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  1. BlewBarry Farms mod is far smaller and less comprehensive and the expected two weeks to update to a21 turned into two months... i suspect a21 DF might be out by october based on our experiences and how much larger DF is, and that's an optimistic estimate
  2. so far out of 8 t6 infested clears all 8 of them have consistently broken so that they are uncompletable. Causes: 1) Old bug: sleeper group fails to spawn. No redundancy trigger to force a recheck. (seriously how hard is this to implement?) 2) "Push button get swarmed" triggers occasionally destroyed by zombies. This is an obvious "oh, oops" on the Dev Team. 3) Doing the quest backwards causes triggers (e.g. "enter room, zombies spawn and you get rushed") to break. nursing_home_01 was my first to break on this one. 100% fail rate. Here's your form: Summary: (A short description of the bug) Quests breaking due to poor implementation of trigger actions or other mechanics which are otherwise prone to bugs, without any remediation or redundant checks to ensure working order of things. Game Version: (A21 b3xx) - a21 b317 OS/Version: (Windows / Linux / Mac) - Windows 10 Pro x64 CPU Model: (Intel i5 9600K / AMD Ryzen 7 1800x / etc) - Intel i4790K System Memory: (4 GB / 8 GB / 16 GB / etc) - 16gb DDR3 GPU Model and VRAM: (nVidia GTX 1060 4 GB / AMD RX 580 8 GB / etc) - GTX970 4gb Screen Resolution: (Width and Height such as 1920x1080) - 1920x1080 @ 42" Video Settings: (Low / Medium / High / Ultra / Custom(Custom has many combinations, so just list the settings you think are relevant to the bug if any)) - Medium Game mode: (MP host / MP client / SP / Client on Dedi, RWG or NAV) - MP Client Did you wipe old saves? (Yes/No) - Yes, clean wipe Did you start a new game? (Yes/No) - Yes, clean wipe Did you validate your files? (Yes/No) - Yes Are you using any mods? (Yes/No) - No EAC on or off? - On Status: NEW Bug Description: Quest Triggers Break Detailed steps to reproduce the bug: 1) Do t6 clear in stealth gear with a compound crossbow and steel club with a silenced m60 for emergencies only, when a swarm comes run away and deal with it in a hallway or at distance 2) Do quest as normal, or backward if you like 3) Bug occurs consistently, no need to struggle to reproduce Actual result: (description of what is occurring) - Zombies break the quest trigger (button, valve, whatever) or the trigger fails to implement correctly thus the quest becomes uncompletable and nothing can "save" it. Expected result: (what you expect to occur) - You folks fix this damn problem so that we can finish t6s
  3. in real life, getting water is super easy: dig a well. we have augers. There are underground rivers in the real world. Finding water below ground should be easy. It rains enough, there should be a "water table" and a "dry line". As for transporting it, so long as anything is watertight it should be fine, whether it is a bucket, a barrel, a truck bed, or whatever. Making water hard to get by making the player character a blithering idiot does not help things. furthermore: our PCs are smart enough to make robotic turrets and complex circuits. Surely we can figure out a simple water pump. Pumping systems are a "duh" thing. TFP making it nearly impossible to lug around water will just result in the mod community flipping them the bird and modding their way back into sanity and a player character with an IQ over 3. Thus, going the way of Khaine (Darkness Falls overhaul mod) and making a Working Sink is far more reasonable and "post-apocalypse probable" (because we already know how they work, there is no rocket science involved, and you can trial-and-error your way to the perfect plumbing without having to read a book on it) than being unable to even carry a canteen or three with distilled water (https://www.waterwise.com/water/ - you just boil the steam into a catch and then drip it into a container, can be done with a campfire) simply because someone intentionally forgot how to make things to carry other things with. even the guy that does Undead Legacy mod figured out that a well can be dug and so added that as a low-tech option for the PC to obtain water at a low rate, and permitted that the PC can go around lugging plastic water barrels from POIs back to home base to fill with said water. Water should not be an issue, but water that is not irradiated or contaminated should be hard to find at first as all above ground still waters should be polluted in a post-nuclear scenario. Wells should give access to clean water and rivers tend to come from underground fresh spring water from magmatic sources so they run clean. For the truly industrious survivor: making a 5,000 gallon water bladder for a "water truck" out of polymers and a few other things that can be filled through a hose dropped into a well or lake is totally a thing that can be done in real life, but in the game the PC simply can't figure it out.
