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Posts posted by Viktoriusiii

  1. 3 hours ago, n2n1 said:

    I know who it is, (i even talked to him in PM), but i won't say who it is ;)

    That seems to imply it is a 2nd account, since you would have written "I know that person" or something.
    But it implies that there is "another" name that is more well known.

    Well. This might be a decisive clue!
    *puts sherlock hat on*
    We will need to follow the clues!

  2. I kinda like it... but only because it is usually an instakill or at least knockdown if you aim it at the head.
    Early stage only thing that does that is the sledge and not that reliably with a heavy stamina penalty.

    But yeah I agree that it should use blunderbuss ammo again or get its damage increase so that it actually always is a 1 hit kill.

    Also am I the only one sho really liked the blunderbuss for just storming in buildings like rambo? :D Block damage was (at least in certain alphas) REALLY a highlight :D


  3. 7 minutes ago, meganoth said:

    That's as far as I'm willing to go with snooping, but it seems to rule out quite a few people Vik was suspecting 😉

    Your attempts at leading me astray won't work, devil!
    My name is often assumed to be polish, because Raz- is a very common first syllible for names over there.



    36 minutes ago, outhous said:

    Found this on reddit but don't know if they are related... most searches just turn up Quasimodo.



    I can not make ANY connection between the behaviour of our kuisimodo and the reddit one :D
    The reddit one seems to be super nice ^^ and he actually posts stuff and relies :D

  4. 19 minutes ago, Roland said:

    Possible but not probable. I did a joke second account a few years back and could only bear the inconvenience of maintaining it for a very short time. It sucked big time.

    Yeah I couldn't manage that either.


    19 minutes ago, Roland said:

    I know for sure that Madmole does not care enough about criticisms to do something like this

    Ouch. I know it is contextual... but just reading it hurts my fanboy soul xD

    19 minutes ago, Roland said:

    and he is extremely busy right now creating the newest feature that you will hate to be on here downvoting and upvoting all the posts that Kuosimodo does.

    Huh... I mean... there ARE a lot of things that I praised over the years :D
    But negative feedback gets waaaay more attention. So when I say something positive, it basicially goes unnoticed



    But when I critique something, I need to reiterate everything 50 times, leading to up to 10+ pages so it feels like all I do is hate.

    Enough of that 😛 I had listed a few mods that I knew were not responsible and one thing I wrote about you was "nice, but sometimes a very snarky, sarcastic comment will slip his fingers" Good to know you still have your edge ^^

  5. Disclaimer: This is not a witchtrial or an attempt at doxxing.
    This is purely speculative fun because this has haunted me basicially ever since 2017 :D
    So if this is considered harrassment or worse doxxing, please delete it immediately.

    Well there isn't an "off-topic" channel, so I'll just theorize here :D
    We are talking about

    An incredibly active user. At least when I am posting stuff.
    Sadly you can not write him/her private messages, otherwise I would have done so already.
    I am pretty sure I have never gotten a thumbs up from him, no matter what I critiqued. I think it all started in A17.
    Basicially everything I posted was downvoted or "PrimeFacepalm"ed by him or it didn't get any reaction.

    He gives answers from a mod an upvote, even if they are factually wrong.
    Also people that defend the game are getting upvotes.

    If there was a counter of how many emotes I got... AT LEAST half of the downvotes and "prime" emotes will be by him.

    He never posts, so it is pretty obvious, that it is a 2nd account of either a mod or Fun Pimp Staff.
    If I was a betting man I'd say it is probably MM himself, because I got to know most of the staff in general discussions pretty well in the years of me @%$#ting on many many stupid changes (many of them actually got changed lateron... so I wasn't even wrong a lot of the time by TFPs staff, even if answers at the time were rejecting my message :D) and I bet he wants to give his opinion, but doesn't want ppl to see that the face of the company just upvotes TFP propaganda xD (Propaganda just meaning positive message about a thing, not necessarily lying)

    I mean I don't know many of the staff, because not a lot are in the general discussions, or I simply haven't interacted with them in the last few years.
    But I can't see any of them doing it... the ones I could see would be Sylen and Gazz, but both just straight up tell you when they disagree :D



    Anyone wanna try to uncover this conspiracy?
    Who is he/she? What are his/her goals? Are the illuminati behind it?

