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Posts posted by arramus

  1. 2 hours ago, DefiantDucky said:

    Thank you so much for this. I have followed your instructions to the letter on the Enzombies board and all three packs work fantastically on the server with no issues, thank you so much! Would this by any chance affect EAC on dedicated servers?

    These server side xml only changes allow the server to continue to run in EAC mode.

  2. 3 hours ago, DefiantDucky said:

    So the following files:


    Snufkins zombies Plus

    Snufkin EN Patch

    En Zombies Main

    Robeloto's zombies XML Version

    Robeloto's EN Patch


    Within EN Robeloto Patch in entitygroups.xml Removing: (RadRobot) (RadRobot1) (MPF Zombie) (Zombie freezer)? Also the same for entityclasses.xml?

    Those 5 mods are the files to install in the server. I tested the full version and can't validate if the xml version is bug free but it should be identical apart from the custom assets.


    enZombies Robeloto Patch:

    zombieFreezer is renamed to zombieCold

    zombieRadRobot1 is renamed to zombieRobot

    zombieMPF is totally removed because it doesn't exist and there is no mention of it being renamed.


    I did not use the entityclasses.xml in the enZombies Patch and it is all commented out so it doesn't get read. If you use it, it will require renames and removals as well.

  3. 1 hour ago, DefiantDucky said:

    THIS IS GREAT NEWS! I do apologise extremely for this. But Unfortunately my knowledge and experience within this is greatly limited and I've only pursued this to try and make the server better for the public players who are joining in. Would you be able to provide me a link to the files you are using to make this work? I am so sorry be inconvenient to you

    The files are all posted in this area of the forum:

    Robeloto's are kept here. There are a variety of versions and the xml only one is appropriate if your server is server side only.

    And the enZombies are also linked in this forum.

    The enZombies creator will update the Patch for Robeloto's mod but until then it is necessary to do it manually by changing the name for two and removing one in the Patch entitygroups.xml. You will see the instructions in the enZombies thread.


  4. A few posts are coming over to the Snufkins related to the Robeloto Patch and this is for hosts/players to consider when using the enZombies patch.


    For the patch, players will need to:


    Change Radrobot1 from the entitygroups.xml to zombieRobot.

    Change zombieFreezer from the entitygroups.xml to zombieCold

    Remove zombieMPF from the entitygroups.xml. It may have changed names but there is no notification that stands out.
    There may be more updates but this was the minimum to launch/join with no warnings.


    Be aware that there are quite a lot of versions of this mod. The default one has custom assets for explosions and sounds.
    There is also an xml server side only version. If your players are getting errors and are unable to join, ensure they also have the Robeloto Mod in their Mod folder depending on which version you have opted to use.

  5. 7 hours ago, DefiantDucky said:

    Hello again,


    I did some Singleplayer, Multiplayer and Dedicated Server Testing. So the packs work on the client side singleplayer game, there are some spawn errornull's that pop up. However here's the kicker: if anyone else tries to join my game they are bombarded with errors when trying to load in to the point the game needs to be force stopped. Same problem with dedicated servers. Your pack and Enzombies + patch work fine with barely any issues other than errornulls in POI's. Robeloto's combined makes the server and game unplayable. Only single player works. I would personally love an XML version for server side deciated gameplay. Not sure if that's possible. Would be great.

    I am testing in a dedicated server. It required a few updates to get it working as follows:


    - Remove





    from the Robeloto Zombie Patch because they are not being found. This information should be shared in the enZombies forum area.


    Ensure your friend has also installed the Robeloto Mod in their mod folder because it contains some custom resources for sound and effects. That is unless you are using the xml only version.


    When having these changes in place and the correct mod folders where necessary, starting and joining a dedicated server has been successful as the images below show.


    A mix of enZombies, Robeloto Zombies, and Snufkin Zombies. These were manually spawned in.



    My client game is showing no errors or warnings once those updates were added and I added the main version of Robeloto's to my client.



    I checked the server logs and couldn't find any errors.

    Ya, there is an XML only version of the Robeloto's in the download.

  6. 1 hour ago, ozmods said:

    installed the storage mod this morning, works as intended well done, would love to see a larger version ie more slots, but happy to have storage i can rename, so my old brain know's what is in it lol. so kudos

    Within this mod is a Config folder and within that is blocks.xml. It is possible to change the type of storage area that has been alloted for the storage containers to increase the slot size.


    At the moment, each type uses:
    <property name="LootList" value="storageCrate"/>
    storageCrate is the same size given to the non writeable and writeable storage crates at a size of 8 x 9 (72 slots). This is the maximum size for this type of storage.



