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Posts posted by SylenThunder

  1. 10 minutes ago, Shefanhow said:

    Hi i just made this account because i have some important info I didn't see in the thread here, I'm having this issue seemingly EVERYWHERE i look, i play a pure vanilla game as the host of a friends only server that has had only 2 people play the game,  My issues have been seen in effectively every POI in a normal town/city spawn, there are no larger multistory buildings except for one and some destroyed building that was fairly small and had a single roofless room with a gun-safe in it.
    These areas i know the descriptions of, that had this issue infesting them, are:
    A gass'n'pass gas station, a diner with a large sign on the top of it and two outdoor eating areas, the shotgun messiah Factory, a regular house two feet away from a trader, a high school, a Crack a book building, to be specific the one i saw had a small hold out with a couple of crates on the roof, Notably I've been running into a lot of extra phantoms, not just the marble block seen in doorways and other areas, or the checkerboard block in the trash, there are also:
    Trapdoors that are melded with a wooden plate, the entire Shotgun messiah is encompassed in a one way black glitched zone, meaning only the outside of the blocks making up the poi, the trash and shopping carts are also glitched with this pitch black box. There are tons of examples of this showing up in my world, and its solely vanilla RWG, to be clear they can happen in seemingly any area with multiple POIS but nothing seems to be safe from the glitch in my instance.  I will get screenshots soon. also I'm not running NVIDIA in the slightest, i swapped out for a decently powerful Radeon Graphics Card. Which can run ultra without issue seemingly,  Save of course, this error, which happened on Default graphics settings as well.


    Hardware information?

    Any useful information?


    Not to offend, but this doesn't add any really useful information.  We have way too many posts like this already. We need hard data.

  2. This is an English forum, and as such posts are required to be in English. I have translated your posts using Deepl


    Which answers #1


    #2 General Support forum has a Pinned topic on how to report an issue. 


    #3 You don't get experience for damage you do not cause directly. Passive traps aren't going to be experience farms.


    #4 They would need to be added as a friend. Then they can update your claimed areas. 

  3. Also be aware that neither the bedroll, nor the LandClaim Block, suppress all spawns.  In the case of the LCB, it will only suppress POI sleeper spawns. In the case of the bedroll, it only suppresses POI sleeper, and random biome spawns. 

    Neither is going to completely stop zeds from spawning.


    The console command should work for that game session, but it's going to be difficult to have it persistent. The setting is stored in a flat database file in your save folder.

  4. 1 hour ago, tenchikun said:

    Everything on the Mobo works fine, therefore I shouldn't need to update the bios. 

    Just to note...  20 years ago, this was the case. In current times, not so much. Critical security and performance issues are put into BIOS patches, and they are updated now almost as commonly as regular drivers as a result. 

    Here's a list of some of the changes that have occurred since the build you're using.

    • Improved system performance and stability
    • Improved DRAM compatibility
    • Update AMD AM4 AGESA
    • Support Smart Access Memory for Ryzen 3000 Series Processors
    • Fix the L3 cache performance in AIDA64
    • Fix USB connectivity issue

    So basically by not updating, you are missing several versions of patches to code on the motherboard that affect performance, stability, and efficiency.


    And it's not like it's even a risky measure anymore with being able to update it in Windows via software provided from the manufacturer, and even via using a built-in tool in the BIOS that will go as far as locating the latest build, downloading it, and installing it for you. Not to mention having the BIOS Flashback feature that will allow you to quite easily recover if anything does manage to go pear shaped.

  5. Okay, a couple of things.


    1. EAC is not blocked on Linux. The only issues in that regard I could think of is if you're using Wine. Since 7 Days has a native Linux client, that shouldn't be an issue.


    2. If you have EAC turned off, you will be unable to join any server that has it enabled.



    More information on exactly what you've got going on there would be useful in troubleshooting.

  6. 26 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:

    🤔 says getting breakfast and some coffee, but lives close by as I am cleaning up dishes from dinner......proof that ST lives in a different dimension

    I work nights, so I'm basically on Australia hours.


    25 minutes ago, tenchikun said:

    Looking forward to that. I'm curious what isn't configured properly

    Your RAM timing should be 15-15-15-35 for your 2400MHz RAM. However because it was never actually set in BIOS, it's running on Motherboard manufacturer default "safe" timings. As a result, it is sitting at 2166MHz and pulling down the performance of your CPU. 

    This misrepresentation is also known to cause issues that will appear very similar to RAM sticks going bad.