    Have fun xD

  6. 4 hours ago, meganoth said:

    You said stealth is useless at least twice without any highlighting at all. Until this post here the only reason you gave was that you agreed to what pApA did NOT say.


    But nevermind, with soo much to complain about it would be difficult for you to not loose track what you said and what you forgot to say. 😉

    oh sorry... I didn't want to go into it AGAIN since I already made two posts about it (and I know you read at least one of them back then :D):


    4 hours ago, Matt115 said:

    Well... it is not possible to make good sneaking in voxel game xd

    ??? But it was basicially perfect before they introduced sleeper volumes.
    It still is great in the outdoors at night.
    Zombies reacht to impact, they react to sounds and all that. It really was incredible.

  7. 1. no stealth does not work because of a lot of issues I highlighed before.

    Lighting makes sneaking near useless. Oftentimes you don't even know the game thinks you are lit.
    Sleeper volumes are atrocious and your 1-8 stealthmeter feels like it is more a 50/50.
    Even silent weapons now make so much sound that most zombies just wake up. Full perk bow and they wake up every 3rd shot or so.
    Nearly every sleeper is behind a wall or around a corner. So you have to enter the sleepervolume to kill them.
    OR as was said: just destroy the walls. No sneaking required. They won't wake up until you are in a certain position.


    Tell me again how sneaking is not completely broken.

    Also yes I meant agility, OBVIOUSLY. Sorry.

    3 minutes ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    Agility has sneaking and jumping (parkour). And parkour saved me a lot of times already. Sneaking does still work, not as it used to be, but still works. There is just a lot more trigger rooms than before but you can still sneak up on a lot of Z´s. Also usefull if you hunt in the snow. That extra sneakdamage comes in handy if you are hunting bears or cougars for meat.

    That is why I said core mechanic.
    Every path has something to fight with.

    Why would you use bow&arrow, if you could just have a shotgun AND be great at mining as well as have some food?
    Why would you want to jump away if you could simply mow everything down with an M60, since the other perks make you nearly invincible (even on higher difficulties) then go home and have a running farm.
    Why would you...

    Every other perk has something other than fighting to offer.
    Just agility is useless.
    It had stealth, but since that is useless (yes useless. Because you don't need the perks to be stealthy anymore)

  8. 1 hour ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    AGI useless? Excuse my manical laughter, but seriously? As much as the new system is way too restrictive, there is honestly no useless attribute. Some might not be attractive if you play a min/max style. But that´s boring anyways. You can easily "beat" the game on any difficulty with a build that goes heavily into agility.

    You misunderstand.
    Agility has nothing to offer besides fighting.
    Since stealth doesn't work right now, all it has is pistols and ranged.

    Strength has mining and cooking
    Fortitude has farming and survivability
    Perception has looting
    Intelligence has everything trader and progressrelated

    Perception has sneaking and high jumps. None of which are a core mechanic (because sneaking is not working as you correctly said bc it is all about invisible barriers and "wake-up boxes")

  9. 42 minutes ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    They always said story will be added at the very end of development. Wich isn´t really a surprise tbh.


    LBD needed more than just a few tweaks, it needed a complete rework. It was horrible tbh. I wouldn´t mind a good LBD system, but what we had wasn´t good. Not at all. The new system isn´t really good. But it´s still better than the half assed LBD we had in A16.


    It´s also a question of how many hours you already have in the game. If you played it for like 2000 hours or more, you will get bored, no matter how perfect the game is because you know every mechanic in your sleep and you are aware of everything there is. Can you honestly say that you would put in another 2000 hours if A16 would have been the final version? Even a story wouldn´t make that better.