    The largest storage container in the game is for the 4x4 vehicle.

    If you were to change <property name="LootList" value="storageCrate"/> to <property name="LootList" value="vehicle4x4Truck"/> for all entries in the blocks.xml then all of the crates would be given the larger size of 9 x 9 and at least increase the size from 72 to 81 slots. An extra 9 slots is pretty decent. 



    Maybe you've come across the larger stacking mods where things can be bundled into larger amounts for storage, e.g. from 6000 wood to 32000 wood.

    One I particularly like is Reasonable Stack Size. All of the mods of this type are great, but this one doesn't add a blanket increase and considers each item carefully. This really helps to keeps things more efficiently stacked and reduce need for space.


    If these solutions are still not enough, the next step up from that would be to make a customised storage crate size. In the past, this could cause problems because different mods would sometimes share the same ID number. However, in A20, a fall back was added where it is given both a name and a number and this should stop any compatibility issues.


    From the developers comments in the code, it is possible to make 16 rows across. For the sake of the HUD, maybe 12 across and 10 down for that 120 slots would keep it looking decent. The easiest option is potentially a stack size mod like the Reasonable Stack Size or ones that give a blanket 10K, 20K, 32K type stack.

  7. 4 hours ago, DefiantDucky said:

    Hello again,


    I did some Singleplayer, Multiplayer and Dedicated Server Testing. So the packs work on the client side singleplayer game, there are some spawn errornull's that pop up. However here's the kicker: if anyone else tries to join my game they are bombarded with errors when trying to load in to the point the game needs to be force stopped. Same problem with dedicated servers. Your pack and Enzombies + patch work fine with barely any issues other than errornulls in POI's. Robeloto's combined makes the server and game unplayable. Only single player works. I would personally love an XML version for server side deciated gameplay. Not sure if that's possible. Would be great.

    I shall set up a standalone dedicated server with enZombies, Snufkins, Robeloto's, and the add on packs from enZombies. I shall remove the Robot1 from the add on pack enZombies for Robeloto as that entity does not exist in the current Robeloto build and see what errors it throws when I join.

    41 minutes ago, AndrewT said:

    its been a while since i said anything here but i just finished killing a scorcher zombie and I remembered how I said it would be interesting if we can destroy its flamethrowers similar to the aracnatrons plasma gun in doom eternal although I think it'd be more interesting is u could blow the scorchers two fuel barrels with a shotgun blast (or any gun). I dont know if thats doable but let me know yalls thoughts.

    A20 Scorcher remains static with the attachments being fixed in place using buffs.


    It may be possible to create 2 Scorcher entities; one with the attachments and one without (and also no ability to throw flames with just melee ability). After the first Scorcher is 'killed' it may be able to downgrade to the second type of Scorcher without the flames and attachments. Once that one is killed, XP would be granted and Scorcher would be no more. 7D2D has the downgrade block feature as we see for wrenching vehicles and damaging blocks. Good luck to any modders who want to test this. ^^

  8. Here is a new Mod that provides players with Custom Storage that allows writing.

    There are currently 10 choices and they are all governed by a Variant Helper which allows the 'master' version to be changed into a choice of 10.


    Crates, cases, boxes, containers, shelves, and similar storage types.



    They allow for a large inventory and use the regular Writeable Storage Crate size.



    One recipe for the Oakraven Storage Types allows a choice of 10 types. These can be made on the player just as with regular Crates and Containers.



  9. 1 hour ago, mr_renderson said:


    i did the KillAll for testing too, and it was empty with only me and one player online. (so no max.cap)

    Like i said,in the very outer Fields,there are a lot now :=)

    But like zeros in city near...


    oke, so i guess its like how a20 works now.🤔


    ty so far :=)

    It may just need dropping the outer values a little to keep things more balanced. After doing a fly over in God Mode on a new World it seems that spawning.xml is split into area sizes of about 40-50 blocks square. Did you do a KillAll while in the the city at night to see if it is still registering the existing values? Ya, A20 has certainly split things up.

    1 hour ago, dujinyuan said:

    eh...arramus..or the evil Snufkin i want to know who the rellay you are and....LOOK i uesed those mods too

    there is a problem

    Do you think this is nothing or....i don't know ..they are too many...


    These were supposedly fixed in A18 but it could be linked to something new for A20. Players are seeing a lot of these warnings in the NPC Mod and it is possibly linked to the new crawling animation.

