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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. Sure once I get on my gaming computer so I can take screenshots as an example. One thing you might want to check is your file path, that seems to be a majority of first time issues with mods. Where your mods are located at, the file path should be 7daystodie/mods/Modfolder. Once you click on the specific mod folder, you should see a file in there call ModInfo
  2. A brute force way is to have 2 9mm Pistols, but with different stats So crafted_9mmPistol removes the random stat lines and adjusting the base_set ones if you want those values to be higher while the 9mm Pistol in the game is kept the same. Then change the recipes to unlock the crafted_9mmPistol instead of the regular 9mm Pistol already in the game. An ideal way to do is via tags so you only have one 9mm pistol in the game, but based on you acquire it, it applies different parts of the code to it; similar to how equipment grabbed through CM is always average stats, no randomization. I started looking at the brute force method already, but it is a lot of code copying, tweaking, and such.
  3. Even if that change goes against how he wants his mod to work? DF was a creation by Khaine for himself, his wife, and his friends. Khaine is pretty good about taking feedback on his mod and will make changes that makes sense to him; but I doubt he will make changes simply because a majority of players hate something in DF. If I get to the point that I am confident about releasing my mod so others can experience it, I would be the same way. I would have no issues with receiving feedback and suggestions, but I wouldn't change it simply because a majority of players wanted something different - especially if it is not something I want His mods were creations more for himself than anything else; he has just been very nice to share them with others so you can experience his vision and hard work.
  4. I am a big supporter of modding, but even I don't think modding should be used to solve everything. If one of the top 3 downloaded mods for your finished game is the Unofficial GAME TITLE Patch, then you are doing something wrong (I am looking at you Big B). For me, I tend to be realistic. I understand that the way I want to play the game is different than others. I hope that TFP will create a game exactly how I want to play, but understand that is not a realistic (or healthy) desire. Instead, I was hoping for (and got) a game that I could learn to create my own mods for. Now I can load up some mods created by some talented modders, or dive into creating my own mod, with its own quirks and funny placeholders as I implement and learn as I go along I got over 3k playing hours in vanilla before I started to mod (not a boast, just a fact to set context). So I have played a lot of various playstyles available (and realize that there are more out there - I never done any roleplaying really). Actually, you could have thrown my words back at me. I realized later that I had a possible solution of balancing glue production and exploding arrows/bolts production based on a recipe change for them. However, my solution might not be the route that TFP want to go, but as always, I will gladly share my thoughts and ideas 🙂
  5. Interesting idea, but I think it takes away those that want the thrill of finding a Q6 item while looting. I been thinking of having different weapons based on how they were obtained: Looted weapons - variable stats to indicate the variety you find, maybe even limit the number of mod slots to 3 (to indicate not being properly maintained). Crafted weapons - all mod slots open, variability limited to average to max Purchased Trader weapons - all mod slots open, expensive, max stats However, these are tied to my mod which doesn't allow you to repair items so my thought process is that you can't always have the best weapon as eventually that weapon will wear down and my character after day 37 is not flushed with dukes.
  6. I got two that bugged me which is why I am glad to see the changes: Once you perk into the progression (say gunslinger at level 3 perk), I can create a Q4 Pistol, a Q4 Magnum, a Q4 DV, or a Q4 SMG. Why build the former two if you get the same quality as the latter two? And no Q6 crafting Now with the changes, once you are able to finally craft a Q5 pistol, you can't craft the same quality SMG. And yes, Q6 crafting hasn't been confirmed, but Madmole at least said he would consider it. (and if not, I am sure I can mod it in my game).
  7. @DeltazvlvMake sure this mod is installed on all computers (server and everyone that is connecting to the server). It adds new assets to the game so both the server and client need it installed. Would you like me to create a modlet to add these items to the loot tables and crafting recipes? Including new schematics to unlock and tied into the progression perks?