    But why? Every other story driven EA game unravels the story slowly over the course of development. Giving players the chance to theorize and stuff...

    Since this is my thread, I don't mind this discussion taking over.
    So tell me again what didnt work in A16 LBD.
    Spamcrafting? Nonexistent.
    Freedom of choice? You had levels and perkpoints, so even if you only used a sledge, you could still level guns.
    Exploits? Most were gone due to fixes. I think you could still shoot ore, but honestly, if you use ammo to do that, there is too much ammo in the game.
    Balancing? Exactly. This is basicially the only thing that needed  attention.
    Certain skills like armor would never level (except if you stood next to cacti), while others would be maxed before day 20.
    It also already had perks, so you could increase those easily...

    It was a near perfect system for the game.

    Every time someone says they hate LBD it is either spamcrafting or exploits. Both of which were fixed in A16 (although they introduced levelgates... a step I still hate nearly as much as removal of LBD)

    Honestly... I would be fine if there was no pointbuy system. It is just not immersive, super gamey and in its current state absolutely atrocious.
    I loved LBD. But if I had to chose between what we have now (mandetory INT if you wanna progress, mandetory FOR to farm, PER for loot and mandetory STR to get even a sliver of ressources, with AGI being completely useless) I'd rather have no progression system at all.


  10. I don't actually think what I did this time is the same.

    I have complained about the direction of the game a lot yes.

    But this was not specific to one feature (like I usually do).
    I just tried to get all the complaints I have into one overarching point:
    "It just isn't a horror sandbox anymore"
    It is a looter shooter with characterupgrades and a Towerdefense minigame.

    We had 8 Alphas I think since the dukes were introduced (in the first few they were useless, since there was no trader :D)
    Ever since then thy teased that they would finally get a story in.
    Honestly... Just some researchdiary in dishong tower would be a step forward. We already have that starting note.
    Maybe if you find a note, you get a questmarker to the next one or something.

    But all we ever got since the beginning is reworks and art upgrades.
    The last actual big implementation (not talking about arrowphysics or something, but actual content) were more vehicles and electricity. And the latter one is only half finished (even if MM thinks it is perfect right now)
    And SOOO many artupgrades.
    I won't complain about it. The game looks absolutely stunning and POIs usually don't pop up more than twice anymore.
    But it came at the cost of a story... of new additions.
    "Well they wouldn't come out faster, since the designers are a different branch"


    53 minutes ago, Scyris said:

    We need a tier above steel already

    Remember polished steel?
    Pepperidge Farm remembers!


    And yeah. Agreed on all points.

  11. 7 hours ago, Roland said:

    It is definitely possible to get that old time feeling back as long as you play the game like you did in olden times.

    Thank you for your reply.
    I think there would need to be a few key changes for me to enjoy the game again:
    -remove lootrooms
    -make sleepers less gamey. Their current existence is for streamers "oh no they come out the walls, I can scream now because Pewds did that and it made him famous"
    -make traderquests super rare, but give better loot (one every few days so you don't feel like oyu have to grind them out)
    -better loottables with everything in the fighting category being SUPER rare
    -better zombie A.I. I said this a lot, but this "tower defense" A.I. is just not for me. I am insanely good at pattern recognition and these zombies behave too pretictable
    -more densely packed cities with more dangerous types of enemies (a dog was a deathsentence back in the day) I don't want to be in a city before day 21.
    -either remove the progression system, or make it the thing... the "Youknowwhat" so it actually feels like a character again

    - so many other smaller things that add back in complexity. Gunparts, Ores, crafting unlocking and so on

    And yeah... I wish I could play like you. But this is the same problem as hordeexploits. "just don't use it" doesn't fly for me in a survival game.
    I need to use every option I have or it doesnt feel real to me.

