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Posts posted by arramus

  1. 53 minutes ago, Zagan said:

    Yes, that was the first thing I tried with the drinkJarRiverWater and drinkJarBoiledwater..but see I need only the Water Cooler to dispense boiledWater, and the other sinks and whatnot to give riverWater. (I've said this so many times in this thread...whatever). Like how it was with Home Depot mod. But nobody seems to know how to do that. If you change any of the lines in action0 from drinkJarRiverWater to drinkJarBoiledWater then they all dispense BoiledWater.

    If you want to separate the type of liquid that dispensers can provide, it is probably easiest to make a new type of jar and a new type of liquid so they can change to each other. This will be two new items.xml additions.


    For example;





    The jar will need to be added to the recipes or loot so you can craft/find it. And also added to Localization so it has the name and description you want it to have.


    They workingWaterCoolerFullJT can be removed from drinkJarEmpty and added to your new drinkJarEmptyJT with it filling up as the change item to become drinkJarBoiledWaterJT and then changing back to drinkJarEmptyJT after you drink it.


    All of the templates to copy are either in the default files or JT's files.

  2. 1 hour ago, swmeek said:

    Oaky you hooked me so I'm gonna give it a try.

    Did the firefly jars get updated by chance ?

    Oakraven may be thinking about updating the Firefly jar from now. It was a little busy completing the Fish Farm because it is pretty sophisticated.


    Until it is updated, here is a way you can very easily add this feature for yourself.


    1. Open the blocks.xml in the Config folder for the HydroponicUndergroundFarming Mod.

    2. For the very first entry 'FireFlyJar' add:


        <property name="CanPickup" value="true"/>


    just under the     <drop event="Harvest" name="resourceBrokenGlass" count="2,4" tag="allHarvest"/> line.


    This will allow you to pickup the Firefly Jar and also see the prompt when you are looking at it.


    Oakraven may also add some other updates to this mod, so I'll just add this instruction here for now.




  3. Here is a new Mod for the Oakraven Forest Collection, called 'Fish Farm Mod'.


    Down here.


    Here is a brief description.

    The Oakraven Fish Farm mod allows players to manage the process of fishing through all stages of growth and development. The process for management is as follows - Create your Fish Farm, place it on the ground, add Fish Growing Kit, and wait as the fish go through an incubation, hatching, growth and breeding stage, and finally collection. Fish are only harvested in this final collection stage, but this resets the Fish Farm to the final growth and breeding stage. Once harvested and collected (just like accessing a loot box), the fish can be placed on the ground and harvested for fillets (3 kinds of unique fillets). Alternatively, you can craft a Fish Stick and cook a 'Fish on a Stick' snack. The Fish Stick can also be used as a melee weapon. Oakraven Fish are cooked on a stand alone Fish Oven.


    Here are a few pikkies to demonstrate how this mod works.


    Oakraven Fish Oven



    Oakraven Fish Farm



    Oakraven Fish Farming Kit



    Fish Stick



    Add the Oakraven Fish Farming Kit to a Fish Farm



    Test the Fish Stick as you are waiting.



    Farming for Salmon. There are quite a variety of fish that can randomly be collected.



    Place the Salmon on the ground and strike it to collect the fillets.



    Want some Fish on a Stick?



    Fish Curry


  4. 3 hours ago, swmeek said:

    I've noticed the crossbow mag weapon will not shoot through bars or the walkway railings.

    That is correct, and it was by choice of the original creator.


    Here is a post which explains how to change it if that is your wish.


  5. 14 minutes ago, AlexHydro said:

    Hey arramus, quick question. I added this mod into my dedicated server and it works fine, only problem is the item in-game does not have its intended server side name/description. I replaced the code in the items.xml file 



                <property name="CustomIcon" value="steelPolish"/>




                <property name="CustomIcon" value="resourceOil"/>
                <property name="CustomIconTint" value="25,140,255"/>            
                <!--property name="CustomIcon" value="steelPolish"/-->

    in two places; steelPolish and steelPolishBundle.