    Also note that since you aren't using a 3rd party AV solution, Defender is enabled. You must exclude the client from that. It's almost worse than Norton for killing games. Almost.


    Your system BIOS is obsolete. It's like it's the default version from the original board printing.  Get the latest here, or use Armoury Crate to update. You have version 1004, and should be on 2006. While you're at it, ensure that you have the latest drivers in Armoury Crate as well. The last Windows update replaced core chipset and LAN/Wifi drivers with extremely obsolete versions.


    Your GPU driver is outdated as well. Get the latest version from here. Choose to go without GeForce Experience, and choose Custom Install so you can tick the box to perform a clean installation.


    Other than that, I don't see anything that really stands out.  Your most crippling problems are the BIOS that expired two years ago, and the incorrect RAM configuration.

  7. Looks like a GPU driver failure. Make certain you have installed the most recent driver from the manufacturer. (AMD in your case) Especially if Windows had a big update recently. (which it did)


    Also, don't forget to exclude the client from security software. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, Epicon said:

    I keep getting "Windows protected your PC...Micorsoft defender smartscreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting.  Running this app might put you PC at risk."  I clicked on more info and clicked run anyway but nothing comes up so that I can generated a map.  What can I do?

    Follow the information in the Pinned Support FAQ thread on excluding the mod, and the game client, from security software.

  9. 2 hours ago, Chivalric said:

    This has been an issue since 16.4, possibly earlier. I played A16.4 for about 4.5k hours and would get this bug from time to time, in SP with vanilla files. Happened with mods and in MP as well.

    It's been an issue since Distant POI was introduced in a16.0.


    It's also been really hard to get people having the issue to submit proper bug reports containing useful information to try to replicate it.  I've only been able to get the issue to occur by either using obsolete hardware (and even then I had to over-stress it), or by using mods or other things that would invalidate most of the testing.

  10. I responded to this on Steam already.



    Sounds like security software is preventing the game from writing to the save folder. Usually because you failed to exclude it from the software. Instructions are in the Pinned Troubleshooting thread. (The specific feature doing this is likely the randsomware protection, but the client should be fully excluded from all security services.)


  11. 1 hour ago, tenchikun said:

    Ok, fresh new install of windows, updated fully, all drivers downloaded and updated. All I got on here right now is steam, discord, battle.net, star trek online, outriders, and 7d2d.  jumped into game, started mining and crashed to desktop, no error, no popup, nothing. Here is a pastebin for that. https://pastebin.com/gkKX2bT4

    When you took all of these steps, did you also exclude the client from Windows Defender?

  12. 1 hour ago, Sarakatunga said:

    In the previous wip I had a 6k map and a maximum of 20 more players with the mods that are being used right now and the server gave around 20 fps. I think this problem happened twice in 3 months that the server was up !. it was a success except for that problem haha.

    Edit: I'm going to try changing the network card to discard things. I keep testing.

    Yeah 20 FPS for an active server is low. Ideally that should be 35-40. (Higher than 40 is just wasting CPU for no reason, and below 30 indicates a bottleneck issue.)

  13. 1 minute ago, tenchikun said:

    And what would be the cause for this?

    Mostly the things I listed already. Security software, RAM issue, HDD issue, permissions issue. Stuff like that.  Could just be some other software getting in the way too. Like how Citrix Workstation will randomly kill the client because of how it handles GPU data. Or how nearly every experimental has an issue with the overlay from MSI Afterburner.


    These things are harder to track down, but usually can be discovered eventually.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Sarakatunga said:

    If it didn't let me create it because it was overweight kb !!. I thought it didn't work: S


    Pretty sure I provided an alternative in that case. justpaste.it will host larger files. It's all in the Pinned thread.


    First issue. You have so many mods that could be conflicting, I'm not even going to try sorting them out. One set in particular looks to be an overhaul mod, and it is typically not safe to merge those with other mods that make core changes.


    Second issue. That CPU really can't manage that many mods with that number of players. Even with SSD's in RAID it's not going to keep up. The hardware platform simply can't support the amount of data that needs to be processed.


    Third issue. Double-stacking server managers will typically cause problems. Not only with overlapping commands, but also with duplicating processes. And again, this is going to put even more strain on the already struggling CPU.


    Fourth issue. Towards the end of the log you have a critical network failure. Data is not being sent to the client, or cannot get out of the client. Any shutdown command not being sent directly via the client is not going to be heard. Causes for the end failure that leads to the issue are numerous. More data would be required.

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