  10. 41 minutes ago, mr_renderson said:

    Hi arramus :)


    sooo .... it kinda works,but what you mean with in the fields is only one spot one the map (Pregen 8K), with no surrounding citys or Poi´s.

    there its going hot very quick,with up to 8 z´s in one chunk ^^

    But still zero or sometimes one zombie in the wasteland cities or near -.-


    i wonder,if this line is something,because you didnt copy it in your last posting with the new values :


    <spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="1" time="Night" entitygroup="ZombiesWastelandNightHard"><!--Element appended by: "Snufkin Custom Zombies PLUS"--></spawn>


    should i edit this one too,or cut it out ?

    Or is there more to edit,for the wasteland cities maybe?


    thanks for your time :)


    This line is specifically for the Snufkin Zombies and is in addition to the default ones. It only suggests the Biome with no tag reference to the city or suburb tiles within that Biome as with a few others in the default list. It contains the Juggernaut and is a special feature and it may be best to keep those counts as they are. ^^


    I don't know how many players are on the server but is it possible it is reaching max zombie counts and is locking others from spawning?

    The city centers are already set to see a high (constant) amount of zombies and just outside the city centers will also be quite high. More so at night.

    This was a new feature added by the Devs for A20 and I don't touch that in case players want to be able to complete quests without being overwhelmed by additional spawns flooding into the POI; especially in the Wasteland. I believe there was also a link to POI zombies where it would reduce those being spawned in the wild when quest zombies would spawn and wake up. I can't be sure if that is still connected or became independent.

  11. 8 hours ago, EZ7 said:

    Love this mod, the only thing I'm confused by is the size of the chicken coops. I'm not sure if they're intended to be so tiny or did something get "lost in translation" while importing the model into the game? As it is they'd have to be at least twice as big to match the size of the actual game chickens. If it's intended, would it be possible to make a scaled up version? Thanks!

    The type of chicken that is 'grown' from these Coops is a smaller type when compared with the actual game chickens. There is a chance that players will be able to receive this smaller sized version once the Coops have come to maturity. These smaller types were actually even smaller on the initial release and I suggested a slightly bigger version that could just get into the door ways of the smaller sized Coops and look a little closer in size to the game versions. This size was a compromise to keep them bigger than quails but small enough to give context to the Coop sizes.


  12. I installed:
    Snufkin Zombies + enZombies Snufkin Patch
    Robeloto's Zombies + enZomboes Robeloto's Patch (Robot1 removed from the entitygroups though as it no longer exists)


    There is a spawning.xml critical parsing warning in the images. This often means part of the code is not going to load and be used.

  13. The Water Wells mod has been added to the collection and the link is in the first post.


    This mod allows players to craft their own Water Wells and Water Standpipe. These are functional water sources and allow players to fill up their glass jars and water buckets.


    A few images to demonstrate. Four types of Well with unique features.



    And a Standpipe.



    Each water source will allow you to fill up your jars and buckets.



    A visitor has set up home.



    This mod adds to the Oakraven Forest Collection and further expands on the homestead features.

  14. 13 hours ago, Frekton said:

    Looks like all plants growing in the hydroponic bays are full frown in 2 minutes.


    A small update for the Hydroponic Farming Mod has been added to Moddb with the link in the first post.


    - Plant growth time has been revised. They were still showing development stage growth time where they could be tested quickly and have now been given a more appropriate growth time.

    - Custom mushrooms have been given a 2% infection clear buff. They can only be found in the Pine Forest at night.

    - The Firefly Stump can also only be found at night in the Pine Forest.

    - There is a 30% chance of finding a Firefly Bug when chopping the Firefly Stump.

    - The Firefly Bug can be eaten and give a 3% infection clear buff OR used in a recipe to make a Firefly Light.


    A few images.


    The Firefly stump releases a decorative illumination with changing colour and animated Fireflies.



    You may find a Firefly Bug.



    And make your Firefly Jar.





    There are 5 kinds of custom mushroom out there as well.