    Copy and pasted over and still couldn’t get it, can you help me please?


    These changes are only helping the player see the oil icon with a blue tint over it instead of the custom icon, just to allow it to remain server side only. It doesn't make any change to the name or description and is purely an icon change.


    It seems the problem you are having is that the description and name of the item is not showing up properly and maybe it is called steelPolish instead of Steel Polish and doesn't show the description.


    My guess is that your server is on a Linux setup. If that is the case, change the file name 'localization' to 'Localization' which Linux prefers on this occasion and it may magically work as intended.


    If that isn't the issue, please further explain.

  6. On 3/21/2022 at 3:36 PM, Zagan said:

    I tried fixing it myself but I don't know how and neither do any of the other mod makers.

    This is a little something for JT's combined devices mod for all working devices stuff. It just changes a typo here and there and also a few other little bits and pieces to make what he wanted to show appear. This replaces the current Localization.txt text.

    stoveKitJT,items,Item,Stove Repair Kit
    stoveKitJTDesc,items,Item,"This stove repair kit is used with a hammer to take a broken stove or grill and make it a working one that you can use."
    grillKitJT,items,Item,Grill Repair Kit
    grillKitJTDesc,items,Item,"This grill repair kit is used with a hammer to take a broken stove or grill and make it a working one that you can use."
    woodStoveKitJT,items,Item,Wood Stove Repair Kit
    woodStoveKitJTDesc,items,Item,"This stove repair kit is used with a hammer to take a broken stove or grill and make it a working one that you can use."
    workingStoveOldJT,blocks,Block,Working Old Stove
    workingStoveOldJTDesc,blocks,Block,"A working stove can be used to cook food and some chemicals in a safe environment."
    workingStoveModernJT,blocks,Block,Working Modern Stove
    workingStoveModernJTDesc,blocks,Block,"A working stove can be used to cook food and some chemicals in a safe environment."
    workingGasGrillClosedJT,blocks,Block,Working Gas Grill
    workingGasGrillClosedJTDesc,blocks,Block,"A working stove can be used to cook food and some chemicals in a safe environment."
    workingCharcoalGrillClosedJT,blocks,Block,Working Charcoal Grill
    workingCharcoalGrillClosedJTDesc,blocks,Block,"A working stove can be used to cook food and some chemicals in a safe environment."
    workingWoodBurningStoveJT,blocks,Block,Working Wood Burning Stove
    workingWoodBurningStoveJTDesc,blocks,Block,"A working stove can be used to cook food and some chemicals in a safe environment."
    coffeeMakerJT,blocks,Block,Coffee Maker (Powered)
    coffeeMakerJTDesc,blocks,Block,"This coffee maker can be placed in your home and used to make coffee and tea."
    coffeeMakerCommercialJT,blocks,Block,Commercial Coffee Maker (Powered)
    coffeeMakerCommercialJTDesc,blocks,Block,"This coffee maker can be placed in your home and used to make coffee and tea."
    workingMicrowaveJT,blocks,Block,Microwave (Powered)
