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Posts posted by bachgaman

  1. 10 minutes ago, Roland said:

    A great difficulty setting for you bach would be to limit yourself to knives and stealth and see how long you can survive... ;)

    The comments in those threads do not control development. They offer opinions and ideas and feedback from members of the community but the developers are under no obligation to follow what is posted. Just like your feedback to make the game generally harder and have it balanced to the toughest settings isn't going to puppeteer some developer's hand as he types out code for the game.

    I don't think I should tell you what public opinion is and how it works, but you pretend you don't know. By the way, I don't remember trying to control anyone or demanding anything. I fully understand that I am no one on this resource, and given your reaction to my posts, I understand that I am also lonely here.

    I wonder if you'd be happy with any game or still a collective opinion set the game to your expectations? After all, as I understand it, most of you are so happy that you don't see a problem even in a treasure hunter

    18 minutes ago, Roland said:

    People like to believe that the parts of the game that they don't like are in there because the devs listened to a small active stupid part of the community but 99.9% of the time it really is simply the way the devs themselves wanted it. Every time the game is changed in the direction one faction of the community or another wanted it changed it is because the devs planned to do it anyway and not because they were influenced against their better judgement.

    Hmm, the moderator calls someone stupid. It's funny

    I agree, casting pearls before swine is stupid, but being a swine is worse

  2. 9 minutes ago, meganoth said:


    requires them? I'm not aware of the community having a significant influence on the priorities of the developers. EA (at least in this case) is "watch and experience the game while it is developed" not "you design the game, the devs do it".



    Sure? Moderator pls check dev diary and dev discussion topics 

  3. 5 minutes ago, Liesel Weppen said:

    You are bored, you want it harder. Mods are harder. So what's the problem now? Are they TO hard for you or what?

    What do you actually want?

    7d2d is not your personal wishlist.

    Unfortunately, I'm not attracted much to non-original content

    By the way, if the game were too difficult for people like you, you could find a mod making the game easier. Would you like this?

    11 minutes ago, Liesel Weppen said:

    You don't get it. Difficulty settings don't scale limitless and/or either just turn out to be bulletsponges.

    I know. Why? 
    Another problem with the gamedesign is that difficulty only increases number of shots at zombies to kill. This is an important task for developers, so instead of working on new poorly functioning content, they should adjust old poorly functioning content

    But the community requires them to have new pictures instead of properly configured digits

    16 minutes ago, Liesel Weppen said:

    How an electric fence works is not a "difficulty setting" it's a game mechanic. If it would be changed to what you suggest, it would make the game harder for everyone, also people that are new to the game.

    Even if so. This could be one of the components of the right "difficulty." Why not? Do you really think it's harder to implement this than to create active NPC groups (I'm talking about bandits)? I think the development of thugs is worth several hundred similar changes


    And in general, if you weaken the OP mechanics and strengthen weak worthless mechanics, nothing will change in general, but it will become more interesting to play

  4. 20 minutes ago, Liesel Weppen said:

    No, it's not. Unzip an archive into your 7d2d folder. That's it.

    I'm not talking about installation process. About playing with mods. I've tried three big mods, the game becomes much harder

    28 minutes ago, Liesel Weppen said:


    No. Vanilla has to satisfy a wide range of players. From noobs to pros. And the pros are usually the first that get bored. But if you design a game like they want, new players are overwhelmed by definition. And it doesn't scale that easy as you found out yourself.
    If you want it harder, mods are the way to go. Especially the total conversions have (massively) increased difficulty by default.

    There are difficulty levels and many other settings to interest everyone. And there's also a balance for that, it would be great if 1 electric fence couldn't stop thousands of living deads

  5. 2 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

    Do a crafting challenge then.  Only things you can use or sell are items you crafted.  Loot and trader purchases can only be used for parts and raw materials.

    I thought about it, but I don't understand why the game doesn't give a challenge.
    I think I'll try mods. I've already tried some, its usually difficult.
    Although I don't like them in general. I think the vanilla version should be difficult without mods. Especially the amount of settings available


    Of course, I can still set 0.1% loot and 0.1% experience, but it's an artificial complication like unkillable zombies. I think the difficulty should be not just how many times you need to hit a zombie to kill him and not how many chests you have open to find a grenade launcher

  6. 3 hours ago, Liesel Weppen said:

    So you are on day ~25, haven't reached a gamestage high enough for demos to appear but are already fully equipped with all weapons, armor, vehicles and have turrets arround and already done several T5 quests (i usually even decline them, because they are highly inefficient).


