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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. I also need to pull the 21.1 config files, I have A21.0 config files on my work computer so I am at least one version behind. That's the million dollar question, how is it applied in game via the source code. It might be weighted a lot more than I expected. With max value of 10, that means you will see a probability variation of 1 to 11 between unperked and perked magazines. Just looking at an example where 6 magazines perked out vs 17 magazines are not, you see a difference of probability of 13% vs 1% (with all magazines having a chance to drop) or a 73% vs 6% chance of drop of 5 magazines with 1 perk maxed out. It might be exactly as you believe it to be, as I am more going on what I believe it should be rather than what the game code might say. It could be balanced more towards pulling from a larger pool of magazines (Crack a Book) vs a smaller subset (Shotgun messiah crate).
  2. Yes the higher tier ones do, I was comparing the T3 clear with the T3 infected.
  3. Not really T3 ammo chance lootgroup name="groupReinforcedChestT3_01"> <item group="groupAmmoLarge"/> </lootgroup> T3 Infested Loot crate <lootgroup name="groupInfestedT3" count="all"> <item group="groupAmmoMunitions" count="3"/> <item group="groupAmmoLarge" count="2"/> </lootgroup> So you are getting more ammo from the infested clear quests Trader wise, they are the same except you get more XP and dukes from the infested quest. Trader rewards in general are already OP so you don't need to boost the infested ones really.
  4. Here is an example, from my trader mod: As you can see, I have a Prefabs folder in my mod. This is because I created new blocks for vending machines so to insure everything loads correctly, I included it inside my mod and not installed in LocalPrefabs.
  5. Not sure where I got my numbers from this afternoon, but they seem even better than what they are. It was noted that the perks increases the chance of finding items slightly. So the LootProb variable won't be similar to the other ones where the percentage is based off of decimal points (which in your example, 0.1 equates to a 10% increase). I highly doubt that 2 equals 200% increase whereas the 10 would mean a 1000% increase in finding those magazines. In my mind, I converted 2,10 to a 20%,100% scale but looking over it, it could easily be a 2%,10% scale which has a much smaller impact on the loot tables so perking into multiple perks shouldn't hamstring the player. From the dev diary Perks slightly affect the probability of finding like-themed magazines and parts for those recipes. Perk into shotguns and you will notice more shotgun magazines and shotgun parts appearing in the world. It isn't a significant bonus but it does prevent the player from being screwed over.
  6. Also, * on the num pad cycles enemy AI on and off
  7. BFT2020

    Ammo Boxer

    You got it confused. In vanilla, you can bulk craft ammo and it ends up as ammo bundles. In this mod, you can take the loose ammo and turn it into bulk ammo bundles.
  8. Magazines never drop out of the loot tables. When you find all of the magazines in a series, the bonus boost from Perks is reset to 0. Each magazine has an equal chance of being found in a container that has them unless you perk into one of the perks. At that point, it adds a boost (usually from 20% to 100%) as you level up on the perks. So if you perk once into living off the land, you have a 20% boost of finding seeds magazines. So using a Shamway crate as an example, you have two magazines in there - seeds and cooking. With no perks, you have an equal chance of getting either one of them. If you perk into LoTL at the first level, you have a 1.2/2.2 chance of picking the seeds one while only a 1/2.2 chance of picking the cooking one. Also, I don't think you are getting hit as hard as some people think if you spread your perks around. A lot of the loot groups are setup to be specialized with magazines (so ranged weapons, melee weapons, etc.). For example: 1 Perk in shotguns, cooking, armor, adv engineering, miner69er 3 Perks into knives, handguns, and bows So shotguns, cooking, armor, electrician, traps, workstations, harvest tools, and repair tools are 1.2 Knives, handguns, and bows are 1.6 In a shotgun messiah crate, you would have (assuming one of the choices ends up being the crafting magazine): 27.6% chance of finding a handgun magazine 20.7% chance of finding a shotgun magazine 17.2% chance of finding the other 3 magazines (rifles, machine guns, explosives) In a container that draws all magazines from, you have the following (assuming one of the choices ends up being the crafting magazine): Level 3 perks: 6.1% Level 1 perks: 4.5% No Perks: 3.8% So putting points into the perks moves the chances a little better for that crafting magazine, but you are not getting penalized greatly doing so. If the only reason a person is putting points into those perks is to get magazines faster, than true. However, there are other benefits from those perks to spend points into: LoTL - reduction in crafting costs for farm plots and increase harvest yields Physician - instant cures of sprains, faster crafting in chemistry stations The magazine find is a bonus part of the perks, but should never be considered as the primary reason to perk into them. If that is the only reason you perk into those categories, then it will always seem to be a waste of a perk point.
