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Everything posted by Krougal

  1. The same reason we can't use the water in lakes and rivers, because...reasons???
  2. Hmmm....well I mostly melee and let my turrets do the shooting but ammo still always makes me happy, although it does let me waste 7.62 and .44 when I feel like it. Mainly though, I do them for the speed killing.
  3. Late game what do you really need anymore besides ammo? Oh, and XP, and more killing is more XP.
  4. Maybe I'm not phrasing it right, I'm not 100% sure what to call it. The 1 is a 1 out of however many other numbers we throw in the pool right? So it's like we throw however many balls in and we draw a ball at random. So it is now 1.2 balls. It's a 20% addition to whatever chance it has, which is not the same as a straight 20% (I think, I am not a mathematician). So if we've got 3 items in the pool and they each had a 1, then they've got a 1/3 chance, but we just gave the 1 a bump and....no, that is an even lower increase, the numbers don't seem to jive with what we are looting. My magazines follow the same pattern reported by others, my chosen perks are maxed early, the ones that are more likely to spawn (cooking, etc) also maxed regardless of perks and then other weapons are all fairly low until endgame.
  5. It is absolutely true, but yes, I should have specified than a clear night. Of course a rainy night is darker than a rainy day. Visibility is fine for me on a clear night, actually most nights. I think it depends on your other graphics settings, because I do remember it being much darker at night in prior alphas, not pitch black like Rust but still pretty dark.
  6. Maybe we are looking at this wrong (I haven't checked the code myself so I apologize if I am just way off). What if it is a percentage bonus to the base chance? So a 20% bonus. If the chance of that magazine were a 1, then it would be bumped to 1.2 and so on and so forth for each increasing level, 2.0 at max.
  7. It's also a lot faster to clear a T4 than a T5 and time is money, so yeah, more profit. I just made T6 so I haven't done any yet, but I imagine they take even longer.
  8. Yeah. This is a pretty silly game when you get right down to it. Try not to look at the things you aren't supposed to look at lol!
  9. They should bring back making ethanol from corn. As it is, I have had no reason to grow corn since it is so plentiful and so either potato/mushroom/fat/meat or more likely water are my limiting factors, but I am not having trouble staying fed. There is plenty of shale to be found though, and I don't really remember ever mining it before A21 but I sure do now. Still, I've made 1 trip per game so far. Now lead otoh, I mine lead like one day a week the junk turrets chew through so much ammo. So fuel is a big issue before you can make your own, I pretty much stick to the minibike and don't go crazy with powered devices in my base before then. The fuel saver mods are also a big help. Really don't use antibiotics or even make them. Honey early, honey often. They probably need to do some re-balancing there. Maybe make the late game radiated zombies give a stronger initial infection so that you need to use antibiotics at the later game stages? Otherwise it would just be too punishing for people starting out.
  10. I didn't realize it was such a small adjustment, but it certainly adds up over time. The other benefit for physician is if you use the stun baton as your primary. 10% insta-kill is nothing to sneeze at, especially on higher difficulty, 20% dismember isn't too shabby either.
  11. Damn! Not even a burning shaft or weapon flashlight either? That's harsh.
  12. Farming especially since it caps out at like 22, would suck to keep getting the mag all the time Not to mention talk about tedious, to me farming is @%$#ing tedious. I throw down like 20 plots and use whatever seeds I find, try to remember to harvest & replant when I can. Put perk points into it? Pfffttt! papa's experience with the cooking mags is wierd though, I currently have no points in chef, last game I think I put a point or 2 in late game, but cooking mags seem common (and really, they need to be), especially in the locations he searched.
  13. My gut is they were trying this out, and other resources will likely follow this pattern in the future. I mean some of it would be welcomed, I don't even use feathers, and they really aren't worth bothering with selling past early game, but yet I am always on the lookout for eggs and so I have to constantly throw out feathers. There are a few other resources that just seem to accumulate too much of with no good use for. Hopefully they tweak it a bit. I still think overall it was a good change, but the numbers need some adjustment. That is part of the problem around here too, we as a community tend to just @%$# that we hate some change but if we all said "hey, I think this is good but tone it down a little" maybe we'd get better results.
  14. Well, and that would be another plus if they cut the cloth in half. Half the salvage time for clothes too.
  15. If it's good enough for TWD, then it's good enough for you lot! That was one of the stupider episodes.
  16. Yeah, I start scrapping as I am looting and constantly trying to keep the queue full and my inventory not, but it is very micromanagement intensive and time-consuming (so not fun at all). But like I said, it's something to do once or twice per game and then never again.
  17. That's a very good question. I mean they still eat. They bleed. So many things to not think about for suspension of disbelief. The closest to anything plausible was the fungus thing in, I already forget the name of the game HBO made into a series. Nobody but the devs really know the rules of the 7DTD world. Oh, and then there is the burnt zombie, so no, I don't think burning them to a crisp would work either.
  18. Maybe a little of both. It does feel like they will toss a system instead of tweaking it regularly enough for it to be almost a meme, but perhaps you are right since I can't think of anything else at the moment. You're right about the perk system though, it has been pretty consistent for a while. Back to the topic, I think if they reduced the amount of duct tape per recipe (because it is @%$#ing ridiculous) and yes, even cut the pockets and other recipes in half it would make a lot of people less unhappy. Obviously reduce the amount from scrapping clothes by half too. They could then leave the stack size and the amount we get from scrapping curtains and the like and it would all feel a little more balanced. I mean I also have the acquisitiveness of a magpie so even trying to not gather cloth, I still wind up bringing it home, maybe not everyone is still overflowing with cloth. Very!
  19. Well maybe they will tweak it, but more likely, it will just be replaced by something we all hate even more in A22 and we'll all reminisce about the "good old days when you got recipes from magazines"
  20. I just want some basic logic circuits. That alone would let us design better traps and more varied systems.
  21. If anything it is less random than it used to be (and Meganoth posted while I was writing). You put points in perks and you get those magazines. So far (I've got a couple A21 games under my belt, but only SP) I will have maxed my trees out on books and everything else is in the 20s. Now I agree this must suck hard in MP because unless you divy up who loots the mailboxes and bookshelves then you are going to get mostly what the guy with the perks have. I guess the designated looter is a thing of the past (because yes, I have played MP prior to A21). And no, I'm not a big fan of the magazines either. You should be getting significant stuff from quests and loot, especially if you haven't made QL6 craftable I mean who wants to be stuck with QL5? I go through duct tape by the truckload, 2 QL6 robotic turrets were 90 each. Drone 60. Full set of QL6 steel and military armor crafted, and pockets 😛 I've still got a half a chest of cloth. I have ran through the clothing store probably twice this run. I otherwise have not put myself out gathering cloth. It's still pretty much a 1 time ordeal because once you have full t3 gear you don't need to gather anything besides building material and ammo at that point. I am just still having trouble believing it is as bad as you make it out to be. Yes, it's random of course, someone in that thread said like 3k. It's hard for me to say exactly because I couldn't even carry it all out in 1 trip.
  22. Wait! What? They stack? I never thought of trying that! Nice!
  23. Well yeah, cargo is most useful, but there's room for 4 and the armor is useless. So cargo, flashlight, medic, comfort.
  24. Yeah, but then you'd need to deal with power inverters as well, because someone else will come along and complain about that. Then we'd need step-up transformers to power the electric fences. Then you'll need to sit and calculate RMS and how much loss and all kinds of other things requiring much Trigonometry that we all hate. I've got the background too and I don't want to deal with that in a zombie apocalypse game. As far as the electric fence, remember it only takes 10mW across your heart to kill you.
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