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Posts posted by arramus

  1. 18 minutes ago, zorxgg said:


    Gotcha, another question do I need to remove all of the entries inside this (zombie entities all in one-line) as well? these are all in oneline.

    I think about 300+ of each zombies are in here. If yes, just need to format it, then remove each line right?





    <append xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='feralHordeStageGS1']"><entity name="ZombieArchon" prob="0.05"/><entity name="ZombieUndertaker" prob="0.1"/>...</append>

    This section governs the Horde Night and there will be very many entries for the Shark and Mittens in there.

    Each individual entry connected to only those entities needs to be removed such as <entity name="Mittens" prob="0.15"/>


    The <  /> areas 'open and close' each individual entities code. Nothing else needs to be removed beyond their own individual entries.

  2. There is not a compatible non PLUS variety available.


    It is easy to make changes to what can appear and how often they appear by editing the entitygroups.xml.

    This file governs where they spawn, how often they spawn, and what can spawn.

    Removing the line connected to the entities you do not want to spawn will remove their spawn capability.

  3. 44 minutes ago, Liesel Weppen said:

    As far as i see, there is no skill book included that you can find for the autominer, so you have to skill into advanced engineering?

    Correct. It is common for these autominer tools to require skill 4 or 5 advanced engineering to unlock.

  4. On 2/26/2022 at 1:15 PM, kronons said:



    I am using the chicken mod. I tried to modify the sound.xml file to lower the range and volume of the chickens, but it doesn't do anything. Could it be because you compiled the sound with the assets? I would like to turn down the chicken sound since I can hear it from like 20 blocks away. I even tried to remove the sound.xml file and the chicken sound persist.

    I shall discuss this with oakraven and spend more time looking at optimal range and also compare sound range with the default chicken.

    Here is a small update to the Oakraven Forest Collection


    Extendable Drawbridge Walkways

    The Drawbridges Mod allows players to add 4 varieties of Walkway in a 1 x 4 (1 block wide and extends additional 4 blocks from base block) and 3 x 4 format (3 blocks wide and extends additional 4 blocks from base block).


    These can be used for various purposes, such as crossing rivers, defensive trenches, and mining operations, among others.


    They use a simple extend/retract feature and are activated in the same manner as doors.





    They can also be staggered in a chain.





    It is possible to create alternative sizes and feel free to share suggestions.

  5. 3 hours ago, Namahagenader said:

    - When the scorpion notices the player, it twists its body into a strange position.

    I could observe this when a Scorpion is being attacked and is in its pain state.



    The Hell Dog is also having some issues in death state.



    However, in Vanilla game play there is also an abundance of animation state irregularities for the current Alpha 20.3 build and it appears there is a wider set of issues.


    Typically the neck joint.





    But it pretty much depends on the model.



  6. A new POI has been added to the Prefab pack, and one has been updated to include a new feature which allows the hostile Bandits to remain stationary as if guarding their personal area.


    Download here: https://github.com/arramus/A20-NPCMod-Prefabs


    A Tier 5 Fetch Quest POI for the NPCMod Bandits.

    Maunsell Forts by MPLogue @MichaelL. has been converted from a default POI to an NPCMod version. It consists of 7 defensive structures loaded with hostile bandits.







    Roof tops.



    And an abundance of internal rooms to coordinate.


    A most worthy POI for the NPCMod.




  7. 15 hours ago, wokkawokka said:

    This is what I see from the latest updated unity file you enclosed.

    We're attempting to use a Virtual installation of Linux based 7D2D to understand what shaders are being used and to see if we can get in game. Radeon drivers, to match the test GPU bricked one version of Ubuntu and we'll try again. lol

    On default drivers we could at least see Vulkan Shaders (which appear to be experimental) may well be the selected choice. If no joy comes from a second attempt, we hope you'll be able to continue to share feedback until we find an overall appropriate selection.





  8. 3 hours ago, wokkawokka said:

    Sorry for the late reply and thanks for including the correct asset display to compare against. This is what I see from the latest updated unity file you enclosed. THANK YOU for even being willing to look at this in the first place. This all started because I was just curious as to the "why"s and "how"s. Hopefully my response pictures are a bit helpful. Even if you guys didn't do diddly over this, I'd still use your mod because it's visually stunning on its own merit regardless of platform.

