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Everything posted by Subquake

  1. Are you by any chance trying to put a minibike basket into the inventory with shift clicking it in? When you swap baskets of minibike, it drops all the contents of the bike to the ground, not a bug of the mod, but more of an issue of the game itself.
  2. Sadly I don't have much control about it, I'm left in the mercy of TFP for the recipe list and how it works without diving into SDX. It also impacts inventory lag, because it searches through all the available recipes whenever some changes are made to the inventory. As far as I know, the only mod that fixed this is Starvation mod, but it's an SDX mod. When I will have more free time, I will branch the mod into xml edits only and a version, that increases inventory space and features fixes like recipes not lagging etc.
  3. DOWNLOAD AVAILABLE, CHECK MAIN POST As to the mod launcher app, I will look into that a bit later. And the standalone UI version will be released a bit later as well.
  4. Hey there Chunkimunki, thanks! I got a bit carried away with some RL stuff sadly since last weekend and whole week was pretty rough at work, lots of programming there, so coming home I didn't want to spend much of my free time doing similar stuff on my pc. Good news is that I got my web server running ( http://www.subquake.com ) and I will be putting the files for download there once I get a bit of time to code in some additional stuff like ability to count downloads and countries from which they are triggered. So sorry about downtime guys. I know it feels forever for you, but for me days fly by like hours, one moment it's Monday, the next its already Sunday.
  5. Meh, never liked that site. Sadly no. But I'm working on it
  6. No, not this time It's no point of sharing the repository for me, because i don't edit XML files directly, it would be pointless. I just want to have some form of download statistics, so that I know how actually download and play the mod and you can't really do that with dropbox, trello, patreon or google drive. Also I want to make it available through mod manager app.
  7. I'm working on it. Have to figure out best way to deliver the mod
  8. Server spec on zombies not running at night, only ferrals run. As to why you had so few zombies attacking is based on the game stages. It calculates zombie quantities based on how high is your character level and how recently you have died, because you joined the server and barely had any time spent on it, the hoard was not so much a hoard, but only few zombies. Zombie quantities aren't messed with in the mod and won't be for quite some time, so once the mod will be out, you will be able to mix the mod with some community made changes on game stages and any other zombie mods. Undead legacy currently is focused on a handful of things being overhauled/balanced, everything else currently isn't being worked on here's a rundown on what files are changed in the mod: Localization.txt Localization - Quest.txt items.xml blocks.xml quests.xml recipes.xml loot.xml materials.xml qualityinfo.xml traders.xml progression.xml buffs.xml xui.xml XUi/windows.xml XUi/styles.xml XUi/controls.xml
  9. @HungryZombie You can craft twigs aka sticks from wood. 1 wood = 5 Twigs. You can also get twigs from bird nests and chopping down small bushes. But point taken, I will add a small probability for trees to drop twigs too.
  10. Working on new UI for Perk/Skill window:
  11. So I've been working hard on 1.1 update for the mod, here's what to expect with it: Ingame ESC menu adapted to new UI style: Welcoming window, when you first create a world or join the first time on a server: 47 Collectible magazines, that each unlock 1 unique perk: 3 tiers (iron,steel,titani for tools and armor: Other notes: - Balancing of all food items, - improved localization and description for certain items, - craftable titanium bars, - balances to crafting recipe progression, - introduction of "Blacksmith" perk with 12 levels, that you need to upgrade, if you want to craft metal based items. Also I am aware, that A16.4 experimental is out and I'm gonna wait till it goes out of experimental to make the necessary adjustments to address to the changes related to the update and then possibly the mod XMLs will be available for download
  12. It's what me and fellow members of the community have been doing for the past two weeks now. Result mostly is nerfing drop rates of things. Most of the stuff is said on the front page of this thread, however my most largest emphasis is on visuals and balance between things, that makes sense and things, that require to be there in order for gameplay to happen. Basically I want to increase the immersion factor of the game both by adding more functional elements and clutter items, just like, for example, fallout 4 has. With Undead Legacy looting will be a lot more fun and interesting and even scavenging through trash piles will seem more fun and it's been already proved upon during the testing period. Is Valmod more developed - yes and it had quite a lot more time to stabilize its features. But if you want to compare it to Undead Legacy, then, in my opinion, it's like comparing oranges and apples.
