10% will be ambushes, so you can't know in advance. That will provide excitement and its own kind of difficulty (not through attrition, but through surprise).

    I know they won't do that, since they love their hidden sleepers:
    But everything above 5% I think is an "expected" outcome.
    Remember when every picture had treasure behind it?
    Now it is about <10% and I don't usually bother destroying them. (mostly because wallsafe loot is absolutely bad. The reason why I don't say garbage is because garbage often has better loot inside :'D)
    With dangers like zombies it is much more important to check (especially on clear missions) so making it SUPER rare is a necessity.

    90-95% of zombies should be open zombies.
    And I don't mean "obstructed" open zombies.
    I mean literally lying there. Out in the open or standing at a flat wall. You know? Like in previous alphas... before wallzombies were introduced.


    9 minutes ago, Roland said:

    Otherwise, you have to destroy light sources and increase your perks to have a good chance at not waking zombies up. It is much harder now in A20 but I know that the intended design was to make almost all volumes do stealth checks and only a very few being auto aggro ambush rooms.


    You often either can't reach the light source or can't destroy it without waking Z's up.
    And if you can destroy a standing flashlight right next to them, but can#t crawl snailspace into a room...

    something is horribly wrong and unintuitive.

    And since light now affects stealth, they need to update the stealthmetre. Because currently it does not (or not correctly) factor light into this value.
    I'm at 0 and Z's still wake up.

  2. On 1/28/2022 at 9:49 PM, Crater Creator said:

    Starting the game with a drone with a light mod would be skipping over too much of the tech progression for me.  To get a similar effect (if you're going to cheat anyway), you could give yourself a burning shaft mod and add it to your main weapon.  The effect on lighting is the same as if you held a torch in one hand and the weapon in the other.  In fact, since we have burning shaft mods for weapons, I think you could modify the xml to duplicate the effect with a chest armor mod, like the OP suggests.

    I think that was just a rib on how absolutely useless the drone is.
    That even as a first day item it sucks too much to be actually useful :D

  3. 1 hour ago, PoloPoPo said:

    I'm sure double junk turrets that slaughter everything are still available at INT level 10, no?

    Nope. Recipe only. Since the start of A20. They probably thought "hey all other skills have their highest turret locked behind a schematic... never mind that it only has primitive and advanced tier" ... 😕



    1 hour ago, BarryTGash said:

    Way to try and shut down a discussion before it's even started - that's bad form fella. Well, I'm worth my salarium and I disagree. Strategically placed, modded one/preferably two sledges can take a bit of pressure off and be quite effective. They aren't supposed to be god-tier damage/utility but they do assist with some crowd control.

    But... it is a simple fact that sledge turrets only have one use. To throw down zombies from 1block walkways.
    They don't have anything. Like... you can like them. Their design is pretty neat. And it is fun to see the Z's stumble... but...
    mechanicially, they are about as bad as a wooden club, probably worse, because that at least gains damage from skills, while this one only attacks up to 40% faster.
    Having two sledges means you have 10 int. Meaning you fully specced into them.
    And for 10 int, they do not deliver.



    1 hour ago, BarryTGash said:

    Flamethrower turrets would be cool though. Someone brought up flamethrowers the other day and as a top tier weapon I think they'd work well with a suitable fuel; my suggestions for such below:

    There was a design being shared by MM himself years ago (A14 I think... one alpha after introduction of electricity). And it looked awesome. But I guess they couldn't figure out how to make it work 😕

  4. I will not critique the rest of the loottables, even thoug hthere is a lot to say.
    But Please PLEASE give the INT tree the autoturrets back.
    Without them they have no way of fighting zombies other than the baton (which is pretty powerful with all upgrades tbf)
    It took 3 of us 34 days for one of them to finally find that book. (in my 40 day singleplayer I didn't find it at all)
    Which wouldn't be THAT bad, if we weren't completely T6 after 20 days already (every armor and gun T5 or 6 of the highest tier)

    The sledge turret is absolutely laughably useless and nobody worth their salt will disagree here:
    slow attackrate, low dps, and knockdown rate is also slow.

    If I place 2 fully upgraded T6 sledges, they can hold away about 3-4 zombies.
    That is about as useful as 1 level 1 scrap turret.

    So either make sledgeturrets viable by increasing their range and atkspeed, or give us the option to craft scrap turrets again.