    Hmmm, either you are a speedrunning gaming god or you are playing on some wierd settings like 500% loot (or you cheat using dm and cm)


    100% loot 100% exp

    all settings default except difficulty and speed and BM freq, BM Z counter

    no cheat

    no turrets btw l2 read

  7. 14 hours ago, JCrook1028 said:

    Simply changing that possible max limit has no effect until you actually reach a gamestage high enough to activate it.


    I know that, but I already have a drill and a gyrocopter, I have automatic shotguns and grenade launchers. I'm already tired of 5th tier quests. At the same time, my blood moon ends at 02:00 and there are no demolishers in it, haha, balance (I remind that I set the highest difficulty level) 


    I'm already starting to get bored




    Btw, we have still not died during BM in whole life of this world

  8. 14 minutes ago, Liesel Weppen said:

    If you are not in party, your gamestage will not even be combined. Basically then you are playing separate bloodmoons for each player at those players gamestage. So even lesser high-end-zombies spawning.

    We play in party

    14 minutes ago, Liesel Weppen said:

    Don't know your base, but we, also 2 players are fighting the bloodmoons mostly manually usually couldn't manage bloodmoons to run out of Zs before 4am from gamestages like 100. But i assume, with some killing machine bases, it's easy doable anyway.


    No, we just destroy them with shotguns, AK-47s and blow them up with grenades in a narrow passage

    On 4/18/2021 at 2:19 AM, bachgaman said:

    not many traps, just 1 blade trap, 1 electric fence and 1 dart trap


    8 minutes ago, meganoth said:

    gamestage once had a multiplier which increased with difficulty. But now this multiplier is always 1.2 independant of difficulty.

    Obviously they didn't like something about that approach and deactivated it.



    Do developers have gametesters at all?😁

  9. 8 hours ago, uncle.heavy said:

    As for demolishers: 

    To reach gamestage 153 that would make them show up, at a day 31 BM in SP you would need a player level of 97.
    For the aforementioned MP with two players, player levels of 54 each would be required on said day.
    All without any deaths ever, mind you. 


    Spawning based on GS varies as laid out in gamestages.xml.

    A GS 74 BM horde might feel quite a bit more relaxed than a GS 69 one, for example, depending on how you feel about cops.

    That is where you can alter values to increase pressure based on individual spawn behaviour to your liking - or simply edit difficultyBonus or startingWeight ( MP only) or diminishingReturns ( MP only) to increase your effective ( party) gamestage. 
    In entitygroups.xml you can alter the personnel of the spawns who are referenced in gamestages.xml.
    For instance, you could add demolishers to any spawn you like.
    I do not know when or how often the groups in these files get auto-generated, so if you feel like editing a lot, I suggest keeping a backup or writing a modlet. :)


    I could not tell about a setting in serverconfig.xml or a different feel for dedi and client, respectively.



    Thanks for answer


    I just don't understand why the difficulty only affects survivability of the zombies, which does not really matter when using traps and explosives during BM defense

    Btw i do not really like such excessive flexibility of settings, it kills the atmosphere and challenge, you can make it easier or more difficult on the go, this is bad


    So I make BM every 2 days and reached day 31, but BM is still weak and still no demolishers. Since then I have not died and have made significant progress.


    There is clearly something wrong. I have a feeling that zombies pressure on lower difficulty levels was stronger when I played my first games 


    Zombies were weaker but there were cops and demolishers with them and they attacked more densely and lastingly. Is this possible due to fact that I played on a dedicated server and now just from a client?


    I remember that I changed some settings in server config to have enemies more or something like that. This time I thought it would be enough to set the blood moon counter to 64

  11. 8 minutes ago, theFlu said:

    A little spoilerish, but since you asked..:

    Real quick glance at entitygroups.xml shows the first mention of a Demo in a group called "feralHordeStageGS153" .. if things aren't all whack, you'll just need to ramp that XP gain up. It's bound to be a little slower when dealing with the Insane bullet sponges, so getting to 153 takes a while.


    I don't remember the exact math for group gamestage, but it wasn't a simple addition, added members had a diminished effect on the final score, so you should be close, but somewhat below demo levels..