    workingMicrowaveJTDesc,blocks,Block,"This microwave is powered already and can be used to heat up bowls of canned food to gain the maximum benefits from them."
    drinkBowlEmptyJT,items,Item,Bowl (Empty)
    drinkBowlEmptyJTDesc,items,Item,Use this empty bowl to heat up foods in the microwave.
    foodSoupChickenJT,items,Food,Bowl of Chicken Soup
    foodSoupChickenJTDesc,items,Food,Using your saved canned food with bowls in the microwave can give you additional benefits. Nothing beats a warm bowl of food.
    foodBowlPastaJT,items,Food,Bowl of Pasta
    foodBowlPastaJTDesc,items,Food,Using your saved canned food with bowls in the microwave can give you additional benefits. Nothing beats a warm bowl of food.
    foodBowlChiliJT,items,Food,Bowl of Chili
    foodBowlChiliJTDesc,items,Food,Using your saved canned food with bowls in the microwave can give you additional benefits. Nothing beats a warm bowl of food.
    foodBeefStewJT,items,Food,Bowl of Beef Stew
    foodBeefStewJTDesc,items,Food,Using your saved canned food with bowls in the microwave can give you additional benefits. Nothing beats a warm bowl of food.
    foodLambSoupJT,items,Food,Bowl of Lamb Soup
    foodLambSoupJTDesc,items,Food,Using your saved canned food with bowls in the microwave can give you additional benefits. Nothing beats a warm bowl of food.
    foodTunaSandwichJT,items,Food,Tuna Sandwich
    foodTunaSandwichJTDesc,items,Food,Making a delicious tuna sandwich will give you some extra benefits.
    microwaveTipJT,Journal,EnChanged,The microwave can be placed and used to heat canned food recipes. Canned food recipes offer slightly more benefits to them than if you eat them in singles so save those cans when you can. Bowls can be found in loot and are used with the canned foods.,,
    sinkKitJT,items,Item,Sink Repair Kit
    sinkKitJTDesc,items,Item,"This sink repair kit is used with a hammer to take a broken sink and make it a working one that you can use to fill jars."
    waterCoolerKitJT,items,Item,Water Cooler Repair Kit
    waterCoolerKitJTDesc,items,Item,"This cooler repair kit is used with a hammer to take a broken cooler and make it a working one that you can use to fill jars."
    workingGraniteSinkJT,blocks,Block,Working Granite Sink
    workingGraniteSinkJTDesc,blocks,Block,"A working sink can be used to fill jars and buckets."
    workingCabinetOldSinkJT,blocks,Block,Working Old Sink
    workingCabinetOldSinkJTDesc,blocks,Block,"A working sink can be used to fill jars and buckets."
    workingWaterCoolerFullJT,blocks,Block,Working Water Cooler
    workingWaterCoolerFullJTDesc,blocks,Block,"A working water cooler can be used to fill jars."
    workingUtilitySinkJT,blocks,Block,Working Utility Sink
    workingUtilitySinkJTDesc,blocks,Block,"A working sink can be used to fill jars and buckets."
    workingPedestalSinkJT,blocks,Block,Working Pedestal Sink
    workingPedestalSinkJTDesc,blocks,Block,"A working sink can be used to fill jars and buckets."
    workingWallOvenJT,blocks,Block,Working Wall Oven
    workingWallOvenJTDesc,blocks,Block,"A working stove can be used to cook food and some chemicals in a safe environment."