    (also shotgun scrap turret bullets are useless. Lower rate of fire, lower knockdown and lower range. That needs some fixing too)

    While we are on turrets:
    Where is the flamethrower tower?
    Since Drones were supposed to be the T3 turrets, before the ability to shoot was scrapped, maybe now is the time for some flamethrowerturrets.
    Yes the original was electricity only, but that doesn't HAVE to be that way :D


    A flamethrower turret that is using gas would be SO NICE and could replace the drone as a T3 turret.

  5. but then players can prepare for the danger! And then they don't get these awesome moments where they are surprised!
    And that is the most important thing. Streamers screaming because screamers scream to summon spitters.

    I just wait for A21... because A20 was the streamer update.
    I loved it at first... until I understood what was going on... then I hated every second of it :D

  6. 55 minutes ago, Laz Man said:


    The bear den was changed in A20.  There is no longer a drop in with the 2 bears .  There is actually several ways to approach it now but won't spoil it for you. 😅


    Also, It is worth pointing out that that POI was always set one tier higher (loot wise) due to the harder difficulty because of the bears.

    Glad to hear that.
    I mean it was only one poi, so it is an actual surprise (not like every closet being the home for a zombie nowadays :D), so it felt exciting AND you could just jump down the stairs if you were quick of mind and the bears would have trouble following you.
    So while it was extremely difficult and I think most of us failed the first time, it did have counterplay ^^

    Oh ok... I always felt the loot was underwhelming... weird :D Maybe I misremember it :D

  7. 18 hours ago, Crater Creator said:

    Cornmeal’s stats would be somewhere between where it is now and cornbread’s stats, with its crafting time adjusted if necessary.

    How about corn on the cob doesn'T need water? And no cooking pot?
    Honestly the last time I was camping you just pierce a stick through it and hold it over the fire.

    So +10 food, +5 health -5 water

    cornbread needs a cooking pot, water and gives
    +10 food, +10 health, -5 water

  8. 2 hours ago, JCrook1028 said:

    That change came in A19 iirc. Sure wasn't A12 by a long shot. Do you just make this stuff up because you think it sounds good?

    A17. I just looked through the patchnotes.
    There was another change in A12 that I was thinking about, but that only related how the game was paused and I got them confused.
    Not everyone is out to get you. No need to start spewing insults/claims around because someone got something wrong.
    I said

    23 hours ago, Viktoriusiii said:

    I think since A11 or 12.

    you said:

    2 hours ago, JCrook1028 said:

    That change came in A19 iirc.

    And you don't see me hurling insults/claims at you like "omg you just want to bully me with your fake news" or something.

    Fact is: that is what I meant and it is not a super new A20 change, which is why I didn't elaborate more on it, because most ppl will probably know what I mean.
    If it is A12 or A19 doesn't matter. Ok? Good.

  9. 1 hour ago, JCrook1028 said:

    Nope, you're still not counting the majority of players that do not use servers at all, dedicated or not.

    Just to clarify: there are no singleplayer worlds anymore. This is the case since... I think since A11 or 12.
    So that is why I said dedicated only.
    Just in case that was unclear. I am well aware that most ppl play this game singleplayer. That is the main demographic for this kind of game (since it isn't PvP Rust-like)

    I just think/thought that about 50/50 dedicated servers seem like the PvP playerbase is larger than 3%
    BUT I was corrected by Sylen. So no need to argue any further.

  10. 5 hours ago, Grandpa Minion said:

    honestly i have no clue where he gets his data. The only thing i know that is fact over the last 5+ years are server has had over 75,000 players log into it to play pvp. This current seed alone we have had over 1600. Also this is the type of behavior that not just me but all PVP admins have had to deal with over the years. Once again the bias really shows and why most pvp admins don't even waste thScreenshot_2022-01-20_153626.png.e66250e68326993bd520997d0879b6ff.pngeir time trying to post something on this forum.


    12 hours ago, SylenThunder said:

    @Grandpa Minion Just curious but why is it that you always start these threads with inflammatory statements, but very little actual information; only to then later basically turn it into an advertisement for your server. (The advert isn't here yet, but I expect it will be coming along shortly as it usually does.)

    Damn. Do you give personal sessions for your prophetic powers? :'D

  11. 3 hours ago, JCrook1028 said:

    So you assume that a large percentage if players are playing on servers at all? You assume wrong.