    As to why they give up at 2am, well, you've killed them all. Using plenty of traps? :)

    thank you for answer

    not many traps, just 1 blade trap, 1 electric fence and 1 dart trap

    6 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:

    Also every time you die, it affects your game stage level.  The game stage is calculated based on the max number of days alive since your last death.  If you had zero deaths, you would have a higher game stage at Day 25.



    I know that deaths affect the gamestage, but I didn't know that counts from the last death. On this day I died. Ty

  12. Hi

    My current game is

    Insane (Nightmare) zombies

    BM every 5 days

    BM limit 64

    all other settings is default

    We play as two players

    got ~75-80 gamestage on day 25, 47-49 levels, 4 deaths each other


    So i cant understand why the BMs lasts until ~01:45 and then zombies stop spawning

    And i dont see any demolishers, only spiders and ferals


    So it becomes boring


    5 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

    Yes, I do fight with a bone knife at the beginning until I can get my hands on a higher quality knife.  Yes, I do perk into Deep Cuts.  Combine with Flurry of blows and parkour, I can handle anything outside of a 64 Z bloodmoon horde


    1 hour ago, BFT2020 said:

    Do I just stand there and let zombies pound on me while I poke them with my knife?  No, I don't (and why would someone do that anyways?).  What do I do?  Let me give you a recent example of what I did.  I had a wandering horde come across me (I believe it was about 8 zombies).  Some were in the front, none of them were ferals so I quickly took stock of my surroundings.  I was in an open area, outside.  There was a large rock behind me.  I engaged the zombies.  First two in front, I power attack both of them once each.  This caused them to stagger and get bleeding effects applied to them.  I backed up, keeping myself aware if any other zombies are out there besides the wandering horde that is coming after me.  I keep an eye on my stamina, only engaging enough to cause bleeding affects via power attack (if they are not already) or simple attacks to cause damage.  The entire time I am backing up.  If they are starting to get too close, I disengage.  Put the rock between me and them, let my stamina recharge.  And then go back into attack mode, power attacks and regular attacks.  The horde numbers thin as I either take them out with my attacks or the DOT finishes them.

    Cool story, thank you



    By the way, do you want me to tell a story too? I'm walking through the forest on insane nightmare difficulty and I see a horde of zombies I take out a level 6 AK-47 and make a shots, they all are dead. The end.

  14. 13 minutes ago, Jost Amman said:


    Wait. First you basically admit to me that you're a min-maxer (nothing wrong with that) but then you accuse Roland to "put labels on people"??

    You have to make up your mind: in your opinion are you a min-maxer or not?

    My educated guess, based on what you write, is that you indeed are one.


    That being said I think what everyone is trying to tell you, but probably has failed to convey, is that unbalance is often times where the real fun can be found. Think about movies for example: did you ever enjoy a movie where everything goes perfectly as expected? Or did you enjoy more those movies that had plot twists and surprises all over?


    The same applies to games, moreover so to 7D2D.

    "WE", the non min-maxers, believe it or not, enjoy challenging ourselves with sub-optimal builds.


    2 hours ago, bachgaman said:

    Even so, what's wrong with that?


    13 minutes ago, Jost Amman said:

    you basically admit


  15. 37 minutes ago, Roland said:

    There's nothing wrong with being a min-maxer but there is a weakness to that way of playing games in that you will find fewer choices because there can only be one best way-- especially in an assymetrical design like 7 Days to Die. For example, you can play the game nomad, you can build your own overland base, you can upgrade an existing structure, you can build an underground base. These choices are not equal. They have different pros and cons. From an efficiency perspective the one best way is to simply base on the roof of a large building. So someone who wantst to min/max would look at all the choices for building bases and think that there is no choice other than building on top of a large building because every other option takes too much time and materials and effort.

    I dont do that

    I dont like it

    Im upgrading structures

    18 minutes ago, Roland said:

    Deliberately bad choice based on what measure? DPS? Ammo spent to clear a POI? Utility for both exploration and horde night defense? Opportunity cost of spending the perk points elsewhere?

    1. other perks better

    2. this dont help in BM neither directly nor indirectly

    2 minutes ago, Roland said:

    As a min-maxer, your illusion is that there is such a game that is so perfectly balanced that there are five roads to endgame that are perfectly equal in efficiency so that you aren't weaker on one path than you are on another. This game isn't even trying to do that. I doubt there are very many games that successfully do that. There usually, over time, emerges one path that is determined to be the best for folks like you and then you are back to no choices but one again.