  8. First off, let me address something right away. GTFO sums up your attitude right away. If someone doesn't agree with you, there opinion is worthless, they are treated to insults by you. Noticed I just gave my opinion, and I never insulted the creator of the youtube video. I just voiced my opinion that was different than his. Second, what is video game development? I think this definition is great Video game development is the process of developing a video game No where in the description of the video game development is a specific timeframe or that the development has to be a straight line from point A to point B. Nowhere in the description of game development does it talk about everything working perfectly out of the box or that anything added in the first Alpha has to remain in the last Alpha. Even in AAA games we know that content was removed during the development of the game (in some cases, modders brought back the cut content). I have not redefined what game development is, just using the basic understanding of what game development is. Some developers develop a game quickly, some take longer than others. Some developers have an easy game to develop or can based it on past work so the work load is much easier for them, some are starting from scratch doing something that hasn't been done before. Some developers have 100s/ 1000s of qualified staff to work on it from the very beginning, some are just starting from scratch and adding talent as they go along. Some developers wouldn't pre-release a game until it was around A20/21 (using 7D2D as an example) while others will never release the game until it goes to Beta or production. Third, nothing I posted in my opinion was a long rant of excuses. It was a well thought out post on why things change and what are the various reasons behind those changes. Just because you don't agree with what I said doesn't make what I wrote a rant or a post filled with excuses. Sometimes it pays to look at the other side, and understand that we don't know all of the internal discussions or plans.
  9. My thoughts He is entitled to his thoughts, but that doesn't make them right. People throw around the term development hell a lot with TFP, but I think they are overusing the phase and it doesn't really apply to TFP. TFP set out to make a zombie survival first person shooting game in a fully destructible world. While they are taking some time to get there, they are on track to complete a game under those conditions. That doesn't mean things haven't changed over the development of the game. Mechanisms that were initially thought as being what they wanted could have been chopped because it didn't turn out how they want it to. Other mechanisms were added as they tried things out, but then decided to go a different direction based on their expectations. Roland even mentioned in another thread that as time went on, they added more things to the game as they were learning and additional staff was hired bringing in their knowledge and experience. For me, a game that is in development hell is one of the following: Game was abandoned and never finished Game was abandoned by the original developer (for whatever reason) and taken over by a new developer Game has not been updated or worked on for years That was promised as a specific type of game (say FPS set in x world for the PC) but changed at the end (side scroller for mobile devices) None of these conditions apply to 7D2D. Yes it has taken some time to get to where we are at (close to completion), but they are an Indie game developer and the first game they worked on was this game. This was a learning experience for them so mistakes are expected. It's not like this game was being developed by an AAA game developer like Bethesda. One thing he mentioned was the lack of new content being added to the game since the past iterations. That is to be expected as they are coming close to the finish line so they are not going to be keep adding new content; instead focusing on the elements that they feel is missing and refining the existing elements (even changing them out if they don't think they are where they want to be). Someone mentioned that he has been playing the game since Alpha 10. He has to have racked up a ton of hours since A10. If he has been playing so long and expecting new content every Alpha release, then he is going to be disappointed as the game reaches its final destination. Another thing mentioned was the cooking bot and boiling water. Yes, that happens when you are working on developing new things. You try things out in different configurations, but then later on go back. There could be a ton of reasons for doing that (balance issue, problems the mechanism, even simply not having a solution until someone else - maybe a new employee - comes up with something the team didn't think of before). It reminds me of the #DiggingZombiesGate. TFP had digging zombies in the game, but then removed them because they were not working the way they wanted them to. It didn't mean that the idea of zombies able to dig down to you were removed so you can avoid them simply by digging a few meters down and putting blocks above you (i.e. minecraft), it just meant that they needed fixed and TFP were planning on bringing them back if they could fix the issues they had. However, people want to believe that TFP have these meetings where they are specifically targeting their playstyle. And on a final note, he mentioned that he doesn't think they should be updating the models. That's his opinion and he is welcomed to it. But just playing the game between A19 and A20, the impact the models updates has been on the game has been great. The level of detail and work that TFP staff has done on updating the models (and adding more "clutter" to the world) is just...well, greatly appreciated by this gamer trying to reach 4k hours in 7D2D.