  9. Correct, though you might be able to combine it if you have the same chance <requirement name="HitLocation" body_parts="arm,leg"/>
  10. Fog by itself, is only present in the forest and snow biomes. Fog as part of a rain or storm weather event, <weather name="rain" prob="8"> <Temperature min="95" max="105" prob="1"/> <CloudThickness min="55" max="75" prob="1"/> <Precipitation min="25" max="55" prob="1"/> <Fog min="1" max="4" prob="1"/> <Wind min="15" max="35" prob="1"/> <spectrum name="Rainy"/> </weather>
  11. Here is what the desert should be <weather name="default" prob="87"> <weather name="rain" prob="8"> <weather name="storm" prob="5"> I think the problem right now is weather changes too often so even low percentage chances end up happening every day.
  12. Callum is correct <effect_group tiered="false"> <requirement name="RandomRoll" seed_type="Random" min_max="0,100" operation="LTE" value="15"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfAttackedOther" action="AddBuff" target="other" buff="buffInjuryStunned01"/> </effect_group> Your weapon is causing them to fall down, not the mod.
  13. Earlier thread with this same error pointed to a mod error, which we can't determine since you cut out the startup on the log file. Do you happen to have Alloc's mod installed?
  14. I would highly recommend not using this mod with either of those without making changes yourself. Both WotW and DF modify elements that this mod modifies so you will get conflicts and items not working.
  15. Another option would be to change the loot containers <!-- cntStoreShelf_Shoes --> <lootcontainer name="shoesShelves" count="1" size="6,2" sound_open="UseActions/open_garbage" sound_close="silencefiller" loot_quality_template="qualBaseTemplate" destroy_on_close="empty"> <item group="groupApparelShoesAll" /> </lootcontainer> Where it states destroy_on_close="empty", having a modlet that changes those from empty to false would keep them as a lootable container. Then the loot respawn should affect them since they stay in that state destroy_on_close options: empty - changes to empty model, does not respawn loot (some models will destroy like birdnests) true - after you loot, container destroys itself false - should stay in lootable state
  16. That makes sense, since wandering hordes are not biome dependent
  17. 128 and 129 are steel and flaming arrows. So last suggestion I have for you to try and resolve this issue is load the last save you have prior to adding the mod, remove those two items from your inventory and storage, then quit the game. Install the Izayo mod again and see what happens. After that, I don't think you have any other option other than restarting from Day 1 with a new game after cleaning things out. I have low hopes that this will fix it as Izayo's mod also changes the progression file which is tied to the character. I have found in the past that changing anything in the progression file in a saved game can lead to having your character reset.
  18. Anything with a LCB block (Land claim block) will not reset. Not sure about bedrolls though. Note that the chunk reset will also reset any mines you started in that area.
  19. loot respawn only works for containers that don't change to the new state, open. So shelves would not restock with loot with the Loot Respawn Days setting. If you want shelves to restock, you need to enable the new function, chunk reset
  20. feralHorde is for blood moons. defenseHorde is for the new mission type they are working on (based on what I seen posted in the past).
  21. You could try removing this code from the progression.xml file in the main pack <!-- CRAFTDISPLAY_FIX --> <remove xpath="//crafting_skill[@name='craftingRifles']/display_entry"/> <insertBefore xpath="//crafting_skill[@name='craftingRifles']/effect_group"> <display_entry item="gunRifleT0PipeRifle" unlock_level="1,3,5,7,10" /> <display_entry icon="gunRifleT1HuntingRifle" name_key="Rifle Tier 1" has_quality="true" unlock_level="11,14,18,22,26" > <unlock_entry item="gunShotgunT1DoubleBarrel" unlock_tier="1" /> <unlock_entry item="IZYgunT1SniperRifleMosinNagant" unlock_tier="1" /> <unlock_entry item="IZYgunT1DMRSks" unlock_tier="1" /> </display_entry> <display_entry icon="gunRifleT2LeverActionRifle" name_key="Rifle Tier 2" has_quality="true" unlock_level="27,35,43,51,59" > <unlock_entry item="gunRifleT2LeverActionRifle" unlock_tier="1" /> <unlock_entry item="IZYgunT2SniperRifleM40a3" unlock_tier="1" /> <unlock_entry item="IZYgunT2DMRM141" unlock_tier="1" /> </display_entry> <display_entry icon="gunRifleT3SniperRifle" name_key="Rifle Tier 3" has_quality="true" unlock_level="60,70,80,90,100" > <unlock_entry item="gunRifleT3SniperRifle" unlock_tier="1" /> <unlock_entry item="IZYgunT3SniperRifleL96S" unlock_tier="1" /> <unlock_entry item="IZYgunT3DMRSR110a2" unlock_tier="1" /> </display_entry> </insertBefore> <!-- CRAFTDISPLAY_FIX END --> This would remove the display UI updates but keep the unlocks in the game. Character reset when you add a mod points towards progression since that changes the character tab. If this doesn't work, you might then need to remove the entire progression file, but you won't unlock crafting. I don't add mods to any current save files because you can get this exact issue. I only add them prior to starting a new game.
  22. Can’t help you since you didn’t post a logfile which is explained in the pinned post that states read first before making a post.
  23. No, no error at all, which makes me think of a possible mod conflict or something you missed
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