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Everything posted by TSBX

  1. Check out how I did it here: https://github.com/TSBX-7D/Modlets/blob/master/TSBX_Headshot_100/Config/entityclasses.xml
  2. Hey guys, just wanted to give you an update on the progress of the mod. I haven't abandoned it or forgotten about it, just had a tough stretch the last few months where it just wasn't manageable to include time for modding. Here's where I'm at and what I'm working on. • I'm about 80% done with the predator abilities. • Wrist deep in a new spawning system for groups of animals • I have a napkin design for unique clothing made from each animal hide type And more!
  3. One of my favorite parts of Valheim was being able to place station upgrades around the workstations to increase their abilities. This has been a goal of mine for a long time, maybe it's time!
  4. Next time, don't speak from a place of authority if you don't have it. The moderation staff does a good job of separating the wheat from the chaff, all you're doing is trying to get teacher's attention by pretending to be her. The new shape system sounds AMAZING! I've made some prefabs before, but felt handcuffed by what shapes were available in which material, so this is a Grade A awesome change. However I can't help but wonder how many total materials are earmarked for gold. I'm also a little wary of losing entire blocks, although I do understand why. Will zombie damage be adjusted to accommodate the reduced total HP from downgrading to Steel>>>Wood or some other method?
  5. V, you are a very talented and intelligent person, and I'm constantly blown away by the strides you've made in the modding community. Kudos to you, friend.
  6. <effect_group> <requirement name="ItemHasTags" tags="melee"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfKilledOther" action="ModifyStats" stat="Stamina" operation="add" value="10"> <requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="perkSexualTrex" operation="Equals" value="2"/> </triggered_effect> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfKilledOther" action="ModifyStats" stat="Stamina" operation="add" value="20"> <requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="perkSexualTrex" operation="Equals" value="3"/> </triggered_effect> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfKilledOther" action="ModifyStats" stat="Stamina" operation="add" value="30"> <requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="perkSexualTrex" operation="Equals" value="4"/> </triggered_effect> Nope, the only requirement is that you use a melee weapon.
  7. Sneak preview of my favorite feature in the upcoming new module, Vanilla Expanded: Hunting Wounded animals now leave a trail of blood behind as they flee. Can you follow the track and locate the downed prey? Your survival just may depend on it.
  8. Cal po partum on the side?

    1. Bartledoo


      Haha pringum dang

  9. We had that for loot open timers, but that was 86'ed. I'm glad for that. The timer itself is okay, it could just use a little tweaking to be more in-line with the other scrap timers, not ripped out entirely.
  10. That's why you want to make a workbench. It allows you to offload crafting and scrapping to a secondary source so you can focus on your here and now in your inventory. Scrapping is sacrificing when compared to melting things into the forge. It's a meaningful choice, and we like those, right?
  11. Some people might do that, but most probably don't. Like bdubyah mentioned, inventory management is part of the experience. Deciding whether or not you take those jars of coffee you found back to base, or put them aside for the radiator you got from a car makes the player have a meaningful decision to what's more important. Being able to mine more or making some more rounds for horde night. Timers can be easily tweaked, but ripping the whole system out doesn't sound like a good idea.
  12. Pressing F7 removes all of the HUD including the ability to open containers and otherwise interact with anything meaningfully, which makes it sub-optimal at it's ceiling. Options are good, and this is one that has been talked about for a long time. There are even Moms that do this.
  13. Personally, I find the process of Raw Materials > Processed Materials > Finished Goods very rewarding, and that a bigger backpack to account for finding more world building items (Alarm clocks, Nail clippers, paper clips, a can full of old screws, spark plugs, etc.) you could scrap for more than one base material ( Scissors would yield plastic and metal) would make the scavenging aspect of the game really shine. It's disappointing to evolve into the era of ignoring certain loot because you have more than you need at the base. I love how Fallout 4 did their scrapping system, as it meant most items still had a use even mid to late game. It gets to the point where you could streamline the game into using [WEAPON] to kill [ENEMIES] for [MEAT] and [DOLLARS] but those games existed 25 years ago and this game is so much better than that. Leave my knobs alone! Thunder thief. 😛
  14. Yeah, I'm hoping they won't be like unique items from Diablo lore, it's much more fun to have some fluidity to the effects gear can bring to play.
  15. TSBX


    That FubarPrime guy does a pretty good job. https://www.twitch.tv/fubar_prime
  16. That's a tough one to repro, any info you have on how to 100% recreate it would be cool!
  17. TSBX

    New Mod List Project

    @Roland You awake, bud?
  18. I'd thought about that, but I decided that with the variety of different containers to be able to store things in, you end up with all the storage space you could ever use when you account for all the specialized containers. There's still the vanilla storage boxes that have the larger inventory you could use for bulk storage. Do you have a specific purpose for one in mind, like the brick pile feels like could hold more stone or just in general? If you wanted to change it on your end, you can open up loot.xml in the Mods/Vanilla Expanded - Storage folder, and change all instances of size="6,8" to size="8,9".
  19. Not everyone has time to watch hours of dev talks to hear one question, and that specific question is well within the scope of the Alpha 20 Dev Diary. You seem awfully angry, you OK?
  20. I think they are just POI sleepers that actively patrol inside the POI, but I could stand to be corrected.
  21. 1.0.4 Update Added: Block, icon, and localization for cntPlayerGarmentBag Block, icon, and localization for cntPlayerClosetRod Block, icon, and localization for cntPlayerToolBoxClosed Block, icon, and localization for cntPlayerRollingToolBoxClosed
  22. TSBX

    New Mod List Project

    Vanilla Expanded: A Mod Series by TSBX
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