  10. A minibike would have been great. However, I have yet to find any schematics to build one. 😁
  11. If it is any consolation, I was worn out by this conversation 😉
  12. So I just finished up the T4 quests for Joel and my next trader was Jen about 2.2 km away. Looking at the map, she was down deep inside the wasteland. No worries, I am thinking. I can make a quick run to her the next day, unlock her location, check her inventory, and come back. Knowing how previous runs into the wasteland were, I packed up some gear for the trip - food and water. shotgun and pistol with ammo, crossbow, med kits, painkillers, vitamins, splints, and even my last jar of honey. Jumped on my bike and started peddling towards her location. Along the way, had to deal with the occasionally vulture and zombie dog following me (pre 20.6). Got to her location and several zombies were hanging around her place. Being the charitable neighbor, I then proceeded to clear out the zombies. Got a bit overwhelmed and didn't realized that one zombie dog until it bit me in the arse. Oh well, he didn't do much but give me a sprained leg. Finished my business with Jen and started on the journey home. Decided to nurse my leg back to my base to allow it to heal. Now and then, stopped my bike to take out that vulture or dog following me; going out of my way to avoid any zombie bears I saw.....until the green trees of the forest are in view. Heard a dog snarling behind me but kept pushing as I was so close to the wood line and would jump off to take care of the dog; seeing my sprain time in seconds, I am feeling confident. As I cross into the forest, the dog lunges at me and gives me a bite. Your leg is broken! Soab
  13. So I did add a few new lines to my mod code to try and play without empty bottles - though I didn't start on Day 1, just continue with my current playthrough on Day 21. I have to say, I am liking the possibility. Murky water has become a valuable resource in the way I play and this is without the dew collectors and the ability to drink directly from water sources. Some things I noticed that have changed in my behavior since I made those changes: I will now buy any glue or duct tape I find at traders - never did before as I could easily make it in bulk before I have had to hold off on crafting some new gear I wanted because I needed my existing stock of murky water for crafting some higher tier meals I been drinking a lot more yucca juice (and yucca smoothies) Mineral water has become more important (to make that one jar of murky water go further) - before I wouldn't craft it Disclaimer: Modded play (my mod) so experiences will differ A decent farm will neglect water issues if you can plant yucca (and since it only takes 2 per drink to craft, LoTL1 gives you enough for 2 drinks each harvest). I wonder if they are changing Yucca drinks around (though if not, I might double the amount of yucca per drink).
  14. No you can't balance the game out for all playstyles. For example, I play the game without having the ability to repair items. So crafting equipment becomes very important for me. On the other side, you have a player that mass produces glue for making a crapload of explosive bolts. If you balance the game out for that scenario, you can't balance it out for those that struggle to get by. However, I don't expect TFP to balance it for my playstyle as it is not within their target. I also don't expect them to balance out the game so people can setup mass production glue factories. Both playstyles are valid, but you can't limit glue production in one and increase it in another. Fortunately, they made the game easy to mod so people like me can easily move it to the other end of the spectrum (or vice versa).
  15. Sorry I misunderstood. However, if you remove the ability to unlock workstations via perks, it can be a problem. I was at day 35 and I still haven’t found a workstation schematic. I had all these neat items I could craft, but nothing to craft them on. 😀
  16. It depends on how many unknown variables there are. If there are very few (say for example, they are just simply removing empty jars and adding dew collectors), you can predict ahead of time how these changes are going to affect your game style. However, as more unknown (or even known) variables are added, it becomes less and less accurate that you can predict what the change is going to do. I can easily create a modlet to simulate the dew collectors and remove empty water jars. That will tell you how the new system works in Alpha 20 world. But we know there are going to be additional changes coming with A21 that also affect the water situation of the survivor - drinking from outside water sources, changes in the loot tables, changes to traders, etc. It also understandable that changes that they make are not going to be balanced for all types of game styles and settings. You just can't do that. The only thing they can do effectively is constrict the balance to an established set of settings and game plays. For those that go outside those boundaries, we will have to see if we can work with the changes as they come out. If not, then we will need to look at making some changes via a mod to balance out. I have a feeling it is going to affect my game style as I removed the ability to repair items so glue / duct tape is critical for me to keep going. My survivor is probably going to take a liken to drinking murky water from ditches and shallow ponds as I go about the day and save the murky water I found for glue if I don't find enough looting or able to buy from the traders.
