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Everything posted by Jugom

  1. aww man. I got excited when i saw there was a new reply in this thread. 😂
  2. @Roland if you roll back to when I first asked, schwanz said so. 😬 maybe it was changed since then?
  3. which is why I still think the dew collectors should produce water based on a fixed irl time (like crops) and not based on game day duration.
  4. hey @Roland, one last question about jars that just came to mind. what about the yucca and yucca smoothie recipes? will they use fresh water now? because that kinda sucks. at least for the regular yucca drink that you were able to get early on when in the desert.
  5. I guess they decided to start big and then downgrade it to more realistic levels. look at it flow tho. 🤤 Imgur
  6. It's been more than a month since the last update 🥺 anything new to hype us? 😁
  7. it certainly wouldn't hurt to have if you can spare the time.
  8. I think they said all the recipes would be the same except no cans and no jars
  9. fair enough. why not doing it as farming works tho. fixed real time regardless of ingame day duration.
  10. but whatever it is you found during looting you will probably have to drink it anyways because you are also consuming more stamina during the looting. and those on shorter days will still get the looting done and also know they come back to base pretty much at any time to a full collector.
  11. does this mean people playing 5 minute days will have a lot of water and those playing longer days will have a harder time collecting them?
  12. I'm liking the water changes... except for not being able to fill jars.. it feels weirds... about the dew collectors @Roland, how do you loot the collected water? does it spawn in a jar? are the jars free then if there are no more empty jars in game?
  13. just go to the prefab list and delete all the trader POIs in the map
  14. I wonder what happens if I break the pipe instead or closing the valve
  15. I've always thought the same. And the way I've always imagined it, is through repair kits. -If the weapon is repaired before it reaches 0 durability, it counts as maintenance and nothing happens as it is know. -If the weapon is repaired after it reaches 0 durability, it goes down to the previous quality level. -If the weapon was already quality 1 and reaches 0, it is completely obsolete now. force you to a new level of awareness during combat not letting your gun break in the middle of it and a sense of I better make sure to maintain all my tools and weapons before a big fight.
  16. I can live without traders! release it anyways!!! 😂
  17. TFP have said they have someone working exclusively on water, so hopefully we will see some improvements later this year when A21 drops.
  18. Thanks for the update (and the dedicated thread)
  19. In my experience, the vast majority of people complaining about the gyro are just failing to understand than gyrocopters and helicopters are not the same thing.
  20. you can edit the biomes map to whatever biomes you want using any half decent image editor. is not much file editing but just painting over the current file. there are more than a couple tutorials out there and it is very easy to do
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