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Posts posted by BFT2020

  1. 18 minutes ago, Old Crow said:

    It's still weird and inconsistent design. See my generator bank example. You can pick up a generator bank and it dumps the gas and engines into your inventory. Same with a campfire -  it throws the cooking implements into your backpack. Why couldn't the forge do that? If your pack is full, the extras are dumped on the floor, just like if you turn in a quest and have no room for the rewards. It's then up to the player to pick it up before it despawns, which is a fairly generous amount of time.


    I just tried the campfire and it doesn't allow me to pick it up with a cooking pot in it, it gives the same message as the forge.

  2. Something I just remembered, I changed two weapons in the game to use the 44 cal, the pipe pistol and the lever action rifle.  The pipe pistol worked out of the gate properly, but I think the issue I had with the lever action rifle was not applying the correct damage in game (not sure on the display though).  It was a tag issue that I eventually figured out.


    If the weapon doesn't have the same tags as the ammo, it won't applied the damage.  So the mod should add perkMachineGunner to 44 cal ammo.  That is why you are only seeing 10 damage with the SMG as the ammo damage is not being applied.


        <append xpath="/items/item[@name='ammo44MagnumBulletBall']/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='EntityDamage']/@tags">,perkMachineGunner </append>


    Adding your tag so you get the notification since I didn't quote your original post



  3. weapon damage is based on both that value and the ammo being used.


    44 cal ball bullets do 70 points of damage, add the additional +10 from the line you showed above so unperked you would get 80 damage, not 10


    I am also assuming the modder changed the tags in the 44 cal ammo to include additional guns or do they have custom ammo created for it?


    This is the Entity Damage line for 44 ball ammo

            <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="base_set" value="70" tags="perkGunslinger,revolver"/>


    Without seeing all the code, I believe the 100 damage is correct; but not being applied properly in game.

  4. 2 hours ago, Rotor said:


    Not to nitpick, but if that is the end game, then at some point chest, safes, ranges etc are going to go poof like the  bird nests and jars?


    Or is it just items that sit outside of PoI that give them problems?  Empty grills going bye bye?


    Really just wondering, honest question.  


    I mean, me thinks to is more of making it a gating item, so you can go kiss the traders butt AND give him some dukes.




    None of those are item containers, those are loot containers.  So I think you are nitpicking a bit  😉


    If you stop and think about it, even the loot containers that go poof or turn into an open container that cannot reset with loot respawn on makes sense, as those are typically the containers that most people skip over once they reach a certain part of the game.  The other containers though, still have value as you advance further in the game if the loot respawn option is turned on.  Take feathers for example, once you are past making stone and iron arrows, they don't have any value unless you still need to make a puffer coat.

  5. 3 hours ago, Cruiser said:

    What I would love to get back, is the brass ingot. "Cooking" something like 1.000 brass and 50 clay into 1 ingot (at the cost of fuel and clay), would be awesome. or just have it at the same "cost" as forged iron, would be nice. Even the lead ingot would be usefull, as the only thing you can do to lead, is either 6k stacks or pack them into stacks (6k pr stack)


    Wouldn't be hard to mod that into the game actually.  And you wouldn't need a new icon for it, just reuse the forged iron icon and give it a brass color custom tint.


    2 hours ago, Rotor said:

    Yikes, in my best run through I never had more that 5k brass standing around.


    I usually process them in the forge and then into casings, so my playthroughs are similar to what you see even though I never throw brass away (though I don't think I ever been hard up on brass to require smelting down dukes either).

  6. Pretty late to the party really. 




    They (developers) don't have any intent at this point to bring back empty jars, it is now consistent with every other liquid in the game which is what they want.  It is the same as bottles of acid or gas cans.  They don't want to deal with empty containers in their game.





  7. 6 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

    If you're btiching about empty jars taking 1 slot when you drink being "inventory clutter", then you need to re-evaluate things a bit.

    I'm not adding them to LOOT, only the ones you drink.

    And no, you can't easily make a small patch to remove it with how i'm doing it.


    Not @%$#ing at all, just my personal understanding that I have quirks that I can now address.  Yes, I understand that it is only 1 slot out of 96, but quirks are not rational or logical.  They are simply quirks.  So if you have a quirk of not wanting any empty jars popping up in your inventory, it doesn't matter if you have 10 inventory slots or 1,000.


    Small patch being that while you did all the hard work to create the system and code it in, I just have to reverse engineer one small part of what you did overall and tweak it for my quirkiness.  That is all.

