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Everything posted by t1slam

  1. Thanks! Seems like what i want can be implement almost perfectly - the only problem is the amount of work that could take. Personally i don't have any experience with prefab editor, but the nature of explained actions seems to be quite simple.
  2. Thanks for the advice! Yes, sure! I believe that in this context if player when given choice decides to "skip" engaging with game mechanic it's mechanic's fault for not being interesting enough. If someone wants to complete missions at faster pace, leaving unkilled zombies (exp) and containters (loot) behind - it's his choice and he should be able to do so. That seems to be straightforward. Can i change what type of zombie spawns as that sleeper? I mean it's strength relative to current game stage? To make essentially a miniboss. What do you mean by "same user experience" - you mean player will still have to kill most zombies for icon to appear, or the icon will appear immediately (because all other sleepers are deactivated) and the "same" is about only final stage of clearing?
  3. I think most people would agree with me that "Clear" missions and their variations are low key annoying - mostly because there is a way better mission type - "Fetch" - that allows player to decide the level of engagement with location on their own. Having to clear all zombies is maybe a good idea on paper, but in reality it is more bothersome rather than interesting. Most of the time they just take too long and force player to midlessly run around the location looking for the missed zeds, and sometimes (very rare though) may bug out and hide zombies somewhere and even force player to abandon the mission (happened to me once). I think fixing that can be achieved by replacing that type of missions with new type: "Eliminate Target". ET would work in same way as "Fetch", but the goal will be killing a specific enemy: The target would spawn in main loot room (or random room, like supplies in "Fetch" missions) and it will essentially be a miniboss of location - either a stronger zombie than current game level (irradiated zombies, soldiers, etc.), or location specific miniboss (like Grace, for example), or a specific group of zombies in specific room. The idea is that player wouldn't need to kill all zombies in location, but only specified target - and seeking this target out would be as easy and uncumbersome as finding supplies on "Fetch" missions. That way players will be able to decide how much they want to complete the locations on their own, without need to spend time on finding all of the zombies. So on later tiers of missions these types could be easily combined into "Fetch/Eliminate Target" to replace "Fetch/Clear" missions - locations would simply have two separate goals. I believe that small change will drastically increase enjoyment of mission grinding process.
  4. Try 100 slot scrollable backpack (ZMXUiCPBBM) - it has lesser amount of columns so they won't get out of the screen.
  5. So the velocity is what affects speed? I tried to make cars drive like the Working Stiffs Van and switched the "gears" part, thinking that would give proper effect, but it didn't change anything. Edit: it seems like it does - i also checked the values of cars and it seems like mostly regular cars got served a horrible hand. I mean - min velocity 9 is not what a frea***g Sedan, BMW or Evo should have - they should have at least 14 to outweight their smaller inventory size. 14 is what quads have and it doesn't make sense that a car with car engine has lesser power than a quadbike
  6. I understand! So i have another question: if i want to make changes myself, where can i ask for advice? I have managed to achieve a pretty nice look for myself, but still have things to change that in haven't figured out how to. For example: - How do i make looting and storage windows scrollable like 100 slot inventory (SBBM)? - How to properly increase looting window items? Right now they only increase in border size, not actual size, so it looks like i just add padding to the grid instead of making items larger. - How do i regulate height of 100 slot inventory? When i change it's size (changed it to 7 columns and 14 rows and made slots 88x88 pixels) it starts overlapping the bottom. Is this forum a right place for questions like that or is there a better choice? (like discord group, etc.)
  7. Also - a lot of cars have weird speed limit: For example, a Working Stiff Van has amazing speed and controls - i love using it. But most other cars, especially smaller ones, like Taxi or Workshop van (with horns) have very little maximum speed - less than Working Stiff Van. Aside from having it feel very weird, it makes these cars essentially unusable - because literally everything is better than using them, they can barely outdo bycicles! Please check the maximum speed of the cars you add!
  8. Here is the fix: https://textdoc.co/dKFryskqiJUw8u2N
  9. Guys, what the shell??? Most of vehicle variants (damaged, repairable, etc) look like they are missing textures - that i can understand. But having all of their names be unlocalized (i.e. appear in the game as "ctn1Damaged") is horrible! Makes you feel like something is broken in the game. Same thing with car parts: carEngine and carSeats is not exciting to look at in your crafting menu. I made a fix - added all of the missing items and blocks into Localization.txt - i shared it in my next message below this. You can just use it and add into a mod if you want - i hope i chose correct names for cars.
  10. Hey, dudes, how is it going! I'm loving this mod, but i have an inssue - the items on a inventory and storage grids are too small! I can't play for too long, because inventory becomes a hard to read mess when there is a lot of stuff - items are small and hard to recognize - you have to take closer looks all the time. I have tried to change that myself by changing modlets, but it's pretty hard to figure out many of ui's elemets. I managed to enlarge items on the inventory grid and the inventory itself, and it looks great on inventory screen - but other things "break". For example - storages are too wide so combined with widened inventory results in them getting out of screen. Besides that - i am unable to figure out how to increase size of storage items - in the windows.xml i only managed to find how to increase grid itself, but not items that are in the grids. There is a lot of unused space on the screen that could support increased inventory items, but i fail to implement such change. Also the middle container (item descriptions) between storage/trading/crafting and inventory can be shortened - it doesn't need to be this wide, so inventory could use that space. Personally i found that perfect size is: 98x98 pixels. Either way - i want to ask - can i requiest the mod to be adapted to such change? I don't know if that is purely my problem, but playing on large resolution (1920x1080) is very uncomfortable for the eyes and having a version with increased inventory items would be very much appreciated!
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