    Thank you. Time to do some more research on acceptable Linux graphical options. ^^

  9. 4 hours ago, wokkawokka said:

    Just to follow up - compare against original - this is what I see now versus before image. (1st image is what I saw originally -- 2nd is what I saw after update)

    Thank you. This is how they compare in the Windows environment for the Linux version and Windows versions.


    Linux compatible version - Denser dust particles above the powder mixer and the forge and the other work stations have a glossier texture.



    The Windows version - Finer dust particle above the powder mixer and less glossy.



    I wonder if the other Work Stations were OK.

  10. It is certainly pretty intense in there, and adding the Vault Dwellers Addon Pack has really helped to balance things and give the player a breather. Only the incoming Vault 'Trooper' has been hired and the 2 green clad Power Armor Vault Dwellers taking on the Mutants just arrived as they heard the drama.



  11. 4 hours ago, wokkawokka said:

    Absolutely worked. What the heck did you do? lol

    Linux is a bit more selective about shader choice and Oakraven tried an alternative. Thank you for letting us know that this choice worked.

    We appreciate any more feedback like this for Linux because we don't have access to a Linux server/client to test things with and can't be exactly sure what Linux can accept.

  12. 4 hours ago, wokkawokka said:

    Hey, I'm running on linux and I keep getting purple textures in Oakraven. Great mod, btw. I'm doing my darn best to try to track down this reoccurring issue with purple textures that happens only on linux and not on windows. Anybody got any info or leads? I heard one from Dough that it's how a mod is compiled in Unity but I don't know squat about Unity so I'm open to suggestions.


    Interesting... @oakraven will certainly give this some time to consider and tinker with. Linux can be incredibly strict about compliance and it may be something as simple as an upper case letter which should be lower case. Or it could be something else.

  13. This time I will be mostly using Survival and Agility traits.


    4 SPIFSAL on Strength.



    None on Perception. A tough call on Salvage Operations but my server uses a Vehicle Respawn Mod. ^^



    2 SPIFSAL on Intellect. Crafting is always essential.



    1 SPIFSAL on Fortitude because melee saves a lot of ammo until it is really needed.



    7 SPIFSAL on Survival.



    7 SPIFSAL on Agility.



    0 SPIFSAL on Luck. I shall forfeit that and get some nice books.



    Yes, books, statue boosts, and temporary Skill items will suffice for moments of need.

  14. 11 hours ago, Rave_gaming_jj said:

    the output on the forge is not working for me. I am using smx. I can smelt items into the forge but when I try to create something I am getting a error and nothing is being made. i have maxed out the advanced engineering perk and the forge is still showing that it is locked also

    Sorry to hear that. The first thing I do is just double check there are no issues with the mod just in case.






    Checking windows.






    In the past, I would have recommended to change the name of the mod so it loads after the SMX. This is because it can sometimes allow windows and themes to be used with minimal SMX changes.


    However, in this case, the mod is already called WorkStations and loads after, as long as SMX doesn't have some other letters which force it to load out later.

    Apart from trying to load WorkStations before SMX just on the chance that SMX will give it some new window and output features, it is a little challenging as SMX is like an overhaul UI and very sophisticated. Especially with the new scrolling menus feature. It's a case of removing mods to find if SMX is contributing to the output and locked icon issue or if it is caused by another combination as it is unusual the Progression is not unlocking the forge as well. Very much trial and error at this stage.



  15. 2 hours ago, Khayotik said:

    I'm seeing an issue of "Invalid layer index "1" and then a plant or log of some type is killed. is there any insight to this as to what i may do to fix or?


    The bee log, for example, is actually an entity. The "Invalid layer index "1" should refer to the animation state as it's doing something unorthodox that Unity is not expecting. The issue should appear as a yellow warning and can be seen as a gentle notification rather than a critical issue. This warning can also appear with UMA based entities and I've seen it appear with default entities such as the chicken and snake at times. The bee log is being killed and then respawning in a new location.

  16. 37 minutes ago, MikeyUK said:

    That's really clever for the server side stuff, well done, can't wait to try it :)


    Maybe @arramus has some more detailed idea on other materials that may come from trees, maybe to fit in with some of hit mods :D 

    There should be quite a lot of different applications for an extended Forestry Mod from all parts of the trees.