    And as for your question, to change the sink from murky water to clean water, here are some instructions.


    1. Go to the items.xml file.

    2. Search for drinkJarRiverWater (It appears twice)

    3. Change it to drinkJarBoiledWater (sink and water cooler) or drinkJarPureMineralWater (water cooler).

    BUT, there is one more thing if you are using the all working devices.


    Make sure the list all has different numbers. At the moment a lot say 3 and will not work. Make it look like this from 1 ~ 5. If you are using just the drinks mod then this is probably not an issue.


                    <property name="Focused_blockname_1" value="workingGraniteSinkJT" />
                    <property name="Focused_blockname_2" value="workingCabinetOldSinkJT" />
                    <property name="Focused_blockname_3" value="workingWaterCoolerFullJT" />
                    <property name="Focused_blockname_4" value="workingUtilitySinkJT" />
                    <property name="Focused_blockname_5" value="workingPedestalSinkJT" />


    There is a missing icon here and there for recipes. I think I saw one for the working grill, but it's not critical and something for the future.


    @oakraven kindly taught me about changing drink type and setting it for different drink locations and now you can know as well. ^^

  7. 1 hour ago, Sugarfree said:

    So with this mod I didn't see ANYONE mention the "fly away" glitch...

    Sometimes when I stop my motorcycle and dismount - it literally and quite instantly "flies" away somewhere really, really far. So far it doesn't even usually appear on the compass. Sometimes it does it when you dismount and leave the game like I did today...  I logged back in - the motorcycle was gone. I've dismounted sometimes and watched my motorcycle go flying away back to the last place I dismounted it which was half across the entire map...

    Other times you'll be riding and all of a sudden you'll be rubber banded back 100 feet...

    It's really annoying - to the point where we're just going to uninstall the mod.

    Is anyone else having this problem? There's no way it can be ONLY me...  😕
    Please advise...

    This issue was more frequent in A19, but much less so in A20 so far. However, it was the same for all vehicles, and not just the Snufkin variety. The speed of some of the Snufkin vehicles did make this more noticable though.

    I have seen this happen in A20, again for all vehicles, at times when the server is under stress (such as being on an overloaded system) or in need of a restart (after running for a long time). I have not seen this specifically for only the Snufkin Vehicles beyond being more pronounced.

    It's a very unpleasant issue for servers and can be incredibly frustrating for players for sure. It'll be good to hear if removing the mod makes any difference or if it continues for regular vehicles as well. Please ask all players to throw away their vehicles ahead of time to avoid item issues if you decide to remove the mod.

  8. 2 hours ago, MikeG said:

    I've been looking around for a starting kit mod for awhile now.  Just wondering how do I use the mod to adjust the starting items?

    In the items.xml under Create_item there is a long list of all the items that will be given to the player once they open the starting bag.

    And underneath that Create_item_count shows how many of each item they will receive.

    The names of items available are usually found in the original items.xml file in the main game.

    If you add weapons/tools, they used to be given a random level. They are all assigned level 1 from A20.

  9. 4 hours ago, Baobab said:

    only my own ones , without a buffstatuscheck .

    Screenshot 2022-04-06 161515.png

    I tested in SP.



    I checked the dedicated server I play in on Day 507.



    I was unable to duplicate the issue as the buff check loaded on both of these instances. It's a process of elimination from here to see if it will run on its own without any other mods and looking for a conflict.

  10. 1 hour ago, Baobab said:

    will try it later, thx for  fast answer.

    wont work !!

    Please share information about your server/client setup.

    What mods are currently running on the server?

    Are all players seeing the same issue or is it limited to one/few players?

  11. 11 minutes ago, Baobab said:

    Hello there,

    I'm using his mod a lot, but since a week or two, the bikes looks like normal bikes not i know them as Hell ,what happend. Btw newest version.

    Thx for all.

    The bikes are normal bike models with attachments added to them. As you move nearer to one of these bikes, a 'buff' triggers and these attachments get added onto the bike. There is a check system in place that is constantly telling the bike models to attach their Hell Bike features. However, it can have some issues depending on server stability, network stability, player connection and things like that.


    When this issue happens, it is helpful to put the vehicle back on the player toolbelt and place it again. This often causes the buffs to trigger again and they start to look like Hell Bikes. There is no real guarantee that this will fix them as this is an experimental way to decorate the models in a way that was not really intended.

  12. The download list has been update to include the Rock Drill mod.


    The Oakraven Rock Drill allows players to extract mining resources from the ground. The resources collected provide a mixture of definite and random resources in variable amounts. The Oakraven Rock Drill is powered with specific Rock Drill Gas that is produced using shale on the chemistry table.


    Here are a few images to demonstrate.

    The Rock Drill is crafted on the Workbench.



    The Rock Drill Gas Can is crafted on the Chemistry Table.



    After you place the Rock Drill, it requires 1 Rock Drill Gas Can to power it for one complete cycle.



    Animated drilling stage.



    Example of resources mined. There are additional varieties to reflect all game play mining efforts.







  13. 4 hours ago, Sugarfree said:

    So by this - the original zombies WILL spawn during the regular gameplay randomly, but not in the Bloodmoon event right?