    Lol, is it probably very convenient to put labels on people? You called me a minmaxer and made a lot of disappointing conclusions from this, while you can't even imagine how far from the truth you are

    And you have again reduced discussion of abilities to a discussion of my personality

    You sound like existing abilities like Treasure Hunter is a problem for me as a person, not a problem with the balance of the game

    Do you understand how absurd this is?

    How much do you really care about the game compared to being able to beat someone up?


  16. 11 minutes ago, Roland said:


    lol...I hope everyone in this thread clicks on that arrow and reads what @BFT2020 said to you about what it means to be a real player and then reads your response and then reads my question to you based on your response. I hope everyone reminds themselves of the full context of that post before reading my follow-up question.


    Because when they do and then see how you've behaved since then they'll think, "Gosh, that moderator has a lot of patience and even if he needs some guy to circle the back arrow for him, he's pretty okay in my book."


    I don't think you understood what @BFT2020 was saying to you. Again, not your fault but it is making this whole conversation very difficult.

    Okay. I will have to explain if you are dodging.


    So I didn't use this phrase first, this is the first.


    Second, I put it in quotes because I really don't understand what he means. And I don't think he understands himself, because he wrote a typical populist demagogue message. Like we are all equal, we are all united, everyone is important, bla-bla-bla. I don’t argue with that. What I'm trying to say is that the game is replayable only when there is a balance of abilities, not when there are only worst abilities and there are OP ablities


    Yes, I answered him blindly, but I operated only with his words. I made a conclusion only from his words. To do this, I do not need to understand what he meant, even if so


    It's funny how aggressive you are that you stick to the terms so much

  17. 27 minutes ago, Jost Amman said:

    My friend. It's evident you're a Min-Maxer, and you're not even aware of that... :shocked:

    Even so, what's wrong with that? The fact that I want to have a justified choice, and not make deliberately bad steps for the sake of phantom pleasure? This is a perversion when you have tried everything and start to go beyond reason in search of new sensations.


    22 minutes ago, Roland said:



    Read carefully these two quotes. This is EXACTLY what went down. You made a statement and I asked a question in direct response to your question. You used the term playstyle and put it in quotes which probably means you have some personal definition you are using for that word. That's fine. I'm happy to abide by whatever you mean by "playstyle". Please provide an example of whatever it is you are talking about. You already provided melee combat but then for some reason decided that talking about the subject you provided constitutes a derailment of the conversation.





    Yes you most definitely did. Here is the quoted proof with nothing altered.




    Read carefully these two quotes. This is EXACTLY what went down. You made a statement and I asked a question in direct response. You used the term playstyle and put it in quotes which probably means you have some personal definition you are using for that word. That's fine. I'm happy to abide by whatever you mean by "playstyle". Please provide an example of whatever it is you are talking about. You already provided melee combat but then for some reason decided that talking about the subject you provided constitutes a derailment of the conversation and somehow blame me for turning the conversation to that. That's not my intention.




    Yeah...I'm confused about the two perks that only increase stealth for the shock batons. I'm not familiar with those two perks.



    No malicious intent here. I asked a question based on your statement and then went off of the direction you supplied. Where did I talk about your personality? At worst, I made the judgement call that regardless of how skilled you are at the game there may yet exist a player or players that exceed your ability and it would be unfair to those folks to ruin their challenge by increasing the power and ability of the player. That is the only statement I made toward you personally that maybe there exists someone who plays the game better than you.



    Man, you are a moderator on this site, so use functionality and click on the arrow next to the quoted post, and then read the quote in the quoted post and you will understand why I used this phrase. Probably now you must have been jubilant that you caught me by the hand, but in my opinion you screwed up, I will make screenshot to make it easier for you to find the arrow I'm talking about


    So, will you keep trying to cling to words, or will we discuss abilities? 

    I repeat, I gave a list of abilities, which improving leads to a worsening of game situation when playing on high difficulty

    I think this is the answer to your question, even though you trying to find fault with the words

    10 minutes ago, Roland said:


    There are quite a few people who have fun playing with the stealth perks. Increasing the stealth perks doesn't just allow you to sneak past zombies or kill them when they are sleepers without waking them. They also allow you hide and re-emerge to stealth kill zombies that automatically wake up. WIthout the stealth perks the memory of the zombies is too long and their ability to follow your breadcrumb trail and see you too great to be able to do this. Once stealth is perked to max you gain the ability to hide and aggroed zombies won't find you.