    PS: I am sure the game isn't worse. There are SO many improvements, especially on the programming side of things. The ragdoll, the physics, the blocks and much much more.
    But when it comes to pure gamedesign... Whoever is in charge of that... I'd like to slap him once please 😊

  12. Okay after being very happy with A20 in the first few ingame weeks


    And then VERY unhappy once I found out how completely useless stealth is this alpha...
    I took a break and gave me some time to reflect on the game.
    Inspired by this post


    I now want to explain what I think went wrong in the last few years.
    Well "wrong" being subjective.
    Why the game has lost what made it so very special, maybe replaced by something different, but it DID lose that aspect (defined later)


    Every game offers something different. I don't play Rocket League for strategic loadouts, I don't play Total war for its thrilling PvP action.
    And 7d2d was a great survival horror game.
    You were alone. You didn't know anything. And your progress was slow, with every horde looming over you while you slowly try to gather materials to spike your small base.


    Wanted to build a base? Blocks were very expensive.
    Want to go in a city to get some loot? Dogs. Giant Killer Hornets. Zombies EVERYWHERE.
    So you try to loot garbage, find a prefab in the wilderness and build it up.
    Then you find a small village with not a lot of threats, but also far less loot.
    On day 6 you find a crossbow. And you are HAPPY.
    You will be able to kill zombies more efficiently now.
    Why would you? Well they were guarding loot. They were everywhere, blocking your path.
    So go go looting. Then @%$# @%$# @%$#!!! You forgot you had a stew in your backpack and it alerted a lot of zombies to your location.
    Now you have to run. But they will not give up chase easily. You will have to leave the village for them to lose line of sight. Because you only have 4 crossbow bolts and healingitems are nowhere to be found.
    Night time. You do not know what to do... when suddenly you hear footsteps. They are running. Left to right. You hear them scream, obviously smelling something...
    You crouch in the darkness, hopefully removing the candle was enough... then a minute later, they are gone.
    Next day.
    You will have to start gathering wood to build a spikehaven for hordenight.
    Spikes everywhere. You still only have a crossbow with 15 bolts and a blunderbuss with 3 shots for emergencies.

    The spikes are your only lifeline.
    The horde starts. And everything becomes chaos. They are coming from all sides. You hear them dying like flies on your spikes.
    Then you hear them hitting your log spikes and oyu know "they will break through". So you go inside and hope you can repair the blocks or kill the Z's dealing damage.
    They break in, you run upstairs and use the ladder. "HA! Stupid A.I. can't get me now."
    You just hear them hitting blocks for the rest of the night.
    Then it is morning. You survived!
    You lure the remaining Z's away and look at the damage.
    And you know... "I need another home!"

    Everything I just talked about was either removed or changed drasticially.


    - Building bases are suuuuper easy now. They do not give as much protection anymore, because they beeline towards the weakpoint, but if you don't have a 5x5 on day 1 you didn't try.
    - Cities are lootfests now. There is no threat there. Back then every city was like the wasteland is now. Full of danger.
    - villages are lootfests too, since every poi has these stupid "end of POI reward" lootboxes. Add to that traderrewards that are just so easy and plentiful...
    - if you don't have at least one good weapon on day 7 with loads of ammo (yes even after the nerf, you have like 10x more ammo than back then where you though you'd never run out because you had 6 shotgunshells)
    - go through poi, know every sleeperposition, loot everything or just jump straight to the end, if you are spotted, just shoot'em'up
    - night time is usually very uneventful. wandering hordes don't circle around your base. They just go from one place to another and as ong as they don't notice oyu, they will go slow as well. (music is creepy now though)
    -base? Or you mean a killbox. Yeah sure. Let me just grab like 100 cobblestones a few iron bars and we are good.
    - get loads of XP because all they do is run straight into your shotgun to get to a door that will hold them for minutes (on normal difficulties)

    The gameplayloop changed. From being scared and barely being able to get by, you are now encouraged to be rambo.
    Everything is given to you on a silver platter.
    I am not saying I want sharp rocks and sticks back... BUT there was an elegance in how convoluted it was.
    Now everything is accessible at every point in time. At least to look it up.