    By this, ALL original zombies will spawn in both regular gameplay and the Bloodmoon event, because only the PLUS zombies are removed from the entitygroups.xml groups. To remove ALL zombies from the Bloodmoon event would require using the optional version added in the mod pack for Server Admin and then only making changes to the top version for regular gameplay.

  14. 13 hours ago, ktrain said:

    Negative, this is the zombo to the left not Ivy.


    He is part of the ZombiezPack...


    This character is one of the enZombies, if I'm not mistaken. The identical character can be seen as part of the SWAT team in the middle of the picture.



    I tested some UMA characters within the NPCMod environment and some will play along nicely while others will lose access to their animations controller, while others will lose all of their UMA clothing. ErrorNull has patched the enZombies to be compatible with a variety of other mods very successfully and I believe this project is also in the list of things to do. This is something for ErrorNull to address.


    While the ZombiezPack does contain 2 SWAT characters, it is these ones. These are not the SWAT Bots you are looking for. An ErrorNull intervention on this one.



  15. 15 hours ago, Eihwaz said:

    Awesome Mod 👍 ~I just love the vampire gloves


      Hide contents

    DCLXVI Zeus/Dre X3 electric effect seems broken.
    It would be stunning, if the bats become mods instead of seperate weapon. maybe make a steel baseball bat for it; that they are useful in endgame,too.


    The Glass Baseball Bat, Knife Baseball Bat, and Star Baseball Bat are very comparable to the Steel Club for Melee Damage, Power Attack Damage, Block Damage but they require less Stamina Cost. This is one of their benefits.


    In addition, they allow 6 mods instead of the Steel Club 4 mods.



    The only one they can't use is the knockdown mod because they are linked to cuts and not directly connected to the pummel type unlock. In addition they benefit from Strength + Deep Cuts + Pummel Pete + Flurry of Blows. This is a lot of extra benefits.


    Here is a comparison of how bats with 6 mods compare to steel clubs with 4 mods. They have no skills or attribute benefits at all at the moment.


    Radiated Wight from 709 HP



    To 426 HP after the bleed out perk completed and with a power attack. 283 Damage.



    For the Steel Club, 722 HP



    Down to 497 HP. Again with the bleed out because of the barbed wire mod. 225 Damage.



    This offers a little over 20% extra damage with just these mods with no skill/attribute benefits. Once the bats gain extra skill/attributes for the Strength + Deep Cuts + Pummel Pete + Flurry of Blows, they can be really effective.


    To give these bats just a little more variety the mod has been updated and they can now use the flaming mod as well. A fully modded out bat with all 6 slots and all attributes/skills is a fierce weapons.


    As for the Zeus and Dre X3 electric effect, it seemed to be working well in SP at least.


    The Dre x3 with a shot for each radiated zombie.



    7 shots remaining.



    6 shots remaining.



    I missed one. 4 shots remaining.



    As for the long sniping shot that requires us to hold down fire until we see the green bar fill up and the energy sound, they often die from the first shot unless they are very strong so we don't often see the electric buff.


  16. 2 hours ago, MathiasAdemar said:

    Odd. Could have sworn I had the latest version. I'll try to redownload after work. Out of curiosity, when was the last update? My files said I grabbed it around the 24th of last month. I'm inclined to believe something got broke when I downloaded it, but not entirely sure.

    It was updated on exactly the 24th. In fact, it was those two new Cooking Stations which were added as updates.

  17. 2 hours ago, MathiasAdemar said:

    Can't seem to find the 2 oven things (seen in the far right of the pic linked below) in the creative menu...

    I wonder if you are using an earlier version. I just downloaded the current version to make sure the download was providing the correct build.


    I used Oak as my key word and they show up on the Workbench and in the Creative Menu.




  18. 5 hours ago, jetta_pt said:


    yes I realized that it is only in the Wasteland/Burnt Forest area but i spent 1 hour in the wasteland and found none...