    If you don't like stealth then don't spend the points on it. That doesn't mean it must be removed from the game. For someone who is complaining that there are no choices you seem very liberal about ending all those choices for everyone else that they enjoy that you find useless for yourself.


    Again, this conversation is difficult because you are having a tough time expressing yourself well. You literally said their are two perks that give stealth bonuses specifically for the electric baton and that having these perks are incomprehensible. That statement is completely false and completely different than saying that just in general you think that stealth perks should be removed and that electric batons are too weak. It makes it extremely difficult to understand what you are trying to say. Not your fault but you keep typing that we are being stupid or that we are attacking you and I think the problem is simply language.


    Did I say that no one uses it? I just said that this is a deliberately bad choice and it is obviously so. Surely there are people who are invest into Treasure Hunter, but this does not make their choice justified


    I also did not say that I do not like stealth, I just see that it is not in demand like treasure hunter. There are people who choose this, but it does not give them an advantage. They just want to try something different


    So why not make the game really replayable and not just for those who are ready to throw skill points into the basket for the sake of imaginary flexibility in terms of choosing the path of character progress


    Sorry for english

  18. 27 minutes ago, JCrook1028 said:

    Who says you even need a permanent base? There are many people who play this game nomad style. Personally? I play Walking dead style. Warrior difficulty but my zombies always walk, That's just my belief on zombies, they do not run.


    The discussion is about the difficult game, not the near-creative mode


    I do not know what to answer you, are you playing in a mode where you just can go away from the bloody moon horde? Probably also with an overflowing inventory? 

    Well, I know, I can answer that in creative mode I can withstand any blood moon wave without weapons at all and without moving btw


    Of course, with sparing difficulty settings, you can neglect strong abilities for the sake of weak ones, this does not make strong abilities crap in any way

  19. 31 minutes ago, Roland said:

    I intended no such context. Any playstyle you feel is impossible at insane levels please share. Why should I provide a list when I'm not arguing that there are playstyles that are impossible at insane difficulty? That's on you. So please, what playstyle is impossible and don't give me one based on weapon power if you don't want to discuss weapon power because if you do and I respond I don't want to look very stupid again...

    Let's start with the fact that I did not use the phrase "play style". You must give a list of styles because I do not understand what style means in your understanding.


    Second, I have already given a list of useless and alomst useless perks for a high level of difficulty (difficulty where player should treat the choice of skills wisely, and not improve the first thing he saw)

    31 minutes ago, Roland said:

    EIther you are hyper-sensitive or the language barrier is too high.


    Or both.

    If a person maliciously deviates from the subject of discussion and transfers the discussion into personalities, then he tries to offend the interlocutor. I see no other reason.

    17 minutes ago, Roland said:

    What are you referring to here?


    On 4/16/2021 at 4:41 PM, bachgaman said:

    Hidden Strike

    From The Shadows

    All stealth should be removed from the game for obvious reasons

    In quests, you cannot use stealth due to trigger traps

    In bloody moon, zombies always see you

    Outside of quests and a blood moon, you hardly have any problems with zombies at all



    Same as Javelin Master

    Here I mean the fact that electrical stun batons are a very weak weapon of incomprehensible purpose. And the fact that the stealth mode does not really fit into mechanics of the game. I don't mind being able to crouch and crawl past the biker zombie at the start of the game. But have ability improving this opportunity? What for? Someone wrote that thanks to this he kills sleepers with a crossbow, well, alodisments to this person. But I would rather throw a pipe bomb or do a headshot with a 44 magnum with no stealth and no unnecessary waste of skillpoints

  20. 5 minutes ago, Roland said:

    Why should horde night be possible only using melee weapons? I would think that Demolishers would be proof to you that the developers have not designed horde nights to be something they want you to be able to solve by swinging a stick around.



    I agree that this should not be so, in which case what are you broadcasting to me here? You yourself just wrote that there are geniuses who do this. Ill quote it for you  

    1 hour ago, Roland said:

    I know this wasn't directed at me but your proposal could be seen as wanting to nerf other people's challenge. If using melee weapons as the main weapon without abusing anything is truly close to impossible then it forms a high mark to aspire to. If we listen to you and make using melee weapons quite possible at the highest difficulties then for those who are close to that level of skill, we have basically yanked the rug out from beneath them. Buffing up weapons so that YOU can play at the hardest difficulty level with those weapons and feel good about it may very well wreck the experience for someone else who will then be asking for a new difficulty level above insane where melee weapons are truly challenging for them again.


