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Posts posted by arramus

  1. 1 hour ago, ScubaSteve3465 said:



    So my best bet to increase the overall amount of zombies and how many are wandering and spawning is to use one of the mods above alongside snuffkins?

    Apart from the Snufkins being in 2 custom groups (Hard Wasteland Night and Desert Night), which have not really shown any major impact on overall zombie counts and placement because they reset once it becomes day time, any settings you change to increase zombies can focus on default zombies. One of the mods above plus the Snufkins should work together comfortably.

  2. Since weapons were removed from the hardened trunks, which were located in a multitude of locations and easy to refresh during quests, findings have been quite sparse (Gun Safes - Wall/Desk Safes). Looting chances have now been increased by adding them to ATMs and Treasure Boxes. There is a 1 in 5 chance of receiving Snufkin Loot in place of the default loot. On successful occasions, there will be a chance to receive 1 - 3 items in Gun Safes and Treasure Boxes and 1 - 2 items in ATMs and Wall/Desk Safes. This will help with finding Mods such as the Vulture Mod or Snake Mod which have become incredibly rare finds. We'll see how this goes and appreciate the continued feedback.



  3. 1 hour ago, lee_terry_jr said:

    I suggest changing the chicken coop mod to require feeding the chickens.

    In the whole scheme of things, does this suggestion follow this sequence?

    Catch the chicks > Populate the Coops > Feed the Chickens > Harvest the Rewards > Feed the Chickens (feed/harvest loop).

    A small update has been pushed for the Work Stations with the Hammer Forge being given a new cosmetic.



  4. 4 hours ago, Sugarfree said:

    So I basically removed the lines for the zombies I didn't want (any zombie not in the original first batch of the mod, and the entire Bloodmoon lines of code...  Will this work or will this glitch out the mod? Am I even making sense? I'm not good at this stuff.

    By removing the lines for the zombies in the entitygroups.xml that were not in the original Snufkin Zombies mod, the zombies will remain in the code but not be spawned in the Biomes during regular gameplay or Blood Moon events. They can still be spawned manually by Admin for special occasions where appropriate. There have been no reports of any issues when removing these lines.

  5. 2 hours ago, Sugarfree said:

    Can I get an opinion on this?

    elucidus' across the board type stack mods serve us very well for large group bases where assets are all combined into a pool but storage space remains reasonable. The trade off is those large personal inventory stack sizes.


    For servers where players tend to create smaller base groups, or where Server Admin prefer to create less excessive stack values, the minimum across the board stack mod or one like Reasonable Stack Size where each item is given a considered value work well. Your point is very valid for sure, and it's decent there are alternative options out there to match our preferences and game styles.

  6. 20 hours ago, ScubaSteve3465 said:

     I was able to remove the flying sharks without issue. I do have one more question. I know that file let's you choose the probability of spawning but I want to increase the total amount of zombies walking around and spawning. I wanted to increase how often wandering hordes spawn and generally just want to have a lot more in the world than there is now. Can anyone point me in the right direction for this? Thanks guys. 

    The overall zombie count is governed by MaxSpawnedZombies in the serverconfig.xml file.

    The overall frequency and volume of spawning in more localised areas is governed by spawning.xml and there are a variety of mods which can assist and avoid needing to change the default files directly. Dangerous Cities is one example.
    There are also Increased/Expanded/Improved Wandering Hordes mods that will allow Server Admin to customise these settings without needing to change the default files. One example. The above example also has such a mod.

  7. 7 hours ago, swmeek said:

    So on another note I was getting this error and wondered if these are your workstations the mod is referring to ?

    NullReferenceException: Object...

    That shared a lot of numerical and generic warnings but nothing with any specific tell tale signs. OCB mods are often quite sophisticated with harmony/dll patching and it’s hard to say. Updating assets which are already placed can cause issues where IDs can be switched and it’s good practice to remove them all from the World before any updating.

  8. 5 hours ago, Sugarfree said:

    Is there a way to ONLY use the first 15 zombies and NOT the second batch of 23?
    I installed this back in A19 and there was only the first batch.