    I must be doing something wrong...  the crystals they spawn on the ground or is it some zombie that we have to kill to drop?

    The crystals will spawn, in the same way as other entities spawn, and then stay on the ground to be chopped to collect the resources.

  19. 4 hours ago, jetta_pt said:



    Where do I find Blue Rock and Crystal Rock?

    I've traveled the entire wasteland and I killed many zecas and I didn't find anything.

    Help please, thx

    The crystals are found in the Wasteland/Burnt Forest area. They are found more often at night.

  20. 3 hours ago, EZ7 said:


    Dumb question - are the sinks and wells supposed to be infinite (without having to wait for them to regenerate water) or not? Just asking because I'm not sure if I have a mod conflict with some other water-related stuff or if it's intended. Thanks!

    There is no time restriction on the water sources and you will not have to wait for them to regenerate.

  21. Heading on in. I can see I will not get along with the neighbors one bit at this traders and will be on the look out for a Trader Johnny.


    Here's a modified 6K World for anyone who wants a more compact experience. The Biome has been mixed up a little for more variety.



    It contains:

    2 UFOs
    1 Big Rocket Trader
    1 Vault 101
    3 Area 51s (2 of 1 type and 1 of the other)
    2 Custom Red Mesas
    1 Wasteland Raiders Settlement
    3 NUKA Factories (1 of each)
    4 Raider Prisons
    2 Wasteland Cemeteries


    and a whole host of other custom Wasteland POIs.


    A SPOILER overview of the layout to give an idea of what to expect.




    And the original settings pre-modification for reference.




  22. 36 minutes ago, swmeek said:

    Are we able to collect fireflies ?

    every time i chop a firefly stump it gives me the lion mushrooms.

    You are able to collect fireflies and it sounds like probability hasn't been on your side at the moment. There is a 30% chance of receiving a firefly bug when chopping the Firefly Stump. Some players have increased this probability under the block.xml file for "FireFlyStump" where the 'name="FireFlyBug" count="1" prob="0.3"' can be amended to suit your preferences.

  23. On 3/25/2022 at 8:13 AM, Adviser69 said:

    Just a heads up concerning mod compatibility.


    When the Wells mod is installed, The HD Water Dispenser and HD Refrigerator from War3zuk's Kitchen Utilities, and the working faucets and sinks in Sam's Working Stuff no longer function. I did some digging, and I think it's how the items configuration is set up when it concerns the empty water jars and buckets. I'm tinkering with configurations on my own, but as it stands right now they don't play nice together where filling jars and buckets is concerned.

    Here is a small update for the Water Wells Mod.


    There are now 3 indoor sinks to choose from which will allow water to be collected in glass jars and buckets, as well as provide some storage space. For players using other sink type mods in addition to the Water Wells mod, it should be possible to add them to the items.xml in the Water Wells mod to allow them to continue to function as long as they are compatibly coded. Since the Water Wells Mod is usually the last to load based on alphabetical order loading, it is overwriting the settings for the glass jar and bucket in other mods.


    The three new sinks include a Tin Sink, Slate Sink, and Marble Sink.



    Each with very adequate storage capacity.


  24. 56 minutes ago, lee_terry_jr said:


    Ya, that was what I was thinking would be the most fair way to go.

    This is also the system used in the server side only 'Oak's Pet Animals and Guards' mod for replenishing the Coop and worked very well in A19. In that mod, players make Chicken Feed and have to feed the chickens after each harvest.

    This reduced version was based on how difficult it can be to sustain sufficient resources to feed the chickens with farm plot resources, and ensure there is enough left over for the players to cook with, since the new farming dynamic creates a constant cycle of diminishing returns and requires additional supplementation from the traders or POIs. At the same time, the amount of chickens and eggs out in the wild has grown quite dramatically and made the economics of producing feed a bit redundant. A little more thought for re-balancing on this one to reflect A20 dynamics.

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