    6 hours ago, Viktoriusiii said:

    Sure those are only the dedicated ones, but still. I think 3% is a bit low.


    LITERALLY the next sentence could have told you that I don't assume that.

  12. 37 minutes ago, SylenThunder said:

    Final note, killing off three percent of the total player base isn't killing off much that anyone really cares about.

    Also... where does this 3% thing come from? The servers I see are basicially 50/50 PvP and PvE.

    Sure those are only the dedicated ones, but still. I think 3% is a bit low.
    Especially, since these guys are the ones that are STILL playing PvP even though TFPs have done nothing to improve it since about 8 alphas (yes yes not supported all good).
    I am very sure that there are loads that just hope for a good PvP update.

  13. 2 hours ago, Grandpa Minion said:

    sorry but im not about to explain how someone can exploit using this info: Just bringing it to attention to those who needs to know the problem exists.. But ya i wouldnt recommend sharing what it is to anybody right now if you know what it is.

    if this was some encrypted log file I would understand.
    But it literally gives us the coordinates....

  14. 11 hours ago, meganoth said:

    [...loads of stuff...]

    Okay so only a short reply here:
    !. I simply dislike that you have to fight the Z's. Make it harder, but not impossible to clear a T5 POI without ever being detected. The best feeling of a stealthbuild is when it finally works right and you just sneak up with your fast sneakspeed and just machete them to death.
    That has become nearly impossible. Not only bc of traprooms but because of wallzombies and zombieplacement.

    And I wanted to clear something up:

    When I say traproom, I mean rooms where you have to fall down and are (often) completely locked in with the Z's (who always wake up).
    This can be unintentionally by a breaking floor, or intentionally by falling down because the path guides you there.

    Everyone has died to the bears den, because we didn't know that there are bears down there :D
    This was the first and biggest trap room.
    But in A19 I didn't mind. Because it was ONE poi that you could avoid.
    Now every god damn POI has them.

    I suppose I go AGI STR and tage a sledgehammer with me and just break the damn walls. At least then the Z's won't wake up anymore 🙄


    11 hours ago, meganoth said:

    Say, is WWE in Early Access too? 😎 😁

    Well it has been available for the public for about as long xDDD

  15. 11 hours ago, meganoth said:

    I didn't argue that, so its all good. My idea in the last paragraph would not really have improved the situation the way you look at it, but make stealth even more random, but dependably random. I.e. you would know that with stealth X you will wake about Y zombies in one hour of stealthing through tier-Z POIs. But which ones, no idea.

    You would find out that some rooms usually wake up more zombies and many rooms often not even one, but you would not be able to depend on a specific room to behave always the same.

    You are right that would at least not be a gamedev sin, but down to personal preference.

    But I would argue that it should go to close to 0 the better you get at sneaking.
    I mean we are only talking about POIs here.
    The whole seperate issue of overall effectiveness was not included. (the whole point of stealth was to clear pois effectively and with very low risk, so what is the strength of stealth now? It doesn't have DPS, it does not have looting for better equipment, it doesn't have vehicles and workbenches/cement/steel/traps, can't go mining and it doesnt even have anything survival related (like medicine or food).
    So it is slower, more dangerous/harder to clear POIs and sucks at everything else too? 😕)

    So I do not see ANY reason for this nerf (except as mentioned, TFPs wanting to make it entertaining for streamers)

    Rant incoming (again)


    Actually this can be compared to WWE nowadays. Instead of trying to deliver a good product with talent and logic, they try to make moments.
    And this is the biggest reason why more and more fans jump the ship. Because this goes well for a while until ppl realize what is happening.


  16. 10 minutes ago, theFlu said:

    Whaat? You don't long for the days when your character would randomly roll an ankle walking down a hill? :)

    Hey! Don't come at me with that sassy snark!
    If you ran down a hill full speed, you'd probably break more than just an ankle.
    So shut up and love the drama like the overlords have comanded you to do.

  17. 3 hours ago, meganoth said:

    [...too much stuff...]

    Okay so you said running away... what about traprooms you have to fall into to trigger the Z's?
    And if one irradiated feral feral (what are these big guys called now?) wakes up, you are screwed. I play with friends on only warrior and one spawned right next to me and nearly twoshotted me, even though I was wearing good armor (not playing stealth anymore until this gets fixed :D)

    I will FIGHT for the removal of the early dog horde till I breathe my last breath.
    New players just die for no reason, veterans dread it and hope they can get enough ammunition in time and since they understand supports now, you cant even pillar up anymore and shoot them with arrows!