    Sorry if this question was answered already.


    This question is answered in the post directly before your question. I shall also add the answer directly into the very first post because it is a common question since the original version is no longer updated.

  9. On 2/26/2022 at 1:15 PM, kronons said:



    I am using the chicken mod. I tried to modify the sound.xml file to lower the range and volume of the chickens, but it doesn't do anything. Could it be because you compiled the sound with the assets? I would like to turn down the chicken sound since I can hear it from like 20 blocks away. I even tried to remove the sound.xml file and the chicken sound persist.



    The Chicken Coops have received an update for both size and audio.

    The Coops have increased in size to match the one on the left.



    The audio drops off until you reach this distance (about 12 blocks) at which point the Coop cannot be heard.



    This will better allow players to select the distance from their base where the Coops are placed for those who prefer silence, a little ambient sound, or full volume.

  10. 12 minutes ago, Frekton said:

    Really loving this mod. found an issue though. The hydroponic seed recipes say they can be unlocked by learning the corresponding vanilla recipe. The problem is you haven't set a cvar in the vannilla seed recipe to unlock the hydroponic variant.

    Obviously would need to append each schematic, but you get the idea.

    Correct, and this Mod is still a WIP for these elements for sure. I haven't questioned Oakraven's overall objective; whether these are just placeholders for the future, be it individual custom schematics or linked into existing Vanilla schematics. I do recall that using multiple cvars can cause the 'book' to remain looking unread as was experienced with an extended traps mod that linked 1 schematic to 4 types of possible trap. Time will tell on this, but feel free to test your own findings and report back what looks to be practical.

  11. 16 hours ago, tbird412 said:

    Pardon my ignorance I am new to this.  Run a series of pretty popular Rust servers and got convinced to fire up a 7D2D server from a lot of my veteran players.  So again, pardon my ignorance I did a ton of google searching before finally giving up and deciding to post.


    So we are running Darkness Falls on the latest version etc.


    Two part question:
    1) Can I even install any small QoL type plugins with Darkness Falls?
    2) Hoping that answer is "yes"....  Where can I find like a /buy plugin (players earn 'currency' for doing things and can buy stuff from a store interface).  We do this in Rust and I assume someone made something like this for 7d?  Also, are there like /home or /tp plugins? 


    I am shocked that I could not find anything on these in searching.

    In addition to the CPM/CSSM tools and interface which serves many Server Admin well, Server Tools is a decent Admin Tool which supports Darkness Falls; at least there have been no issues reported.




    It can do a lot and includes teleport features (home, waypoints, friends), Banking/Wallet, Zoning, Blood Moon Warrior (reduce death count chance or receive awards for successful completion and meeting elimination quotas). The Discord is very supportive.

  12. 9 hours ago, swmeek said:

    I haven't been able to get these mods to work and in the log files it says it can't find find their modinfo.xml files but they are there in their respective folders;

    Drawbridges, Hydroponic farming , power things , sign cupboards and water wells. 

    Here is the Drawbridges mod xml file.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

            <Name value="Drawbridges" />
            <Description value="Adds Drawbridges." />
            <Author value="oakraven, with support from arramus" />
            <Version value="A20" />
            <Website value="https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/27806-a20-oakraven-forest-collection/" />

    Can you confirm that extracting the files hasn't double nested them? The ModInfo file should be inside the first 'primary' folder.

  13. 13 hours ago, jk958 said:

    missing pinapple seed Recipe


        <recipe name="HydroponicPineappleSeedling" count="1" craft_area="HydroponicWorkBench" tags="learnable,perkLivingOffTheLand">
            <ingredient name="Compost" count="2"/>
            <ingredient name="Pineapple" count="1"/>
            <ingredient name="HydroponicFeed" count="1"/>

    And missing the progression unlock. The Pineapple chefs thank you.