  17. FYI Does not require workbench T0/T1 Tools T0/T1 Melee Weapons T0 Firearms T0/T1 Bows (but not crossbow) T0 Armor Requires workbench T2 and Higher Tools and Melee Weapons T1 and Higher Firearms Iron Crossbow and T2 Higher bows T1 and Higher Armor All mods All robotics
  18. Yes, it was mentioned at the 274 post in this thread
  19. I think that was actually me talking about simulating it in A20. However, there is a lot of things going on with this change that has an impact that we simply don't know yet - crafting magazines instead of perk / schematics, changes in the loot tables and what you get when you loot something, changes to the traders. There are so many changes (big and small) coming in A21 that just creating something to generate 3 bottles of water a day won't give a person a sense of the changes coming. Heck, you would even have to simulate drinking from water sources in the world. On my next playthrough, I am going to pull empty jars from the loot tables / items / recipes (along with empty cans), but all that is going to do is to simulate the new conditions under A20 rules, not under A21. - relying on murky water I find while looting and drinks from the trader. I can make up a modlet to do it (with obviously a placeholder for the dew collector, I am not going to model it), but it won't be a true representation of what is happening on A21. And the concern I have is that people are going to assume what they experience with that modlet is A21 which it will not be. Roland is actually playing with the A21 changes now as being one of the testers for it.
  20. I am not a big fan myself of the looting priority or trader missions (and their expansive stock of weapons) so I can understand where your friend is coming from. It's hard to strike a balance with all the various elements, but a couple of changes can swing it to the other side. If you remove the ability to repair items and lower the probability of finding equipment (weapons, armor, tools), then crafting becomes more important. Since I just also started throwing out empty jars, murky water becomes a valuable resource as I have to choose between drinks or glue to make items. So if I find that Q2 wrench that is in decent shape, I will use it (even though I can craft a Q3 wrench) so that I can save my resources to build an iron fireaxe since my current one is almost broke and haven't found anything to replace it yet. There are some other modifications I made that also influence this behavior - removing quest rewards from the trader (only dukes and exp now) and limiting the gear offered by the traders to Q6 only and at higher prices. Now this is not to say that the developers should implement these ideas, I am sure they already get enough of that 😉 They have a vision and a goal for the game which they should be constantly striving for. I am grateful that they made it easy to mod the game so for those of us that want to make small changes in the vanilla experience to those that want to make complete overhauls, we can do that. Now one of these days I will get around of working on custom icons (instead of just using the existing ones and tinting them) and tackling the localization file (foodRawSnakeMeat and canFoodHeated just doesn't sound as nice as Chicken Soup and Fish tacos in game 😉 )
  21. I use both of those perks heavily when I run a build that leans heavily towards the Int tree The turrets are used all the time (except for when a demolisher shows up, but then I just pick it up - very rarely do they set one off before I can do that). So having the bonuses for reload speed, fire rate, damage output, and extra ammo is very helpful. Also having the ability to put down two active turrets at the same time is just amazing. I still use the turrets when I don't spec into the Int side, and the loss of those benefits is very noticeable. And since I am using the stun baton as my primary weapon on an Int build, having double an additional 50% the damage at max perk is nothing to sneeze about. Sorry, I got block damage mixed up with entity damage. It's the attribute levels that eventually lead up to double the damage (headshot), not the the perks.
  22. Or even just change the ratio of duct tape for the arrows you craft. Right now it costs 1 duct tape per exploding arrow or 60 for a bundle of 75. What impact would making the ratio of say 1 duct tape for 10 exploding arrows and 6 when you generate a bundle of 75?
  23. I am having a blast actually 😀 I can also multi-task. While being sarcastic, I was also able to whip up a small modlet for another player whose save file got corrupted so he can quickly advanced back to the previous trader tier list 😁 Sarcasm is not my only skillset
  24. Wait? The devs removed digging to prevent players from hiding underground? 🤔 Man those devs are devious. You better watch out, they are clearly out to get you.
  25. Are you forgetting Electrocutioner and Turrets? Or do you consider those to be of no value?
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