    Also sure. With enough balancing, making it as unnoticable as possible is an option. But if you argue "hey if we make the chance REALLY low its not that bad anymore" why have it at all? It doesn't offer anyone anything except TFPs' feeling of "we give them moments to remember and streamers will scream, so publicity" i guess.
    Either you don't care because you have big guns or you hate them. I have not yet seen someone going preparation (stealth/int) say "oh man I love it when they randomly wake up! So tense!"

    And I say it again the "its realistic because in real life you can't be perfect" argument does not fly in a survival rpg, except it is made to be unpredictable. Like developing an infection. But then there needs to be counterplay to that. Use better medicine, treat it with something you gathered earlier...
    Give me one counterplay to the hidden drop in Z's that just wake up once you land.
    You can't run, because you will need to open the exit first and the Z's are already awake.

    If they reduce wake up sleepers by >95%... whatever.
    I will still say it is stupid, but at least it does not invalidate a whole playstyle anymore.
    But I seriously doubt they will do that. Because every POI is built around these sleeper volumes.
    So either they scrap the mechanic completely, or they leave it because MM played it once and he thinks its fine.

    #sorryfortheagression. But this is just such a glaring flaw that is super easy to fix, and yet mods and devs seem to think this is totally fine.


  18. 4 hours ago, Laz Man said:

    Probably too late for 7 days, but it may help to get feedback from people their ideal stealth gameplay and what other games out there have best implemented it.


    There's alot of stealth games out there and I don't believe even the most stealth focused allowed you to silently beat boss room encounters for example.


    The Hitman series is probably the one game I have played where stealth was a main focus of the game 100% throughout.

    May I introduce "Splinter Cell" to you?
    Pretty much the best stealth games I have played (only up to Chaos Theory though, since I am old)

    And they still hold up to this day.
    Stealth has its pros and cons.

    And once you mess with the pros without giving the cons some adjustment as well, it just doesnt feel right.

    That is what sleeper wake ups are right now.
    You can sneak so well outside, then BOOM everything changes once the fire... station gets looted.

    It is not only bad for stealth, it is also game-logic-breaking.
    You have inventory slots. That is a rule. Everything weighs the same.
    That is an ingame rule.
    If you suddenly had an item that only Agility could carry, that instead uses a weightbad for some reason, it breaks this whole system.

    If my sneak is at close to 0, I should not get detected. (make sneaking overall harder I would like that)
    But stepping on one specific block, or standing still inside a room and suddenly all hell breaks lose for no discernable reason is not just bad. It is the worst.

    You know why nobody complained about garbagepiles making sounds:

    1: Is it clear what happens?
    Yes. The detection metre is visible, the trash is visible, it gives audio feedback and the reaction makes sense as well.
    2: Does it have a reasonable counterplay?
    Yes. Either don't walk on it or destroy it. Or you can even buy perks to make it even less effective.
    3: Does it force the player into a situation or does it need the player to make a mistake?
    The latter.
    4: Does it fit with all the ingame logic?
    Yes. Everything you do makes sounds, so does a stepping on a pile of garbage. Nothing feels out of place (except for sometimes the placement but honestly that is a minor thing)

    And now do these questions with the sleeper volumes:

    1: Is it clear what happens?
    No. They just randomly wake up once you are inside the room. Your stealthmeter hasn't changed, so why?
    2: Does it have a reasonable counterplay?
    No. Most of them are behind cover, so you need to enter and fight them. Sometimes you even need to drop into a locked room, fighting in closed quarters with an agility build.
    3: Does it force the player into a situation or does it need the player to make a mistake?
    The former. There is no way to avoid this except to avoid POIs. That would mean avoiding quests and the best loot.
    4: Does it fit with all the ingame logic?
    Everything stealthrelated in the whole rest of the game is based on that indicator. Every perk affects this indicator. Every zombie can be snuk up on to 1m if you are silent enough. So why do these Z's wake up?

    Because TFPs want moments for their players. And that is it.

  19. 9 minutes ago, meganoth said:

    You don't read the quest descriptions anymore in 7D2D, sure, they don't contain anything useful. But just by adding a few special quests with relevant text you can give the traders a backstory, involve them in the story and advance the story. I don't know if TFP will do it that way, but a possible tapestry to paint a story on is already there and can easily evoke emotions if you have a good writer.

    never said it needs to be complex additions. :D But right now, we have nothing.