    I can see how people might feel protective of the current level of challenge in Insane and might want to hinder attempts by one guy who views that level of challenge as impossible to get it changed. It would be like me asking for aim assist to be added to ranged weapons because when I play insane nightmare I just can't line shots up quickly enough without somehow abusing the game and so I deem it impossible and assume that it must be impossible for anyone else as well. Others who can use ranged weapons just fine would probably be aghast at aim assist suddenly being added to the game.


    In my understanding, using a weapon OUTSIDE the horde night is not using a weapon. This is self-indulgence and is not worth spending skill points. Especially when these skills do nothing.

    13 minutes ago, Roland said:

    I've never in my 7.5 years of playing this game ever wanted to play this game using only melee weapons. I like using combos and on horde night I only ever use melee weapons as a last resort and primarily rely upon ranged weapons. I have no idea at what difficulty level I could survive a horde night engaging the zombies solely with melee weapons.


    14 minutes ago, Roland said:

    You said it is impossible at Insane. So I'm wondering if you then tried it at a lower level like Survivalist. Also, I'm not the one trying to increase the ability of melee perks.

    Of course, I did not do this, but I have enough reason to understand that this is impossible. Perhaps at the easiest difficulty it is possible if you play very well and if you put everything in sustain and clubs / sledgehammers, but I'm not sure

    15 minutes ago, Roland said:

    I did? I only asked what playstyle is impossible at insane difficulty. You could have answered with anything but you chose to go with melee combat. How is it my fault we are talking about weapon power when I left it wide open to you and this is what you gave me to work with? What other playstyle is impossible at insane if you don't want to talk about weapon power? This is your conversation-- I'm just responding to your claims.


    First, give me a list of styles so that we can speak same language. You asked this question in the context of a discussion about strenght of melee weapons and I answered in context. Don't try to pretend you didn't mean melee weapons. It looks very stupid

    18 minutes ago, Roland said:

    When the choice you want is contrary to the vision of the developers. that isn't going to change. In the case of melee combat during horde night (which you brought up), the developers will never change the game to  make it so horde night can be won with only a knife or only a bat or only a spear-- and nothing else. That just runs contrary to the design of the game and if they did add interesting perks that could be purchased so that on horde night I could run around with a machete and kill everything around me without dying once at the insane level of difficulty it would make the machete to OP in every other circumstance and when used in conjunction with other weapons.


    That's right, now this is situation with grenade launcher. I'm asking for balance, you finally start to understand, albeit with difficulty

    19 minutes ago, Roland said:

    No I'm not. I'm not saying you are the only person on earth who can't do it. I'm just saying that you are probably not the pinnacle of 7 Days to Die player skill and that there may be at least one person on earth who might be better than you. If that thought is too threatening then, of course, we can cease this line of reason. Psyche and ego are important to maintain...


    I write about objectively dull and boring perks that do not give anything but small % damage or unnecessary weather protection (which there are no weather penalties), microscopic reduction in hunger (which there are no hunger penalties), a small chance to open a locked chest (which are very few in the game), dig up the treasure a little faster (tasks for which you stop receiving after 2-3 hours of play), two perks that improve unnecessary stealth mode perk on an electric baton, which is generally incomprehensible for what in the game and some others...



    in response, ignoring everything, you write to me something about my skill level and something about the guys who could with a sledgehammer. And you don't try to hurt me, well, well

    4 minutes ago, JCrook1028 said:

    Maybe someday you'll realize there are no absolutes in this game. Period. None.


    Can you tell us how you create ammo or build steel base without mining? Oh, you must be jumping on wood poles with a sledgehammer dying to survive 😁

  21. 33 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:

    Yes, I do fight with a bone knife at the beginning until I can get my hands on a higher quality knife.  Yes, I do perk into Deep Cuts.  Combine with Flurry of blows and parkour, I can handle anything outside of a 64 Z bloodmoon horde

    So, you could clarify this right away

    How do you do it? Let me guess

    Are you building some weird structures with zombies stuck in or something like that?

    Are you jumping from pole to pole trying to play for time?


    In any case, i bet it looks something like this. Thus, you "survive" not thanks to melee weapons, but in spite of them. It's like saying that a kettlebell tied to your leg helps you swim, because there are several people who have learned to swim with a kettlebell all their lives and they succeeded

  22. 31 minutes ago, Roland said:

    Content makers aren't ordinary players.....? Just because they have a camera turned on the game behaves differently for them? Just like any player you will have content makers who exploit and those who play it straight. There is no difference.