  15. 3 hours ago, mr_renderson said:


    I am not sure,if you mean to change only tne first row or more.

    now i changed it to this :

    <biome name="wasteland">
            <spawn maxcount="2" respawndelay="0.001" time="Day" entitygroup="ZombiesWasteland" notags="commercial,industrial,downtown" />
            <spawn maxcount="2" respawndelay="0.001" time="Night" entitygroup="ZombiesWastelandNight" notags="commercial,industrial,downtown" />

            <spawn maxcount="4" respawndelay="0.033" time="Day" entitygroup="ZombiesWasteland" tags="commercial,industrial" notags="downtown" />
            <spawn maxcount="4" respawndelay="0.002" time="Night" entitygroup="ZombiesWastelandNight" tags="commercial,industrial" notags="downtown" />

            <spawn maxcount="4" respawndelay="0.0167" time="Day" entitygroup="ZombiesWastelandDowntown" tags="downtown" />
            <spawn maxcount="4" respawndelay="0.002" time="Night" entitygroup="ZombiesWastelandDowntown" tags="downtown" />

            <spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="0.3" time="Any" entitygroup="EnemyAnimalsWasteland" spawnDeadChance="0" />
            <spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="1" time="Night" entitygroup="ZombiesWastelandNightHard"><!--Element appended by: "Snufkin Custom Zombies PLUS"--></spawn>


    but still,they say the wasteland is most empty of z´s -.-


    my Server Values are :


    MaxSpawnedZombies : 64

    MaxSpawnedAnimals : 50


    Its a 10 Slot Server,and most Time there are 3-5 Player online,in Case that it matters...


    If you have maybe one more Hint for me ?


    Try this edit. Tell them to go into a Wasteland wilderness area a little away from buildings.


    	<biome name="wasteland">
    		<spawn maxcount="4" respawndelay="0.001" time="Day"	entitygroup="ZombiesWasteland" notags="commercial,industrial,downtown" />
    		<spawn maxcount="5" respawndelay="0.001" time="Night" entitygroup="ZombiesWastelandNight" notags="commercial,industrial,downtown" />
    		<spawn maxcount="4" respawndelay="0.033" time="Day" entitygroup="ZombiesWasteland" tags="commercial,industrial" notags="downtown" />
    		<spawn maxcount="4" respawndelay="0.002" time="Night" entitygroup="ZombiesWastelandNight" tags="commercial,industrial" notags="downtown" />
    		<spawn maxcount="4" respawndelay="0.0167" time="Day" entitygroup="ZombiesWastelandDowntown" tags="downtown" />
    		<spawn maxcount="4" respawndelay="0.002" time="Night" entitygroup="ZombiesWastelandDowntown" tags="downtown" />
    		<spawn maxcount="2" respawndelay="0.001" time="Any" entitygroup="EnemyAnimalsWasteland" spawnDeadChance="0" />


    And if that still does not meet with their needs, install this mod and tell them to place 8 Screamer Beacons in the Wilderness at night.

    They will come knocking at your base door screaming for help.




  16. 7 hours ago, Frekton said:

    Looks like all plants growing in the hydroponic bays are full frown in 2 minutes.


    Thank you. In addition to the plants, all of the mushrooms and other things need their time changing as well.

    We shall add a new update pretty soon. The fire fly jar also needs a recipe. ^^

  17. 11 hours ago, DefiantDucky said:

    Interesting...I would love to try this out in my multiplayer server, I did try adding snufkin and robeloto with the enzombies and patch for each but I was getting spawn errors, probably because it wasn't a new game on an existing world. Adding all zombies packs would be a fantastic experience, already using snufkins and enzombies and it makes a challenging world indeed.

    The enZombies are updated quite regularly and spawn errors may just be from an out of date file.

    Running the enZombies with Snufkins and Robelotos has been a lot of fun and very stable for the most part. It's the servers with 16+ players during a BM which sometimes see issues.


    Luckily, entity mods like this are very dynamic and don't need a new World because they just disappear once the mod is removed, unlike items mods like weapons. Ya, feel free to bring them in and out of an existing World. I have done that a lot and not experienced any issues from that.

  18. 1 hour ago, DefiantDucky said:

    WOW! okay do you use the enzombies patch for both yours and robeloto patch for enzombies? also as a question, some packs of zombies in spawns on the multiplayer server are causing an error log to do with entities spawn inside buildings, doesn't break the game just causes one line of red text. only happens randomly and not all the time though.


    Sometimes I use just Snufkin and Robelotos together, and sometimes I use the enZombies plus the patches for Snufkin and Robelotos (although I remove robot1 from the enZombies patch because it no longer exists ;) )


    It seems the red text, probably an NRE is possibly linked to a certain kind of car 'sedan' as we could check this issue after the enZombies were added inside buildings. It only happened in certain buildings and with that certain vehicle. It is a known issue with the TFP developers.

  19. 4 hours ago, DefiantDucky said:

    Out of curiosity, is there a patch to make your pack work with Robeloto’s Custom Zombies? I love both your work so much and I'm wondering since both use the same format and XML's is it possible to have both compatible?