  4. The game itself is like a well made intro to a series, like book 1-2 of what could easily become 200, and this is why mods are so very important to keep the playability alive which is why i am super glad that we can mod this game without the devs getting upset
  5. It's server side and will always be that way - if you want to experience it then log in to the server Arcuied will never be releasing those files to the public, it's his private mod on his server in his house and it only goes down for restarts every 3.5 hours for a period of about 2 minutes RAW is the version that you just log in and don't have to download anything, Orchard (with some client side mods) is waiting for a21 before Arc brings it back up again
  6. One of the unique mods that folks overlook, and there are several out there (Couch Window's RPG for example) is Blewbarry Farms with its custom bandits, wyverns (a high hp flying vulture-type screamer worth a ton of XP), Barry weapons, farm-themed ammunition for some of the Barry weapons (they shoot crops!), a silly quest line for the endgame forge and touches of potty humor here and there due to bandit experimentation causing a bit of a calamity (and some rather seriously dangerous endgame critters) and the Raid Bosses that you can challenge all three at once while faching a swarm of over 200 zombies (half of them being the non-vanilla types) and bandits which leads to rather large "raid base"s like the one i attached an image of as for the other mods, like Undead Legacy (well made!), Darkness Falls (kudos to Khaine, this one has a ton of replay value), Sorcery (an excellent standalone or addition to UL or DF), War3zuk and the like - i played them to the finish to find out the pros and cons and where things could be improved and most of them have the same power creep issue that plagues all games with an RPG factor My main concern for a21 is that i wonder how we will be making Yucca Smoothies and other critically important thirst quenching and self-dousing items so that we don't die to the various effects and critters that set the player on fire or the raid boss AoE that drains food and water, as i know that Khaine will certainly add water and such back in to deal with the fireballs in the wasteland as that's a non-negotiable thing
  7. @Roland - can we have an unofficial guesstimation as to the release of A21? in contracting it's helpful to at least throw out a "if the stars align and the heavens and earth make all things perfect and magic happens and unicorns fart and we have nonstop miracles, we'll have it done in a week and a half, but it will probably be closer to three months because of Murphy's Law so sometime in between those dates if nothing else surprises us" so that the customer doesn't think "the release date will come after three eternities have passed... perhaps my seventieth generation offspring might see it if all goes well"
  8. Snufkin clearly said that he has things going on in life so basically the community is picking up this mod and we will be the ones to continually add to and refine it over time as a collective while Snufkin attends to his private life. If he comes back to take the reigns back on this mod, which is unlikely based on his testimony, then we'll no longer be the ones doing all of the updates and work. Therefore, collaborate as though we are the ones now keeping this mod up to date.
  9. Notepad++ the XML files. You can reprogram them as you like.
  10. Archon worked for me but not very often, didn't try to spawn it in. It just came on horde night a few times. I couldn't get the electrical noise from the wizard projectiles to stop without a restart though, probably a duration thing. I'm looking forward to seeing what you did
  11. Sounds like you need to dig into the XML for Horde Night and fix the Spawn Script. It got overlooked and it should be an easy fix. IDK where that is yet though. Fun Pimps made it easy to edit but you have to poke around to figure out where they put everything I've done several horde nights without any problems and after the third one I started to see lots of the custom zombies because our game stage got high enough You might just need to SteamValidate your files. They get corrupted all the time.
  12. My desire to experience this in a19 makes my buttocks clench with anticipation and reminds me distinctly of Powdered Toast Man™
  13. I've had the privilege, until their admin team decided to go taking a conversation out of context then changing the words entirely to invent a slanderous fraud as excuse to get rid of me because one of their local sociopaths happens to dislike me, of enjoying the work of an extremely talented duo of coders that has made a lot of deep mods to the game to create a very thorough revamp that adds a ton of playability to 7d2d. Head over to primalragegaming.com, tell them Xeraphim sent you. You'll want to work with TheReaper and LordSlaughter, in the event they are even interested in working with you (they tend to be a bit fickle). Their list of custom zombies and custom debuffs was in the dozens before a19 and they probably intend to do that again.
  14. Somewhat ported over. I am not experienced in modding 7d2d and things just came up that might prevent me from doing more with this. Most of the weapons work but the loot table needs fixed. Like I said I am not experienced in doing this. It's all guesswork to me. CustomWeapons.zip
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