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  1. Quite obviously the structure and contents of any given save file(s) change between major versions. Hence, the forward/reverse compatibility issue. Reading between the lines a little, the base seems an important component to you. Perhaps, research how to save your current base as a POI and insert it into new worlds? (It's currently feasible and several YouTube VODs can show how.)
  2. In general I appreciate your posts but I think you made a bit of a straw man here, suggesting players are being "apoplectic". Player's have not played this version. Player's do not have any context on the type and number of bonuses and how they impact game play. Hence the valid discussion as no info has been released. "Trust me, is not's bad" is not really defensible; within in the context of the long developmental cycle and many changes to game mechanics and balance over the years. I don't really care about aesthetics, but If the bonuses are so small and insignificant then why have set bonuses in the first place?
  3. I am kind of with you on the armour changes, as I dislike the idea of sets providing "essential" bonuses vice "environmental" bonuses. Having said that trying to keep an open mind.
  4. June 21 1.0 streamer weekend, June 24 1.0 experimental, July 25 1.0 stable PC/console release. Replace all the effort constructing the post and dissin those who have the time to tune you in, and you would have found the answer quicker.
  5. Don't forget all the kool kds use Diskord...
  6. I concur, UL would be the perfect choice for your next play though... 😉
  7. Unfortunately, you consistently look at the game through a personal min/maxing completionist lens and fail to appreciate that other players play the game differently with different expectations and perceptions. Many things you see as issues or wrong with the game, are exactly the things some players look for. I've played Minecraft for countless hours, I was happy with everything there BEFORE 1.16.5 7d2d is Minecraft for adults. I played Raft when it was in alpha. And I played the full release. The game has really been finalized and it has enough content. The game from 2016 to release in 2022 was able to overhaul the visuals, gameplay. And on release had a story. This is the best example to show how the developers made a WORKABLE survival game that hasn't required development since 2013. Open world sand box has different requirements. The overall "world" needs to have a story but a linear story with an ending is not required. I played The Forest when it was also in development. And it too made it to release and works adequately. With the full spectrum of visual achievement. Oh god, that open inventory tarp was assine and tedious. The Long Dark is a great representation of the winter apocalypse. And it was in active development too, but had more goals and mechanics, and better than the current 7DTD Boring and Tedious, light fire, get warm. Evade wolf, light fire, get warm. Loot empty containers for trinkets, light fire, evade wolf, get warm. Die to bear, start over. Project Zomboid is a zombie survivalist APOGUE with a unique setting and total immersion in ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE. Tedious and Boring. It certainly has in depth inventory micro-management systems and micro-managed health and survival systems for those that love the intricacies (you can role play smoking a cigarette, big whoop). Kite zombies, kill, kite zombies, kill. Wash face, Kite zombies, kill. Not fun, especially with that 1980's 3rd person overview. Palworld also has a lot of similarity with the survival genre. And it works almost perfectly. Although the game is also created from a random indie studio. And has an elaborate RPG element that is technically stretched too. But it doesn't evoke the same kind of revulsion as 7 days to Die. The game didn't need to go into early access to gather feedback from players. They knew what they were doing in the first place. And nurtured the idea to the very end, and even if it has a few flaws. It's three heads higher than a lot of AAA projects in terms of thoughtfulness. I really enjoyed playing it all the way through to the end, and I want more. Have you played it since you "finished" it? Does anyone play this game any more? (Along with nightingale and Enshrouded?) There is no replayability in any of these games.
  8. Armour already does. Even level 1 padded armour lessons the chance to receive a critical hit and get infected early game. Player's either love heavy armour/tanking hits or love light armour/avoiding being hit. Not a big fan of the "armour set bonus" unless its generic protection for having a set. If there are imbalanced skill/perk specific armour bonuses (like the glasses) you can bet more than just the min/maxers will be not happy.
  9. Back to the frustrated min/maxer angle, I see. sigh...
  10. Kudos if you want to learn as you go. Collectively, we were just trying to let you know there are many other base building techniques and methods, than what you are artificially limiting yourself too. Many of us and others have built and tested efficient, stylish, fun, quirky, and quality bases over the years. There are several efficient afk and almost afk base builds that work flawlessly. Unfortunately, the path you are currently exploring is both inefficient and ineffective. It's a dead end.
  11. Just to reiterate the square box base, receiving zombies from all sides, is generally not a preferred base design due to the resources required to build and maintain. Hatch hallways, elevated loop bases, killing corridors, or fighting in the open, or a combination are all generally more viable. Check out below for an evolution from a simple fighting position at one door; to a combination of traps and pathing controls.
  12. lol, not every "POI" has to be questable mate, many POIs simply add flavour and variety to the world.
  13. Yes its a broad brush response at times, but when the request is for changes related to personal preference in niche applications, vice integral game play mechanics its appropriate.
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