    Thanks again,

    I just attempted to run them both together, and the enZombies in the mix as well. Here's just an image on the Robeloto's and their cousin Snufkin's tag teaming.


    We have the Chicken Demon and Mother Clucker from Robeloto and Snufkin respectively.

    The Glow Bear and Snow Bear.

    And Rad Robot and Rad Shower Wight.

    They make some decent tag team combos.



    I didn't thoroughly check for any issues but they certainly loaded up just fine.

    As both mods contain a separate Horde Night spawning list, this may cause some server slow down on a server with many players but I can't be totally sure until it's tested. I believe Robeloto may plan to merge them together once A20 is a little more stable, and is very welcome to do so.

  20. 4 hours ago, mr_renderson said:

    Hi arramus :)


    after i deleted some of the unwanted Zombies,by editing the entitygroups.xml , i wonder does it effect the spawnrates at all?

    Some Players report me,they have very low Contacts of any Zombies at the Wasteland.

    Deleting unwanted zombies from the entitygroups does not effect the overall spawnrates.


    Overall spawnrates are governed in the default spawning.xml

    The default values for the Wasteland are currently:


    	<biome name="wasteland">
    		<spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="0.3" time="Day"	entitygroup="ZombiesWasteland" notags="commercial,industrial,downtown" />
    		<spawn maxcount="2" respawndelay="0.001" time="Night" entitygroup="ZombiesWastelandNight" notags="commercial,industrial,downtown" />
    		<spawn maxcount="4" respawndelay="0.033" time="Day" entitygroup="ZombiesWasteland" tags="commercial,industrial" notags="downtown" />
    		<spawn maxcount="4" respawndelay="0.002" time="Night" entitygroup="ZombiesWastelandNight" tags="commercial,industrial" notags="downtown" />
    		<spawn maxcount="4" respawndelay="0.0167" time="Day" entitygroup="ZombiesWastelandDowntown" tags="downtown" />
    		<spawn maxcount="4" respawndelay="0.002" time="Night" entitygroup="ZombiesWastelandDowntown" tags="downtown" />
    		<spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="0.3" time="Any" entitygroup="EnemyAnimalsWasteland" spawnDeadChance="0" />


    Changing the very first entry for "Day" to match the values for "Night" below it for the maxcount and respawndelay will stop any comments from players that there is low contact with zombies in the Wasteland. Even though the spawn rate and frequency will be high, depending on your server settings it will still be reasonably mild if daytime is set to non feral and less than sprint.

  21. On 3/5/2022 at 3:37 PM, Namahagenader said:

    When a player approaches a prefab added in Wasteland, the NPCs that spawned inside the building seem to notice the player immediately after spawning and attack them all at once. This makes it very difficult to carry out the quest.
    I am playing version A20.2(b2) 7dtd.
     [The version of the NPC mod]
     SCore: Release)
     NPCCore: Release)

    Yes, it certainly requires a new strategy. Some POIs give enough time to block off some door ways and other exits with blocks and hatches but not all. For those I have to put on my sneakers and run around the outside or block up to higher levels; especially with the Mutants. I've also installed the Vault Dwellers Add On Mod pack from Darkstardragon and bringing one or two on such quests helps to take the heat off of the player. Playing orthodox SP is a thing of the past with this latest build and is taking some adaptation.


    The school is one of the 'easier' ones since the Raiders are mostly behind locked doors and it can be tackled in incremental stages. The bottlenecks with assistance from NPCs and turrets is as good as it gets. The Prison is a whole new level of adaptation.


  22. 7 hours ago, DefiantDucky said:

    Hey hello, I've been using this mod on my server and it's great! thank you for making this. I have ran into an occurring problem:


    Infections are incurable...They go down to 0.0% and once antibiotics are warn out, it slowly goes back up again. I am not sure what is causing this. I am confident it is not your mod specifically as I am using enzombies + Patch and also Infection Buff mod. However I would like to ask for your input and see if there's a way to fix is by editing the right file. 

    It's a case of elimination and pairing to see which one may need an update or which pairings cause conflict. There was an enZombies release which also changed the infection rates a while ago but I'm not sure if that was removed or remains. If it remained, there is the possibility of compound infection values. Are you using the doughphungus Infection Buff Mod? That only appears to change the time infection rate increases using a random 'bad luck' feature. The Snufkin side of things has no additional infection edits beyond any regular chance as with the default zombies. It'll take time for sure, but running them alone and then in pairs will help show where the 0% infection rate isn't being recognized as a cure and removing the infection.

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