    - Tree Resin as a natural salve for infection or for stabilising deep wounds.

    - Resin replacement for fat for making flaming torches.

    - Resin replacement for burning arrows/bolts.

    - Resin to add a burning buff feature to wooden cone spikes.

    - Extract sap to make an edible syrup for pancakes/hotcakes.


    as possible examples.


  17. 2 hours ago, mbaker327 said:

    Amazing mods, great work! Quick question though, as the Hydroponic Workbench doesn't have an Output box, how do I retrieve the Compost for further crafting?

    Thank you for letting us know. That one slipped through.


    The Hydroponic Workbench now has plenty of Output areas, and we also caught a very difficult recipe item which has been made more attainable.




    A direct automatic download link for the current repost.


  18. A couple more recipes for the Hydroponic Farming mod just to give the harvest materials continued purpose.


    A simple Fruit Muffin using egg and corn meal as the binding agents.



    And a more substantial Salmon Bake to give the turnip and tomato further extension.



    The Hydroponic Salmon Bake is the first Skill 3 unlock item, and matches the canned goods theme.



  19. Power Things provides a custom assortment of Solar, Generator, Battery, and Cell solutions for all of your power needs. A prerequisite to manufacturing cells is to find their crystals in the Burnt Forest and Wasteland.


    Power Things, as with regular power generation, is governed by Advanced Engineering.


    Unlock the Oakraven Power Workbench at Skill 2. Power Cells and Solar Cells are also unlocked at this stage since they can only be manufactured on the Oakraven Power Workbench. However, they will increase from Level 3 to Level 6 as Advanced Engineering Skill increases.



    The requirements for an Oakraven Power Workbench are balanced.



    At Skill 2, only the Power Cell and Solar Cell are unlocked (with their level 3)



    Skill 3 allows the Oakraven Generator 1 & 2 to be manufactured.



    Skill 4 brings in the Oakraven Turret Solar Power Array (compact) and Oakraven Solar Power Array. They both generate the same power output and the difference is purely cosmetic.



    At Skill 4, all Oakraven Power items are unlocked. Power and Solar Cells are increasing in level to Level 5.



    At Skill 5, we can access Level 6 Power and Solar Cells for maximum output.



    Head to the Burnt Forest/Wasteland to find crystals that are needed to produce your Cells.







    How it works (at the moment):

    - The Solar Cells go into the Solar Arrays. The higher the level of the Cell, the more power can be collected and generated.
    - The Power Cells go into both the Generator and the Battery Bank, however:

    The Generator uses gas and the Power Cell is a catalyst to Power Output. The higher the level, the more power. The Power Cell is neither charged nor depleted and purely acts as a catalyst with higher level Cells providing more efficiency and output.
    The Battery Bank uses the Power Cell directly to power electrical items. However, the Power Cell can be charged in the Battery Bank when connected to the Solar Array or Generator.


    We'll see how this hybrid Cell works out and if it becomes intuitive.






  20. 32 minutes ago, MikeyUK said:

    You are doing a great job @arramus :D All these new additions look very cool.


    I know this is a little random but I saw the wood log in your inventory and it reminded of a mod released the other day, seems like a nice fit with your mod (the mechanics maybe, not the look/feel though they do use a vanilla model).


    Yes, this is a superb mod and really brings some extra Forestry theme to 7 Days. I hope the creator further expands with things like logs directly to second stage wood cubes, logs to defensive log spikes, and even 'random limited drops' for tree 'syrup' for possible recipes. Really nice creativity at play there for a server side only upload.

  21. And one further recipe to complement the Hydroponic Fruit (Pineapple and Strawberry).


    Hydroponic Mixed Fruit Bowl.



    A simple recipe which adds regular blueberries to the mix. The combination provides that fructose speed boost. ^^



    As with the Mixed Soup, a Skill 2 requirement for Master Chef.



  22. Just adding a first recipe to the Hydroponic Farming.


    Hydroponic Mixed Vegetable Soup. It offers about 25% increases on regular Vegetable Stew but requires all 5 Hydroponic custom vegetables.





    It just requires Master Chef Skill 2 for the unlock.



    Making the recipes is no bother. It is trying to make reasonable custom icons that takes a little more care and attention.

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