  8. 1 hour ago, KhaineGB said:

    So old glass jars SHOULD have a chance to do that. :) Also it should make both camps of players happy. Those who want it back, and those who don't due to inventory clutter.


    Not really for those that don't want the inventory clutter  😉


    But we can always make a small patch to remove them again with your mod.

  9. 9 minutes ago, lord_ahriman said:

    Coal. Yes, you could get coal from desert biome. That's via the ingame journal entry for mining (I don't know if they changed it in A21):


    That hasn't been true for awhile now.  At least from A19 and on, coal has not been found in the desert to mine.  Not sure if A16-A18 if it was available back then.

  10. 7 minutes ago, Similar said:

    Made a new RWG map for B21 and spawned in the wasteland twice (different save game names). No radiation, apparently, but I gave up after attracting attention from ferals I couldn't outrun. Bit funny since in B20 I made 5 or 6 different maps and tried maybe thirty different save game names and I always spawned in the forest (I was trying for desert).


    Trying another new map for B21.


    FYI, one thing you can do is to manually add in spawn points.  It should be in the folder for the world you created.  It's something I have done in the past (I would just pick some points from the preview map when I generated the world).

  11. 58 minutes ago, Nobster said:

    Hi all, i think you all know about the vehicle respawn mods which leave a seat and after a certain amount of time the seat respawns. The issue is that people with bad intentions dig under the seat and doesn't allow the vehicle to respawn. Is there a mod that eliminates this issue? 



    I think you are over exaggerating what we all know  😁


    I have no clue what you are talking about - respawning vehicle seats?

  12. Give it a try and see if it is still possible


    Example below

            <item name="noteFirearmChallenges">
                <property name="Extends" value="questMaster"/>
                    <property class="Action0">
                    <property name="QuestGiven" value="quest_FirearmChallenges"/>


  13. 30 minutes ago, Uncle Al said:

    The biggest factor for me in not using HP is it won't stack with regular ammo, and I seem to pretty much only find regular ammo as loot. If, at high loot stage, a significant portion of looted ammo was HP I'd probably start using it more often.


    Unless the game is modded, you will never find AP or HP ammo as loot.  You will only get it via crafting, trader award, or buying it directly from the trader.  For some reason, it does not exist as a lootable item in the game.


    I was going to say at first what level you could find it, then realized that the reason I was finding it in my game was I specifically added those types of ammo to the loot tables.  So when I been playing, I do find AP and HP ammo that I save up and use in-game.

  14. 18 hours ago, Matt115 said:

    why there is no 7dtd mod that's going to keep serious about enemies 😭


    All the mod creators got together in a secret meeting and hashed out some rules.


    I heard Rule #1 was Do not make Matt115 happy.  🤔

  15. I do want to point out that all weapons do get a boost from Penetrator perk, as it adds additional armor penetration for any range weapon (and spears).  So a point in Penetrator gives you a 10% increase in armor penetration for all guns (20% for spears).


    So AP ammo starts with a 50% armor penetration that you can increase with the Penetrator perk.  Max would be 70%.  Maxed out at Perk Level 3.


    Spears, if you were to max out Penetrator perk, would give you a 100% armor penetration.  Maxed out at Perk Level 4

  16. So everyone knows


    <set xpath="/items/item[@name='meleeToolRepairT3Nailgun']/property/property[@name='Allowed_upgrade_items']/@value">resourceWood,resourceClayLump,resourceSnowBall,resourceScrapIron,resourceForgedIron,resourceForgedSteel,resourceConcreteMix,resourceCobblestones,ironDoorBlockVariantHelper,ironDoorDoubleBlockVariantHelper,vaultDoor01,vaultDoor01Double,ironHatchBlockVariantHelper,vaultHatch01,cellarDoorDoubleIron,cellarDoorDoubleSteel,shuttersIronBlockVariantHelper,shuttersSteelBlockVariantHelper,resourceYuccaFibers,resourceCloth,resourceScrapPolymers,resourceNail,resourceForgedMeteoriteGreen,resourceForgedMeteoriteRed,resourceForgedMeteoriteBlue</set>   


    Original code was items/item/property[@name], needed to be   items/item/property/property[@name]

  17. 3 hours ago, warmer said:

    Well I have seen them at night, so I am not sure why you haven't


    Probably because you were in Forest downtown and others haven't seen them spawn in yet


    Wolves can spawn in the downtown areas, even in the Forest

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