  14. 6 hours ago, ScubaSteve3465 said:

    I was just installing this mod for me and my son to use and im trying to ONLY use snufkins zombies and EXCLUDE the plus ones from spawning. Honestly I just wanted to remove any of the animals that looked just too odd to be in the game. If someone can provide me with a simple edit of the config file or let me know how to remove the plus variants that would be a huge help. Thanks for all your work guys.

    In the Config folder, you can find the entitygroups.xml. This file shows a list of:

    - What entities will spawn

    - Where and potentially when they will spawn

    - At what probability they will spawn.


    Simple deleting the whole line/area specific to the entity you do not want to spawn will remove it from appearing.


    The top half is for regular game play and there are not too many to remove.

    The bottom half is for Horde Night and does actually contain a lot but using an editor such as Notepad++ will allow you to remove large batches of text at any one time. The top half is a 5-10 minute activity. The bottom half depends on if you are familiar with batch deletions.

  15. 2 hours ago, Eko said:

    I set the respawn delay to 1 and nope. 


    Then i set it to 0.2 and deleted dangerous cities. Bingo, spawning all over the place, including the mushrooms which I changed to 1 not 0.2. Success! 


    Then I kept dangerous cities deleted and reverted your mods back to original state. heaps of spawns! 

    Now to work on making dangerous cities work with it haha but its horde night so I will do it later :)

    To make your cities more dangerous, but still provide some redundancy for the Mushrooms, Plants, and Bee Logs, I think your own tweaks are sufficient and you can emulate the concept of Dangerous Cities with your own values to ensure out of the cities still gets its share.


    How about just adding an extra 1 entity to the maxcount for anything which suggests Downtown or DowntownNight in its spawning.xml name to start with and work your way up as needed. This will give you movement towards the fun of the Dangerous Cities Mod but still leave enough count to allow for outside of the cities. The Dangerous Cities Mod changes are very much about creating 'Urban Zombie Warfare' with the reduction in out of city spawning.

  16. 1 hour ago, Eko said:

    Alright I will give this a shot. I couldnt get any to spawn by the way. Despite having 3-5 animals on the map at any given time and murdering them systematically. Not a single shroom or hive. I am thinking something is conflicting here if I am the only one lacking spawns. I am trying with your settings and if I cant get them to spawn I will try deleting mods and testing single player. Thanks for all your help so far!

    If nothing is still spawning, attempt to decrease the respawn rate so it's even faster to:


    respawndelay="0.016" which should be every gameplay minute based on a 60 minute day cycle just for the purpose of testing. At least it will confirm it they are spawning or not.

  17. 58 minutes ago, Eko said:

    Okay after additional messing about and learning a bit, correcting myself etc. These are the settings I am launching with for testing. If I still cant find hives spawning, I will remove the Dangerous Cities mod and revert to vanilla game files and try it in single player!



    Changed the vanilla XML to:       

     <spawn maxcount="5" respawndelay="1" time="Any" entitygroup="WildGameForest" spawnDeadChance="0" />
            <spawn maxcount="3" respawndelay="1.1" time="Night" entitygroup="EnemyAnimalsForest" spawnDeadChance="0" />


    Max was set to 1 on both of these. I dunno how that can be because I swear ive seen more than one animal running around at a time, but maybe that was a horde type spawn... Like I said I am not an expert with this stuff and have only dabbled here and there. 

    <property name="MaxSpawnedAnimals"                value="100" />

    Dangerous Cities:
        <set xpath="/spawning/biome[@name='pine_forest']">
           <!-- SNIPPED -->

            <spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="1" time="Any" entitygroup="WildGameForest" spawnDeadChance="0" notags="commercial,industrial,downtown,countryresidential,countrytown,residential"/>
            <spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="1.1" time="Night" entitygroup="EnemyAnimalsForest" spawnDeadChance="0" notags="commercial,industrial,downtown,countryresidential,countrytown,residential"/>
      <!-- SNIPPED -->


    Bee Spawns:
    <spawn maxcount="10" respawndelay="3" time="Day" entitygroup="BeeLog" />
            <spawn maxcount="5" respawndelay="3" time="Night" entitygroup="BeeLog" />

    Bee Stump drops:

    <drop event="Destroy" name="QueenBee" count="2" prob="1"/>

    After this I will troubleshoot the lack of mushrooms and stuff too because I havent seen any of those either!