    They almost always do shows at any cost, otherwise they won't be watched.


    32 minutes ago, Roland said:

    You are basically projecting your own experience and level of play onto everyone else and then refusing to accept any proof that shows what you don't want to see.


    Let me ask you this: At what level of difficulty can YOU still use any melee weapon as the main one and not die often and without abusing something? Nomad? Warrior? Survivalist? What is the upper limit from your experience where the game starts falling apart. You've already scoffed at Adventurer level so I assume you feel melee weapons are fine at that level but at what point do they stop for you and start requiring abuse in order to make them work?

    Man, I don't do perversions, I play with strong ranged weapons, but I try everything. And I see that melee weapons are incomparably worse, it is impossible to survive BM using only melee weapons. I don't think that even at low difficulty levels it is possible without running away and hiding from the horde.


    Now tell me, at what difficulty level do you play using only melee weapons?


    In addition, you, as usual, brought the conversation from discussing boring perks to discussing power of weapons. Well done.

    33 minutes ago, Roland said:

    I know this wasn't directed at me but your proposal could be seen as wanting to nerf other people's challenge. If using melee weapons as the main weapon without abusing anything is truly close to impossible then it forms a high mark to aspire to. If we listen to you and make using melee weapons quite possible at the highest difficulties then for those who are close to that level of skill, we have basically yanked the rug out from beneath them. Buffing up weapons so that YOU can play at the hardest difficulty level with those weapons and feel good about it may very well wreck the experience for someone else who will then be asking for a new difficulty level above insane where melee weapons are truly challenging for them again.


    I can see how people might feel protective of the current level of challenge in Insane and might want to hinder attempts by one guy who views that level of challenge as impossible to get it changed. It would be like me asking for aim assist to be added to ranged weapons because when I play insane nightmare I just can't line shots up quickly enough without somehow abusing the game and so I deem it impossible and assume that it must be impossible for anyone else as well. Others who can use ranged weapons just fine would probably be aghast at aim assist suddenly being added to the game.


    Okay, I don't mind, let's vote to weaken the firearm so that it is impossible to play with it on a high level of difficulty. You don't understand where I see the problem. I see it in the fact that at a high level of difficulty, the player has no choice. And you are trying to hurt me with the fact that I am supposedly the only person on earth who cannot cope with the horde on a insane nightmare using a only club


  23. 30 minutes ago, uncle.heavy said:

    There have been reports from enough players stating they are completely fine with melee on difficulties of survivalist and beyond and any Z speed.


    1 hour ago, bachgaman said:

    In addition, initially it was about making these abilities more interesting than 10/20/30/40/50% damage, I'm already tired of writing about this

    Stop writing to me about someone who using sledgehammer to kill a alone zombie on nightmare difficulty. I do it myself too


    30 minutes ago, uncle.heavy said:

    Your ignoring these as they contradict your opinion and experience does not make them any less real.

    I don’t remember that I ignored someone


    30 minutes ago, uncle.heavy said:

    So, out of the window for not being viable only on low dificulties are hammers, knuckles, clubs and batons, going only by these last pages in the thread.

    That leaves us with javelins and maybe knives, with javelins incidentally also being the single one melee weapon whose related perk does soleley add the oft-mentioned flat and uninteresting 50% damage bonus and nothing else. That this whole attribute is on the radar for being reviewed has been stated, so you had been heard before you even spoke up.

    Repetition of those arguments that had been disproven already is tiresome to everyone involved, be sure about that. 😉

    In that case, even if the developers mentioned it why are you arguing? You want to attack me, instead of supporting rework of truly dead/boring abilities, you attack me about borderline examples and all write same things about the using sledgehammers.

    It looks like you are simply against any proposals, you want to hinder any other people's initiative. Do you know about the crab mentality? Instead of voting for to be given interesting content, you continue to throw arguments at me that someone was playing with knife on YouTube 


    33 minutes ago, Roland said:


    Maybe I missed it and I know you're tired but could you please give me an example of a playstyle that is only available at low difficulty and is impossible to accomplish at high difficulty?


    It is impossible to make any melee weapon the main one without dying often and without abusing something


    You don't need to submit your YouTube videos where people are doing this, clearly abusing the flaws of AI or other mechanics, I'm talking about ordinary players, not content makers

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