    But there is nothing in 7D2D we only know of a duke. Nothing more.
    I said this a lot. This isn't an RPG because there is no story to play a character in.
    It is an empty world. You can pretend to be cheeseman McFly in Fifa, that doesnt make it an RPG :D

    I will refrain from telling you that these old games shouldn't be a standart because they were limited by their times.
    But what I will tell you is that...
    honestly I don't know anymore xD I just wanted to say that without hating on these old classics.

    If you can replace an NPC with a questboard, it is not an NPC. Not even by MMO standarts (where they can't move bc of syncing)


  20. 8 minutes ago, Roland said:



    Characters: Check

    Not controlled by players: Check

    Controlled by the computer: Check

    Predetermined set of behaviors: Check

    Use impacts gameplay: Check

    Not the product of true AI: Check

    Define "character".
    They do not have stats and do not interact with the world.
    Just because they are in human form and repeat the same 3-5 voicelines does not make them a "character".
    They do not have behaviour. None that a blackboard couldn't do :D
    Use implements gameplay... debatable... but fine :D but I could have done that poi without it as well :D

    9 minutes ago, Laz Man said:


    Would be great if the traders at least wandered around their POIs.


    If I ever get the chance, I would love to make a trader POI of any of the existing traders.  That way it might be more believable when you bump into another Jen but in a different POI....😄

    Quest idea:
    "make POI 'x' livable"
    5 different trader pois (one for each queststage all in the same city)
    clear it and the trader will move the next morning.

    Should be easy to script as well.

    You now just need 5 stages of traderpoi.
    Then you could even add patroling guards and stuff.

    All they need to do is shoot zombies and move from predetermined poin A to B.

    BOOM already much more worlddevelopment than the last 5 alphas (15 was dishong tower with the behemoth sized hole right?) combined :D

  21. 4 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

    They are npc- npc works in that's way in for example in mmo. You can trade and ask for quest. Bandits could be npc too -if they can be looted. in old games it was normal that npc just sit somewher and talk/trade/give quest only

    well that's something new

    Even in an MMO, the one with the least interactable NPCs, they give you a story. They explain the world and what is happening. Quests might be "go here and collect 'x' " but there is a whole story about a sick pig that needs the medicine, but she is too old and her niece is currently on a trip to the next city. And later you meet that niece and she gives you a reward for helping her aunt.

    Here it is literally just a blackboard "clear POI 'a'" here is your reward.
    "Clear POI 'b'" here is your reward.
    "Clear POI 'a' again" ...

  22. 12 minutes ago, Laz Man said:


    The definition of NPCs is very subjective.  For me NPCs are non playable characters that add life and character to the game worlds they exist in.


    Could they do more?  Sure, but that doesn't take away from what they are imo.  Rekt and Jen are probably this games best NPCs.  Rekt triggers hatred in most players while Jen "triggers" people's inner Snowdog....😁



    They do not have dialogue. They do not move. They do not enhance the world, because they do not live in it. They have no character except a few witty, always repeating lines. Oh and also boobies :3
    I am sorry, but even if they are very much three dimensional, they are still as flat as a blackboard :'D

  23. 3 hours ago, Crater Creator said:

    It does still puzzle me how some people (not singling you out), when they say "content," don't count things like weapons and vehicles, and anything other than story & NPC stuff isn't content to them.  Maybe this has to do with coming from different game backgrounds?  A20 has new quests, new weapons, new zombies, new loot containers, a ton of new block shapes, vehicle mods, and new RWG infrastructure like highways, traffic lights, sewers, etc.  "Yeah, but we're still waiting for the content."  That all seems like content to me!

    Adding more loot is not "content".
    We need stuff to do. Goals to achive.

    This is not minecraft where it is all about building.

    It CAN be. But then its not a survival game.

    "Content" I mean:

    10 hours ago, Viktoriusiii said:

    We don'T need more weapons or even different vehicles (although new skins would be a nice little addition)

    We need content. A story. Bandits that have been in talks since A12 I believe.
    I just want my NPCs and a story. And coming with that a late game. (building an NPC defended Fort and stuff like that)
    Everything else are minor addition and balancing issues.


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