    Yes, A20 cities are pretty dangerous these days with the new downtown tagging feature and high spawning.xml probabilities. An additional mod may not be necessary for that.


    I would recommend this setting for the Bee Spawns.


    Bee Spawns:
    <spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="1" time="Day" entitygroup="BeeLog" />
            <spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="1" time="Night" entitygroup="BeeLog" />


    This will increase both how quickly they respawn within a given area. Lowering it from 3 to 1 increases frequency of spawning rather than overall amount. That will ensure you are not flooded with them. It has its very own spawning group for the Pine Forest. It means it has no competition from any other entities. Its only competition is the maxcount for the server.


    respawndelay is the most important thing here. For A20, the xml comments teach us that this delay is based on the day length for the server.

    Having respawndelay at 3 means the area will only spawn every 3 game days. The new downtown areas use counts such as 0.03 which is seconds to minutes depending on server day length and will be constant. I also believe that the area covered is about 50 blocks square for these respawns. This is based on testing a custom spawning.xml for the NPCMod.


    The same can be applied for the mushrooms. The same amount but quicker to respawn.

  18. On 3/15/2022 at 10:32 PM, ozmods said:

    You created this. Adding all that extra stuff has just made it painful to use. Also, I've done a clean install.


    Edit: Well finally, after months of trying, I finally got it working.

    If you wouldn't mind sharing how you finally got AOO to work, it would really help other players with the same issue follow your troubleshooting method. Even if it is a list of the whole process you followed for all of the months you tried, it will be valuable information because a player may be at one of those exact stages. I was very lucky in that manually creating a second instance of 7D2D just for AOO, and tagging it through Steam worked first time, every time.

  19. 21 minutes ago, Eko said:

    I havent personally noticed any frames reduction with the WRN, but it tends to happen regardless if the stump is killed. Not a big issue, just thought maybe it would help with troubleshooting. However, it sounds as if this WRN message is totally expected so I dont mind. 


    Are the entities classed as enemy animals or zombies? I do have a mod that changes the spawn rates of these in certain areas. 

    Also are the vegies spawning the same method as the hive logs? If so, they too could be suffering from an almost 0% chance to spawn

    Edit: looking at your XMLs, specifically loot.xml - there doesnt seem to be queen bee in the loot for the stump? I am not an XML expert though so I could be totally wrong.


    The warning is expected as the spawn method is rather unorthodox but we'll keep monitoring feedback to see how it goes. At present;

    Something spawns, then kills itself after a certain amount of time, to then spawn elsewhere. This makes it so there is always something out there but players will never be sure where. The concept was a dynamic environment where many interactions could be kept quite random.


    Ways to increase performance, should it cause issues are to:
    1. Let them spawn in as they are now, but not allow them to self destruct and respawn. (This will keep them always appearing but locked to the same spot until a player finds them)

    2. Place them in the decorations when the World is generated. (This will stop any warnings, but once they are gone, they are gone forever. At that stage, the hydroponic farming should be quite advanced though).


    The bee stumps and plants are classed as animals (snakes to be exact ^^)

    Since they are static once placed and do not need to use much resource, they should not cause too much overhead on the server. We can't be sure if they are classified as animals for spawning by 7D2D though as it may be linked to the class or the spawning group. That part of the code is hidden and it's going to be trial and error to find the best balance. For now, since they have the snake connection, it may be worth increasing the maximum animal count a little higher as those chickens and rabbits in A20 are really high probability spawners. These mods were originally made for A19 spawners but things changed a little since then.