  13. Yesterday I spent all day improving the UI for all the crafting workstations and managed to overwrite all of the related UI xml code to them. On top of that today I made some first baby steps on adding Titanium to the game: As for the Client XML files, you will have to be a little bit more patient. This week has been very busy regarding testing and I can say thank you for all the feedback I got from people, who took their time, joined the test server and reporting bugs, glitches and balancing issues. A lot of tweaks have been made because of that, though the mod isn't quite there yet to be shared, because loot drops aren't that well balanced and progression curve needs some tweaking, because you can get to mid/end game very, very easy if you are super lucky and get your hands on some nice toys early on in the game (like within first few hours). Those things need to be somehow addressed. Very difficult task to balance progression in a game, where loot is RNG based. And sadly there is no way to lock certain items to spawn before you have reached nth level in the game.
  14. For now it uses vanilla POIs and default rwgmixer, for testing purposes obviously, so it should, theoretically be compatible, because I haven't dived into POIs yet.
  15. By saying for now I meant, that I might make them obsolete and replace with propper items, just like i did with electricParts and electronicParts. I've seen Games4kickz videos, quite a bit actually, but I would rather wait till the xml files are ready to be shared with the world, so that he could play by himself in single player or co-op with friends
  16. Yes, for now About 3D models yes and no. Once all the UI work will be done, I will branch the mod into two versions: Lite and Full, where Full will be with SDX and .dll changes and not compatible with EAC. For now I'm more about balancing and making the mod an enjoyable, yet challenging experience. In some sense it's more difficult, in other not so much, with all the new items, loot abundance is noticeable and inventory management has never been harder, but a lot more fun to play!
  17. The proper way how to make mechanical parts:
  18. Depends on luck, really. If you happen to find some good items early on, then within days you will be there. It will be dealing with this issue over time, by introducing tiered items and some only craftable (endgame) such as titanium alloys, diamond coated auger blades etc.
  19. I'm not sure how to react about it, but in the last few days there aren't coming in that much issue reports from the testing phase on the server. It's either a good thing or a bad thing, maybe people haven't stumbled across them yet, but the testing process is going quite well. I am glad, that I didn't rush with the release of xml files for the public yet, because there were a lot of things overseen and missed, that are all now fixed and more things are being improved over time as well. If no major issue will come up by the end of this week, then I will be releasing the xml files, so far the mod looks pretty stable, no errors in the console etc. The only 2 main issues though, that I have and I doubt I will solve without diving into .dll/SDX territory is small hickups/lag because of all the new recipes (only way to deal with it is by typing something in the recipe search field), and the second issue is related to inventory size - because of how many items have been added and considering the fact, that there will be a lot more to come, inventory size is very underwhelming. Even with additional storage on the minibike it seems like it's not enough.
  20. There is an output field. It's under the queue, I was just too lazy to figure out how to visually make labels for all the sections of the inventory, since it's not an easy task to make them fit well and look pretty into the design. Idea is as follows: Everything on the left side is input - crafting recipe list (5x5), queue (5x1), output slots (5x2). Everything on the right is input. Only way Forge is different is that it has only 3 slots for smelting ore as input. I tried to make forges work with different materials (from inventory), but it results in spam of errors, which is why it doesn't have 5x4 input grid under the standard.
  21. So for anyone who hasn't been following on the discord chat channel. Here's some updated screenshots, where you can see the latest changes both in functionality and UI:
  22. Since none of the people, who are joining the discord channel are posting here anymore, I would like to report, that the testing is going successfully. So far I have found and solved many issues, that without the help of the people testing, wouldn't have been found. Balancing also is slowly shaping the mod to the direction I want it to go. If you want to try out the mod early on the test server (hosted in Germany), join our discord channel to find details how to. Any input is greatly appreciated. As to when the xml files will be available is yet to be determined, because there are some issues to be dealt with regarding progression curve.
  23. Yes, by all means, you could help with the Spanish translations. If you want to participate early, join the discord channel, where we can talk about details how etc.
  24. Created Discord channel: https://discord.gg/CZY8W2t (updated link, now permanent) As well as Trello page to track changes and to-do lists: https://trello.com/b/fx3ZjrOv
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