    There are quite a few more things... like how the music changed. (listen to this)
    You felt alone. Nothing but unknown out there.
    But you survived. And it felt good.

    There have been MANY changes. Many good, some bad and some absolutely catastrophic.
    But the overall trend was "picking up new players".
    A20 has about as much late game as early alphas. What changed most is the Z's behaviour and the world.
    The gameplay is largely the same.

    No matter what I write as a conclusion, I cna already see some smartass refer to mods or how they like it... so I will just leave this here:

    I think 7d2d is a good... no a great game.
    It just is no longer the lovechild of mine that I would tell my friends about.
    And I have to accept it. It was never mine and it grew out of that phase that I loved so much.
    I just wish it had come differently.

    PS: the reason why I have so much stuff on day 8 is because A11 experimented a lot with loot I think.
    But weapons were never the limiting factor. Ammo was. (until gunparts made guns rare as well... btu that... oh well)

    PPS: remember caves? I am old.




  13. I can only add to this:

    I was a SUPER regular player pre A17.
    And sure maybe I played too much.
    But every alpha I come back... play to day 35 and then just stop...

    1. because there is nothing more to do
    2. because it is pretty boring
    3. it kinda lost its charm

    I do not blame anyone.
    In my eyes 7d2d had a very specific "nieche" that it filled. A survival horror game with building elements.
    It is just not that anymore. Focus has been on excitement, accesibilty and ease of use.
    You could call it "dumbing it down", but I don't think that is fair.
    It did, however make the game less focused on the survival and the horror aspects.

    Now it is a great looking looter/shooter in a beautiful RWG voxel world.
    And I am sure the mainstream gamers love it.

    Hell I think it is a great game still.

    But... it lost its magic for me. Was very active in the years that those changes were made... and they didn't agree, so now we are here.
    I still look in the forums every so often, but I had 1200 hours after A16 and now I have 1370 hours. that is measly 60 hours per alpha.

  14. If you go into int and better barter early, you will have the best equipment in the game by the thrid horde, garantueed (some parts might only be Q4 or Q5).

    Traders are insanely strong. Back when they were introduced they were somewhat balanced, but you could make loads of money off them.

    Now they are outright broken.
    No loot that I find will ever give me as much loot as completing every trader quest tier.
    I think it would also be a good idea to do another perkoption that says "get 5% discount for a week" or something.
    But I don't think rewards should be geared to every player specificially.

  15. 21 hours ago, Laz Man said:


    Do you have an example A16 horde base in mind?  I would love to test it out in A20 to see how it actually plays out. Sure the AI is more efficient then the past but I don't think its as bad as you think.



    Woodland house (or any cobblestone square) with 10 rows of spikes, only escape is inside and up or down.


    Honestly you could use every poi as a hordebase. The complex ones were just confusing the a.I.


    Spikes, bow/crossbow and if you felt fancy one row of wires.

    That was all.


    Now, they are better than A17, but still avoid traps like the plague. You'd think they suck at that... being undead and all.


    Try it. Any base that does perimetre defense that doesnt funnel.

    (Obviously if you have infinite m60 ammo, you won't struggle. But back then we managed with bows for 20+ days)

  16. On 2/24/2022 at 4:24 PM, Laz Man said:

    Are you sure its just not nostalgia?  Back then you could just build 3 high solid square base and call it a day.  I don't see how that is more thrilling then what we have today.


    Yes I am.

    There were exploits. Just like now.

    They fixed a lot of them, sure. And I appreciate that.
    But it came at the cost of "intended play"

    If you played as intended and tried to fortify  base that they could reach, it was hella scary.
    Today the intended way is funneling or dying (or fighting them in the open), since if you try to do a perimetre defence, they will break through one block and the rest will be useless.