    Queen bee collection is governed by the blocks.xml. The way to remember is, if you have to break it then it's usually blocks (like trees) but if you can access it (bee hives and chicks in the nest) then it's loot. Check OldBeeStump in the Bee Hives blocks.xml


    This is what happens as we manually break something with an axe. We can receive between 20 - 30 wood 100% of the time as we are breaking. We can receive 1 honey, 100% of the time once it is fully broken. We can only receive a Queen Bee 30% of the time once it is fully broken. These can easily be changed based on Server Admin preferences.


        <drop event="Harvest" name="resourceWood" count="20,30" tag="oreWoodHarvest"/>
        <drop event="Destroy" name="foodHoney" count="1" prob="1"/>
        <drop event="Destroy" name="QueenBee" count="1" prob="0.3"/>



  20. 12 hours ago, Eko said:

    So far this mod has been amazingly cute and brilliantly fleshed out. Thank you very much for creating and releasing!!


    However, I cant seem to find any bee logs. the baby chicks are showing up no problem. Also havent found any of the new crops in the wild, despite finding them in creative menu. If I spawn a bee log manually I get the error 

    WRN Invalid Layer Index '1' 


    Chopping the hive seems to work just fine. I got honey from one but no bees yet (i only spawned one of each variety to test).


    Have I missed something? This is a dedicated server with 2 very active players and 2 casuals. We have had the mod installed for a few days now. 

    For the wild plants, the

    Jalapeno, Turnip, Eggplant, and Strawberry should only appear in the Pine Forest in the day time.


    While the Pepper, Pineapple, and Tomato only appear in the desert for both day and night time.


    And the mushrooms only appear in the Pine Forest at night time.


    The warning WRN Invalid Layer Index '1' is caused by them spawning in as an animal and then changing to the log, plant, or mushroom. This is very experimental and if it causes performance issues, they may need to be changed to the same system the default tree logs use by being 'decoration' that is added on World generation.


    As for the bees, there is a 30% chance of harvesting one from a log. This was to give a small challenge to players, since once they are added to hives they will have an infinite resource.

  21. On 3/14/2022 at 1:52 AM, Mystiana said:

    Good day!


    I have installed most of these mods without any issues.  However, I've been having difficulty with the Hydroponic Underground Farming Mod since the workstation table was fixed (I think around 2 or 3 updates ago?).  I keep getting the following:


    "EXC NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object"


    It just keeps repeating until I force-quit the program.  If I delete the mod, it works fine.  If I reinstall the older version, not only is the error gone but my previously harvested crops remain in my inventory.


    I deleted all other saved games and have verified the integrity but to no avail.


    I'm hoping someone can help me with this problem because I'd really like to be able to use this mod.  Thank you.  😃

    It is possible that the old version and new version are seen as separate items and are not happy about being updated on the same existing World. I tested the new version on a completely new World as I change Worlds a lot with new Mods constantly being loaded in and out of the game.


    Maybe you can delete/remove/destroy all older version items relating to the previous mod in the World itself as they are saved to the World data, and then replace them with the new version once that updated mod is added and you rejoin the World again. Replacing in Creative Mode/Menu is certainly appropriate for this occasion depending on your game style.

    On 3/14/2022 at 2:15 AM, Khayotik said:

    Hello, im wondering if there is anyway to stop this from happening so much on my end? its causing me stutter issues and not many plants spawning in i feel like, just curious.



    This is a very experimental way of allowing things to spawn into the game. Things have a limited life span and are then spawned randomly elsewhere to keep the Biomes dynamic. However, if it is causing performance issues, then it may need to be set as static spawners so they do not have a limited lifespan. This will dramatically reduce this kind of warning as they will only be 'killed' when a player removes them.

    On 3/14/2022 at 4:22 AM, Leah Farstrider said:

    Hello. Is there a reason why none of the crops are spawning in the wild? I can pull them up in creative mode so i know they are there, but none are on the map. Any Idea why?

    For the wild plants, the

    Jalapeno, Turnip, Eggplant, and Strawberry should only appear in the Pine Forest in the day time.


    While the Pepper, Pineapple, and Tomato only appear in the desert for both day and night time.


    And the mushrooms only appear in the Pine Forest at night time.

    I wonder if you are seeing none at all...

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