    It feels just... I am sorry... lame.
    It doesnt feel like 7d2d. It feels like the game switches genre for a night and becomes a 1st person TD shooter.


    I am not asking for much. Zombies can still know where to go and ignore it.

    I like the new AI more because it is far less buggy and can reach even intricate defensepositions.
    I just hate how they all flock to one point.

    Fataal said he added randomness. And that might very well be true.
    BUT they avoid traps (except if you place them unnaturally in the ground) and come to doors like they are smeared with zombiebrains.

    If there is a weakness, they will all flock to that one point. And it is boring (for a horrorgame).
    I always reduce zombieblockdamage (on higher difficulties) because otherwise it means that concrete is done within 30 seconds, iron doors or bars are done even faster.

    >A16 hordenight had its faults. Like most systems back in the day.
    But as said MANY times:

    TFPs generall dont fix systems. They overhaul them completely, often leaving them less fun and far more basic than before.


  17. Ever since zombies became predictable to satisfy the "tower defense" aspect, it became stale.

    It was fun the first few hordes just shooting like a madman.
    But if I dont intentionally @%$# up a design or neglect building my hordebase, it is just a chore. A chore that gives great XP... but a chore nonetheless.

    You can not have predictable behaviour in a horrorgame. Maybe a hand full of games have pulled it off... but as soon as you realize that their movement is predictable and you can work around it... it loses the fearfactor.

    Yes A16 A.I wasn't great. No complex tunnels and running on the spot.
    But at least you never knew what they would do.
    You didnt build a hordebase (well you could but it wasnt necessary) because they would attack from all sides anyways.
    So every night was exciting. And no that is not just me "knowing the game now" I have played more alphas before the change than after (8 before, 3 since)

    But I think it fills the thrill for newer players, which is after all the only demographic that matters. ;)

  18. 1 hour ago, ElDudorino said:

    I had a brain fart and even though you said hardest difficulties before, for some reason I interpreted it as T5 PoIs and/or endgame zombies.


    I've heard that Insane mode is just Bullet Sponge Central so I haven't even considered it for an instant 😐


    (About bats vs machetes, I think the base damage is equivalent but bats have another tier above them in the form of the steel club, so basically the strongest blade is in the range of the second-strongest club for base damage.)


    If you increase spawn up to 4 times, make them jog or even sprint on daytimes and feral at night...

    Trust me. Those "bulletsponges" are more than just sponges :D
    You want to avoid them if possible. A quick atk that takes basicially no stamina and deals dmg and slows while you run away is perfect :D


    I see. Well I do think the higher atkspeed + lower staminacost should make them equal.

    But everything below machete is bad because of the low range and speed as well as dmg

  19. On harder difficulties you can not "drop enemies fast".
    This, coupled with the high atkspeed makes this awesome.

    Every hit slows them, applies bleed and on crits you instakill them even on higher difficulties.
    Also it gains sneakdmg multiplier, but since stealth is currently broken that doesn'T factor in.

    I am not 100% sure about basedmg, but a machete felt a lot more useful than a baseballbat at a comparable level.
    Fast atk, slowdown, dot, crit, and stealth make it my prefered (close range) weapon lategame. If I discard the perfect stunbaton.

  20. 46 minutes ago, Roland said:

    Its definitely something that needs to be reported but once again it should be reported from a correct understanding of how stealth works in A20 as opposed to A19.

    But we general players do not know how that works.
    We can only tell you how it FEELS like. (which is also a very important feedback).

    And I can tell you: I didn't even know A19 had auto-wake up rooms.
    A20 it feels like every room is an auto-wake up even with insane sneaking skills.

    A20 is the first alpha where I actually don't bother going sneaking in pois anymore (started a game with friends).
    Zombies wake up at about the same rate anyways. If I have full perks or none in heavy armor... it doesn't feel different.

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